101 Dalmatians: Romantic Getaway
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101: Pounding Perdita
Mostly clean from Perdita's dedicated licks, Greta leapt off of the horny Dalmatian, saying, "I'll stop zhem!" She scrambled up the basement stairs, leaving the Perdie lying on her back, her face covered in the German shepherd's fluids. Perdita could...
Perdie's Affair, Epilogue (Parting Thoughts)
I closed the door, though it took me a few moments to fumble with the handle. Was I drunk? I didn't _feel_drunk. I felt _sad_. After all the effort I'd put into making the perfect evening for Anita, she was forced to work late once again. This time,...
Ward 16: Advantages
Nurse Fartham woke Cathy in the morning, though the woman was trying to be quiet. Cathy's ears twitched anyway, and her eyes popped open to see Julie shuffling around her cart. "Good morning, Cathy," she said, looking down at the food bowl, sitting...
Jeanette was the only one who knew. Oh, sure, there were others, when I'd lived in the capital city, Perles. My parents, friends of the family, even a few other kids. But here, in Lourdeux, only Jeanette knew my secret. And she was the first person to...
Wanna Bet?
**I drank a lot, even though my parents had warned me not to. But I was a sixteen-year-old woman now, and I could do what I wanted, and if that included drinking at the bar with a fake I.D., then so be it! I was at McClaron's, and as long as you had a...
Jenna's Justice (The "Good" Ending)
Jenna remembered everything she'd gone through by Steele's paw. Had the malamute _ever_listened to her? Respected her? Cared about her? He'd raped her,_twice_, before she started going to him willingly. He'd taken his pleasure and left her whimpering...
WoW: ...no, you get piglets.
Gruk'thar woke in the middle of the night, sweating. He couldn't remember his dream, but he knew it was about his brother. Bor'dan still had not turned up, five days later, and he was beginning to wonder if Griselde was right. Oh, he'd _told_her she...
Afternoon Snack
I wasn't sure I could trust "Special Occasion" when she said no one would trace the sphinx's disappearance to me. Oh, she was mine, completely; I knew by now that my treat would never betray me, at least not intentionally. But she did seem...
WoW: If you polymorph an Orc to a pig, do you get porc?
"Gruk'thar, it's me or the girl!" "Well, I'm not leaving Griselde, brother, and you'll have to get used to that," the large, green-skinned humanoid replied hastily. Bor'dan could tell his brother was getting fed up with his complaints. But they were...
Catholic Bitch: Cathouse for Dogs
"Meaghan, would you come into my office?" Meaghan perked her ears up at her teacher. Now, naturally, the humans_thought_they were the ones training the dogs at the obedience school, but they'd be getting nowhere without the help of Pollack and Trudi....
Catholic Bitch: Break Out
Emm couldn't get out of the house until the second day, when her master finally left the house. The woman spent far too much of the weekend on schoolwork, finishing on Sunday night before heading out to spend time with friends. That left the young...