Adventures After Dark 1: School Play

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This was a story that was done as a reward series on Patreon after I failed to produce stuff for a while, so I did this extra series on the side. It's a silly little thing of a bunch of college students starting a very adult LARPing night, and...well, you'll see what I mean.

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Part 1: (You are Here)

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Adventures After Dark

Chapter 1: School Play

By Draconicon

Robert drove past the Gendry College gates, the horse giving a nod to the security guard before driving out of view. Shifting his hand to the eleven o'clock position on the wheel, he leaned back and looked up at the college grounds. The way it sprawled out in the setting sun, he couldn't help but think that most universities would have liked their campuses to look like this.

Heh, hell, wish I actually attended here, he thought as he looked at the three-story library that stood out over the outer buildings, and the big brick buildings that reached up to four or five stories towards the center of the campus. Ivy clung to the various walls, and thick bushes formed a natural barrier between the outside world and the college itself. Even the archways that were cut into the hedges made it clear that Gendry College was more or less another world for its students, and the staff intended to keep it that way.

He pulled up to the parking lot on the south side, quickly finding a parking spot and pulling into it. The horse made sure that the car was firmly in park - he didn't want another sliding issue like last month - and reached over to the glove compartment. Three little boxes and one big one stood at the top, and he shuffled them into the passenger seat. The familiar rattling of dice filled the car, and Robert shook his head.

"Hehe, time for the last game of the campaign."

Saying it out loud sent a little pang through his chest. He'd known that they weren't going to get many more opportunities, considering that their DM, Saul, was set to graduate in two months and was already getting job offers on the other side of the country. Michael wasn't far behind, and considering his grades, he'd probably be getting a job somewhere just as prestigious.

He sighed.

"So much for starting the night on a high note...nah, nah. Positive. Beeeee positive. Bee - bee!"

Flailing around until the little stinging annoyance had fled back out his window, the horse snorted and gathered up his materials. The parking lot was even more empty as he passed through, heading to the north side and the hedge wall separating him from the college. The wooden doors built into the plant arch were unlocked, as ever, and he stepped through.

A signpost helpfully pointed the way to the library, though it wasn't needed. He'd come here every Friday night for the last two years, ever since he found out that the group attended classes down here. They were happy to have him around for games, even though his classes were down the road at Valhein Tech. Heh, though that might have been more due to Wanda's nudging them than anything he'd done.

He enjoyed the quiet walk through the campus. The frequent statues and the carefully tended horticulture sculptures made for an eye-catching stroll, and the horse chuckled as he saw that some of them still had graffiti around the base, despite the upper-class of the college.

Students will be students, he thought, as he saw that someone had taken clay and rammed it onto the crotch of the college founder's statue. It looked like a rather bad dick, but a dick, nonetheless. Eh, someone will get it tomorrow.

It didn't take long to get to the library, but rather than seeing the door open, he saw Michael and Wanda standing outside, the latter knocking at the door while the former shook his head. He walked up to the hyena, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Mike, what's going on?"

"The library's closed."


He glanced back up, just in time to see Wanda shove her great grizzly body against the spinning door. It didn't so much as budge. She shook her head, looking over her shoulder.

"Hey, got any - Oh, hi! Good to see you, Rob."

"Good to see you too. Is it really locked, or -"

"No, it's locked. Tighter than my grandmother's will, for that matter."

" that tight?"

"Certainly tighter than I was after that night last year."

"Oooooh, shots fired, Rob, shots fired," the hyena said with a chuckle.

Rolling his eyes, he gave Michael a shove. Still, he was curious what was going on. The doors were never locked this early, even before the weekend. The whole idea was that Gendry College was always open to its students. Why shut down without any notice?

He walked up to the door, tapping on the window beside it a few times. In the distance, he could just barely make out silhouettes moving around inside, but they were almost invisible in the darkness. They seemed to be heading to the other side, anyway, rather than to the front door, so it didn't matter.


