Calling The Bluff

Story by Locobanya on SoFurry

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I know it ends really abruptly. That's because I was going to add yiff, but then I decided I wanted to keep it clean. That, and I'm really bad at writing yiff. I'll probably get around to putting that up later though.

Calling the Bluff

A resounding 'Crack!' fills the stadium. Everyone stands up, eager to watch the excitement unfold on the field below. Standing on third, I immediately take off towards home as the ball sails over my head. Reaching easily, I bend down and remove the aluminum bat from the base path. Looking up, I see my teammate, Max thundering around third and headed straight towards me. As I cheer him on, trying to get him to run faster, I look into the outfield for the ball. My heart falls as I see the outfielder pick it up. Suddenly, something blazes past my vision. I blink and follow the blur with my eyes only to discover that it's Kevin, already around second and on his way to third. All else fades as I watch him run. His long, graceful strides covering great distances with each fall of a foot paw. His arms pumping in perfect rhythm to propel him forward. His tail swishing about behind him. His face, a perfect representation of his determination and desire to reach home. The world comes back in a loud roar as I hear myself call out to my friend, urging him on. His right foot paw touches third and pushes off hard, changing direction and propelling him towards home. Tearing my eyes form Kevin, I see the centerfielder launch the ball towards the infield. My eyes dart between the two projectiles racing home. Kevin is closing the distance fast, bit the ball is faster. Kevin is halfway and the ball bounces on the dirt infield. 30 feet to go and the ball bounces a second time over the pitcher's mound. 15 feet and the ball reaches home but it is off target. The catcher dives on top of it. 5 feet and Kevin throws his arms out in front of him and leaps for the plate. The catcher does the same. Both bodies landing on the hard ground at once throw up a large dust cloud. Everyone falls silent as we await the umpire's decision.


A thunderous roar erupts from the dugout as fifteen players and coaches simultaneously cheer at the top of their lungs. The whole team sprints out of the dugout and heads toward Kevin. Being the closest, I reach him first. He is still laying face down in the dirt, paw out stretched and touching the plate. I hook my own paws under his arms and haul him to his feet. Beaming, I stare into his icy blue eyes only to find the same emotion staring back at me.

"You did it!" I bellow at the top of my lungs.

I wrap my arms around my friend and hold him tight only to get tackled from behind by the rest of our team. Everyone dives on top of what is soon a writhing mass of sweat, dirt and fur and, at its center, I still hold the hero of the day, my best friend, in my arms.

"You should have seen it! It was amazing!" I say excitedly into the phone. "Bottom of the last inning, two outs, we were down by two in the championship game. I was on third, Max was on second and Kevin was up to bat. Kevin goes deep in the count and then smashes the ball into the gap! I had never seen him run so fast before! It was an inside the park homerun! We are going to the state tournament!"

"That's great Eric! I wish I could have been there. So when's the state tournament?" I hear back from the receiver.

"Not for a couple of weeks. Oh, Dad?"


"Could I stay over at Kevin's house tonight?"

I hear a chuckle from the other end and then, "I had a feeling you would want to. Sure, that's fine."

"Awesome, thanks Dad. So I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, see you then Eric, and congratulations."

I close my phone and look to my right. I meet Kevin's eyes and smile and nod. He smiles back at me and we get into his parent's car.

"So you're coming over Eric?" I hear Kevin's dad, Bill say.

"Oh, sorry. Is that okay?" I say, a little embarrassed.

He laughs and nods, "Of course it's okay. I'm just messing with you." He reaches a paw back, "I believe high-fives are in order. That really was an amazing game."

We both slap his paw at the same time. I speak up, "Yeah, and if it wasn't for this kid, I don't think we would have pulled it out." I turn to face Kevin, "Seriously though, since when could you run so fast? You must have been around second by the time I crossed home."

He laughs and looks over at me, "What can I say? I guess I'm just a natural born runner. Unlike someone I know." He adds with a grin.

