Marcus Lane - Chapter Fifteen

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#15 of Marcus Lane

The British countryside, full of charm and delight... that's until gay celebrity author Marcus Lane arrives back from San Francisco to fix his parents' house up and sell it.

His arrival in the village, combined with that of a famous film star in town to shoot a movie inspires jealously from a bored local teenager with a crush on both of them and the curiosity of Marcus' first ex which leads to a trail of comedic destruction.

Chapter Fifteen


Ahh, this is the life.

Gareth was reclining in one of the lawn chairs. He had positioned it strategically so it was shielded by the house from any potential prying eyes.

A cigar was clasped in one paw and a glass of wine in the other.

He was also wearing Ralph's blue and white speedo - which on the Doberman had looked snug and form fitting but on Gareth was quite baggy. He had pulled on the drawstring to make it fit better around the waist but the rest of the material hung off his butt. Begrudgingly, he had also put on one of Marcus' low-cut tank tops (a black one with a print of a half-unpeeled banana on the front), owing to the fact Ralph's shirt had felt like wearing a giant tent.

Still, wearing Ralph's swimwear was making Gareth feel very excited in both senses of the word. He took a sip of wine before closing his eyes and idly putting a paw down the front of Ralph's speedo to feel himself up.

"Here Gareth, let me give you a paw."

"Ooo, that feels good Ralph."

"I bet it does, you look fantastic in my swim trunks, but now it's just us two I want to see what you look like out of it."

His phone buzzed on the arm of the chair and Gareth sighed.

"Way to go, just ruin another fantasy Oliver," he grumbled as he opened a text from the Collie.

I'm outside the front door. Let me in!!

Gareth put his phone down, took another sip of wine and carried his cigar through the house to unlock the front door.

"Come in, quick," he whispered as Oliver hurried inside.

The Collie was wearing smart trousers and black button up shirt with a logo on the front that said Elgin's Electronics.

Oliver paused and looked Gareth up and down before he burst out laughing.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

"Ralph's swim trunks," Gareth said, taking a puff off his cigar and adjusting his bulge in the front.

"Mate, do you have to do that in front of me?"

"I think I look quite sexy," Gareth replied, striking a pose and earning an eye roll from Oliver.

"Why are you wearing Marcus' top?" he asked. "I thought you didn't fancy him anymore."

"His clothes fit me better," Gareth grumbled.

"So, what did you do about showing your mum the photos of Arseny?" Oliver asked.

"I haven't had a chance to see my mum and show her the photos," Gareth sighed. "She was in bed when I left, out when I came back and went straight to bed last night before I could come out of my room to talk to her, that and I need to show her when not-dad isn't prowling about. Come outside, I'm going to finish this cigar and then think of an idea."

"You could send them to her?" Oliver suggested as they walked down the hallway.

"Hmm, you know the one thing that I worry about is she won't believe me," Gareth replied.

They made their way outside and Gareth jumped heavily back into the lawn chair, causing it to almost fold up on him.

"How can she not believe you?" Oliver frowned. "You have actual evidence."

"I know, but she's always in denial. I feel like it would be better if someone else did it, she's become too used to me talking about not-dad's shitty wrongdoings. I'm worried she'll make some excuse not to confront it," Gareth explained as he disentangled himself from the chair.

"Hmm," Oliver replied.

"Want some cigar?" Gareth asked, taking another puff before reaching for his wine.

"No thanks."

"You okay man?" Gareth chuckled. "I thought you'd jump at the chance to smoke it."

"Nah, not right now," Oliver shrugged.

Gareth felt a little surprised, but he responded with a shrug of his own before returning to puff on the cigar/let it burn out in his paw.

"I'm going for a lay down while I think about what to do," he said, dramatically tossing the cigar end on the patio.

He picked up his wine, stuffed his phone down the back of Ralph's speedo and walked inside with Oliver in tow.

"For a lay down?" Oliver repeated as they walked up the stairs.

"Yup, their bed is really comfy," Gareth said.

They reached the bedroom and Gareth tugged off Marcus' top before flopping down on the silk sheets. He sighed with contentment as he wriggled around, feeling the softness of the silk against his fur.

"So, did you follow Arseny again today?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah and Frank spotted me," Gareth replied, rolling his eyes.

He rolled onto his stomach and sniffed at the sheets. He could catch the faint scent of fox, but the harder he pressed his snoot into the sheets the unmistakable and wonderful scent of Ralph's aftershave hit him.

"Um, mate should we be figuring out what to do about Arseny?" Oliver's voice came from somewhere.

"Huh?" Gareth replied, although his voice came out muffled as he closed his eyes and pressed his nose back into the sheets.

"Oi!" Oliver snapped before Gareth felt a pillow hit him on the head.


Gareth rolled over to see the Collie holding one of the bed pillows menacingly in his paws.