Shaking his head, he tossed his dice containers up and down a couple of times, his handbook under his arm. It wouldn't be that hard to get the door open if he really forced it, but that'd probably get the police involved. Not a great idea, considering he was still on probation after that stunt last month. Heh. He wasn't getting into a vodka bottle ever again.

"Hey, Rob, you see Saul while you were coming up?"

The horse blinked, turning around.

"You mean, he wasn't waiting here?"

"Maybe he's having some evil scheme or something," Wanda threw in.

Robert started to shake his head, then stopped. No, that would be like Saul, when he thought about it. The rat kind of embodied his species in the worst of ways, when it came to running a game. They looked at each other for a while, then Michael shrugged.

"Well, can't have a game without a DM. You two, get smooching, I'm gonna get the popcorn."

"Wait, what?"

"Hey, if I can't start whacking goblins and fucking whores in the game, I can at least watch the pair of you having fun."

"Dude, a little respect, huh?"

He groaned at the hyena's grin, and blushed as he looked over at Wanda. The grizzly bear had that look on her face that she usually got when she was thinking of something else, thankfully, so he doubted she'd heard the suggestion, but still.

Just because he'd had the good luck to get laid with her once didn't mean that he was going to get that lucky again. It'd been one time, the pair of them at a conference. Him trying to network for flight jobs after he graduated, her throwing around her parents' money, the pair of them ending up back at the hotel...

He blushed, his cock starting to run down the leg of his jeans as he remembered how she sounded under him, rubbing the back of his head as he tried to snap himself out of it.

"Mike, you're the biggest perv I know. Seriously."

"Well, I don't think it would really work."

Michael blinked, and so did he as they turned back to the bear. She shrugged.

"Well, Rob is very big, after all, and I learned that he produces a lot as well. Some basic math says we'd need at least a bucket and mop afterwards, and -"

"That's your objection?"

"Well, you were fun."

Robert groaned, remembering why these sessions were only once every two weeks. Every time, he left with a boner that refused to go down for the night, and his cheeks burning from everything that they suggested during the game. Then again, he supposed that was why it was an 'after dark' campaign. People could do whatever they wanted in the session, and he swore Saul actually pushed them to be cruder than they needed to.

Where was that rat, anyway? The horse turned, looking around the campus. It was getting dark, and he doubted that any of them wanted to stay too much longer. He sighed.

"Anybody have his number?"

"Yeah, I got it. Gimme a minute."

Michael pulled his cell out of his pocket, and tapped a couple buttons. A moment later, though, a ringtone echoed out from behind the corner of the library. A few muffled curses came with it, followed by a hurried beep of a phone call being canceled.

The three friends looked at each other for a moment, then Rob crept over to the side of the building and poked his head around it. A familiar sigh greeted him.

"So much for the dramatic reveal."


"Go back around the building. I'm still doing it."


Robert sputtered a bit, trying to hold back giggles as he did as he was asked, gesturing for Wanda and Michael to do the same thing. They looked at him with raised eyebrows, but did as they were asked. He got back into position, like he was just talking with them still, and waited. He didn't have to wait long, as Saul's sonorous voice floated around the corner.

"Welcome, adventurers. Be ye prepared for the greatest of all challenges? If ye be not, return to yonder lot of parking, and be off to your homes. This is not for the weak or the faint of heart, for tonight, you search for your greatest treasure, ever!"

Giving a mental count of five, he slowly turned, and just as before, there was Saul. The rat wasn't dressed up as a student, but like some weird dungeon dom. The rat was barely over five feet, but wore a leather thong, a cap-hood-thing, and several leather straps around his chest, each one filled with some item or other. At his waist, the rat had a whip, too, though Robert was surprised to see him undo it. Surprisingly, of the three of them, it was Michael that ended up blushing, and Wanda that spoke up first.

"Oooh, a whip. Are we going riding?"

Saul started to nod, then stopped.

"Riding? Where - Oh, stop getting me off script."

"There's a script?" Robert muttered.

"Then ye be of great heart, and stout fortitude. Tonight, you accept the great challenge of retrieving...the Lost Grading Sheets of Yesteryear!"

