Climbing Corporate Pt. 3

Story by Lithier on SoFurry

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#3 of Climbing Corporate

On Lith's right, his boss was up on her elbows, bent over the table suckling at a bear's thick cock while a man that appeared to be some kind of cross between canine and feline bounced his hips against her plentiful rear. Her own hips rolled to meet every stroke, tail teasing under his chin as he panted softly. The panther's eyes were open, holding the bear's for a long moment as she slipped off his head to lay long licks over the head on every side before gobbling it up again. Her eyes slipped down, and she glanced over at Lith a moment. She smiled at him as she swallowed the bear whole, sliding down that thick shaft in one long, smooth motion.

On Lith's left, a light green, swollen belly wobbled back and forth, a little gecko dick slapping against it with each stroke shoved into its owner's ass. That great lion was still going to work on him, and his strokes were speeding up with every moment. The gecko was panting heavily, hanging his cum-smeared head as he struggled to keep a tight grip on the table, elbows shoving into it and fingers gripping the edge. A roar rose as the lion plowed in to the hilt, and the gecko's belly visibly swelled a little with each churn of those heavy balls. That massive bulge finally kissed to the table, and just like that, the reptile collapsed-- his arms gave out, and his shoulders and chest pressed to the table, his head hanging over the side. The lion chuckled, and pulled slowly, starting to ride him again.

Lith's cheeks were hot as he turned back to the woman riding him. The big, curvy bunny was apparently called Sara, and she seemed to be rather enjoying her ride on his cock. She chuckled softly. "See? You've got to keep up with your coworkers. Lunch hour's far from over."

The kitty smiled shyly, opening his mouth to find something to say, and blinked. He could have sworn she was growing horns. Or rather, she was growing another head entirely. A bull's head, smiling, with two great, pointed horns curling menacingly over it.

The world broke.

Or, perhaps a kitty did. He was abruptly, painfully full, a mass of throbbing meat pushing at his insides. It barely drew a hint, and shoved deeper still. The kitty heaved to cry out, but he found the air was already gone from his lungs. Deeper, it pushed.

"Aww, you made him come! I'm hardly halfway there..." The bunny's voice rang from somewhere, seeming rather distant. Hands were wrapped tight around his thighs-- large, powerful hands. Another hint of a draw, and those hands tugged at him as that massive cock plowed deeper. "Ooooh! Do that again! He's hardening!" The kitty managed a desperate gasp for air-- only for it to be shoved forcibly from his body in an almost soundless heave as the broad head of what must have been a bullcock barged deep into his quivering, helpless body. "That's it! Mmmm, good as new."

Another desperate gasp, though it seemed to be hard to work his lungs at the moment, and the blurry shapes before his eyes resolved into people. The bunny was biting her lip, bouncing on the kitty's shaft as her breast was dwarfed in a massive, groping hand. A thick, muscle-bound, white-sleeved arm connected that hand to the bull looming over her, wearing that same dark smile. His other hand held still to the kitty's thigh, and his body gave a slight shift to abruptly shove deeper still into the skewered feline, blurring his vision as the world receded a moment once again. The silky skin of the bull's sack kissed the kitty's cheeks as a great mass just barely bumped his rear where it met the table. "Ah! Careful! You'll make him cum again. Geez, Genji." She giggled softly. "You're so mean, breaking him in on the first day."

"All of them get to have a piece sooner or later." The bull had a thick accent, his tongue seeming to grip every word as sensuously as he did that heavy, bulging tit. "But when I saw the line forming for the new guy, I thought, 'why not make sure?'" He dragged back, the black cat scooting down the table promptly a moment before the bull firmed his grip on that leg and pushed him back up, dragging out of his strained bowels just enough to shove in a fresh stroke. The world blurred slightly, but Lith was fairly certain he wasn't going to black out again.

Another light giggle. "You're so thorough," the bunny sighed fondly, and leaned forward as much as the bull would allow, waving a paw in the kitty's face. "You alright? I know, he has that effect on people. But he hasn't killed anyone yet, so just relax and enjoy, alright?" She looked up and blinked. "Oop, you've got company. Here." She smiled and pushed his chin up, tilting the world to replace the smiling bunny and bull with a grimacing dragon.

"If Genji's stretching the poor kid's ass out, I suppose I'd better settle for his mouth today." He gave a wry smile as he hefted a rather immodestly sized shaft, the tip kissing the kitty's nose a moment as he blinked. A dab of pre strung a moment between his nose and the light green, twitching creature before him, the smell filling his nose. His mouth was watering already. Lith gave a single, prompt gulp, capturing as much as his mouth could contain to slobber over with a thick murr, which the dragon answered in kind.

