Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 7 from Patreon

Story by Vamoos on SoFurry

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#9 of Stories

Chapter 7 from my patreon. I accept commissions.

Vannessa was ashamed.

Not of what she'd done. That she could justify. Her baby needed her and she had the power to act. She wasn't ashamed of using these young men and girl, and their adopted father. The pack ran with her obediently because of what she'd promised, what she'd given. She wasn't even ashamed of the bloodlust rising in her as they bore down on the vehicle slowly plugging away on the remote sideroad.

No, she was ashamed of how much she was going to enjoy this.

Thueban was massive for a man in his prime, well over 7 feet and easily a quarter of a ton, and Phula wasn't much more than a third of that. The two of them hit the side of the van just above the windows in unison as it passed by the hill they were cresting. The vehicle took the force, barely, the side caving in a good two feet, windows exploding; parts of the sheet metal tearing near the back as it rode on two wheels for another 20 feet before falling to its other side.

Phula was back on her feet, clawing at the back door in seconds. Thueban lay there much longer, his considerable mass had done a good bit of the damage as he played the part of the hammerhead. Tyzer was on the driver's door before it even finished falling over, tearing at the glass and being the cause of the man behind the wheels panicked screams as he clawed at the contents of the cabin.

The screaming stopped as Riz took a wide arching run down the hill, the full force of his body driving through the windshield now laying like a doorway on the road without stopping. Vanessa stood at the top of the hill, eyes watering as she watched the chaos, trying to imagine the life that could have been for them had not the war ended. Part of her wondered if they were any better off with her as she heard wailing pleas from the inside.


The back doors busted open as Phula reached for the inhabitants. Riz hot on his trail, the Lion man broke past the girl losing his shirt in the process to a shredding sound. He made it another 15 feet or so before teeth found the back of his neck and he was pinned. She closed her eyes as the scream went up an octave, out of the corner of her eye she could see Phula rushing over.

The more clinical part of her mind wondered how many turns they'd each get before he bled out. It was called blood lust for a reason.

The grumbling purr beside her brought her mind back to the present, and she cupped the man's chin as Thoo preened under her touch. She tried not to cry seeing how he cradles the dripping lump he called an arm. So this was the power a queen held? No wonder they were all stuck up bitchs and megalomaniacs. Even Chai had her moments, but she was far from the psychopaths that country had raised.

Cecilia woke softly. Her eyes fluttering as she took in the familiar ceiling. Her mind slowly came back to speed at her last few memories and she tried to sit up in a hurry. Weight held her down, In a panic she reached for it. Her eyes focused and she stilled. Sylvia was curled up under her arm, softly murmuring in her sleep as she draped across the older girls frame.

"You're finally awake."

Her heart leapt in her chest as she raised her eyes to see her mother entering the a wheelchair. Riz was behind her, his face a mask as he pushed the chair up to the side of the bed. Cecilia reached out with the arm not trapped by her sleeping sister to frantically hug the composed boy has hard as she could.

"I'm so sorry...." her cries began with her first words, and they didn't stop for some time as she clung to him. Kneeling beside the bed he let her get it out, cooing and shushing her as her mother sat there in somber silence watching the lover's reunite. They'd both been through quite the ordeal.

"A neighbor sent me the feed off his phone." Vanessa drank from her tea as the three of them cuddled on the bed.

"I just remember....I-I was being choked.." Cecilia looked down at her nude form and then over to Sylvia who was somehow also nude. "Did they--"

"I checked you myself." Vanessa's voice was reassuring, but hard. "They got you stripped, but it was the last thing they ever did. You were untouched when we found you." Vanessa smiled as she watched the relief roll off the girl in waves. "The official story that we're all going with is it was a break in. The neighbors will back us on this, one of their daughters suffered the same fate a few years back. The police pretty much got told that two assholes broke into my house to rob me and smashed into a room full of Ekidna having sex." Cecilia started to laugh, but she could see the cold dead eyes on Vanessa matched by her husband.

"Mom..." Cecilia swallowed to try and get her heart out of her throat so she could breath better, "...why are you in the wheelchair?"

