...You're in for a big surprise.

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#2 of Lion God

It was the witching hour as people used to say, which meant it was roughly one am. The roads were almost completely empty and everyone was wrapped up in bed as a chill settled over the city. Sean was no exception to this and was also in bed. However he was not wrapped up warmly, his body was burning up. His red fur was clumped against his head and his claws dug into the mattress. His five inch fox hood was rock hard and pulsed in the warm air of his bedroom. If anyone had been in a position to look they would have seen a tight ring squeezing the base and moving up to the tip and down again, stopping just before his knot.

The fox's eyes were squeezed shut and he was grunting softly as he thrust his hips back and forth. If you had some special ability to be able to see into dreams or see beyond the normal trappings of reality you would have seen a far different scene. Instead of a normal bed with white sheets and rather conservative covers there was a large four poster bed. The sheets were the finest black silk and the covers were covered in ornate designs. And, perhaps most importantly, straddled over the fox was the same lion who had popped his cherry not a few hours before in the park.

His own long cock was hard and it bounced as he lifted himself and then pushed down against the fox. His tail hole was tighter than the fox could ever have believed possibly, sure his cock was thick despite it's length but still. He didn't even remember entering the lion, just that he had opened his eyes to the world and it was different and part of the difference was a lying riding up and down his rapidly stiffening cock.

"I told you you'd have it inside me" The lion growled out, his voice diminished in the small room but still sensual enough to turn the fox's spine to putty. "It's almost perfect you know. Just a tad thicker and you wouldn't even need to try and hit the prostate. Length is over rated in my opinion" His voice was the same infuriating calm that it had been while he had been hammering his hole. Despite the ire it fuelled in the fox it was also an unbelievable turn on, that something so raw and pleasurable left the lion still in control.

"Now then. You've got questions and I've got answers" the lion continued as he slowed his hips, moving from the tip to the knot one last time and then coming to a complete stop and just held himself there. Strong leg muscles tensed to hold himself up and a hand guided the fox's black furred paw to his leaking member. "How about I just explain everything and when I'm done if you have questions I will answer them. Then you can blow your load and fall asleep again"

The fox whimpered and pushed his hips back and forth as best he could but the lion just tightened his ring and stopped even a hair's width from moving out of him. He knew he was defeated, again, and nodded up at the lion. His once again emerald eyes did not shy away from the lions own golden orbs as he began to speak.

"I am a spirit, a phantom or some such of their ilk. At one point I was praised and worshipped as a god of fertility. People made sacrifices in my honour and I grew powerful. I gave people pleasure freely, I fulfilled their wildest dreams. But time passed and people stopped paying attention to us spirits and the benefits we can bring."

The lion slowly began to raise and lower his hips again. The space of a full minute passed between each peak, the tight ring squeezed down around Sean's tip. The fox gasped and thrust up as the lion pushed down and sank himself as deep as he could.

"Without their tribute and praise I found myself weakening and bound. At first to a large area but it shrank and shrank until it was that park and then that spot. It took all my power to make that bench you know. I survived with the lust of the men and women fornicating in the park and ohhh... that is nice"

The lion stopped and a deep purr formed in his chest. The fox had begun stroking his length with both paws. One held the base, squeezed it, and made the entire length harden and throb. The other started to stroke the rest of the shaft, up and down in time with the large feline's hips.

"Nice isn't it? Having one of your fantasies fulfilled? I looked into your mind and saw what you wanted. Am I what you wanted? I can be whatever you want..." The lion leaned down and gently kissed the groaning fox and then blurred. Instead of a lion was a brilliant green dragon, then a jet black panther, a tall lithe otter, a lean but muscled cheetah and then back to the lion again. "You gave me the greatest tribute a mortal can offer. Right when I was about to fade away for good."

"You.. oh.. gods.. You're welcome? Damn.. All these years, I never knew what I was missing." Sean stammered back. His cock thickened as his balls pulled up tight as his climax started to grow. The lion felt the short but thick cock as it swelled inside him and came to a stop again and held himself down as far as he could.

"Ah ah ah, don't go releasing just yet" The lion murmured as he kissed the fox again. He took his time with this kiss, muzzles pressed against each other and locking as tongues pressed and ran along each other. The lion's hands stroked across the fox's chest slowly, his fingers worked through the white fur and dull claw tips moved across the skin underneath.

