Teaser: Take My Wife...Please

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#6 of Teasers

Here is the introduction to my new story about a lascivious feral German Shepherd named Shaw and his Anthro wife named Sasha. She didn't know it, but it turns out they have a rather open relationship...

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all my stories, please consider pledging your support at the $3 level on Patreon! Pledge your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

"Who's idea was it to host the meeting at the newbie's house?" Jeroux wondered, growling.

"Theirs," Vivi shrugged, pulling in next to the driveway, which was already full of three cars. Her husband always grumbled when they had to go anywhere, and he preferred when Vivi hosted the FAPP club. She could hardly believe her husband still felt emasculated being driven by his wife - he'd been a feral all his life. Still, he didn't like it when he wasn't in control. "You know, it's not all roses when we host, dear. It's a lot of work."

He sniffed, but didn't want to bring up how his two-legged wife always had to do the majority of the cleaning, cooking, and cleaning when they hosted the potluck. "Just get the door for me," he replied, gritting his teeth as he waited until she let him out onto the sidewalk, ears flat.

The two were the most perfect couple in the Feral and Anthro Partners Potluck club, both wolves with matching black fur, with identical grey bellies. Not that you could see Vivi's. Anthros had to wear clothes, after all. But her husband strode up the walk to the house as naked as the day he was born, detesting the clothes some ferals chose to wear to fit in. He knew enough to keep his tail down, but even so, Vivian wondered how often the other women snuck a peek at his plump, grey sheath. She knew _she_did, when she didn't think anyone would notice. Jeroux was an absolute beast in the sack, which is why she ignored the puzzled looks from her friends and family when she announced whose proposal she'd accepted.

She walked up and Jeroux rang the doorbell, always looking to do whatever he could. Which in this case wasn't opening the door. After a few seconds waiting, Sasha answered the door. They'd never met the German Shepherd before, though Bran and Mandy had when considering the young couple for FAPP. Vivian was duly impressed by the woman, a simple black dress adorning her curvy figure. She must have spent as long as Vivi brushing out her fur into sheer perfection.

But what really bugged the woman was_Mister_ Sasha. She saw the new male seated on the couch, talking to Mandy. He perfectly matched his wife, a German Shepherd but with four legs, and nearly as big as Vivi's husband. The shepherds were cute together - perhaps even cuter than the wolves. The last thing she needed was competition on Instagram!

"Lovely to meet you, Sasha," she said, holding out her hand.

"You must be Vivian. And Jeroux," she added, smiling, bending down to shake the big wolf's paw. "Please, come in. There's drinks and music. Bran's in the dining room with Mick and Kalli."

Jeroux smiled at the shepherdess. "Four for four. I thought for sure, just based on odds, that you'd be the feral."

Sasha giggled, insufferably cute, and stood up. "Didn't want to ruin the streak. Besides, it means we ladies have even more in common." She stepped aside as the two wolves entered the picturesque house. Vivi narrowed her eyes slightly at the perfect suburban household, perfect for a pair of pups in love, and right next to I-44 to the big city. The wolf couldn't help but feel outclassed by the younger canine couple. At least Vivian had a nicer car in the driveway.

Mandy, the yellow lab, made small talk with the new guy, finding nothing weird about sharing a couch with a feral dog. Her own husband was a Border Collie, after all, and both he and their daughter were four-leggers. She and Bran were the oldest couple in the club, in their late forties. She joked, "But that doesn't mean we're all dried up!" to Shaw.

But in reality, the middle-aged woman wasn't really feeling it. She only went to these Potlucks because she didn't know what she would do, otherwise. Raising a rotten fourteen-year-old girl had perhaps been the start, as hormones made the once-loveable pup distant and irritable. And Mandy loved her husband, she did. He was funny, and faithful, and a great father, but she had to do almost all the work around the house. There were definitely downsides to having a feral husband. She'd been so in love with him before, like she was in perpetual heat, until they'd had Karen. Now, even when the old dog was in heat, she never really felt anything anymore. Bran was still interested though, so she played along, and they always used up half-a-box of condoms during her heats. The last thing they needed was another kid!

"I'd better go prep the rest of my dessert," Mandy explained, bowing out of her conversation with the German Shepherd. They'd interviewed Shaw and Sasha, and the young couple seemed perfect for FAPP, but that didn't mean the labrador had anything much in common with him.

"No worries," the black-and-tan male replied, wearing only a dressy hat. It actually looked pretty good, though she'd grown accustomed to ferals in clothing thanks to Bran's penchant for bright bandanas around his neck. "I really ought to meet the guys, anyway."

Sasha overheard, and much to Vivi's chagrin, the Shepherdess quickly chimed in and said, "I'll help you, Mandy!" The two entered the kitchen, leaving the wolfess looking particularly unhelpful. But she wasn't about to spend more time with Sasha right now.