Vanessa looked pained, and Riz's body went tense. "I used scent marker control Riz and the others." She reached out, and Riz took her hand gently placing his forehead on her knuckles. The older woman smiled and pulled her hand free to ruffle his wild hair.

"O-okay," Ceclia was not used to the level of familiarity she was seeing, "and that injured you because....?"

"Because what I did required and commanded absolute control and that kind of devotion must be paid for, and the price was hefty." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and yanked a pillow off the bed to put under her ribs so she could lean to one side harder.

"We had sex." Riz said it firmly, like he was manning up to it. "I'm....sorry Ceci."

"Darling..." Vanessa cut off any response clucking her tongue, "if that was sex, my daughter would be dead by now." Turning to Cecilia, who was in process mode by the wide vacant stare, she reached out. The younger woman held onto her moms hands in nervous confusion. "I paid for their blind faith and bloodlust with my body. If Thoo hadn't been so badly injured I might be in the hospital." Looking over at Riz holding his head in his heads she yanked her hand free of her daughter's grip to backhand him in an ear. "Oh would you stop, of all of you...honestly..." Rolling her eyes she looked back at her blushing daughter, "what he means to say is he got head. Poor Phula and Tyzer did most of the damage you see here. Worst thing the big guy here did was ball-goggle me while he played with the girls." She cupped her heavy chest for emphasis.

Cecilia's body felt cold, she couldn't seem to wrap her brain around it all. Last thing she remembered was terror and pain...and much fear....

"Baby girl,"

The mousy girl was ripped from her inner demons by the thumb and finger pinching her chin. Vanessa was nearly falling out of her chair with how far she was leaning.

"I made you a promise," Her voice was breaking as her other bicep shook from the effort of supporting her weight. "And you made me one, a long time ago. Even if I hadn't....if I hadn't been in are still one can touch YOU...unless YOU let them. Who you are..." she let go of the girl's chin, her hand sliding down the side of her neck and her fingers turning sideways as she rested the underside of her knuckles on the girl's breastbone, "who you are inside...that's invincible."

'I...I know mom." Ceci smiled softly, shaking her head back and forth, the clouds were beginning to part in her head least for now.

"Also..." Cecilia watched her mother push on the tires, beginning to turn and roll back to the hallway leaving the teens behind, "you need to let this guy unload more often. Thoo doesn't even give me this much indigestion."


Walter stood at the doorway to his room, watching Tyzer sulk. The young man would sit in the chair by their desk, and every few minutes get up and dash to the bathroom. This repeated itself more than a dozen times in the past hour. They were currently in one of the lulls in the cycle so he chose to speak up.

"You okay?"


"You about it?"


"You wanna just cuddle?"


"Talk to me damn it, I'm your...I will be your husband pretty fucking soon."

Tyzer looked up, and Walter could immediately tell he'd been crying. The young man stood as he approached and didn't fight the bridal carry at all as Walter plopped himself down in the same chair cuddling the man.

"I got them all out...I think?" Tyzer mumbled looking up.

"All of what?" Walter knew the general details of what had happened, and the fate of his mom at the hands of the trio.

"Um...Phulas.." he looked away, afraid to see Walter's reaction, "eggs.."

"Why would--oh." Walter's brain re-engaged. Remembering how Knight and Pawn worked. Pawns were the bottom of the food chain, so operating on instinct meant he was last in line. Walter's brain was a bag of cats as he thought of all the implications of what that could have brought.

"Empty." Tyz clung to his lover's shirt, shaking his head, "Riz never got her by the hips...but still...I've never done that." Blushing he curled into a tighter ball, "That felt so good...I feel like a horrible person for how much I enjoyed that."

"You had no control." Walter began to pet his boyfriend's head, "and we don't ever do that sort of thing--"

"OH god," Tyzer rolled his eyes, "can you imagine the infection I'd get? Your booty is safe from me darling I swear." He smirked weakly, "...though it is cute." Relaxing a little bit he leaned back, "where do we go from here?"

"What do you mean?" Walter looked down at him, and after a second placed a kiss on the tear running down his cheek.

