Breaking The Monotony: Chapter 2

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Here it is finally. took me longer to write a shorter story than it did to write the first one... oh well. The following works are of all my own creation. any similarities are completely coincedental. please do not plagiarize any of the following works. if you are under the age in you local area please navigate away from this website. otherwise thank you and enjoy Breaking The Monotony Chapter 2 I awaken to an empty bed, made much lonelier without the site of my white wolf. I look around my room to see his clothes gone from where they once laid on the floor. I look over at my nightstand and grab for my clock. 3:30, James should be coming home from school soon. I begin to get dressed in the clothes I was wearing earlier today. The cum stuck to my chest and ass fur begins to pinch as I move around. I also notice my ass hurting just from being torn open by Caine's 8" cock. Not to mention that knot, fuck that felt so good, well worth the pain now. I finish putting on the rest of my clothing as I hear the front door open and close.

"Brother, I'm back!" James shouts from downstairs. I run down the stairs catching myself a few steps from the bottom as I almost fell. I ran through the hallway to meet him up in the kitchen.

"Hey bro, how was school?"

"Well someone's cheery," he says with a small chuckle.

"What you got a problem with that?" I ask wrapping my arm around him and rubbing my knuckle on his head.


"So, how was school?"

"It was school. Why don't you ever play with me?" He asks out of the blue.

"Well, I always have homework and other things to do... where did that come from?" I ask out of shock from his questionable question.

"You have time to wrestle with that white wolf and you can't even play with you own brother," he says with a pout. Wrestle? Oh, fuck! He caught us? When he just came home from school. Or did he?

"What exactly did you see?"

"I saw enough to know you absolutely suck at wrestling. The white wolf was on top of you the whole time," He saw everything, "I do have one question though, why were you both naked, like mom and dad once were?" What to do, what to do. Should I just tell him everything, or just tell him not to tell anyone? I can't lie to him, he's old enough to know the truth now.

"Listen, that wolf and I weren't wrestling," I start with the most awkward conversation I believe I will ever have.

"Then what were you doing?"

"Well, you see, when two people love each other a lot they mess around naked together, it's called sex, and that's what me and that wolf, Caine, did," I explained as best I probably could.

"So, do you love that wolf?" he asks with the voice one would imagine to accompany that question. I hadn't really thought about it. I know I do have feelings for him, but is it love? Maybe, I do. He keeps me from over thinking things.

"Yeah, I think I do"

"Wait a minute"


"Why haven't we done sex? Don't you love me?"

"I do love you, just not in that way. Brother's love each other in a different way than two people who are in love, and you would say, had sex," I correct his grammar. "Any more questions?"

"Yeah, when I was watching you guys my pee-pee started getting bigger, is that bad?" I chuckle a little at his innocence.

"No, not at all. It just means that you liked what you saw"

"So, how would I get rid of it?"

"You could do one of two things; first, you could just wait it out, or you could take the much more fun approach to it"

"And what would that be?" He asks, his tail wagging in true interested in what I have to say.

"Well it's better to just show you," I say walking out of the kitchen to head upstairs. "you coming?" I say over my shoulder, beckoning him. He starts to follow me wagging his little tail rapidly behind him. I run upstairs and into my room leaving it open for him to come in. I open up my laptop, type in my password, and open Internet Explorer. I open up a website with two guys yiffing. I move the page to one side then open up another page and fill it with straight porn. I put the two pages side by side. "Take your pick, little bro," I say showing the screen to him.

"Oh, that one," he says pointing to the page with gay porn on it.

"Are you sure?" I ask just to make sure I'm not accidentally forcing my brother to be gay.

"Yeah, it's getting bigger again," I close down the other page, enlarge the one still open and start a video.

"Older people call it multiple names, scientifically it's called a penis, but it's hardly ever called that among kids. We could call it a cock, a dick, and other things but those two are the most common," I explain, I feel like a fucking teacher right now. He looks into his pants.

"It's out of the skin, so what now?"

"Well first of all, that is called a sheath. Now take off your pants," he takes them off along with his underwear to reveal his cute little cub cock. I start to feel my sheath swell.

"So what now?" he repeats, his eyes still stuck on the video on the webpage.

"Wrap your paw around it and start to shake it," he follows my instructions and lets out a slight gasp at his first try at pawing off. My sheath starts to grow harder and stronger. This is wrong I shouldn't be thinking about my own brother like this!