Jeroux, Shaw, and Vivian walked together to the dining room, where sharing plates of food were already waiting. Kalli watched as Vivi put down a salad. The Dalmatian wondered why someone so concerned with status would make something so simple. She was content just to chat and have fun on evenings like this, and hang out with a few ladies. The apartment was quiet with Mick, consisting mostly of television after work. At least until night...that's when her Kuvasz boyfriend really came alive. And what her big, white stud wanted, he got.

"Hi Viv," she called out, knowing the abbreviation bugged her. But the black wolf was fun to tease. Kalli stole a glance at Jeroux and Shaw's profiles, always ready to enjoy a peek at a couple of plump sheaths, though they couldn't really compare in sheer size to Mick.

"What'd you bring, Kalli?" Vivian replied through her teeth.

"I tried my hand at a carrot and string bean curry, and it came out pretty well, I think. But you should see what Sasha cooked - a whole roast duck!"

Jeroux licked his lips, poking his head over the table to look at the centerpiece meal, a glistening, glazed duck, already carved and a beautiful medium rare. "That'll be a treat," he hummed, ignoring the dirty look he got from his wife.

Mick and Bran were too busy talking Dashball to really notice the electricity radiating off the female wolf. Kalli grinned as her boyfriend got too invested once again in his old argument, that larger dogs are starting to replace the faster, more agile ones. The big, white dog told his smaller Border Collie counterpart, "Once a bruiser gets momentum, you get ten meters, minimum. The runners sure, sometimes they get a lot meters in one go, but usually they're down in one hit, and they can't handle a 200-pound Anthro jumping on 'em."

Bran shook his head. "If you were right, then why did the Pushers just trade away Bennis?" The black-and-white collie was always wagging his tail, and tonight Kalli saw he was sporting a smart red-orange bandana that was quite fetching, if you went for guys like him. Mick (like Jeroux) preferred to go aux natural, and he didn't bother to keep his tail down like most other dogs. Kalli always got amused when some kid got a surprise glimpse of her boyfriend's huge sack and stuck out their tongue...or blushed madly.

"Because they're as stupid as you are," Mick growled, but playfully.

Kalli sat at the table with the others, smiling at the four males sitting on their chairs, drooling over the roast duck. Of course, they'd need the ladies to serve them. Shaw was just saying, "Maybe I should check on them," when Sasha came into the dining room with Mandy hot on her heels.

The German Shepherd's entrance immediately flattened Vivi's ears, but Kalli knew that the old wolf would get over it eventually. Sasha said, "Mandy, go ahead and have a seat - I'll get drinks." Each guest asked for beer or wine, and carrying a stately silver tray, Sasha brought them all out at once, placing wine glasses and mugs in front of each guest. She reassured her feral guests, "It's okay if you splash a little, don't worry about the tablecloth."

Vivian chuckled. "This is one table where we're all aware of that."

Sasha blushed. "Oh, right. I forgot we're all mixed company."

The girls sipped and the guys lapped at their drinks while Kalli offered to serve up the duck, curry, and salad, and even Vivi couldn't complain about the perfectly cooked duck. Soon the four ladies were leaning back in their chairs, stuffed and not at all ready for dessert.

Shaw said, "Compliments to the chefs! Delicious food all around. I'm so glad you offered to let us into your little community."

Mick growled in agreement and raised a paw (he couldn't raise a glass). "To FAPP!"

"To FAPP!" they all agreed.

After dinner found the four ladies in the upstairs sitting room, and the four ferals in Shaw's den. Sometimes you just had to talk in private with others like you, one of the primary bonuses of the Feral and Anthro Partner Potluck.

Meanwhile, the guys were talking about the girls. Sports was what they talked about when the ladies were around, but as soon as they were in Shaw's den together, Mick started in. He took a seat on the plush loveseat in the corner of the office, while Shaw popped his hat off and lay on a small bed in the other corner for 'sneaking naps while Sasha thinks he's working'. Bran hopped onto the short swivel stool for the low desk (designed for ferals) in the center of the room, while Jeroux simply remained standing.

Mick said, "That room was an olfactory marvel."

The collie cocked his head. "The duck smelled great, but it tasted amazing."

The Kuvasz shook his head. "That's not what I meant," and exchanged knowing glances with the other two males in the room.

When Bran still didn't get it, Jeroux said, "You didn't smell it? At least two of those fine ladies was in heat. I know Vivi is..."

Bran shrugged. "I was more interested in the duck."

Mick said, "I saw Kalli putting on a scent pad as we were getting ready to come over."

"Sasha's definitely primed and ready. She's been begging me all week to start a family."

The black wolf perked up. "Lucky dog - congratulations."

But Shaw just shook his head. "Actually, it's more like a headache. I dunno if I'm ready to raise a child...or three."

