Marcus Lane - Chapter Fourteen

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#14 of Marcus Lane

The British countryside, full of charm and delight... that's until gay celebrity author Marcus Lane arrives back from San Francisco to fix his parents' house up and sell it.

His arrival in the village, combined with that of a famous film star in town to shoot a movie inspires jealously from a bored local teenager with a crush on both of them and the curiosity of Marcus' first ex which leads to a trail of comedic destruction.

Chapter Fourteen


Frank gritted his fangs as he scraped the paint from the outside wall.

The window boxes were in need of painting and he had woken up early to drive to Honeysuckle Lodge to start work on removing the old paint.

He had gotten (what he assumed) was a drunken text from Marcus at midnight saying Hi Frank, I in Lnd with Ralph. Won't be in house. See ya soon.

He guessed Lnd was London, and sure enough when he drove up in his truck he noticed that Ralph's Lotus wasn't parked outside.

The morning was already quite warm so Frank decided to remove his shirt as he worked. Frank had a muscular chest, but he knew he probably wasn't any match for Ralph.

He smiled to himself and shook his head.

The Doberman really had no idea what he had gotten himself into and Frank almost felt sorry for both of them.

Or Marcus could have found true love after all?

It would be a surreal and bitter pill to swallow seeing Marcus walking around the village with Ralph, but on the other paw at least Marcus had found someone to keep him happy and out of trouble.

Take comfort in that.

The idea of it lessened the blow if Marcus had something to channel all his energy into.

Frank decided to have that as his lasting thought as he finished scraping the old paint and began to gather his tools. It was 9.30am and Frank listed all the things he had done on his paw; scraped the flaky paint off the front door, window boxes, window frames and cleared some dead scrub around the house.

A painter in a neighbouring village was going to come and add the new layer.

He tugged his shirt back on and carried his tool box back to the truck.

The truck itself was warm, and even though he had left the windows down and his shirt off while working, Frank felt sweaty and looked forward to a nice shower that awaited at home.

He cranked up the air-conditioning as he drove through the village. As with car air-conditioning and short journeys, the air only began to blow out cold just as he reached home.

Panting, Frank climbed out and glanced down the street.

Anthony's Bentley was again by the entrance to the Mansfield house and there was a black Audi parked in front of it.

Frank frowned and cocked an ear, wondering what the puma could be up to.

It was starting to heat up and Frank decided not to hang around. He made his way up the path and in through the garage door.

The kitchen felt mercifully cool and Frank stripped out of shirt again. He wondered whether to take his shorts off too.

What the hell, you're home alone.

That was one advantage of living by yourself; being able to do what you want. Frank focused on that as he shed his shorts and folded them on one of the kitchen chairs.

Yesterday's kitchen job in Fildown had gone well and his next task was to order new counter tops from the kitchen supplier for Marcus' place, but first a cup of tea was in order.

Frank walked around the kitchen in his briefs, retrieving a bag of rose herbaceous tea and a clean cup from the cupboard.

As the kettle brewed he sat down at his PC and began browsing the various counter top options; marble, granite or gabbro.

Marcus had specified marble or granite, but Frank wanted the kitchen to retain the original period charm that surrounded the rest of Honeysuckle Lodge. Gabbro would be a good compromise.

He paused to readjust his underwear before browsing again ay different types of gabbro and found a dark counter top that was probably modern enough to please Marcus but didn't jar with the rest of the house. Combined with off-white paint on the walls it would look quite tasteful.

Frank smiled and wagged his tail through the gap in the back of the chair. Sometimes he even impressed himself.

He got up to pour his tea. Walking around the house in his underwear felt good and he could see why Marcus chose to do it.

Something Frank had discovered recently was buying sexy underwear - another thing he could understand Marcus having a thing for, and the Pump briefs he was wearing were silky with a mesh design down the sides.

The temptation to go outside and sit in the garden in his underwear was growing stronger, but Frank wondered if Oliver and Gareth would show up again.

The fact the two teenagers seemed so interested in what was going on at Cecil Mansfield's house while Anthony was there was intriguing.

Frank idly slipped a paw down the front of his briefs to rearrange himself, knowing no one was there to watch, as he pondered over what to do.

Eh, what the hell. If Gareth comes along it'd probably be more awkward for him.

Having thought that, Frank decided that sunbathing out the back rather than on the front bench would be better.