"Anyway, now I'm all yours. Your own personal lustful deity. Anyone you'd wanted, anyone you've desired is now just a thought away." The lion continued and then started to pound his hips up and down along the short stocky black length. The fox shuddered as his entire body quivered in time to the pulses his cock sent along his body. His cock swelled and a thick shot of cum spurted up into the lion, then another and another. As the fox thrust his hips his seed was pushed out of the lions hole coating his groin and balls as the second most powerful orgasm in his life washed over him.

The lion threw back his head and dug his claws into the fox's chest as he bucked back onto the pulsing thick member. Each movement made the short thickness press against his prostate which made the lions cock jerk in the fox's paws. The fox was completely out of it in his own orgasm but his paws continued to jerk on the large hot manhood in his paws. The lions glans slid in and out of the fleshy foreskin again and again until with a snarl a thick rope of cum shot from the lions cock and splattered across Sean's face. Then another and another, each one coated either the fox's muzzle, chest or belly.

The fox gasped and gave one last thrust and then his eyes burst wide open. He looked around his boringly mundane bedroom and couldn't see the lion anywhere. True his cock was now throbbing against his belly, coated in seed as was his chest and face, but that could have just been an incredible wet dream. While the fox thought about whether the lion was real or some kind of dream or just wishful thinking he yawned and stretched out and grabbed some tissues and cleaned himself up as best he could before with another large yawn his eyes slipped shut and he fell asleep.

A sharp beeping pierced the room and this along with bright light from the window slowly creeping over the fox's face made him wake up. He stretched out and opened his eyes slowly. Today was the start of his day off so he didn't remember why he had set his alarm. But he was awake now and knew he was never going back to sleep.

He yawned as he stood and padded into the small bathroom attached to his bedroom. He stopped and looked at himself in the mirror. His red facial was clumped together here and there where he had just wiped the seed off hi. His green eyes looked up and down his body and noticed that his sheath was... a little bigger and his belly a little less plump. His hand reached down and cradled himself, wondering if it was just the angle or a trick of the light.

He murred softly as he slipped his hand around his sheath and stroked it back and forth slowly until he reached his full length. He was sure there was an extra inch to his dark length and it was noticeably thicker. He looked up in the mirror and noticed his eyes were no longer green but were shifting to golden and then in the mirror the smiling face of the lion appeared.

"Like my gift? I wandered your brain while you were sleeping and you were never happy with your size. So I improved it for you." The lion said as the fox looked around, the lion no where to be seen but in the mirror. "Not that it made a difference last night. You would have made any male happy, and that is coming from a god of lust."

"You.. made me bigger?" The fox stuttered out, not believing his ears or his eyes.

"Yes, an extra inch and a little bit more around. I thought it might make you a little more confident, let you indulge yourself more often."

"I guess it will... umm.. thank you" The fox stuttered out as he padded over and started the shower. He stepped in and moaned audibly as the hot water cascaded through his fur. Then strong hands started stroking along his back and the scent of soap filled the fox's nostrils. He murred and reflexively leaned back only to press against the cold glass door.

"Sorry, I'm still fairly weak" The lion said apologeticly as the paws kept working through his fur, washing him completely while the fox just stood and enjoyed the lions touch. A sudden ringing broke through his pleasure as his mobile phone began to ring in the next room. He quickly dashed out of the shower and paused for a moment to grab his towel.

"Sean! You have to come in right now!" Blurted out a loud voice as soon as the fox had hit the receive button. "Julian and Julia called in sick so I need you to come in to cover for them." The voice continued in a more normal tone. The fox recognised the voice as that of his boss. He was always calling up and demanding Sean cover shifts or having him stay behind unpaid to do the work of other people.

Sean sighed and shook his head. Today was his first day off in a fortnight and he had been looking forward to just relaxing and watching some TV or logging onto second life.

"Sean?" Came the loud voice again.

"Today's my day off sir. I haven't had a day off in a fortnight"

"But you only work part time"

"I'm at university the rest of the time."

The fox shivered in the towel as his boss started to beg and plead with him to come in, that if he could just come in for an hour or two to mind the phones he'd find someone else to come in.

"Fine... Fine. Just for two hours, I have things I need to do" the fox replied and then hung up the phone. With his good mood ruined he dried himself the rest of the way off and pulled on the same clothes as yesterday, the shirt slightly crumpled from having being left on the floor and not hung up. He was aware that the lion was hovering above his bed while he was doing this but the lion didn't say a word so he just ignored him.