The picture of a white wolf entered my mind. Once again my mind lost the calculation and sense of morality within it.

"ngh, this feels... ahh... amazing," he says with gasps as more pleasure than he could ever imagine takes over his body.

"This is called pawing off; you could do it anytime at home when nobody except me is here" I say starting to pull off my own pants and massaging my own member. My cock starts to show out of its sheath. I start to rub it out of its sheath. The cold touch against my cock causes me to gasp.

"um... brother, I have a question," he says as he stops stroking himself. I look over to see his knot forming, "What is this?" he asks pointing to it.

"It's called a knot; it's used to tie with someone, connecting you and that person together, both physically and emotionally" he starts to stroke harder and stronger as his first orgasm draws near.

"Gah... what is this feeling?" he asks as extreme pleasure goes through his body.

"It's called an orgasm; when you are about to finish pawing off, you start to feel like you're going to pee, but it will feel really good. And once you get older like me, you will start to shoot out some stuff called, scientifically, semen, but unscientifically, cum. I'll show you that in a little bit," I say stroking harder and faster approaching my climax. I'm now, for the most part getting off on the thought of Caine, but I'm still glancing over at James, fawning over how childishly cute he looks.

"uhh... I feel it... nggghhhhhh!" He moans with the overwhelming feelings of his first orgasm. The sight of his face during his first climax, pushes me over the edge causing me to cum a little less than I did with Caine, but still plenty.

"This is cum, you could touch it or whatever you want with it, just don't get too messy, believe me it hurts to try to get it out of your fur" I say with a chuckle as he sticks his finger on the small puddle of cum on my stomach. He feels it with his digits, rubbing it. He suddenly sticks it into his mouth and closes his eyes with enjoyment of his first taste of cum. "Hey bro, do you know what the word 'gay' means?"

"Yeah, it's to make fun of people right?"

"Not, exactly. You see, it's when a male loves a male or a female loves a female" I explain.

"Oh, I didn't know that"

"And, I think you're gay just like me," his face looks like I just punched him in the stomach.

"Why would you say something like that?" He says as he starts to tear up a little bit.

"Well, what you just had so much fun pawing off to was actually a gay thing, well porn to be more clear, I guess."

"No problem I'm just messing with you, I guess I am gay, just like my big brother," He says with a smile and a cheerful disposition.

"Alright well I have to get cleaned up before mom and dad come home. Remember you can't tell them anything, you can't tell anyone anything, ya hear?"

"Yeah, yeah it's a secret, I get it,"

I start to gather up a fresh set of clothing for my shower. I take out a clean pair of boxers and a new shirt. "See you in a bit, you can go ahead and search around on the internet for a while if you want" I walk into the bathroom and start the water. I start to strip of my clothing giving a little tease to the mirror. I look deeper into the mirror and see my unique fur pattern. I am a complete twist on normal foxes, everything that is supposed to be red, like the majority of my body, is black everything that is supposed to be white, like my chest and tail tip, is red and everything that is supposed to be black, like the tips of my ears and my arms and legs, is white. I hop into the bathtub, getting the temperature dead on perfect for the first time in a while. I start to rub down my chest releasing all the caked-in cum in my fur. I start to pull some of it out, yelping in the pain of the experience. And to think I have my whole chest and my ass to do this to. Ugh, still it was so worth it. I pour some Furrier Fructis shampoo in my paw and start to rub it around further loosening up the cum. I rub the shampoo everywhere getting the cum out of every corner of my fur, wincing and whining throughout.

I towel myself dry and put on my clothes. I step outside of the bathroom to hear the front door open and close. My parents are home. I run downstairs to say hi. I catch site of them and run in for a hug from both of them.

"Hey buddy what's up," my dad asks with a chuckle

"Yeah, you seem really happy today, I haven't seed you this happy since the accident last year," my mom says reminding me of the accident that almost killed me because I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

"Well, I have a new friend. He's awesome, I have to show him to you one day"

"I'd be happy to meet him," my mother says

"As would I," my father adds.

"Alright well I'm going to go to bed now, good night," I say after feeling content with talking to my parents. I go up the stairs and into my room again closing and locking the door behind me. I lay down in my bed now ridden with not only my scent but the scent of Caine. I nuzzle against my pillow and feel myself slowly drift off to sleep with a sense of wellbeing and happiness. Thank you for reading. please dont forget to comment