The rat tapped a finger to his belt buckle, and it played a rather dramatic DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNN! It took everything Robert had to not break down laughing at that, and he was pretty sure Michael wasn't far from it. When none of them responded, Saul walked over, poking him in the chest with the rolled up whip.

"Come on, guys, get in the spirit of it."

"Heh, you know, it'd help to know what we're getting in the spirit of."

"Oy vey..."

The rat rolled his eyes.

"Look, it's complicated, but you know how we keep having lots of players trying to get into the group?"


"Well, this is the solution. All night LARP."

LARPing. Never thought we'd get into that, Robert thought. The idea of playing out some of the things they gamed sounded fun, while others...His cheeks started blushing as he was getting the idea of why their DM was dressed up the way he was. Michael cleared his throat.

"Uh, hang on. What you mean? How many other people are playing?"

"Last I looked at the sign-up sheet, about 500."

They whistled in unison. Five hundred people was about half the population of the college, and probably a little bit more, besides, considering that it was an off year. A LARP that big on college grounds would explain why they weren't getting to their normal room. But why have it like -

Saul interrupted him, pulling a bag out from behind his back and throwing it over.

"Here's your outfits. Remember your classes?"

"Wizard, of course," Robert chuckled.

"Cleric. Gotta keep laying on hands, if you know what I mean," Michael added with a wink.


It still made him laugh to be reminded that the grizzly bear female had picked that class, of all of them. He might have expected a fighter or paladin, maybe even a druid or something like that, but knowing that the stocky lady had picked the singing, buffing, silly class for her character was something that he still couldn't quite get over. She looked at him as he stifled his laughter, cocking her head to the side.

"Something wrong?"

"No, no, just...funny."

"Well, I am funny. I think."

As Wanda put a finger to her chin to think about it, he looked down to the sack and opened it up. He promptly closed it again, his cheeks on fire.

"'s the rest?"

"Heh, that is the 'rest,' Rob. You better make sure everyone gets what they need, or...well, I guess it doesn't matter too much. Everyone knows this is 'after dark,' after all."

Saul winked.

"Anyway, I'll see you later. I have to go organize my minions. Oh, GOD I love saying that..."

The rat wandered off, leaving Michael staring at him, and Wanda still thinking. He ignored the both of them, just shaking his head as he looked into the sack that the rat had left them.

This just can't be happening, he thought as he looked at their outfits. Or, well, what there was of them. He'd thought there'd be robes, or pieces of fake armor, or, well, something more than underwear. There was a plate of metal that was probably something to go for the cleric's 'armor,' as well as a couple of 'artifacts' that'd hang down like chest pieces, but nothing that'd actually cover much. And the pieces of underwear themselves were barely more than a few flaps of leather for him and Michael, and he almost missed the string that'd serve for Wanda.

"He is REALLY pushing it..."

"I didn't see him pushing anything."

"Um, I mean..."

Gods, did they really want to do this? This was kind of humiliating, to put it mildly. He passed the sack around, and the hyena looked like he was about ready to go up in flames from the blushes going across his face, and even Wanda looked like she was a little surprised at everything in the sack.

They looked at each other, their blushes slowly fading. Michael was the one that broke first, groaning.

"Fine, but nobody look while I change."


"I'll be fine if you want to look."

Groaning at Wanda's permission, the horse determined that he wouldn't look at anyone or anything while he was changing. He just hoped that the grizzly would respect them in return. Everyone took their clothes from the sack, and went to different corners of the square in front of the library. He kept his back to them, and he hoped they were doing the same.

Shucking off his shirt, Robert tried to think about the game ahead. He was a wizard in this campaign, which meant that he'd not have that much physical advantage while 'fighting' other people. He couldn't just knock them down and run like he might in a real fight. Hopefully, Saul wasn't as much of a dick as he was during the first adventure. TPKs weren't as fun as DMs thought they were.