"Dude, I fucked your mom." Tyzer rolled his eyes, "Like, alot."

"Well...." Walter chewed on the inside of his cheek. The two sat in silence, Ty was honestly a little worried till Walter shrugged and stood up. Without any thing to hold onto the Ekidna went rolling into the floor.

"HEY!" the smaller man hit the ground, and the two shared a laugh. Helping his best friend with benefits up off the floor and the two shared a hug. "Seriously, Walt. I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do?"

"If I knew Tiz," Walt stared out the window, softly stroking down the back of his boyfriend's head, "if I knew."

The soft crush of the carpet was inaudible as Vanessa pushed the wheels on her chair. The woman rounded the corner, backlit by the hallway light she eased into her pitch black bedroom door. It took a bit of navigating to get far enough in to reach past the doorframe, since there wasn't enough room for her hands and the wheel at the same time.

She cleared the threshold, just beginning to ease the door shut when the light flared on.


The woman in the chain didn't even turn back toward teh bed at first, she just closed her eyes. Slowly hanging her head she spun the chair to face Chagotha laying on top of the covers fully dressed. Arms crossed under her bust she looked....not happy.

"Do we have to do this now? It has been a very, very long day."

"Answer the question." Chai sat up, her usually playful demeanour gone. The two women stared at each other, neither blinking till finally Vanessa sighed and looked away.

"I synthesised it at the lab." she began wheeling towards the attached bathroom, giving a very perturbed look when she was cut off.

"Do you have more of it?" Chai looked down at her, frowning when she shook her head. "Why 'Nessa? What would you make that?"

"Because it was insurance?" The bun looked up at the woman, bitter expression turning to sadness, "because I needed an ace in the hole."

"Against us?" Chai spoke the words with a little voice, her hand on her chest as she took a step back.

"Against THEM." Vanessa spit the word. "This is all a project, Chi-chi. The house, the kids education, the money, the food, the clothes....all government funded to see if I can find a way to kill or cage my best friend and everyone like her." The two both looked away this time, not able to meet the eyes of the woman they were talking to. "If they tried to call it quits....I was going to tell them that-- that...." she looked up, "that i'd found a toxin, a mind control drug that could only be made from living Ekidna. It was super expensive to make..." Vanessa started babbling, her hands gesturing out in front of her as she worked through her plan out loud. "And low stress environments were the only way to harvest the materials so cages wouldn--"

"Nessa, Nessa stop." The woman caught her hands, and the two rested foreheads against each other before Chai hugged her. The two squeezed each other, trying to bleed the stress out as they groaned. "Now..." Chai pulled away, letting the woman go past and into the bathroom, "tell me what else you've done."

"That's pretty much it," Vanessa answered, then winced as she realized that had come out too eagerly and quickly. Looking back over her shoulder she could see the woman didn't believe her anymore than she believed herself.

"You're alive." Chai smiled, "something of which I'm very grateful. But we both know you wouldn't be normally after today."

"Honesty Chi..." Vanessa grunted as she used the sink to transfer herself from the chair to the toilet, her naked ass sticking up in the air for a second. "If Thoo hadn't passed out from the pain, I probably would be dead."

"You took three at once," Chai stepped forward, sitting in the wheelchair as the woman got herself into position. "You're not-- you fuck Thoo at least once every other day! Thoo!" Chai crossed her arms, "I have been choking it up to you just being a bit of a slut but--"

"Well fuck you too darling." Vanessa chuckled.

"You should be a wind-tunnel!" Chai laughed at the absurdity of it all, "No normal fur can take that kind of...." her hands were in mid air in frustration gesturing to the sky when they froze. Her face slowly descended, eyes wide as she looked at the woman who was now suddenly scowling. "My god, Vanessa what did you do?" The woman turned her face, then looked back suddenly shocked as the woman slammed her back into the toilet tank with a hand on her chest and a finger wagging in her face. "The samples! When we first got said they were for the military, for a registry."

"Some of them were." Vanessa mumbled softly, "Though I sort of poured ammonia in the blood samples, so if they ever try to do anything with them they're fucked."