"Ahh, I felt him throb," the bunny cooed. "At this rate, I don't know how many times he'll cum before I'm done. I'm gonna be dripping..." Those broad hips rolled over him, grinding him about her insides as she predicted her future with relish. "Well, just as long as you two keep him nice and hard." Her giggles were muffled after a moment in slick noises, and the kitty's ears were filled instead with the murrs of the dragon slowly pumping his hips to fuck the kitty's face from lips to throat. Lith swallowed a hint at the head every time, dragging over it tightly before it dragged away again for another stroke.

The black cat's eyes were fogged as his body leaned up into the humping, his body rocking with every steady, powerful thrust tearing through his belly. His lower body felt utterly relaxed-- the girth of the bull shoving into him seemed to push the tension out of him, like the bull really could just stretch his flesh out into rubber with the force of his thrusts. His body was submitted to the powerful creature filling him, and he wanted more. His chin pushed up, and with a slow shudder he swalloed the dragon's cockhead as it pushed against the back of his throat. A thick groan rang out overhead, and at once those heavy, green balls leaped towards his face as the dragon slid right down his throat. The dragon hilted in the kitty's face as the bull drove a fresh stroke up his ass, and he could swear they hit each other deep in his middle as the kitty tremored in pleasure and shame.

"Oop, there he goes again." A paw patted his belly as the rabbit atop him sighed and giggled. "Faster, Genji, I'm getting closer, and I don't want him going soft on me now!" The mass of bull cock dragged from his ass almost entirely and gave a single, brutal shove to the hilt, lifting the cat off the table a moment even with the rabbit atop him, arching his back and shoving his face into the dragon hard enough to knock him back a step. The kitty's eyes bulged as his arms flailed blindly, but all he could see was two heavy dragon balls straddling his nose. He hit the table again as the bull drew out, and slammed a fresh stroke in, working into a brutal pace that had the table rocking jumping under them with each thrust. The dragon had only to stand in place and brace himself as the bull's pulls dragged Lith off a few inches, and the fresh thrust jammed him tight into that scaled crotch. "That's it... ffuck!" The bunny moaned out as her hips rolled around the kitty's exhausted, twitching hard cock, his entire body either limp or trembling beyond his control as he was used. "I'm... I'm gonna...!"

That sweet, hot canal seized tight around Lith's shaft, milking it roughly as she cried out in climax, his own shaft twitching and firing off yet again helplessly as his prostate was flattened under the endless assault of the bullcock ramming through his insides, every throb of that massive piece of beef as it neared climax palpably stretching his already strained inner walls as his throat clutched to the thick piece of meat jammed down to the bottom of his neck, the flare of a broad cockhead twitching and pushing against his collarbone. Waves of fiery lust tore through his body, dragging under his hide and tightening into a moment of utter, searing ecstasy as his body tensed, seizing down on a throat full of dragon, on an ass full of bull, and his balls drawing tight against him as he fired and fired into the rabbit's womb, answering her orgasm in turn. The heat in his center abruptly multiplied as hot bull seed flooded the very depths of his bowels, and after another moment, jets of dragon essence shot almost straight into his belly as claws gripped at either side of his head. His desire had exploded in a torrent of cream of every kind.

The swirling current of heat slowed after a time, and faded, and Lith's senses returned. The table came back into place under him, sounds began to echo in his ears again, and abruptly, he was able to breathe. He gasped, and coughed, finding something large and warm in his mouth. He suckled at it, finding a hint of that salty taste on the tip of a softening cockhead, and he began to lap over it before it was pulled away. A chuckle sounded over him as he mewed softly. Half his body abruptly pulled out-- countless inches of bull slid out of his ass as he cried out abruptly, half at the strange sensations and half in dismay-- he was sure he was losing part of himself. The massive cock slopped out at last, and cold air tickled his insides, making him shiver suddenly. Finally, cold air abruptly hit his cock as a rabbit slid off him with a coo, leaving him feeling very cold, very empty, and alone. His eyes focused slowly as he mewled, his head leaning up to try and look around a bit. Glops of cream were dripping on his belly as the rabbit scooted up his middle.