He pulled off his shoes, his pants, and hesitated on his underwear. A part of him swore that the others were watching, but...did it really matter? He shook his head, and pushed the briefs down quickly. His cock hung loose, already dropping from its sheath from the way that Wanda had been talking, and he reached for his clothes.

Not much, really. The 'costume' consisted of a square of leather bordered in wood and covered in fake jewels, like one of the artifacts that his character had. A brown leather belt went around his waist, with a bag on one side full of little bean bags, for spells, he assumed. On the other side was a wand. And the last thing...

He blushed, holding the little black pouch. It was like a g-string, except that it seemed even skimpier than that. It'd barely hold his cock in when he was soft, let alone the way he was now. How was he supposed to -

"That is a very lovely look for you, you know."


The horse jumped, and immediately wished he hadn't. His cock flopped up, and then down again, drooping further from his sheath than ever. Cheeks burning brightly, he tried to cover his cock, even tried to push it back into its sheath. It didn't work, of course, particularly as Wanda stared down at him, her own outfit leaving little to the imagination.

Couldn't we just have walked around normally? he wondered, even though a part of him was certainly grateful that they weren't. His cock continued to try and grow beneath his hands as he looked the big bear up and down. She was just a bit chubby, but her hips and breasts looked bigger than usual in the way that they were barely contained in a furry bra and panties. She had a cape, though it seemed more raggedy and filled with holes than usual, so she, at least, had some protection from behind. Not much, though.

It didn't help as she stared at him, and he couldn't even think of what to say. In the end, she had to help him pull the 'clothing' on, and it ended up getting stretched all the way forward, the black cloth that should have covered his sheath stretched out by the head of his cock. He blushed as it provided no covering at all, but his cock refused to go down. Hoping to save himself a bit of embarrassment by getting a distraction, he cleared his throat.

"Are you done yet, Michael?"

"You think that I'm going to walk around like this? Fuuuuuck that."

Belatedly realizing that the hyena had gone around the side of the library, Robert shook his head. He took a step in that direction, bare feet not used to the concrete path, but Mike stuck a hand out, pointing the other way.

"No! Not one step. You are NOT seeing me like this."

"Mike -"

"Nope! I am NOT coming out. Not no way, no how. This is the stupidest bit of - Oh, for the love of - and now my other clothes are gone. Great. How'd Saul pull that one off..."

"Mike, come on. We're all just about naked here. Yours can't be THAT bad."

"Wanna bet?"

"You wanna name the stakes?"

"Fine. Loser kisses the other's cock."


"That's what I - wait, what?"

"'s an after dark campaign, isn't it?"

"...Fuuuuuuuck. Fine."

He's a lot less sure of himself when it's not a game, he thought, shaking his head a few times as the hyena took a deep breath from out of sight. Their cleric stepped into view, and he immediately saw why Mike had been so nervous.

The hyena's 'armor' was less protection and more enticement. A set of leather trousers covered more of the hyena's body than his little thong did, but it forced the cock out, the main body of the shaft actually exposed to the elements with the head trapped back under the leather itself, almost like a set of chastity trousers. Worse, it was assless, whereas at least he had a string over his butt.

Still, he was the one that won the embarrassment challenge, considering his cock couldn't be hidden unless it was completely soft, and he didn't have as big a chest piece as Michael did. The hyena groaned, shaking his head.

"I can't believe it..."

"It's Saul. I can believe it plenty."


"You don't have to do it, you know."

"Oh, thank god. Thank god!"

The hyena took a deep breath, heaving a sigh of relief as Robert looked around. Now that they were dressed, normally they'd be thrown into an adventure. Or he thought that was how it was supposed to work. Then again, he'd never been part of a LARP before, nor anything like it, so he didn't know what was going to happen.

"Oh, look at this."

He turned, blinking at the sight of a map in Wanda's hands.

"Where was that?"

"In the bottom of the bag. I was just checking to see if there was an instrument."

"Why -"

"I'm a bard. I should have one, shouldn't I?"

"Well...maybe you're supposed to use your voice. Can I see?"

