13- Grudge

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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#15 of The Legend of Rift Book II: Resurrection

A few days had passed and the dragons were staggering through the swamp. They were exhausted and the terrain wasn't helping their morale.

Sithris cringed every step, the marsh ground squelching around his paws at every step. He felt slimy and muddy, not how a dragon of his intelligence should feel. "How much farther? I feel disgusting and tired!"

Rift chuckled to himself. "Patience, we'll reach the old Dragon Temple shortly. Just look out for Marsh Bears. They like to hide in the marsh and drag you under to feast upon your blood like a leach."

The black drake stopped and looked at Rift, fear plastered on his face, leaving Rift to laugh.

"I was just giv- FUCK!" Rift's leg was suddenly pulled into the marsh, making Sithris scream in terror. The orange dragon burst out in laughter, pulling his paw free. "Relax, it's a joke."

Sithris growled and pushed Rift over into the swamp, coating him completely in green slime. "Serves you right. Parasites terrify me."

Within minutes, they arrived at the temple. It was in severe disrepair, having been untouched since Malefor's reign of terror so many years ago. Thankfully, the door seemed functional as when Rift released a flame, it began to open.

With a speed unexpected by the dragons, a large paw from behind the door swung and connected hard into Rift's snout, sending him to the ground limply.

His body unresponsive, he could only watch as a group of what had to be felines catch Sithris by surprise, pinning him to the ground and tying him up. The black dragon yelled to him in a panic, begging for help as both of them were dragged into the temple. Rift's eyes glazed over as unconsciousness hit him.

The orange dragon groaned, his head throbbing as he came to. Wherever he was, it was pitch black. Rifty sighed as he could feel that he was very well chained up.

A door opened, blinding him as two figures came stomping in. One was a large adult dragon, bright red with a black underbelly. His right eye had a wide scar over it, telling Rift that it wasn't his lucky day.

"Carmine!" Rift sneered in distaste. "Pretty ballsy to do this."

The big dragon slapped him, roaring in a mixture of hatred and pleasure. He began laughing.

"I've wanted to lock you up for a very long time, whelp. Amazing that the former Fire Guardian is such a weakling."

Rift disregarded Carmines insult and looked behind him. A young dragoness about Sithy's age was rubbing against the older dragon. She was dark blue with a white underbelly, even Rift couldn't deny that she was drop dead gorgeous. Something about her felt off though.

A slap to the face snapped him out his trance. Carmine was furious.

"You disrespectful hatchling! You came in, took over my birthright as guardian, and now you can't even listen to me? You're a disgrace!"

Rift sighed and screamed at Carmine. "You dumb FUCK! It wasn't your damn birthright. You were only ever considered because you were a political leader back when Munitions Forge was still a dragon city. All of this over a stupid grudge. If you want revenge, fight me like a drake and I'll scar that other eye."

Carmine shook in rage, raising a large clawed paw up before the dragoness spoke up.

"That's enough Carmine." Her voice sounded pleasant and seductive. "Remember, you wanted him put in Warfang's dungeon. That won't happen if he's dead. Let's get the information that you want for evidence.

Carmine sighed and nuzzled her. "You're right Zaheera, as always." He looked at Rift. "What are you planning?"

Rift was silent, making the older drake laugh. "I hoped you would play that. Zaheera, stay here. This whelp won't spill, but maybe his friend will."

The orange dragon tensed up. "No, wait! DON'T HURT HIM! I'll give you what you want."

Carmine laughed and began walking away. "I love seeing you beg, but that's not enough. When you hear his screams, know that it's your fault."

Rift screamed every profanity he could think of before pimply hanging his head in defeat.

Sithris struggled against his restraints. He was belly down on a cold metal surface, dark bag covering his head. He sighed and tried to listen to his surroundings.

The faintest of yelling caught his attention. The first voice was of someone he never met, while the second was easily his friend.

Thank the ancestors that he's alive.

The yelling went silent, unnerving the black dragon. He struggled against his binds more until a door behind him opened up.

An evil chuckle ran down his spine. He couldn't see who it was, but he could tell that it wasn't good for him.

"So, you are that whelp that has been traveling with that wretched filth. You're in as deep as he is young one. As you can't see, allow me to introduce myself. I am Carmine, the great guardian of the fire element."

Sithris sighed. "Seeing as you have me restrained, I would be lying if I said it was my pleasure to meet you.

Carmine walked in front of Sithris and ripped the cloth off, blinding the found drake temporarily. "I would like to offer you a chance at freedom."

Sithris tilted his head as Carmine resumed. "Your friend put me in a lot of pain in the past, and you're gonna help me give him the death sentence."

Sithris went wide eyed and shook his head. "I will not lead my partner to his end. I care too much about his well-being. From what little I have heard about you though, I think maybe you should take the punishment."

Carmine laughed and picked up a long blade, slowly showing it to the young dragon before looking Into his eyes. "Then his dragoness won't be the last one of his friends to be a bloody and lifeless corpse." With a snarl, he slammed the blade down into the membrane of Sithris's left wing.

Rift looked up in dread as Sithris' screams filled the air. The orange drake flailed around, trying so hard to get free. He wasn't successful, nor was the screams ending. They continued on, getting louder and louder as time passed.

Sithris panted painfully, his wing membrane were torn to shreds, his blood splattered around the room. He couldn't understand it. How could someone be so cruel over such a petty grudge?

Carmine licked the red liquid off his face. The fresh copper taste was magic to his tastebuds. Oh, he loved torturing this dragon.

He grabbed another blade, making Sithris shiver in fear. "I'll tell you again, help me, or you'll continue to he my pin cusion."

Sithris' body wanted to give in so bad. His mind begged for him to work with the dragon to save his body, but his heart was too stubborn. He shook his head and clenched his eyes.

Carmine put the blade against Sithris' tail. Slowly, he pushed down, forcing the knife in inch by inch. Blood pooled around the wound before seeping onto the table in a continuous flow.

Sithris tried to hold back the pain, but it became too much. His voice began to crack and the urge to scream overcame his wishes. He gave into it, screaming at the top of his lungs.