"What did you do--"

"What I HAD TO." Vanessa barked, pushing back. "We have to know, we have to grow as a people, together. No one else is gonna take that kind of risk, and I wouldn't let them."

"The councils--"

"Can go eat a flaming dick with twat-sauce." Vanessa actually laughed at her own joke at that one. "I'm tired of them, I'm tired of everyone telling us what we can do, can't do, shouldn't feel or believe."

"When did you do it?" Chai was now looking her up and down like she was some kind of monster, somehow that made Vanessa feel better about her decision.

"Right about the time we all started fucking." Vanessa shrugged, "y'all were wearing me out. I'd had the injections in the basement for over a year at that point. I decided that I just, finally needed to know." Vanessa tilted her face up at the girl now looking away, "When does it normally kick in?"

"Around the normal times." Chai looked away, "Nessa if people--"

"Knew that the reason you can't be affected by your own biochemistry is that you can never turn it off?" Vanessa grunted, "yeah, I imagine permanent heat might ruin what was left of the public image." The Ekidna reached out, cupping the bunny's face. "At least now you don't have to hold back?" The two shared a soft kiss until Vanessa grunted and patted her on the arm. "Okay, darling you have to go...because i have to go. I'm not sure what's about to happen...but I know that there will be crying involved, and I'd like some privacy."

The living room was pretty quiet, save for the movie playing. The two dad's of the house sat quietly. Beer in hand, Thoo's arm in a sling as they sipped and sat.

"So." Donnie put the bottle to his lips.

"So...." Thoo put the bottle to his lips.

"I don't think we've ever talked about you before you moved in really." Donnie glanced over at the man then back at the TV.

"Nope..." Thoo took another drink, then sighed at the awkward silence, "Look I don't really--"

"I washed..." Donnie took another drink, "a half gallon blood of another man's body today..." Donnie raised an eyebrow, "not even his blood."

"I would really rather not have this conversation right now," Thueban set his beer on his thigh, letting his head fall back on the sofa.

"I'd rather not get fucking cucked all the time, but here we are." Donnie chuckled as he turned to look at the man, giving the 'well?' gesture with the hand not holding the beer.

"...what is cucked?" Thueban tilted his head, causing Donnie to frown.

"Don't change the subject, why were--"

"No really," Thoo brought a thigh and knee up on the couch, pointing it at Donnie as he let the foot dangle, easing into the turn so he could face the man, "is that bad? Are you...Donnie are you unhappy with our...arrangement? I assumed since you and Chag--"

"Your wife pity fucks me," Donnie rolled his eyes taking a big swig, "Meanwhile my wife goes running to you every time the wind blows too hard between her legs. I get a hand and a blow every couple of weeks from my wife, meanwhile the only thing your wife ever does it stick me up her ass." He raised the bottle to his lips, but he couldn't drink from how hard he was scowling at the belly laugh that came from the massive man on the couch beside him. "It's not funny. She fell asleep last time."

"Donald," Thoo had to pinch his beer between his calf and his thigh in the back of his knee to free a hand. Wiping the tear from his eye he waited till his breathing slowed. "She passed out."

"What?" Donnie actually poured a little beer down the front of his shirt trying to take a drink, clamouring to lean forward and not get it on his pants. The bigger man set his beer down on the coffee table and pinched his nose.

"Have you..." Thoo grinned, "oh god, I figured I would only ever be having this conversation with my son's--"

"You are not going to give ME the fucking talk." Donnie pointed the bottle mouth at the man's face in mock threat.

"You need it." Thoo shook his head smirking, "The ladies in our....okay first thing," he held up his hands parallel pointing at Donnie, closing his eyes as he tried to formulate how he was going to say things. "The button, the one on Vanesa."


"Between her legs, above the hole."

"Clit, clitorus." Donnie supplied, now genuinely curious as to where the fuck Thoo was going with this.

"Have you ever found one on Chai?" Thoo looked curious as well, and oddly nervous.

