2- The Chronicler

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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#4 of The Legend of Rift Book II: Resurrection

"Rift... Rift... Wake up young dragon..." Rift slowly opened his eyes. Before him was a blurry figure. Closing his eyes, Rift stood up on his legs. His vision returning, he looked back up at the figure to see It was a dragon. The dragon was about two and a half times the size of Rift, had blue scales, and wore a necklace with an hourglass. The dragon looked wise, as if he had seen his fair share of wars. "Who are you?" Rift asked with curiosity. The blue dragon smiled and gave a chuckle, "I am simply a dragon who knows anything and everything that has happened in your world. I chronicle the lives of every dragon that has existed. I am generally known by my title as the Chronicler, or you can just call me Ignitus."

Rift's jaw dropped in surprise, "Ignitus? How is that possible? Spyro and Cynder watched you die!" Ignitus smiled and motioned for a book to float over to him and open, "You see young one, when a dragon dies, they do not truly leave this world. Their soul lives on, binding itself to nature. While I did die, I was summoned by the previous Chronicler. As Spyro pulled the world back together, a new age began. And with each new age, a dragon is chosen to chronicle that age, I was chosen and therefore, became the new Chronicler."

Rift began to think; "Why am I here, am I dead?" Ignitus sighed, "Thankfully no young dragon. You almost had if not for your friends." Remembering what happened, Rift became nervous, "The battle, is it still in progress?" "No, Spyro, Cynder, and Mera released a fury, just large enough to eliminate the wyverns. For now however, I must go. Seek me out alone and I shall help you complete your training. I must ask though, do not mention anything about me to anyone, especially to Spyro." As Rift's vision blurred, Ignitus waved, and all went black.

"He's waking up!" Rift groaned and opened his eyes. Looking around, he found himself in the infirmary, Mera standing at his side. Rift grunted as he attempted to stand, collapsing in failure. "Damn, why can't I get up?" Mera glared, "You're lucky you survived let alone walking. Obviously that hole in your chest you got from Spyro did a lot more damage than we previously thought. I did my best to heal you, but I cannot fully fix you up. We would have to find a healer with much more experience to help you. One more blow to the chest could finish you off for good."

Rift lowered his head and closed his eyes, tears forming, as he spoke in a soft voice. "I can only think of one dragon that could do that. But she's dead, and I couldn't do anything about it."

Mera snapped at him, "RIFT! Get over it! She's dead. You can't do anything about it. Just let it go!" Rift was silent, slowly getting to his feet despite the pain he felt, turned to Mera and spoke in a soft, cold manner. "Sometimes you need to follow your heart. Mine says there is a way to get her back, and I'll be damned before I get convinced otherwise." And at that, Rift left the infirmary.

"Spyro, don't!" Rift heard a yell, and turned his head just in time to be rammed in the side. Looking up, he saw none other than the purple dragon, a very pissed off Spyro. "Why didn't you tell me!" Spyro yelled. Rift knew it had to do with spyro finding out who his father was. "After finding that book, I decided to wait until you were fully in control of your emotions to tell you about it. I did it for you and Cynder, but obviously my plan backfired and I need to put a lock on my lab door." Rift pushed Spyro off and got up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, It's late, I'm sore, and I have a bed that keeps calling to me." With that, Rift limped to his quarters and passed out.