"So... do you come with me?" He said as he brushed his short but easily messed up hair in the mirror.

"I go where ever you go now Sean" the lion replied and then moved up behind the fox and wrapped his arms around him. "You could have said no."

"Yeah, but then he would've threatened to fire me or cut my hours next week or something" Said the fox with a sigh as he finished brushing he hair. He laid down the brush and turned and slipped his arms around the lion. He felt cool, like a soft chill and nothing like the warm furry body hat had been against him last night. "Can you... I don't know. Put on clothes or be invisible or something. I think seeing a naked lion all day long might make it difficult to concentrate."

The lion didn't reply but was suddenly clothed. There was no sound or bright lights or special effects, just one second the lion was naked, his uncut member on display and muscular body gleaming in the morning light, and the next second he was wearing exactly the same as the fox, a simple shirt and dress pants.

"That'll do. We need to do something about your clothes" the fox said as he exited the room. The lion remained for a few seconds and said to himself "You too" before following.

Two buses and a short walk later Sean was sitting at a desk answering phones. His job at the company didn't have a title he could remember, junior something or other. He knew it mainly consisted of answering phones, typing things up for Senior something or other's or other less junior something or other's, photocopying and occasionally changing the coffee filter. He didn't know if the last one was listed under his work duties but he performed it so often it may as well have been. He only worked part time and had gotten the job thanks to his sister, who was an associate senior something or other whatever that meant. It wasn't too bad all things considered. People were polite, the work was mind numbing and boring but not soul crushing. In fact the only real problem was...

"Sean" came the voice of his boss from behind him. "Glad you could come in today! I've been calling and calling to get someone else in, I'll let you know as soon as it happens, that very second." The voice continued.

Sean turned on his swivel chair and looked at his boss, being very careful to keep a look of disbelief and annoyance off his face. The ferret in front of him was actually quite attractive. He was tall and lithe like most of his race. His fur was very well kept and his face was quite attractive, the dark mask around his eyes the same dark grey as the fur on his body that wasn't white. It was one of the things that annoyed the fox about the ferret, he used his good looks to get his own way.

His boss was married to quite a stunning lady ferret. Sean had met her once at a staff function and she seemed polite but meek. Her husband though had a reputation in the office for being quite the ladies man. He flirted and complimented freely with all the women he found attractive and treated either men as a threat or, like he saw the chubby fox, a resource to be used. Office rumour had it that despite how much he flirted he never cheated on his wife, but Sean wasn't sure if he believed that.

"Well I shall leave you to it, keep up the good work champ!" The ferret said with fake mirth before turning and leaving the small cubicle. The lion had been exploring the building and returned just as the ferret walked out. The ferret paused for a second and looked around, wondering where the sudden Chill had come from, and then continued on his way.

"He's hot, but a complete asshole" The lion rumbled as he moved and sat on the desk in front of the fox. His clothes had changed and were a lot more stylish now, obviously he had seen clothes he liked and copied them. "Thinks he's god's gift to women but leaves them mostly unsatisfied and feeling used."

"Yeah well, he's my boss unfortunately. I have to do what he says"

"Well, that's not entirely true now is it" said the lion a little enigmaticly. Before the fox could ask him what he meant by that though the phone was ringing. By the time he had answered and dealt with the person on the other end it had slipped his mind.

Three hours passed slowly. Every now and again the ferret popped his head in saying he was doing what he can, a temp is on the way, he really appreciated the hard work. Every time the fox bit back a growl and smiled and nodded. Every time the lion bared his teeth at the poser, seeing him for exactly who he was.

"You've been here three hours now Sean" the spirit said with a sigh. He was laid out completely over the fox's desk. His white shirt was unbuttoned and the fox was idly stroking the soft fur while he typed with the other. "I want to go places. See things. I want you to show me them. Go and tell your boss we are leaving."

The fox sighed and looked at his watch. It was almost lunch time. If he didn't say anything soon the ferret would pop his head in and ask him to come back after lunch "Just for ten minutes" and he'd lose the entire day. Well, he couldn't be having with that. He nodded to the lion and stood and walked out of his cubicle, through the maze of walls to his bosses office and knocked. All the days before he had done this his hands had been shaking and he would be sweating but today he felt oddly calm.

