Office work

Story by Keygon_Streamwalker on SoFurry

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A grunt and sigh was heard amidst the loud clatter of typing and ringing from phones. A husky sat at his desk staring at the computer screen in front of him. It was yet another typical day at the office and Daniel had been working his tail off trying to please his boss's deadlines. Daniel Reedy (24) was just the average "Joe" amongst his job at Intelltech. He stood up and stretched getting the kinks out of his sore body. Daniel was an average husky, standing at 6'1 and weighing around 237, with striking blue eyes. His fur was just the original plain pattern. The phone rang and Daniel looked down surprised. He picked up the receiver and spoke happily, "Hello welcome to Intelltech, This is Daniel how may I help you?"

"Sorry Daniel you've got a good speech but the boss wants to see you." A feminine voice spoke on the other line. Daniel closed his eyes, clenching his jaw. A loud and angry voice was heard behind and the secretary spoke again, "Yes... Sorry but Mr. Koch wants to see you. Now!"

Daniel sighed, "Alright thank you."

As the husky got up he looked over at his boss's room. Because of the terrible economy people had be getting laid off more and more, and only the top people could actually keep their jobs. To Daniel it was just a sign that his time was up at this job, but hey there weren't many perks to work at this job. Sure the pay was alright, but there was no room for any of the workers to grow. The husky walked over and stood in his boss's waiting room looking at the secretary, "Hello Stacy... is he-"

"Reedy! Get in here!" A pounding voice came from the office behind the secretary. She clenched her fists and smiled politely, "He's been fuming for a while... just be as polite as possible. Derrick got fired because he thought of being a smart ass."

Daniel huffed softly and smiled as he walked into his boss's office, "You wanted to see me-"

"Cut the crap Reedy! I've seen your work recently and I'm not happy with it. You're slacking behind the rest of the group and so help me I'm ready to fire you!" The older man looked at him. Daniel clenched his fists and sucked in air. There was only one perk when working at Intelltech, well to him at least. Daniel looked down a little and sighed at his boss. The boss, Michael Koch (28), stood at 5'9 and even though he was shorter, had a lot more muscle mass on him. His boss was a German Shepherd and to the husky had the perfect body. Daniel would constantly stare at his boss while he walked to the restroom or the water cooler like any clichéd office would have. Daniel stared at the shorter man and swallowed slowly, "I'm sorry sir. I've just been really busy. If there is anything I could do to make my slow work ethic, then please don't hesitate to ask."

Daniel felt a mental slap towards himself and he gritted his teeth, 'damn... I shouldn't have said that. Now he's gonna fire me for sure.'

The German Shepherd looked down at the husky and made an irritated face. After pacing back and forth for a few seconds he stopped and sat down sighing, "Fine, you have until 9 p.m to send me the rest of the work you need to hand in. Don't think you're going home with the rest of the slack jawed idiots out there."

Daniel smiled and nodded towards his boss, "Thank you sir. I'll get right on it."

He turned away, walking out and listening to his boss chuckle behind him.

Daniel stared at his computer screen and sighed aggravatingly. The husky had felt the strain of working over-time now and it was starting to affect him. He looked around, the office had been empty nearly 4 hours before hand save for the light in his bosses room. A small pile of paper work was left over of the work that still had to be done and the husky knew that his boss was probably really pissed at him for not finishing. He stood up and started packing his stuff up, "great... he's gonna fire me and I'll be just another statistic for the jobless."

"Reedy! Get in here!" The shepherd's voice came out and the husky's ears flattened, 'damn... already?'

He turned and started walking towards his boss's room panting softly from the tension. As he entered, the German shepherd pointed at the door letting the husky know to close it. After closing the door Daniel sat down and looked at his boss with fearful eyes. The shep tapped his desk and looked at the husky, "I gave you extra time to work on your work... and still you're not done."

Daniel bit his lower lip and looked at him, "w...wait! D...don't fire me please Mr. Koch. I'll do anything to keep this job!"

"First off. Don't call me by my last name, I've told everyone to call me by my first name to let loose some tension in the space and, secondly let me finish my speech. Since you seem so certain that I'm going to fire you then I'll see what use you really have. What are you offering me?"

Daniel looked at him surprised and started shaking, "Uh... Um... I could work longer hours for you and-"

"Cut the crap! I know you've been watching me since you started working here. Maybe you should have kept at your work instead of undressing me with your eyes." Michael shouted and glared at the husky. Daniel had a light pink hue tint on his cheeks and he looked at his feet blushing, "S... I... I didn't know you were looking at me Michael..."

Michael stood up and closed the blinds from the windows, "I'll tell you what Reedy. If you help me with a problem of mine, I'll let you keep your job."

Daniel stood up and shuddered softly, "Anything sir!"

Michael smiled wickedly at him, "You see I've been having an issue with my home life and my mate seems to keep leaving me dry. You're going to please me, one way or another, to keep your job."

Daniel bit his lower lip, then nodded his head making the German Shepherd smile as he turned to the husky. He pointed to the floor and the husky obliged, blushing like crazy. Michael walked up to him and unzipped his pants, letting his erection come out towards the husky's face, "Open that mouth now and please me!"