"Not that she ever gave me time, but no." Donnie shrugged, "Ekidna girls don't have one I suppose you're going to tell me?"

"She has 4." Donnie spit his beer well over the coffee table and even got a little on the TV screen. The man looked at his friend like he'd grown a second head. "Tonight, take the-- you know what no." Thoo smiled, "Okay, just inside, you will find three nubs, barely...ah" he looked down, "half the size of the tip of your finger. Play with those to drive her crazy."

"You said 4." Donnie was now looking at his pinky out the corner of his eye.

"You've been hitting that one well enough on your own." Thoo chuckled, "It's 3 times the size, and covered in a sheath of skin to protect it."

"You're telling me, your wife..." Donnie's eyes, once wide now narrowed flat across his pupils as he deadpanned the man straight in the face, "has a her ass."

"Of a sorts. She doesn't keep falling asleep on you Donald," Thoo smirked clapping a hand, the only hand he could, down on the smaller fellows shoulder, "She's passing out, it's one of the reasons she's worried to let you mount her properly. My body is either as thick as your forearm, or covered in spines." He waved his tail around for effect. "You were the first man she ever got to try it with. did Vanessa put it...popped the cranberry on that one."

"I...I..." Donnie blushed, turning back to look at the TV, "I....that....I..." he chuckled. Then he did it again. Before long he was full on laughing, the man beside him joining in as he put his head in his hands. "This is all so..." he pointed back and forth between before swirling the finger in the air, "you, me, them, the kids....what the fuck is...hah!" He held his stomach as the stress inside him he'd silently been holding rolled out of him in bursts.

"Your guard is low!"

Phula's bark didn't register as hard as the wooden stick landing across Walter's shoulder. His own weapon falling down to the ground as he held his stinging arm. The two stopped, and as Walter fell to one knee Phula joined him, immediately putting both hands on the injured shoulder.

"Sorry," he grunted out, wincing as he held his clavicle. The big girl for her part tested spots, rubbing and worrying all over as he sat on his ass in the grass. Practice was the only thing they could think of to distract themselves, and it wasn't going good. Phula was practically raised to the sword, and though Walter was an athlete of some considerable skill it was the wrong toolset for the job in this case.

"I don't think we're going to get anywhere in this light." Phula offered him a hand, pulling him up with a rough tug. It was easy to forget how strong the woman was until he was lurching in an arch that sent her chest mashing against the bottom of his. Fu looked up at him, and he could just barely make out the blush in the moonlight.

"Sorry." Walter mumbled, but he didn't back away.

"You said that already." Fu tried to take a step back, only to run into the cup of Wally' hand in the small of her back. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she didn't know where to put her hands as he pulled her in for a hug.

"I mean for all of it." Walter, "you could be out there somewhere doing whatever you want. You're stuck here with us--"

"I'm where I want to be." Phula looked up at him, and blinked owlishly for a second as the sudden action made their noses bump together. "I-I mean....I love...Sylvia." She looked away as He smiled.

"I know you do. We all do. I just mean you're so talented you could be doing anything." He saw her shake her head, and the hand on her bicep caught her chin, "I mean it."

"I'm a Mekid," Phula sighed, "and a knight. I don't really fit in anywhere, even your own sister thinks I'm a freak." She pursed her lips to keep from scowling, but her eyebrows said enough.

"My-- wait, Cecilia?" Wally ran his fingers through his hair, "why would you think she has a problem with you?"

"She looks at me and Sylvia funny when we sit together or...hold hands." The amazonian girl looked up at one of only two people in the house taller than her. "And you've seen the way she fights with Tyzer. Her world has two genders."

"She fights with Tyzer," Wally smirked, looking up at the moon for a second, "because they're both drama llamas. The only honest to god fight I've EVER seen them get into was over glitter lip balm!" He looked back down to see the girl looking off to the side sadly, her face in thought. "What is this really about?"

"We're..." Phula took a very deep breath, "we're all going to be each other." She tested her fingertips gently on the man's ribs, applying more pressure when he didn't shy away. "You're different. You accept that Tyzer is not not what everyone expects. Somehow I don't see Cecilia treat me with the same kindness."

