16- Parting

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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#18 of The Legend of Rift Book II: Resurrection

Sithris finished his story and shuddered, memories haunting him. He looked to his side and saw Zaheera, her head bowed, no doubt taking pity on him. His friend however, wasn't taking it the way he expected.

"So... dark magic..." Rift's claws dug into the ground and his muscles tensed. He felt as if he was stabbed in the back.


Sithris looked at the ground and sighed. "I'm sorry, it always hurts to look back on it."

The blue dragoness stood and snarled at Rift. "How dare you, you heartless bastard! Obviously you're too self centered to think about Sithy and what's best for him. Hell, I think he'd be better under my care and away from you."

Rift growled. "And how would you know? You came out of nowhere and suddenly you seem to know every-"

"ENOUGH!" The black dragon yelled, halting the argument. He motioned Zaheera to his side as he wrapped his tail around hers. He glared at the orange dragon.

"You may have met me first, but I love her." Sithris pulled her head on his back. "If you ever talk to her like that again, I'll see to it that you meet Kara in the afterlife." Sithris kissed Zaheera.

Rift's heart dropped. His friend basically told him to go. He was alone, but it felt way worse than his previous solo escapades.

Rift slowly walked out of the cave. "I'm sorry... I wish you a good future..." He flew off.

"Wait, Rift..." Sithris sighed. "I didn't want to lose my friend..."

Zaheera looked into his eyes and kisses him again. "He made his choice, now come relax with me."

Sithris nodded slowly, crawling back to the makeshift nest. Zaheera grinned evilly, her scales slightly darkening.

It shouldn't be too long before he's completely under my control...

Rift wouldn't stop flying. Days had passed and his wings screamed at him. His stomach growled from the lack of food, but he didn't care.

He hurt inside. He lost the one friend he had left, all because he was jealous of the dragoness for no reason. He had grown used to being alone in the year after Kara's death, but now he felt the same pain. Tears continued to roll down his cheeks. He didn't understand how he went from originally distrusting in the weird black dragon, to caring so much for him.

I'm so confused. I wish I could talk to someone, but there's no one that could help... wait, Silvus!

He couldn't believe that he forgot. His cousin was his only living blood family. The messenger for the Guardian of Light was just a few years older than him, but was very wise. If he was to guess where to find the ice dragon, he was likely at Shimmering Shores.

Rift shook himself, body beginning to shut down from exhaustion. He gave in, crashing into the ground.

Almost out of nowhere a silver dragon walked up to his limp form, his right wing looking strange. "I knew the fire guardian was close, but not that close." He said assisting the pained Rift up.

"Former Fire Guardian.... I'm glad I found you Silvus." Rift smiled slightly, scratches coating his body, his blacked chest wound oozing a mixture of black smoke and blood.

"The island begs to differ. Come on, I'll take you to the temple. There are gems and food waiting for you." Silvus said, taking him along a path towards the white mountain in the distance.

Rift winced at each step. "Maybe flying for days straight was a bad idea."

"Hah, you shoulda seen me when I began my messenger training. Gabriel was ruthless." Silvus said wistfully.

Rift rolled his eyes and pointed at his stocky form. "You're built better for extended flights, but even you need to stop and eat and rest. I did none of that."

Silvus gave a little chuckle. "Yes we need to do that, but not for awhile. Maybe I'll give you some dragon fruit. There is a ton of it on this island."

Rift nodded. "It'll help with my crash, but it won't help my lack of rest." As if the island agreed, Rift tripped and crumpled to the ground.

Silvus stopped to help Rift up once again. "Give me a moment." He then flew up to a nearby tree and grabbed one of the white dragon fruits that was hanging there. The silver dragon gave it to him.

Rift looked at it. "The White Dragonfruit, or Frouta as it's also called here." He slowly nibbled the fruit and felt his energy return. "It's good, but the Valley of Avalar version tastes better."

Silvus gave a chuckle. "Maybe because it takes longer for that one to grow. This island had many secrets and mysteries. Now come on, I don't want to have to carry you."

Sithris sighed, slowly chewing on some venison. Sure, he loved Zaheera, but he missed his friend. Rift hadn't been back for days. He was beginning to fear the worst.

The blue dragoness beside him sighed. I almost have him. That blasted orange dragon is on his mind and I can't fully convert him until he lets that go. There must be a- THAT'S IT!

Zaheera rubbed Sithris' cheeks. "Sithy, honey, you need to move on. He's gone and won't be coming back. He abandoned you, but I'm still here. I will never leave you."

Sithris shook his head. "I just have a feeling he'll be back, he's loyal. Besides, I can't think about other things in his cave."

The female smiled inwardly, rubbing her cheek against the black drake's. "How about we go back to your place. I'm eager to see my new home."

Sithris blushed and nodded.