"Hey, come on Kevin, be nice." Bill chimes in, but I just laugh.

"Well at least I'm not built like a stick."

"Yeah, you're more like a bowling ball."

"Aww, come on, you know you wish you had it." I say, looking down at my impressive gut."

Kevin just laughs and makes some witty remark. We banter back and forth the whole trip to Kevin's house, getting some bad looks from Bill. Upon arrival, we hop out of the car and into the cool summer evening. We unload our gear bags from the trunk and haul them inside. When everything is out of the car, we make a beeline for the living room with the T.V. and X-Box. We are about to sit down and start playing when we hear Bill calling to us.

"Don't even think about it you two. You had two games today and frankly, you reek. Now I want you to head straight upstairs and take a shower."

Kevin and I let out a few grumbles as we set down the controllers already in our paws. We walk side-by-side to the stairs where I suddenly streak past him.

"I call first!" I shout as I take the stairs two at a time. Kevin tries to get past but cannot find a way around me. Reaching the top, I make an all out sprint to the bathroom, Kevin hot on my heels. I leap inside, whirl around and close the door in his face.

Grinning, I let out a single triumphant, "Ha!" through the door. I hear a few grumbles and the sound of paws shuffling away as I turn to face the rest of the bathroom. It never ceases to amaze me how simply massive everything is in his house. I stand there, taking it all in, until something assaults my nostrils. Reeling, I search for the source only to discover that the foul stench is emanating from me.

"Damn! That's bad!" I exclaim as I tear the foul clothes from my body. Walking over to the expansive shower, I glance at myself in the mirror. A large Kodiak looks back, just under 6 feet tall, just over 350 pounds, and a gut to rival any his age. Tearing my eyes away, I get the hot water running and step in. The water mats down my thick fur, warming me from every angle. I waste no time in washing, knowing about the ten minute time limit that Bill has, and enforces, on showers. I squeeze a large dollop of shampoo into my paw and get a good lather going. I work the viscous fluid into my fur, banishing any lingering dirt to the drain. My paws work their cleansing magic up and down each arm, across my broad shoulders and chest, over my round belly, down and all around each powerful leg and finishing with my foot paws. Standing back up, I feel a grin break across my muzzle. Having saved the best part for last, I reach down under my gut for something barely visible to my own eyes, but still very much there. My paws make contact with the fuzzy tube that is my sheath and work the suds in very thoroughly. I massage the skin as I feel something begin to swell inside. Reluctantly, I pull my paws away.

"Not quite enough time left for that." I say with a sigh.

I rinse on my large body and shut off the water. Grabbing a towel, I walk through the door and across the hallway to Kevin's bedroom. I find the husky sitting on the bed, playing one of his many videogames.

"You're up." I call to him. "Do you have any clothes I can put on?"

As he pauses the game, he answers, "Yeah, my dad brought some for you."

He stands up and we trade places; he heads off to the bathroom and I pick up the controller. Losing myself in the world of the game, ten minutes pass before I know it so, when Kevin walks back into his room, I am still sitting on his bed, completely naked but for the towel stretched across my lap.

"Really, Eric?"

The sound of his voice makes me jump. I turn my head to see Kevin standing in the doorway, dripping wet and wearing only a towel.

"C'mon man, get your clothes, go in the bathroom and get dressed."

"Wait just a sec. I'm almost done with this level."

He lets out a sigh and comes back with, "Okay, if you don't leave, I'll just get dressed with you in here."

I chuckle inside, we had played this game many times before. One would threaten to do something and the other would top it until one of us would back down. More often than not, I would lose. Today, however, I felt particularly adventurous.

"Go ahead." Is all I say, turning back to the game.

"Okay." I hear from behind me. Then I hear the door close. The next sound I hear is not one that I had expected. I hear the sound of a wet towel hitting the floor.

