A New Pack

Story by Jhett on SoFurry

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When two male wolf lovers are confronted by their huntress, the three of them make a decision that would shake up the order of their kind...

My first time, as a straight dude, writing M/M and/or LGTBQ material. Pretty fun lol.

Based on ideas by ChocolateLab.

Be sure to comment and make what you thought of it known and feel free to add to groups.

Two male wolves drank from a river in the middle of a lush forest. One was quite large and had black fur, while the other's form was a bit smaller and had a coat of light grey.

"You think they're still following us, Adonis?" asked the large one as he lifted his head from the water, his chin dripping with water.

"No," said Adonis, the smaller male. "I think we're fine, Apollo."

"Good," said Apollo as he sat down and looked into the water. "Any more of keeping our relationship a secret and I would've gone crazy." Adonis smiled as he leaned in close to Apollo, nuzzling his chin with soothing intent.

"Hey, don't worry about that anymore," said Adonis. "It's just gonna be you and me from now on. Forget packs of tens and their stupid backwards rules. We can be a two-wolf pack. But enough moping. Time for some fun."

With a sly grin, Adonis shoved Apollo into the river, the latter spluttering and frantically splashing before calming down.

"What the hell was that for?!" asked Apollo indignantly.

"Oh, lighten up, it's all in good fun," said Adonis, wagging his tail. "Besides, it should help get rid of our scent in case anyone's still hunting us. Now move over, big guy!" With a gleeful bark, Adonis jumped into the water, almost landing on his partner. They yipped and growled playfully, splashing each other with water before running up onto land where they began to wrestle. Soft play bites and gentle cuffs with paws found their mark as both of them tried to pin the other to the ground. But eventually the win went to Apollo given his advantage in the strength and size department. He pinned Adonis on his back with a forepaw, smiling cockily. The both of them panted heavily, their hot breath hitting each other's faces.

"You really shouldn't start fights you can't win," chuckled Apollo. "Unless you're doing this on purpose?"

"You could say that." said Adonis with a smile.

"You're feeling horny, aren't you?" asked Apollo, feeling a familiar warm something press against his unsheathing canine cock.

"Again, you could say that. You too?"


Artemis, a white she-wolf, sniffed the ground as she trotted forward, her violet eyes narrowed in determination. The rest of her hunting party had given up long ago, but not her. No way in hell would she let those traitors to the pack and its ways get away. It was nothing personal, she was just following the Alpha's orders. A strange scent suddenly came to her nose, and she heard what sounded like panting. Crouching low to the ground, Artemis snuck through some bushes and peered out to see an unexpected sight. Apollo had Adonis pinned and they were panting and moaning with pleasure. Artemis gasped quietly as she saw why: their cocks were being thrusted in and out of each other's sheaths, flashes of pink male meat alternating between them. She stared in horror at the disgusting, blasphemous... and actually rather arousing sight. No! No, it was against pack law! But then again, her heat had been bothering her for some time now... Maybe she could watch, just for a bit. The scent of precum reached her nostrils as the males stopped their docking, only for Adonis to bow with his tail raised. The smaller wolf shook his rump alluringly, causing his hefty balls and cock to swing about. Artemis tried her best to stifle moans and whines, fighting the urge to paw her now swollen and soaked spade. Apollo climbed on top of Adonis and penetrated his tailhole, causing the smaller wolf to moan out loud. Fuck it, thought Artemis as she quickly began to masturbate, vigorously rubbing her pussy with a forepaw. Apollo clung to Adonis, thrusting deep into him as his knot swelled and slowly began to work its way into Adonis' ass. A sudden idea came to Artemis as she closely observed Apollo's knot, purely for strategic reasons, of course. Not yet... not yet...

At last, Apollo tied Adonis' tailhole, the two of them moaning loudly. Not wasting another second, Artemis stopped pleasuring herself and charged at them with a bark. The tied males gave alarm barks and snarls of their own, hackles raised in an attempt to look intimidating despite their current position.

"Apollo, Adonis," snarled Artemis, secretly hoping they wouldn't smell or see the results of her masturbation. "You're under arrest for defying pack law and engaging in taboo relations."

"We left the pack to be on our own," retorted Apollo. "We're not hurting anyone. Just leave us be. We love each other."

"Your love goes against the very laws of nature!" shouted Artemis, narrowing her eyes in anger.

"You mean the same love that you were just pawing yourself off to?" said Adonis with a smirk as Artemis' heart skipped a beat. Shit, they noticed. "I can smell it. You're in heat, aren't you?"

"Well, I, um-" whimpered Artemis, tucking her tail between her legs and flattening her ears. Apollo untied himself from Adonis as they both strode confidently to either side of her.

"Artemis, love is love," whispered Apollo into one of Artemis' ears, the timbre sending shivers down her spine. "No matter the gender."

"But, the law-" stammered Artemis, her heart beating faster and faster.

"The law is outdated and unjust," said Adonis into her other ear. "Leave the past behind and look to the future. Since you're in heat... do you want a new future? With us?" Artemis' mind raced, her loyalties now conflicted. Who was right? The age-old traditions that kept order within the packs, or two sexual oddballs? Her heat wasn't making it any easier to decide, her lower lips moistening at the thought of having two males all to herself. In the literal heat of the moment, she made her answer known with a loud moaning "Yes!"

"We knew you'd see it our way," said Apollo with a sly grin as he made his way behind Artemis, who had since bowed and lifted her tail, her heat finally getting the best of her. "Adonis, you get her front. I'll do the honors of getting our pack started."

"Wait, what do you-mmff!!!" started Artemis, cut short when Adonis' cock entered her mouth, her lips practically kissing his knot. Apollo mounted her from behind and thrust his cock into her pussy, Artemis letting out a loud muffled moan and rolling her eyes back in response. Holy hell, how did these guys feel so good? Apollo and Adonis leaned forward to kiss each other as they thrusted in and out of their respective holes.

"Her mouth is fucking incredible." chuckled Adonis.

"You should feel her pussy," said Apollo. "Don't worry, I'll give you a turn... eventually. Because for now, she's mine. Isn't that right, Artemis?" Apollo thrusted as hard and as fast as he could go, earning muffled moan after muffled moan from the lust drunk she-wolf. Adonis followed his lead, thrusting harder into her mouth. On Artemis' end, she was loving the taste of Adonis' precum as it oozed onto her tongue, the massive girth of Apollo's cock ever so slightly stretching her previously tight pussy. The males' knots began to swell as they all moaned loudly in growing pleasure.

"Hey, Adonis," grunted Apollo as he rolled to his side and on his back, taking Artemis from his boyfriend's cock and laying her on her back on his stomach, still fucking her pussy. "Cum inside her ass. It'll feel great."

"Don't I know it." chuckled Adonis as he stood over Artemis and penetrated her tight puckered hole, earning an especially earsplitting cry from Artemis, her mouth now free to voice her pleasure.


The males' knots entered their respective holes as they came, torrents of semen filling her womb and tailhole. Artemis's pussy squirted an equally massive amount of femcum, dowsing the males in her scent. All three of them howled in orgasm, bliss taking over their bodies and minds. The trio panted and kissed each other, still linked by the males' knots.

"To our new pack." said Apollo happily as he nuzzled Artemis's cheek.

"To our new pack." sighed Adonis and Artemis is unison. Afterglow consumed them as they cuddled together and slept, dreams of a new pack with no prejudices of any kind filling their heads.