"Good, now I have your attention," he said, throwing the pillow down. "And you look totally ridiculous in those swim trunks."

"Hey, just because you couldn't pull them off," Gareth retorted, sitting up on his hunkers to strike another pose.

"Pull them off. They're basically falling off. I mean, they're way too big on you," Oliver sighed. "You should have stolen Marcus' speedo, you'd be around the same size."

"They would, but he's not my crush anymore. Wearing his top was hard enough."

"You've gone mad, you know that," Oliver said and Gareth felt a flash of annoyance.

"Okay, what did you want my attention for?"

"I thought you were coming up here to think about what to do."

"I was," Gareth huffed as he flopped back down on the sheets. "But I don't know, when I'm surrounded by Ralph's things I feel happy and content, thinking about Arseny, how my mum won't believe anything I say and then having Frank catch me is depressing."

"As I say, send them anon."

"Fine, you do it," Gareth growled.

"I ain't touching your phone, you shoved it down Ralph's speedos and it has been touching your bum crack!"

"No, on your phone you div," Gareth explained. "Although I'm pretty nervous about this."

"Nervous? You've been wanting to take your step dad down for ages, now is your chance!"

Gareth knew Oliver had a point, but for all his bravado in wanting to say a final fuck you to Arseny and rescue his mum, he felt a jolt of apprehension course through him at the idea of sending the photos.

"I don't know man, the more I lay on this bed, the more I want Ralph to rescue me," Gareth sighed.

"Here," Oliver said, rolling his eyes. "You text me the photos and I'll do it. I can't wait to see Arseny's reaction when he's busted."

Gareth found his paws were quivering again as he picked up his phone and sent the images to Oliver.

I feel so scared, but I don't want to show it.

"There we go, I sent the photos," he said, trying to stop his voice from shaking.

"Good, let's do this!" Oliver grinned. "I'm making my number withheld and then I'm texting them to her. What's your mum's number?"

Gareth tried to keep his voice calm as he recited his mother's mobile number.

"There you go," he said.

"Ace," Oliver chuckled. "And the photos are off, now she won't be able to dispute it."

"Good," Gareth replied.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, this whole thing with Arseny suddenly feels tiring," Gareth sighed.

He sat back up and glanced at himself in the mirror next to the wardrobe. Although Ralph's speedo was too big for him he didn't care. He tried striking poses, copying the way the Doberman flexed his muscles, although he knew he was far skinnier than Ralph. Still, it felt good to dream.

"I know, but you've been talking about recusing your mum and confronting Arseny, and we're now doing that, and it's going to be fucking entertaining to see the reaction," Oliver grinned, wagging his tail.

"Is that what you care about most, the entertainment?" Gareth asked.

Oliver opened his mouth to reply but his face suddenly creased.

"I can see your balls hanging out," he said, wrinkling his muzzle and turning away.

Gareth sighed as he tucked them back into the speedo and sat back down on the bed.

"I want to rescue my mum from that horrid man, not be entertaining for other people," he said, his voice almost verging on a growl.

"I know, I know," Oliver said, gesturing with his paws for Gareth to calm down. "I meant how we follow him, or you calling him Arseny. Sorry, that bit is kind of funny."

"Hmm," Gareth grumbled as he rolled over onto his stomach and idly browsed Ralph Rivers on google. "I found the WiFi password in the hallway if you want to use it."

Oliver nodded as he went to search for it.

"What are you looking up?" he called.

"I want a clue as to where Ralph has gone," Gareth explained. "I hope he's coming back, and then I can meet him. I stalk his Instagram page too and go on his personal website."

"Does he have twitter?" Oliver asked as he walked back into the room.

"Nah, he once said in an interview he doesn't do twitter, as it's a platform for negativity, which is why I deleted mine," Gareth explained.

A news article from a gossip website showed up as the first result on google as the app finished loading.

"I see," Oliver said, half-glancing up before going back to texting someone.

Part of Gareth wanted the Collie to leave if he was more interested in texting so he could go back to fondling himself in Ralph's swimwear.

His phone was taking a moment to load so he took a sip of wine, and then almost choked and sprayed it all over himself.

"What a slut!" he coughed.


"He's no better than Arseny," Gareth growled.

"That's a bit harsh. Do you mean Ralph is no better than Arseny?"

"No, look at this photo," Gareth said, turning his phone to show Oliver.

"I'm still not touching it."

"Just look!"

He showed Oliver the page of the celebrity gossip website that had just loaded. The photo showed Marcus hugging and kissing a leopard in a shiny shirt while Ralph was watching forlornly in the background with a surprised expression on his face.

The title read Double Date for film star and author?

"He's cheating on Ralph with some leopard, and he's not even hiding it!" Gareth growled.

"How do you know they're not just saying hello?" Oliver asked. "They could be friends."

"I mean, do I hug or kiss you like that?" Gareth shot back.