Daniel's face scrunched up as he was hit with powerful musk of the shep. He blinked at the rod of meat in front of him then leaned in inch by inch, before licking at the cock and placing it in his mouth. The smaller man smiled at Daniel and put a hand on the back of his head, "Oh come now Reedy! You can do so much better if you get the whole thing in. Like this!"

The shepherd pushed the husky's face down until Michael's whole cock was inside making Daniel panic and try to pull away. The shepherd let go and watched as Daniel got away coughing. The husky winced back tears from the gagging obstruction then huffed a little looking up at his boss. Michael made a look and nodded back towards his cock making Daniel clinch his fists again and go back towards the meat. He pulled his mouth over the tip and went down a little sucking and lapping his tongue around it. Michael murred softly and tilted his head back in pleasure enjoying the treatment he was getting. He looked down and noticed a bulge coming from the inside of the husky's pants and the smaller man snickered, placing his foot on it and rubbing making the man gasp at the touch. The older man snickered even more as his younger worker started to double his efforts, 'Maybe this one is good to keep around. Depends on if he is willing to keep doing this.'

Michael pushed the husky off, grunting at now uncomfortable position his cock was in. He unbuttoned the pants and walked around his desk grabbing a bottle of lube, "Alright I want you to take all your clothes off and stand up next to the wall."

Daniel stayed kneeling before the German Shepherd snapped his fingers making him jump. The husky started unbuttoning his shirt and slid it off. The pants followed soon after, however Daniel hesitated at the boxers. He looked over at his boss who made an agitated face towards him, "Well hurry it up! Don't give me blue balls Reedy, or you won't be just loosing your job if you do."

Daniel slid his boxers off and tossed them to the pile of clothes, his own erection popping out making him seethe softly at the cold air. Michael grinned as he watched Daniel lean against the wall. The shep walked around and behind the husky pulling a chair from the side and placing it behind him. He rubbed lube up and down his cock then grinned as he bent over the husky and placed his muzzle next to his ear, "You do know what I'm planning to do with this don't you?"

Daniel whimpered and nodded covering his face in his arms. Michael shrugged and placed the tip next to the husky's tail hole, "Don't worry. I'll promise two things since you were so good with your mouth. I'll let you adjust, and I'll let you finish."

With that the German Shepherd shoved in his lubed up cock up into Daniel. The husky cried out and clawed at the wall, but Michael held him steady gripping the husky holding him steady, "Relax Reedy, or you'll just make it worse for you!"

Daniel panted and gripped the wall whimpering, "Mr.... Mr. Koch! P-"

"Michael!" The German Shepherd growled and moved his hips making Daniel cry out again. The younger man panted softly and relaxed himself gnawing his teeth, "M...Michael please... Go slowly."

Michael panted into the husky's fur, then grinned rubbing the taller person's body, "Like I promised. I'll give you time to adjust. It's not everyday that you take 10 inches."

Daniel shuddered and breathed heavily, clawing at the wall, 'god he's so big. I didn't think that it would be this bad, but god! He's so hot I wouldn't mind doing this again.'

Michael looked at the taller man and patted his stomach, "Ready?"

The husky nodded and the German Shepherd started pulling out again before pushing in growling with dominance. He shuddered as he continued to keep pushing his cock inside Daniel. The older man wrapped his arm around the husky and placed his hand on the his cock, jerking it along with every thrust he gave him. Daniel yelp and murred at the pleasure his boss was giving him. He felt his boss's struggled breath and knew that he was really telling the truth, it had been a while for him. Yet to Daniel, he also felt great that he was finally getting to live his fantasies. Michael gritted his teeth and started to hasten his thrusts, "God you're so tight, and I'm loving it!"

The German Shepherd pulled Daniel back and sat down as he continued to thrust, much to the husky's discomfort. Michael yelped out and felt his knot start hitting the husky's tail hole making him push harder and jerk harder on Daniel's cock. Daniel felt the knot form and knew all to well that it was going to enter him. He pushed down enjoying the pleasure that his boss was giving him. A pop was heard and the husky yelped again, however his yelp was covered by the howl that came from the German Shepherd behind him. Daniel felt the warm fluid fill him and even some of it had started trickling down. Michael panted heavily and leaned back into the chair they were sitting in. His eyes were closed and Daniel looked back to see him smiling content with himself. Michael opened his eyes and pulled the husky so he was leaning onto him, "Now, like I promised. You're turn."

The shep tugged at the husky's cock and used his other hand to fondle the helpless man making him squirm and shudder, "O...oh Michael."

Daniel's knot formed within seconds and Michael's hand started to squeeze at it making the younger man bark out in pleasure, "I...I'm close!"

The German Shepherd tugged harder and Daniel howled as he shot cum on to his chest and stomach. The older man grinned and pulled his hands back letting Daniel go limp on top of him, enjoying the afterglow. Soon the shep's knot deflated and he pushed the man off and fixing his pants back up, "You're keeping your job. Finish the rest of your work tonight and I'll see you tomorrow. Now go get yourself cleaned up Reedy."

Daniel grabbed his clothes thanking the German Shepherd and exited the office. He breathed a heavy sigh and walked towards the men's restroom, "I wonder... what is he thinking now?"

Michael sat at his desk and grinned at the husky's file. He pulled out a stamp and slammed it on top, "Approved to keep". The German Shepherd put the file away and pulled another out smirking even broader, "Time to fire another employee."