That and in case Philip comes bumbling past.

Frank couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the older Collie. It was an unlikely friendship but one that had enabled to get things off his chest for the first time in years. However, sitting in a lawn chair in his underwear was not how Frank wanted to talk to him, as un-sheltered as the professor was.

He placed the bag in the cup and poured the water into it. The scent of the tea wafted up to his snoot and Frank smiled to himself.

Knock, knock, knock!

Frank sighed as he put the kettle back. Trust someone to knock on the front door when he was having a moment to himself.

He moved to open it and almost had his paw around the handle when he looked down and remembered he was almost naked.

"I'll be there in a second!" he called.

His clothes were still in the kitchen and he scrambled back to get them.

Frank wondered if it was his mother at the door, but that thought vanished as there was another round of obnoxious knocking as he tugged his shirt and shorts on.

"Keep your fur on," he muttered.

He opened the door and to his surprise found Anthony standing on the other side. The puma was wearing a blue business suit and looked surprisingly unruffled given the heat.

"Good morning Francis, I wondered if I could trouble you for just a moment?" Anthony said, fixing him a smile.

"Sure?" Frank replied.

"I'd like to come in to discuss this, if now is a convenient time?" Anthony said, glancing up and down the road.

Frank peered over Anthony's shoulder and saw his Bentley was now parked outside the house with the engine running, no doubt to keep the air-conditioning on. He also couldn't help but wonder if there was a slightly agitated tone in the puma's voice.

"Of course," Frank nodded, stepping aside to let Anthony cross the threshold. "I was having some tea if you'd like some?" he asked as he closed the front door behind them.

"No, I'm quite well thank you," Anthony said as Frank gestured for him to come to the kitchen. "Ah, it's much cooler in here."

"Aye, I was working outside today and wanted to get everything done before the midday sun," Frank agreed.

"Speaking of work, that's precisely what I want to discuss," Anthony explained. "This may seem unusual, but I need to do this in total confidence, you understand?"

"I was wondering why you hadn't sent an email," Frank replied. "But go on?"

"That old Cecil Mansfield house is falling to bits next door, at least it certainly appears so, but I'd like to get an expert opinion. Namely yours before I make a special proposal," Anthony said.

"For that you'd need a surveyor to determine if the building is structurally sound," Frank replied.

"I don't think that would be necessary, I know it's falling down just by looking at it, but I need a second opinion to verify that for legal reasons."

"I see."

"So, if I could request your services to help on that? If not, my colleague knows a surveyor who can help us instead."

"You want me to come and look at the place and basically verify it's structurally unsound?"


"Well, it's easy to tell sometimes, but I'm not an expert on structural engineering," Frank replied. "If I may ask, what's the interest you have in Cecil Mansfield's house?"

"Something you must understand is I'm trying to keep this project quiet," Anthony said coyly. "Obviously it is a local landmark we're dealing with, and I don't want the impression I'm out to destroy something that means a lot to the locals around here."


"I've helped out with the restoration on the church and donated money to mend the hillside walking trail that runs into the village."

"You did," Frank replied, wondering where Anthony was going with his monologue.

"However, my proposal is a project focusing on restoring the area around the Mansfield house, but I want to develop it into something that will help bring people into the community in an inexpensive way. Think about it, property prices around here are expensive, the population is mostly elderly, many of the people who have houses here own them as second homes."

Frank knew that what Anthony was saying was true, but he hoped the puma would get to the point and tell him what was going on.

"So, I want to take advantage of new transport links that are being built nearby in neighbouring towns," Anthony continued. "And encourage a newer population to move into the area. I have a burgeoning business, so new people here and a booming new economy will revive Little Hartbrook."

"You want to redevelop the Mansfield house into new homes?"

"In essence, yes."

"If you need an expert opinion the surveyor would be better. It depends if the house is suffering from weak foundations or subsidence. Crumbling brickwork doesn't necessarily mean the place is going to fall over," Frank explained.

"In that case I'll get my colleague to ask her friend," Anthony replied. "Thank you for your help though Francis," he added in a more hasty tone. "I ought to get back home."

"You're welcome," Frank replied as he showed Anthony to the door.

Anthony paused as he reached for the door handle.

"As I say, this is a very sensitive project and I do not wish to alarm everyone around here, so between us I would appreciate it if we kept this conversation to ourselves. I do hope you understand and don't find all this cloak and dagger stuff strange."