He knocked and a voice said "Enter". The small office wasn't very impressive; his boss really wasn't a big wig in the company at all. It did have a nice view but anyone with a window had a nice view. In truth it wasn't too much larger than his cubicle but with more privacy. On the desk was some paper work, a laptop computer and a picture of his wife blowing a kiss.

"Ah Sean, was just about to come and see you. Do you think you could come in for like ten minutes after lunch? Just to make sure we have someone else on the phones" The ferret said with a pleading look on his face.

For the first time in his life the fox had had enough. In one step he had halved the distance between them and then in another he was right up in the ferrets face.

"You.. you.. you fucking douche!" Growled out the fox and he grabbed the ferret's chair and pushed it back towards the wall. It hit with a whack that the fox felt through the floor, the force of the blow almost threw the ferret out of his chair. Sean felt all the anger and rage he had towards his boss rolling through him. He didn't notice that the lion had chosen this moment to step into him, but he did notice himself feeling stronger, more confident and a lot hornier.

"He.. hey! C'mon Sean lets be reasonable. You don't have to come back after lunch" The ferret blurted out, his eyes looking towards the phone and the door but finding his path to either was blocked by the now golden eyed fox.

"Reasonable? I came in on my day off, I always cover for everyone and you think I am going to be reasonable? Fuck reasonable!" The fox snarled back and grinned as the answer became crystal clear. His fingers moved to unbutton his blue shirt as he stepped forward licking his lips. "No, I know exactly what payment I want"

The ferret swallowed. His hands shook as he looked at the advancing fox. He had never noticed before but the fox was a little taller than him and despite his pudge was probably stronger than his scrawny build. He really only had one choice and he took it. He charged forward and hoped the surprise would be enough to thwart the fox and he could get out of the office.

However he was not fast enough and the fox grabbed him and used his own momentum to send him into the desk. He cried out in pain as the air was pushed out of his lungs and slumped over against the desk, wheezing for breath that wouldn't come. While he was trying to breath he felt the fox press behind him, his weight pining him against the desk.

Sean growled down at the pinned ferret and ran his claws along his back through the shirt, leaving claws marks through the fabric his wife so lovingly ironed every week for him. The ferret could also feel something hot pressing against his rump, short but thick and very hot.

"S.. stop. Please stop. If you stop now then..." But the ferret didn't get to finish his plea as a strong paw wrapped around his throat and cut off his air. He struggled and gasped out for air as the paws released him. He barely noticed and didn't resist in the slightest as those same paws moved and took his scissors off his desk. He winced as he thought of all the things the fox might do now that he was at his mercy. He heard the scissors cut once... twice... and a third time and yet everything on him was still attached. A split second later though and his pants were down around his ankles and his belt was cut in half on the floor. The thick short fox meat ground against him, only the fox's pants separating his pert rump from the thick fox cock.

Sean was loving every second of this. The sense of power and domination was intoxicating and his cock throbbed in his pants, harder than an iron bar. He dropped the scissors back on the desk and drew his hips back just long enough to pull down his own pants. He watched his thick black cock press against the ferrets nude rump, he had never imagined that his boss had such quite a nice ass and now that it was his to play with he intended to enjoy it. He lowered himself down and bit down on his bosses neck and heard the older male gasp out while his entire body trembled in fear. The fox couldn't help himself and wrapped his arms around his skinny body, surprised at how small the ferrets midsection actually was. One arm just held the ferret in position while the other wrapped around his flaccid member and squeezed softly.

The organ flexed and swelled just a little in his grasp and more squeezes and strokes made the organ grow despite the ferrets struggling. In length it far surpassed the fox's own stubby cock, which was currently dribbling pre through the ferrets ass crack, but in girth it lacked severely. The fox easily wrapped his fingers around it, his fingers overlapping by quite a margin.

"This is what all the girls in the office are whimpering for?" Sean growled out into his bosses ear. The ferret gasped and nodded as he felt the tip of the fox's thick cock stroke down past his entrance. "You fucked any of them?" The fox asked, his voice getting deeper as he ground his hips harder. The vulgarity of the words got to the ferret, he'd never heard the fox raise his voice before let alone swear.

"Most of them. Here on this desk." He squeaked back, trying to sound macho but failing epicly. He tried to remember the last chick he had ploughed on his desk. Some feline intern who had begged and gasped out his name. "Simon!" she had hissed as he sunk every last inch into her. However the cock burrowing against his hole made it impossible for him to think of anything but what his immediate future would hold.