" you.." Wally's face slowly drifted from concern into a timid sort of grin. "Do you you have a thing for C?" He got his answer when she blushed her fur to a tint. "Fu, Fu I can tell you. As her older brother I've been forced to help her clean up her room." The girl buried her face in his chest as he squeezed her. "If I knew nothing about her but her taste in porn, I could tell you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

"What?" The girl whipped her head up. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She called out, both hands over her mouth. Her rapid head-jerk caught the young man under the muzzle and he nursed his face as she hovered carefully. "You mean...oh that's good news." She finally started talking again as he waved her off that he was fine.

"You're really into her aren't you." Wally chuckled, his back turned as he lifted his top lip testing to see if his front teeth tasted like blood. He froze when he was hugged from behind tightly, fingernails across his pec's fur.

"We all crushed," Phula smiled into his shoulderblade, "at one point or another on all of you. I know Ty finally got his wish when he got you." She took a few moments, enjoying the stillness of the night, "you know..." she grinned, looking down his back at the ground, "I don't always....I can put it away." She slowly removed her hands, taking a step back. She watched him carefully.

"I'll keep that in mind..."

The words were soft, even and flat. No emotion as he began to walk off towards the house. Phula felt like she'd been punched in the stomach as she watched him take the first few steps. Her head dropped and she fought not to let the tears fall. You can only show so much courage in one night, and she was tapped out. The knowledge that Cecilia at least would tolerate her given the new revelations about her and Sylvia, whatever the hell that was all about, were now overshadowed by this new subtle rejection.

"Hey Fu."

Phula's eye went wide as a finger lifted her chin, her squeal of surprise muffled by the soft incredibly tasty lips of the man gripping a fistful of her shortcut hair. Her toes extended to giver her as much height as she could to chase that tongue back to its base as strong, long finger dug deep into the pillowy ass she no longer hated about herself. She practically counted the seconds as her heart beat in her ears before he pulled back gasping. She searched his eyes, watching his pupils shrink as his gaze hardened. The fingers in her ass grew firmer, more possessive they and the ones in her hair let go shakily.


"G-goodnight." Phula couldn't keep the blush or the smile off her face as he began stomping off towards the house again, this time in a much more feral curve to his spine. She didn't hide either of her new features as she nearly skipped up the steps to her room.

Tonight was a good night.

Tyzer screamed into his bite of pillow as his eyes rolled up into his head. The fat veiny cock in his body jerked and pulsed against his little love buttons again and again as it shot yet another load deep inside his overfull belly.

"Okay..." Walter's raspy growl in his ear made him sigh, only to hitch into a gurgle then a squeal as meat freshly pulled from his absolutely wrecked pussy began gliding effortlessly up his screaming tight ass. "Easy..easy...."

The sensation built, and this time there was no shame, no pride left as Tizzy let the tears flow. His whole body jerked as much as it could in violent orgasm there starfished on the bed. They'd started on all fours when his boyfriend had first come in and rammed a tongue down his throat. Wally had literally fucked the knees out from under him and just pressed him flat to the mattress. He hadn't let up since. That was 3 orgasms ago for the bunny, and Tyzer learned a long time ago not to even count his own if Wally was heated. And so he'd laid here, two big hands pinning his wrists to the bed beside his head face down as he ate his pillow; personal fuck toy to the love of his life.

Tonight was a good night.

Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 8 from Patreon

Cecilia smiled in the morning light. It was the second time she'd woken up in this bed in less than 24 hours, and it was much better than the previous. She'd spent the whole night with her sister, laying in bed talking, laughing like the old days when...

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Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 6 from Patreon

Seven very distraught and brooding not-teens sat around the back yard as twilight settled in. Save for Catrina the couples we paired off in little groups around the fire pit that kept low and out of sight, just like the topic of conversation. "I can't...


Mekid Chapter 5

The soft hiss of the shower drowned out the rest of the house as the two bodies stood in silence. Walter was a good deal taller than Tyzer, but head bowed in the spray he'd never looked smaller. The young man leaned against the wall with both hands....