"Good point, no offense mate but I'd been grossed out if you did."

"And look at Marcus' paw, it's practically touching where the leopard's cock is," Gareth added. "I need to rescue Ralph from him, and then Ralph will take me away, oh and make sure my mum gets a nice boyfriend after Arseny, someone wealthy who isn't a tosser now we've sent the photos. What are you doing Oliver?"

"Huh?" the Collie replied.

"You're reading the sheets of paper again, I hope there's no more horrible Detective Forrest spoilers in there. First he kills my favourite character, and then he cheats on my Ralph!"

"Your Ralph?" Oliver laughed. "You've gone off your rocker. Nah, I'm reading more bits of Marcus' planned article. It is really sad and funny at the same time, you should read some."

"No thanks."

"Seriously, he's talking about how his mum said she's not bothered by him being gay, but she said he'll never grow up to have a real relationship or get married or anything like that. This must be before gay weddings became a thing," Oliver said. "I mean, have you told your mum yet?"

"No, I don't want to add to her troubles. She has enough on her plate."

"Do you think she'd take it badly?" Oliver asked. "Aww, he's now saying he wished his parents hugged him more as a kit. I mean, this is really soppy, but it's sad too."

"I don't think so, she doesn't really care about that sort of thing, but she's rarely around me nowadays so it's hard to tell what she'd think," Gareth reasoned.

Oliver responded with a yawn that caused Gareth to frown.

"Um, that's pretty rude."

"No, not you mate, I'm tired after wooooork," Oliver said, although work was drawn out by another loud yawn. "My boss is pretty hard on us which doesn't help. You know man, I'm heading back. Tell me what happens when your mum sees the pics, I bet that'll lead to an interesting convo at dinner."

"I'm having dinner here," Gareth replied. "I'm staying away until I'm sure it's just my mum at home."

"Dinner here, what out of their fridge?"


"Cuz that's going to help Ralph want to take you away, stealing his food," Oliver teased.

"Hey, you opened the caviar first," Gareth retorted. "And anyway, when Marcus hurts Ralph and he needs arms to hold him, he can fall into mine."

"Ha! A skinny husky like you trying to catch a big Doberman like him. You'll be squashed like a pancake," Oliver laughed.


"I'm off home, because I'm hungry and tired," Oliver said, putting the papers back down. "Ta-ra, enjoy your meal out!"

"Ha, bloody, ha," Gareth huffed as Oliver left.

He listened to the sound of the Collie hurrying down the stairs before the front door opened and closed.

Gareth rolled over and slipped a paw down the front of the speedo, gently stroking himself. At least with the swimwear being so baggy it was easy to touch himself up. His cock was soon hard and out of its sheath.

He noticed another pair of Ralph's underwear on the floor, a pair of black Versace briefs. Gareth grinned as he picked them up. The jock and the other pair of underwear he had taken from the washing line were clean, evident by the fact that when he had taken them home to sniff them they had the scent of flowery laundry detergent rather than Ralph's manly smell.

"Oh Ralph, you have such nice underwear," Gareth sighed, holding the pair from the floor and feeling the fabric in his paws. He wanted to buy Ralph a pair as soon as the Doberman rescued him.

He imagined Ralph wearing them as he eased the speedo down and wrapped a paw around his shaft.

"Thank you for the new underwear Gareth, they look and feel great!"

"I'm glad you like them so much Ralph."

"Indeed I do, and I like the pair you're wearing. Hey, is that my jock?"

"It is, I wanted to try it on so I took it from the washing line."

"Heh, you naughty husky. Would you like me to teach you a lesson?"

"Yes please, oh Ralph, I want you so much."

"Good, now let's get your underwear off."

"Fuck," Gareth moaned through gritted teeth as he shot warm cum up his chest. A couple of smaller flecks ended up on the sheets, but Gareth was panting too much to care. He squeezed and jerked at his cock, causing more cum to leak out and pile on his stomach. The afterglow subsided and Gareth regained his breath. "Aww, I didn't get to the end of my fantasy."

He stood up, chuckling at the fact he had jerked off in Ralph's bed.

Next time Ralph will be in it!

Gareth made his way to the bathroom to wash the cum off himself at the sink before sluicing the rest off with a tissue.

As he cleaned himself, Gareth couldn't help but wonder what would happen when his mum saw the photos. Would she be scared, angry or grateful someone had shared the truth?

He also couldn't help but feel resentful towards Oliver for finding the whole situation amusing.

When I get with Ralph I'll show him!

Gareth made his way back to the bedroom and lay on the bed as he wondered whether to put Ralph's speedo back on.

Hmm, I know I'll dress for dinner.

He picked up the Versace briefs and pulled them up his hind-paws. Like the swim trunks they were very baggy so he held the waistband with one paw as he made his way downstairs with his wine to find more caviar.