Not wanting to believe that he had actually called me calling his bluff, I drop the controller and turn back around. The sight that befalls me is one I know I will never forget. My best friend is standing before me, perfectly nude, dripping wet and unmoving. My eyes feast on his body as they dart from his lean, muscled arms to his narrow, fit chest and then down to his surprisingly large sheath. My mind is filled with and intense sense of longing that I had never felt towards Kevin before.

Looking into his face, I see that smug look of victory transform into one of confusion. Afraid that my gaze had lingered too long, I stand up saying, "Okay, you win. I'll go change in th-" I step on my towel while standing up, tugging it off of my lap and exposing myself to Kevin. I stand perfectly still as I watch his eyes dart around my body in much the same way I had done to him. The excitement of seeing the first nude male fur in my life, coupled with the fact that it's my best friend become too much and I feel a swelling in my sheath. Looking down, I am horrified to see a pink tip poking out. Snapping back to reality, I hurriedly bend down, pick up my towel and clothes and dash into the bathroom. I almost swear I see disappointment in his eyes as I bolt out.

Fear overwhelms my senses as I rack my brain for answers. 'What was I feeling towards Kevin? Am I actually, attracted to him? But I'm not gay. Am I? And why was he staring at me like that? Does he, does he feel something too?' a storm rages inside my mind, my feelings battling against my thoughts. Eventually, my rational mind takes over and I come to the conclusion that Kevin was just curious and I was reading too much into it. Satisfied, I begin to get dressed but, while doing so, I cannot help but hope, deep down, that I am wrong.

Sometime later, I emerge from the bathroom fully clothed and dry. I hear sounds coming from Kevin's room so I poke my head in and see the fully dressed husky sitting on his bed, playing the same game. Tentatively, I walk up beside him and sit down. Unsure of how to proceed, I ask him,

"So how's the game going?"

"Awful, you died about a thousand times."

I laugh, relieved to be moving on. While Kevin plays, I cannot help but steal glances at his body, forming the image in my mind of what lies beneath. Every time I look, I feel a twinge of guilt. I feel like I'm betraying his trust by not saying anything about what happened. The feeling builds inside of me. It builds until I can feel nothing else; I have to say something soon or I will explode. Finally, I can stand it no longer and I blurt out,

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier."

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier."

I blink a few times in surprise. I look over at Kevin and he looks back at me. We just stare at each other for a few moments before breaking into laughter. As we laugh, I can feel the tension between us dissipate and we can both finally relax.

Eventually, our laughter dies down to the point where we can speak again and I say to Kevin, "Seriously though, sorry about that. It was kinda weird."

"Don't worry about it." He replies. After a pause he says, "I- I actually thought it was kinda, well, cool. I had never seen another fur naked before." He adds, blushing and turning away.

That last statement sets my mind on fire with thoughts. Maybe he had like what he had seen, or maybe he was just being a good friend. Just as I am about to ask what he means, he speaks up,

"You know, that's an impressive gut you have there. I mean, I've seen some of the other bears around school and no one even comes close."

"You like it huh?" I say, looking down and holding it in my paws. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. Given everything else that has happened, it can't hurt to try.

"You, uhh, you want to touch it?" I ask and immediately blush. I look to Kevin to see his response and, for a split second, I see a smile flash across his muzzle.

"Sure." Is all he says. Pausing the game, he sets down the controller and turns to face me. Tentatively, he lifts a paw and lightly places it on my belly. For a while, he just leaves it there, allowing the warmth to flow into his paw. I lift my eyes from his paw to his face and find him staring at my gut, looking as if he has fallen into some kind of trance.

Eventually, he lifts his other paw and places it on my gut as well. He begins to softly knead the fat beneath his fingers, moving on to new areas. I say nothing as he explores, allowing myself to get lost in the wonderful, new sensation. A smile breaks out across my muzzle as I look back from those paws to Kevin's face only to find that the husky has shifted his gaze to my face. Seeing my contented smile, he smiles and removes his paws. I almost let out a whimper at the loss of their warmth but I manage to keep my composure.