The resident father in the group, the Border Collie paused his spinning stool to gaze seriously over at the German Shepherd in the corner and say, "You'll never be ready until you are. You just gotta do it. As soon as you become a father, you'll be ready."

Shaw said, "Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm definitely a father. It's raising them that's different."

Jeroux stammered, "Y-you are?"

"Yeah. I was living with Sasha, but it was before we were married. I was a pretty popular pup at the local bar, though I think if the ladies realized just how virile I am they might've made better choices. I had two pawfuls of one-night-stands, but that was all it ever took. I think I've got twelve pups running around."

Mick said, "Jesus..."

Jeroux said, "Pretty sure any one of us could knock up a bitch stupid enough not to use protection."

Shaw shook his head. "No, I mean it. There's something special about me. I beat the pill twice, popped two condoms, and I even knocked up three of 'em while they weren't in heat. But that's not the most impressive thing."

Jeroux looked amused at these tall tales. "Tell us, oh great one."

"One feral bitch was drunk out of her mind and I found her in the alley out back, leaking from God knows how many passers-by. She was a Poodle, of course. Can you believe even after all that, she took one look at me and raised her tail, saying she'd always wanted to fuck a German Shepherd?"

"I think wolves are more popular," Jeroux suggested.

Mick said, "So what happened?"

"So I fucked her. Just once, mind you, and it was like my cock was swimming in the ocean. She must've had a dozen guys before me. Well, I saw her nine months later, and she had two half-shepherd mutts in the carriage."

Bran said, "Bullshit. No way you slipped two into her after all those other guys nutted first."

Shaw shook his head. "That's what I'm saying. I could let you all fuck Sasha senseless first, but I could still put a purebred litter into her."

Jeroux walked over to Shaw, who was still lying down, a smug expression on the black wolf's face. "Easy talk. But I think Vivi was right, and you and your cute wife are just trying to impress us. Such a clean, perfect house, roast duck, pretty good booze. Well -"

Bran hopped off the stool, saying, "Jeroux, back off. You've had a few too many cold ones."

The wolf snapped at the Border Collie, turning to look at the insufferably unafraid host. Shaw didn't even stand up, looking so smug. "Don't worry Bran," he said, lowering his aggressive tail. "I don't mind being treated to good food and beer. But I don't like lies. He says he's got twelve kids, and a magic prick, but I say put up or shut up."

Shaw cocked his head. "What do you mean? It's all true, but how can I prove it?"

The wolf sneered. "That's what I mean. So how about you use the second option and shut up."

Mick said, "Dude, calm down. He's probably just exaggerating. No need to bite his ass."

But Shaw said, "No - I can prove it."

The other dogs all looked at the black-and-tan dog as he stood up to face Jeroux. He continued, "I'll give you all Sasha for the evening, but I bet you a hundred bucks that I end up siring more puppies tonight than all of you combined."

Bran chuckled nervously at the unusual boast, but Shaw didn't seem to be joking. Mick said, "Might want to ask Sasha about that, first," with a grin.

Jeroux scoffed, shaking his head, but Shaw continued, "You don't know Sasha. When she's in heat, she can't say 'no'. Besides, she told me she wanted puppies tonight, whatever it takes."

"I think this joke has gone too far," Bran said, swallowing the last word, his tail slightly between his legs.

Jeroux agrees. "He's bluffing. He thinks we won't take him up on the offer because we're married. Well, fuck that. I'm calling your bluff. I'm in."

Mick shrugged. "I'm not married. And Kalli doesn't have to know as long as Sasha knows how to keep her mouth shut."

Bran hopped between the wolf and shepherd, protesting, "What about Vivian? You love her."

Jeroux laughed. "One, he's never going to actually agree to the bet. Two, Vivi's been glaring daggers at Sasha all night. She'd want me to win this bet just to show the new guys up. If Shaw's so eager to raise my pups, I'm game."

Shaw just laughed, his tail straight out in his own aggressive posture. Testosterone was coursing through the small den, and they could smell the musk of four horny studs with receptive bitches at home. He said, "Give it your best shot. I'll go get Sasha and give you all two hours to do your worst while I keep guard and make sure none of your bitches come in."

Mick said, "You're not even going to be in here?"

"You think I want to see you guys railing my wife?"

Bran said, "Guys, this is crazy. You're all drunk and this is the dumbest plan I've ever heard. I'm getting Mandy, and we're going home. You two should, too."

Jeroux shook his head at the Border Collie. He was glaring so hard, he didn't hear the door opening behind him as he said, "Do what you want, but leave us out of it. I'm ready to fuck Sasha senseless."

It took the wolf a few seconds to realize why his friends all had dropped jaws, and he turned around. Sasha was standing, hand over her mouth, at the door.