"No, it's fine."

Anthony gave a wave before closing the door himself.

Frank made his way back to the kitchen and watched as the puma walked over to his Bentley. A female calico appeared and Anthony stopped to talk to her for a moment. The pair chatted as Anthony fanned himself with his paw before they embraced and Anthony climbed into his car.

The calico walked away and Anthony drove off. Frank frowned as he picked up his cup of tea to sip from it. The liquid had turned cold and he pulled a face.

He couldn't help but feel there was more to Anthony's story than met the eye and he wanted to find out exactly what was going on without rocking the boat. Anthony Higson-Pearidge's company was indeed important to the local economy and pissing him off was not a good idea.

Frank pondered what to do as he drummed his claws on the kitchen counter, but eventually his train of thought ran into shall I try sunbathing in my underwear again or go for a lunchtime pint at the pub?

_ _ His thoughts were interrupted as he looked up to notice Gareth cycling in a circle outside.

Frank rolled his eyes as he made his way to the kitchen door.

"Can I help Gareth?" he called.

The husky yelped and almost fell off his bike.

"Um, hi there Frank," he replied sheepishly. Frank suppressed a chuckle as he beckoned Gareth over. The husky splayed his ears and gingerly wheeled his bike up the garden path. "I hope I'm not bothering you by being around here?" he asked nervously.

"Bothering no, intriguing me yes," Frank replied. "Your step father was here, and then you show up a moment later." Gareth shifted awkwardly on his hind-paws and looked at the ground. "I'm not cross, I'm wondering if you know something I don't?" Frank asked.

"How do you mean?" Gareth replied

"Why are you following Anthony?" Frank asked. He noticed the husky's paws were quivering slightly and he felt a twinge of guilt. "I'm sorry," he said, softening his tone. "I didn't mean to scare you, I want to know what's going on."

"It's kind of embarrassing," Gareth sighed. "I don't know if I want to say."

"You don't have to," Frank replied, fixing Gareth a reassuring smile.

"I think Arse... I mean Anthony is having it off with that calico," the husky blurted out, before pulling a very readable face of did I just say that?

_ _ Frank wasn't sure how to respond.

"Oh, well it's not really my business to pry into other people's family issues, but I'm sorry to hear that," he settled on.

"Eh, don't be, I think he's a prick," Gareth shrugged. "He's not my dad, so I don't care."

Gareth's tone reminded Frank of how he had felt when his mother had remarried and he couldn't help but feel a degree of empathy for the husky.

"Well, I imagine you're off to university soon," Frank reasoned. "Hang on in there until that happens."

"I will," Gareth replied with a sigh as he started wheeling his bike away.

"What are you up to today?"

"Oh, just stuff," Gareth said as he mounted his bike and began riding off.

Frank was sure the husky was trying to suppress a cheeky grin as he said stuff but he decided not to press into the matter. The morning already had enough mysteries to unravel as it was.

He made his way back into the kitchen and wondered whether to reheat the tea, but now a number of thoughts were plaguing his mind.

Should I go and look at the Mansfield place for myself?

_ _ "Fuck it," Frank said out loud.

He made his way to the back door and out to the garden. He walked by the stack of planks that was to become his new lean-to shed and his raised vegetable beds before making his way to the garden wall.

The wall itself was easy to climb as Frank had done it before to fix up some loose brickwork.

He placed his paws on the top and vaulted over.

The grounds of the Mansfield house lay on the other side. They were a little overgrown and Frank waded through the long grass and weeds.

The house stood regally before him and he walked over to one of the windows to glance inside.

The interior looked surprisingly intact considering it had been left empty for some time. The paint was faded but there were no obvious cracks in any of the masonry - a little crumbly yes, but it wasn't like the house was going to cave in at any moment.

Frank walked to another window and glanced in. The next room must have been a drawing room of some kind. The wallpaper was peeling slightly and the carpet inside looked a little threadbare, but again there was no obvious sign of fatal decay.

Frank scratched his muzzle and frowned.

If he had obliged Anthony and given his honest opinion he would have said the house seemed in fairly good condition despite it being left empty for some time.

"Weird," Frank muttered out loud to himself.

The sun was now high in the sky and the heat was getting more powerful. Frank decided to head back to his house and continue looking at counter tops for Marcus.

And given this heat, I'll do it in my underwear while flicking water over myself.