"Thank you." Is all I hear from Kevin before he turns back to the game. I can think of nothing to say so I remain silent; content, at least for now, to simply enjoy the moment.

The rest of the night goes by as usual, videogames, dinner, shenanigans and more videogames. Every so often, however, I catch myself staring at Kevin when he isn't looking. I think back, picturing his paw on my belly, kneading, stroking, almost caressing the fur. I picture his lean, fit body, standing before me. Then I feel a warm feeling travel from my chest to my sheath. Once it gets that far, I shake my head, banish all of the thoughts from my mind and tell myself that nothing happened.

But I know something did.

Later that night, hours after Bill told us to go to bed, Kevin and I are sitting on his bed, watching a horror movie.

"This movie is so boring. I think it's actually making me tired." Kevin says with a yawn.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Let's just shut it off and go to bed."

"Good plan." Kevin gets up and shuts off the DVD player and T.V. and takes off his shirt before getting back in the bed. I can't help but sneak a glance before he gets under the blanket. It's a warm summer night so I decide to do the same.

"Goodnight, Kevin."

"Goodnight, Eric."

I lay my head down on the pillow and wait for sleep to come. The only problem is, it doesn't. My mind will not stop thinking of the shirtless husky only a few feet away. Again, I am thrown back to earlier that day. The image is perfect in my mind; Kevin sitting on the bed next to me, his paw slowly approaching my body. A smile crosses my muzzle as I remember the initial contact, how he just left his paw there, enjoying the feeling. The other paw arrives, and the two begin to explore me, sending shivers through my body. That feeling; that feeling was fantastic. My eyes fly open as a thought crosses my mind. 'I want it again. No. I need it again.' Now my heart and mind are at odds. My heart desperately needs the touch again to be at rest, but my mind will not let me speak for fear of what might happen if I ask. Gathering up all of my courage and willpower, I open my mouth and utter one word.


Nothing. Not letting myself get discouraged, I call out again, this time louder.


"Yeah?" I hear back faintly.

I roll over to face him and ask, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." He says as he rolls to his other side, bringing us face to face.

"I- I got a question I want to ask you."

In the dark, I can see the outline of his body shift as he props his head up on one paw and says, "What's that?"

"Remember earlier, after our shower, when we were playing the game?"


"And you, well, touched me?"

There is a slight pause before, "Yeah."

It's a good thing it's dark because I'm blushing a deep shade of red. "Well, do you-, do you think you could, um, do that again?"

In the dark, I see a row of teeth softly reflecting the glow of the digital clock. Kevin is either smiling, or growling at me. Fearing the worst, I begin to speak very quickly.

"Never mind! Forget I ever said it! Let's just go to-"

I am cut off by a strange, but now familiar sensation. I look down and see a paw resting softly on my belly. Confused, I look up and meet Kevin's eyes in the darkness. He is smiling, I smile back. I watch as he removes his other paw from beneath his head and brings it over as well. The paws begin to explore as they never could have earlier. They slowly begin to rub my large, round stomach. Kevin flexes each paw, almost as if he is molding my girth. The feeling is so intense that I close my eyes and lean my head back in ecstasy. Kevin's paws travel all around my massive gut, paying special attention to each little hair they come across. I lift my head again as he begins to move higher on my body. I look directly into his eyes and he stares back. Even in the darkness, his eyes say more than his mouth ever could. As his paws reach my broad chest, I reach out with a single paw. I place it on his chest, directly over his heart. I can feel it beating strongly beneath my paw and it gives me courage to continue. I rub the fur on his chest gently, marveling at its softness; at the way my paw seems to glide over the fur. I bring my other paw up and the two begin much the same dance that Kevin's execute upon my own chest. It is as if I am meeting him for the first time for with every second that passes, old boundaries are shattered, new discoveries are made and I begin to feel a closeness I never thought possible.