Ch.2 Arrival

Story by Sorambit on SoFurry

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#6 of Shattered pact

This is a continue of escape. and it may not make as much sense without reading the first ...

This is a continue of escape. and it may not make as much sense without reading the first part. And well here goes.


Her body moved like a river down a mountain, legs thrusting up dirt behind each thrust of her hind legs. Rear bouncing up and sinking down, tail following the wave-like motion. Front legs caught the ground, being pulled into her with her motion, her hind legs would come up past he front legs to push back with a even faster motion to power her past wind resistance.

My head began to spin due to her increased respiration. The heated, and moist breath pushed against me, along with the gentle caressing of her tongue against my back every so often. My body fell back into the two rows of teeth, my head able to see the blurred path of dirt, grass, and the slow drip of saliva from her stretched lips.

The blur around me went down to a soft rocking motion, as the ground became more dirt based and barren. The distance between the ground and myself became smaller and to the point of looking out of the front of Marianna's mouth I could see the ground. My walls of support spread open, with the worn out tongue going back to rest, bringing me forwards onto the ground.

Marianna coughed violently several times removing a small feather from her throat. Her body heaved up and down, her legs shaking with fatigue. Her lungs gave violent contractions to try and catch her breath unproductively.

A trio of large hawk-like guards came silently. Bodies sleek and had thick bodies of muscle, wings came out wide, making a large fan. Their pointed beaks opened partly, the middle hawk of the three gripped a small olive branch in his left set of talons. The other two had theirs pointed up, ready to jump forwards and crush bones of the fox.

The middle hawk, his feathers a brighter white on his chest than the other two, and the black body made even the night sky look as if it was mid day. Small streaks of red tipped his wings and his tail, signifying the triangular crest on his head. He spoke proudly, in a sense of warning. "State your business here fox. I am sure our tribes treaties are still in effect."

Marianna stared at the center hawk like a statue. Her chest being battered by a heart yearning for escape. "Wait. A. Minute." Her front paws pushed thick green blades of grass forwards, her arm gradually nudging the small avian she had just had in her mouth for a fifth of a sun cycle. She coughed heavily again, thick globs of white dripped form her mouth. The eighth cough was followed by a raspy inhale. "Water?"

The two hawks looked at the center one wondering what to do. The center hawk, now without a doubt the leader gave a small nod. This sent the left most hawk into the air. Strong wing beats lifted him slowly at first, and he soon was off in the distance diving down in unparallel speeds. The right most hawk walked forward, his eyes looking at the saliva soaked bird that the fox had with her. He gave a small click of his tongue, and then spoke in a manner that would have queens pass out in sheer awe and a smile on their faces. "Why do you come here with him? Do you know what you could potentially of messed up? They were out there for a reason. Exiles."

Marianna looked at the one hawk, her heart rate beating slightly slower, and her chest ended the violent thrusts that demanded oxygen and to remove carbon form her needful body. Her head tilted towards the right as she indicated to the small bird. She remained quiet.

A thick leg pulled three small lines of dirt and grass back, agitation in his tone. "I would advise to answer the questions fox. You are not wanted on these lands, and your hunger for meat is a crime just by thinking about it."

A quick flutter of wings quickly dampened the quick decent. Deep rivets dug into the ground as the one hawk returned. A small bowl of clear liquid sloshed in the relatively small container for water. It was nudged forward with a cautious nudge, the other two standing at guard for any movements of the fox.

Marianna's tongue lashed out, lapping up the water she so needed. Her lips became moist with water, few drips of water littering her ears and her front paws. When she was done, the bowl was empty, except the rapidly evaporating trail of saliva. She gave a weak smile, her voice was much like a monk in a temple. "Much obliged, thank you. First things first, yes I am a fox. But the name is Marianna. You birds need to have you children be born in your own territory. Just because you expand, that land isn't yours to take. Fine lines were drawn, more than enough for each of us with room for trade. I caught this one in fox territory...from birth. Now explain that."

The leading hawk moved forwards with a single step, the other two making a small triangular shape around her. He kicked the olive branch forwards to her. "We are not responsible for what exiles do. They take the risk of being hunted, and their eggs enjoyed by insects."

She gave a heavy sigh, her head shaking disagreeably. "Yet if we hunt them... it is an act of war. That would hurt both of our tribes, and we would all be exiles in the same land. Who will lead? I wouldn't trust your leaders had we not currently have a treaty in effect. I brought this one in good faith to show we honor the agreement, but the eggs in our land must stop. We are losing patience of this matter." She rose up, heart rate returning to normal, and her breathing rose and fell steadily. Eyes locked with the unblinking eye of the hawk, his neck still and body unmovable.

A sudden movement disturbed the stillness that ensued. "Look, Marianna. We appreciate the act, but the ones who left became meat eaters of larger." His statement was cut off from a quick outburst or Marianna.

"You knew the whole time and yet you decided to let it go? What if we decided to hunt smaller game, such as mice and snakes? Maybe a lizard or two. We could clean out your source of food in a matter of weeks, now let me talk to the alpha. I have to speak with her one on one. No blood will be shed, and only words will be made. This treaty must be reminded of its original terms." She began to step forwards, a sharp flick all the hawks heads, ready to leap up and defend their alpha.

The leader gave a smirk, knowing that he had a sense of dominance over the situation. His voice came calm as a father on break. " Can't let you do that. Take another step into our land, and that constitutes as the by laws in the treaty. We would be able to do what ever we wanted and the rest of your pathetic species would be helpless." He gave a screech in superiority.

Her body flinched back, signifying that she was both startled, and helpless. Her head slunk down, her tail fell by her legs. A small growl radiated form her mouth. Her voice barked out angrily. "Now listen to me hawk. This will not be forgotten, and word will travel fast. And I will gladly mark your grave as territory as my 'pathetic' species claims this land as neutral territory. We will make it impossible for your eggs to hatch, destroy your sources of food. Make you leave this forest all together."

The one hawk, silent as ever nudged the newborn forwards with a wing. The gender currently unable to determine due to its silence. It looked back at Marianna with a soft nod, then looked back down to the newborn. Those two would begin the slow walk towards the elder. The fate of the young male to be determined by the alpha.

The center hawk, gave a gesture towards the fox. The younger one seemed to waver on the command. A sharp motion, and an assertive voice called to him. "Tie her up. She doesn't leave." The larger male leapt with hidden strength into the air and gripped her neck fiercely, closing her windpipe. His body moved rapidly, his wings flaring to keep airborne. The young one came from the side, muttering sympathetically. "I am sorry." Marianna's struggle to remove the large hawk left her soon on the ground, her body shutting down from oxygen deprevation. Her body now was left without a way to defend it, her body being pulled by the excess skin behind her neck.

Ch.3 Severed Pact

This is the continuation of the past two chapters. I still have to make a title for the series. But more will come. If you can can you give any critsism or concerns. Maybe questions, I will be checking these every so often, and post them...

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Ch.1 Escape

This is my first ever beginning of a peice of fiction that I have uploaded to the internet. So far I do not have a title. and any suggestions, and the such would be...

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