"Naughty kitty made such a mess in me! I could never put on my panties like this. You'd better clean me up." She turned around on top of him, filling his vision with her curvaceous, heavy rear end, which soon eclipsed the light of the room as it pushed over his face to sit her dripping sex on his muzzle. His own salty essence flowed into his mouth, mixed with her juices, and his cheeks heated slowly as he went to work, drinking her contents and slowly sliding his tongue inside her to scoop up more, lips meeting lips with rather sloppy slurping noises. Something warm pushed against his cheek, making him jump slightly, and soon, a fresh cock was pushing into his ass. The feline shivered slowly and kept on suckling at Sara's cum-filled pussy, spreading his legs for his new visitor. His eyes lost focus slowly as time slipped away, and the world itself began to blur.

He was eventually rewarded with a fresh mouthful of bunny juices, and Sara was gone. His ass was creamed again, and someone rolled him over to give his ass a smacking before stuffing him. Another cock was shoved in his muzzle, and he let them fuck his neck, clinging to the edge of the table. His ass was creamed, and another stepped in, having to pull his ass up off the table to even get a good angle. His throat was filled, and he had to struggle to swallow partly upside down. He did, though, and a fresh cock promptly pushed into his throat as he managed to get his knees on the table. He was ridden and ridden, eventually being dropped back on the table with a fresh load of cream dripping out of him, only to be plugged up again. He lost track of the cocks ramming into his mouth-- he couldn't tell when one cock disappeared and another was shoved in, he felt like he was constantly swallowing, be it pre or cum.

Finally, he realized, laying there with his head hanging over the side, that he wasn't sucking on anything. He swallowed slowly, uncertain. His throat was dry, lined with a thick, salty layer of half-dried cream. His balls were coated in cream seeping out of his asshole, which still hung slightly open. He could feel the air chilling his gooey insides. The cafeteria was quiet.

The kitty managed to pull his head up slowly, and looked about. At other tables, a few people in medical scrubs were helping others off the tables and onto their feet, and walking them out the door, practically carrying them in some cases. On his right, the gecko lay on his back with a mountain of a belly standing triumphantly atop him, giving a slow gurgle now and then. The lizard's arms lay flopped out to either side, his legs hanging over the side, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly, giving a soft coo with every exhale.

Dragging his head around the other way, Lith found his boss sitting up on his left, smiling down at him with a sigh. "You were popular, Lith. That's good. Just relax, and don't try to talk. They'll be getting you cleaned up and checked out soon." She stretched with a soft murr and got up to gather up her clothes from where they'd fallen. The kitty let his head fall again, and his breathing evened.

Warmth. Floating. Motion. People. Voices. Smiles. Groans. Someone. Everyone. Lith gasped, his eyes snapping open. The cafeteria was gone-- he was laying on a little bed of some sort. Someone was bustling about to the side, and he looked over, giving a soft, uncertain murr. With a rustle of wings, the doctor turned-- a chimera in a labcoat. His head, that of a lion, smiled at him before glancing over a clipboard held in a reptilian, clawed hand. "Ah, awake, are we? You were quite the mess when we brought you in, but you seemed to hold up very well for your first day. No bleeding, nothing torn or broken. We treated some stretched flesh and cleaned you out a bit. You must have really been out of it to sleep through all that." He chuckled as Lith blinked at him uncertainly, wondering what was under that lab coat. "Anyway, you should be good to go. Have a shower, drink some water, and you should be just about good as new. Showers are right over there." He smiled, gesturing to one direction, and turned the other, great, draconic wings folded to his back as he plodded away.

Still blinking, the kitty lay there a moment before finally sitting up with a merf. His fur rustled and clung together in that way that told him there were smatterings of dried stickiness all over him. He cast his legs over the side and yawned softly. "Oh!" The chimera turned back again. "And I had a message from the head of international relations. She wanted to see you as soon as you were done here." He smiled slowly. "Seems you caught someone's eye, kitty boy." He turned away again, leaving the feline confused once again.

Lith shook his head, cheeks glowing lightly. Whatever it was, it could wait until after his shower... He scooted off the bed, gasping softly at the cool linoleum under his footpaws. He scurried off in the direction the doctor had pointed, out of the medical area and into a shower room. A handful of others were washing up, and he found a relatively isolated showerhead along the wall to turn on. He couldn't stifle a low groan as hot water blasted over him, the kitty just letting it roll over him as his arms hung at his sides. His memory was fuzzy, but he tried to put together the last hour or two of his life... he bit his lip slowly as he slipped a paw back, rubbing over his rear and slipping a finger between his cheeks. By some miracle, his hole wasn't even sore-- he gingerly slipped a finger inside, and it felt nice... more than nice... He moaned softly into the water as his other paw wrapped around a hard kitty cock, his finger searching deeper.

Lith could definitely get used to this job.