7- Preparations and Departures

Story by Rifty on SoFurry

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#12 of The Legend of Rift Book III: Downfall

The days have passed and only two days remained before the Gaia. A small group of dragons sat in a room as Sithris moved his goggles over his eyes, excitedly powering on the completed dimensional portal. His orange pest mock grumping at his mate completing what he failed to do so many years ago.

Multiple dragons began to move forward. Spyro, the Purple Dragon of Legend, and Cynder, former Terror of the Skies lead the group. Behind them were Mera and Ferossa, two dragonesse's that Rift accompanied during the War to save Spyro. Finally at the end, Tygor, mate of the two dragonesse's, and once Rift's closest friend. The two had never been able to reconnect their bond.

Sithris bowed to them all. "The five dragons before us have agreed to journey to the human realm and assist Alex the human per his request. You five will walk into the portal. I've tested it myself and found no side effects. Cynder has been provided with a device to bring them back through the portal upon their mission success. Stay strong, never give in, and always apply your back paw forcefully against the rear ends of your opponents."

Kara pulled Mera into a hug, the sisters embracing before they were once more parted. Silvus was chatting to Spyro and Cynder. Mera laughed as Rift asked her to give Alex the middle claw, going back to the two's strange friendship. With a final call from Sithris, the five dragons walked into the portal, only for the portal to suddenly explode moments later.

"Nonononono I had everything working perfectly last night!" The black drake was in near tears. He had ensured the portal was running flawlessly, testing it on both himself and Silvus numerous times before he cleared it for use. Rift and Kara wrapped around him and hugged tightly. He shuddered against them. "They are safely there, but it will take me months to get another one ready..."

Silvus pat his black scaled friend. "If they got there just fine, we can bring them back. I'm sure they can hold on until you have a new one going. Spyro and Cynder are probably the best dragons for that."

Sithris nodded slowly and sighed. "I guess I'll be working overtime after the Gaia." He looked pleadingly at the three dragons. "Can't I just skip the Gaia? I really don't like gatherings."

Rift shook his head sadly. "Trust me, I don't want to go either, but we have to go. " He looked at the ground. "Silvus also informed the non-Warfang Guardians are also supposed to attend, but I imagine many will not come."

The electric dragon nuzzled into Rift's chest. "I guess I better start getting ready then."

"Mmmmmmm, yes. Right there you hairy thing. Make your Queen tremble at your fingertips. Perfect. You have a way with your hands."

The curtain opened as Carmine walked through the door. "My Queen, I have some... I um, is this a bad time? I didn't mean to intrude."

The silver eyes of the Queen opened in irritation at her subject. A mole was standing on a stepstool, polishing her turquoise scales. "There's nothing to stutter about dragon. You act as if you walked in during a mating session. Well, out with it."

The bright red dragon grumbled at her comment and sighed. "I've observed the dragons that you have requested as best as I could. Rift and Kara spend their days at the temple, while Sithris works on mechanics. I also did what you asked of with that."

A wide grin formed on the face of the Queen. "Perfect, with that out of the way, we'll have less resistance. Did you find anything about them that could be of use?"

Carmine nodded. "Aye, they have a child. Plasma dragon, very skilled in her element. While the dragons are out, a yellow fluffy dragon watches her. I tried to follow him to his place of residence, but I can't seem to keep up with him."

Shara shrugged. "As long as that's it, there's nothing to worry about. I've got wyverns and panthers ready at my command." She rubbed the large drake's paw with her tail. "Just a few more days, I'll give you first go."

"Neala, we're home!" Kara wagged in front of Rift and Sithris. The little hatchling darted out of the cave at full speed, crashing into the dragoness.

Zapras smiled as he walked out too, moving to the other males. "She's a quick learner." The curious looks of Rift and Sithris made him grin. He shouted to the youngling. "Hey Neala, show them what you learned."

Sithris and Kara watched with glee, Rift in horror as the plasma dragoness darted at the lake, diving into the water with full confidence, swimming with no troubles. The orange dragon tried to keep his panic down, failing terribly as he paced back and forth on the shore, trying to figure out a way to rescue her without falling to his inability to swim. Sithris rolled his eyes, wrapping his tail around the fire drake's own and dragging him away.

"So Zap, how has your quest to court Rose been?" Kara questioned. She knew that the Light Guardian fell under stricter rules, and such knew the fluff drake would never be successful.

"I kissed her last night!" The nature-life dragon exclaimed excitedly. "I mean I was snooping some books I was not to be near. She tackled me to stop me, but kissed me in the process." He sighed sadly. "I don't think she intended to, she slapped me after."

Sithris laughed and pet Zapras' head. "Don't give up yet bud. She hasn't flat out said no yet. Knowing Rift's family, the more she hits you, the more she likes you." He smirked as his orange mate gave him the middle claw. "Maybe later hon."

Neala finally wiggled out of the water and jumped on Rift's head, cooing as he produced enough heat to evaporate the water. The orange drake smiled and looked back to the fluff drake. "Thank you for watching her buddy, we owe you one. Maybe we'll get you a goodie basket to give to Rose."

"Much appreciated Rift. I should head back now, got a dragoness to hopefully get beaten up by. You four take care." Zapras stretched out his wings and took to the skies.

Rift looked to his mates, his daughter snuggled atop his head. "We should get some dinner ready, she seems pretty tired."

8- The Red Gaia

"Please no, I really don't like this." Sithris whined as Rift and Kara polished his scales. "I'm supposed to be stealthy. Shiny scales are not stealthy, they are in fact the complete opposite of stealthy." The orange drake smirked at his mate's...

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6- Fallout

Special Announcement: The Rift and Kara lemon, Nightmares & Fantasies, is now up! This collaboration between Sithris and I has been in the works since we met, and I'm happy to finally make it live! * * * "It wasn't your right to decide on something...

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1- Dawn of the Dragons

Dragons and Dragonesses! It is my greatest honor to bring you the final part in the Legend of Rift! This story has been in planning since 2015 and writing it spammed from May to August 2019! I do hope you all enjoy, for I have put my all into...

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