She nodded, and he walked over, looking over her shoulder and doing the best he could to avoid staring at her cleavage. The map was of the school campus from above, but with the different buildings given alternate labels. The cafeteria was the 'Inn of Great Hope,' the library was the Cursed Archive of the Damned, the science building was the Great Madhouse, and -

He blinked, looking over at the eastern parking lot. It still had the same parking lots on it, but each one was marked with a tombstone on it rather than a car. He slowly lifted his head from the map, looking towards the east side of the campus. The library wasn't that far from it, and if he was right...

Ooooh, shit.

Shambling in through the eastern gate were 'zombies,' over fifty of them with their arms outstretched, fur or scales painted a pale gray, and more than a few obvious naked bodies. His blush went right back up as he realized that the students that were painted up were also rather horned up.

"Um, I think it's time to run."


"Do we have to? I was thinking I could sing a song."

"What would a song do?!"

"Oh, it might make them jump through hoops, or make peace not war, or -"

"Will you two fuck-buddies stop talking and run?!"

He yelped at the sudden tug at his already-stretched undergarments, feeling it drag right into his balls before he was able to get his feet under him. Shaking his head, he started running, looking over his shoulder now and then to see how close the zombies were. They were the shambling sort, thankfully, so they weren't picking up speed. They should be safe enough...he hoped.

They rounded a corner on the way to the center of the campus, and he looked at the map again.

"Michael, any idea of where we're going?"

"Cafeteria. Gotta get there."

"Why there?"

"It's an adventure, isn't it? These fucking things always start in an inn!"

"Fair enough, to the - HOLY FUCK!"

They stutter-stepped to a stop as a ridiculous little contraption came out in front of them. It was like one of the little robots that the science club worked on, except this one was at least as tall as them, and sported who knew how many nozzles on the fronts and sides. Honestly, it looked like some sort of plant-watering contraption, and he wondered what it was out for...until he saw the sign duct-taped to the side of it.

Pink Aphro-Dragon, the sign read. Successful hit requires Fort Save, DC 15, or you must spend five minutes jerking off.

"You gotta be kidding me..."

"Well, it seems safe enough. I have nothing to jerk."

" ...Damnit."

Michael laughed.

"Okay, that was worth it to hear Saul do that, but still, RUN!"

They ducked around the machine, barely avoiding getting hit with its sprinkler jets. They ran behind it, heard it whirring to face them again. He heard the first spurt, ducked his head, but -


The second splash of cold water hit him RIGHT on the ass, almost going up it. He stopped, groaning to himself. He paused, pulling his dice case out of his pouch, and quickly rolled it on the path below. Everything had paused for the moment.

Then it came up 16.

"We're good."

He picked it up, and the world started again, the chase sending them running down the school pathways all the way to the main building. The cafeteria was just inside.

They were still struggling with the doors when the 'aphro-dragon' came in range again, shooting more water. This time, it hit Michael, and the hyena wasn't so lucky. He groaned as his dice came up at a 2. He blushed, hesitating. Robert groaned.

"You, of all people?"

"Hey, it's different saying it than it is doing it!"

"Just get started..."

He blushed anyway as the hyena pulled his cock free, jerking it with a groan. The dragon was on the march again, spraying in little patterns all around him and Wanda. The pair of them were forcing the door as hard as they could, but it wasn't until they slammed into it that it finally opened.

They dragged the masturbating hyena in with them, and then slammed the doors shut. The 'dragon' didn't try to push through - thankfully - and the 'zombies' seemed quite willing to stay on the other side, as if they didn't know where their prey was. Michael gasped for breath, dropping his hand from his cock, only for Wanda to shove it back.

"Hey, what are you -"

"That wasn't five minutes yet. If we're playing the game, you have to continue for the whole time."


The hyena looked up at him, but Robert chuckled, rubbing his cheeks to try and get the blush to go away.

"Well, she is right...we can't just cheat and stop there."

"Oh, you guys...just...don't look...."

The End

Adventures After Dark 2: Inn the Cafeteria

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