"Where do you keep the lube?" The fox growled out as he gave one last bite to the ferrets neck. Not if he had lube, not if he wanted lube, just where did he keep it. He pointed to the top drawer and was rewarded by a few deliciously slow strokes along his skinny length. He heard the drawer open and things shuffle around and then silence that seemed to last forever. The hips that had been holding him down pulled back and the sound of a pop of the lid coming off the bottle echoed in the room. It may as well have been a gun shot to the ferret who began to struggle to get away. There was no way he was becoming the fox's bitch! But the paw stroking his length moved up and grabbed his hanging orbs and squeezed until the ferret cried out and settled against the desk again.

The fox watched the defeated ferret as he poured the small lube bottle over his stubby length. He was sure the lion had made him even thicker again or maybe that was just an effect of how aroused he was. His knot was massive now, possibly bigger than his fist, and pulsed with need. He worked the lube along his modest length, his fingers not managing to seal around his length, and guided it into the ferrets cheeks. The ferret's cheeks were already spread from the position he was in and the dark tip pressed against the pink pulsing hole like an arrow arcing into a bullseye. Well given the sizes more so like a canon ball tearing into a castles weak spot.

The ferret's eyes went wide and he struggled again in vein. The fox bought both of his paws down onto the ferrets hips and held him down easily. "Stop! Fucking stop ok! Enough is enough and... ah... fuck no!" The ferret cried out and thrust his face down into his paper work and let out a full body groan "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!". Only the fact that it was now the lunch hour and the office was all but empty let the fox get away with what he was doing.

Sean at this moment had started to bury his engorged tip into the tight pink ring. He found the tight ring resisted his large size though. So he started to use short little thrusts to break through the resistance. Each one was a little harder, each one pushed his tip a little further, each one made the ferret whimper out and claw at the desk as something bigger than two of his cocks glued together started to stretch him open. He squeezed down with his ring as hard as he could, determined to keep the fox out.

But history has shown fox's are determined and crafty when it comes to getting into places they aren't wanted. Despite this being the fox's first real time mounting anyone he found what he was doing almost eerily natural. His hips continued to thrust back and forth just that tiny little bit again and again and the fox' watched as finally the ring stretched around him enough to get his head in. Once he got his fat knob into the ring the rest of his shaft followed. The ferret cried out in pain and squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the thick cock slide it's way home deep inside somewhere he had never imagined anything being before.

"Ohhhh... how does that feel now huh Mr Robins? Or should I call you Simon like I bet all the girls have called you" The fox growled out as he rolled his hips, letting the ferret feel just how truly big he was. The ferret whimpered and whined as the massive prong rolled around inside him. His cock hung flaccid beneath him and tears of pain came to his eyes.

"God.. take it out. Please... please..." he whispered but his words fell on deaf ears as the fox pulled back to the tip and thrust forward again. He loved how that tight ring felt around him, better than a paw or a flesh light. Heck it was even better than the lions loose ring that morning. He grunted and pulled back and thrust forward again, letting his almost fist thick knot grind against the ferrets stretched and tortured ass.

"Oh don't say that. Think of all the times you've fucked me up the ass Mr Robins" Growled out the fox as he pulled back and thrust forward, enjoying the soft cries and gasps the ferret gave out when he went all the way in. The ferret was beginning to feel strange as his cock was getting hard again. Every thrust the fox gave ran the fox's five inch length against the ferrets previously unstimulated prostate and his body had decided it was actually liking it despite what his mind was yelling at him.

The fox panted as he thrust forward and back a few times in silence. He lowered his body down over the ferret, his large belly pressed against his boss's back, and started to speak again, using each thrust as an exclamation mark. "All the extra unpaid hours" slam "All the coffee runs" Squelch "Treating me like shit" a gasp from the ferret as his cock spurted pre across the desk leg "Acting like gods gift to women with a pencil dick" and with the last one he fell silent and just bucked back and forth.

His claws dug into the ferrets hips as he felt his orgasm growing. He snarled and sped up, his hips slamming against the ferret with al of he strength which forced his body to rock back and forth on the desk. Soon the intensity swelled to it's climax and a sharp thrust threw the solid desk off it's feet for a few second and then back down. The thick black cock that had just spread the ferret out so completely was now spewing what felt like red hot fluid to the ferret into his ass. Simon's cock was now rock hard despite his moan of protest and was dripping to the floor as he thrust back against the swelling pulsing fox cock.

With a gasp the fox pulled back and watched as his cock pulled out of the ferret, leaving his gaping hole spasming and his seed dripping out of it. The fox coughed and staggered back into the ferrets chair, his cock still rock had between his legs. As he sat down there was a feeling of calm and the lion sprang out of him. In a flash the lion was flesh and naked and hard and dripping. Without hesitation he growled and bent over the fox and shoved all eight incredible inches of lionine pride into the ferret.

The ferret just moaned and felt his eyes roll back into his head as sharper claws dug into his shoulders and stronger hips pushed forward and back and fucked his already stretched out hole. The ferret had no idea where this longer and stronger cock had come from and didn't really care, he just wanted it to hit that spot inside him and let him shoot.

The lion didn't disappoint the ferret in any way, shape or form. Despite not being quite as thick as the fox he was a lot more talented and had more than enough inches to spare. Every thrust ground against the ferrets prostate and made him gasp. The lions hips got faster and faster as his claws dug deeper into Simon's shoulder blades. The lion growled out as he felt his own orgasm growing. He had been inside the fox and had felt everything he had and had loved it so much he had to have some himself.

But he didn't want to finish just yet so he slowed his thrusts. He heard the ferret moan out and whimper beneath him. "Please... pleaaaase... just let me cum!" Simon called out, his short well manicured claws scrabbled along the desk as he thrust his hips up towards the lion. The lion loved the pleading voice of the ferret and adjusted his hips so his cock ground against his prostate then away and nice and deep, playing the ferret like some kind of instrument.

The fox was exhausted but his cock twitched and pulsed as he watch the lion fucking the ferret. His form was solid so all he could see was a tight golden ass as it thrust back and forth and low hanging balls as they swung forward and slapped against the ferret. Between that and the ferrets desperate gasps and the lions deep primal growls he almost felt like needed to get a second release. But the lions grunts got more and more intense and his hips got faster and faster and the fox knew it wasn't going to last much longer.

The ferret gasped and arced under the new male, he no longer cared about what it meant to be enjoying this. His cock swelled and spurted its first load across the ground, thick wads of cum splattered onto the thick plush carpet and the leg of his desk. The ferret gasped and groaned, his vision swimming as the lion continued to thrust right against his over stimulated prostate as he came. The lion gave out a deep growl seconds after the ferret finished and added his own cum to the fox's already sizable deposit. Without waiting to finish he pulled his cock free and let the last few spurt fall across the back of his previous well ironed and now completely ruffled shirt. He leaned forward and whispered to the ferret but the fox couldn't make out what he was saying at all.

A few minutes passed and all three people gasped for air. The lion faded away back to his invisible form with a grin at the fox. The fox finally caught his breath and decided it would be best to leave and pulled up his pants and started towards the exit. He stopped briefly at the ferret's desk and gave his rear a slap, he loved the noise the ferret made, half pained gasp and half pleasurable sigh. On a whim he reached over and pulled the Ferret's wedding band off and put it in his pocket.

"Sean wait" His boss called out as he slowly straightened up. His face twinged in pain as he felt just how rough the fox had been with him, his concious mind not recognising that another longer cock had also had it's way with him.

The fox expected to say how it needed to be a secret and how it could never happen again and if Sean didn't say anything then neither would he. He was quite surprised by the next words out of his mouth.

"I'm very sorry for the way I have treated you. Don't come back after lunch, I'll find someone to cover for you. But lets just say I might forget you booked out early" The ferret said as he moved a hand in front of his groin, trying to act like it was a normal business conversation despite his cock dripping to the floor and his belt cut in half around his ankles.

"Sure thing Simon" Sean replied with a grin. He knew that the ferret loathed being called by his first name. As he turned and walked to the door the ferret watched and slowly pulled up his pants. Despite the pain, despite how much he hadn't wanted, despite the fact he was married and went to church every Sunday without fail he wanted the fox to bend him over and do exactly what he had done again.

In the elevator the lion stood next to the fox and reached over to hold his hand.

"Now, aren't you glad you just talked to your boss?" He said with a grin. Sean looked back and nodded before he leaned up and gave the lion a soft kiss.

"So, where to now?"