Delayed destiny ch 4

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#4 of Delayed destiny

Chapter 4. Any and all feedback accepted. Chapter 5 is going up now as well.


Me and Forest were the first to wake up. When Seth and Kade got up and saw Forest they instantly started asking him all sorts of questions. After Forest answered all of their questions they asked if we all could go to his house and hangout there.

"ya sure, I just have to ask my mom. Oh no... I forgo..." (Forest)

"Ajax get your ass down here now!" (mom)

I rushed downstairs with Forest being me. I saw Forest's mom standing in the kitchen.

"hey mom I forgot to text you last night. I was gonna say I ran into Ajax and he invited me over."


"Ya when I woke up and you were gone I figured you'd come here. I still wish you had texted me though." (Forest's mom)

"I'm sorry Ms. Linner, I didn't realize Forest forgot to text you." (Me)

"It's not your fault Ajax, I know you're a good kid."

"Hey mom, is it OK if Ajax Seth Farren and Kade come over today?" (Forest)

"As long as it's OK with you Lainey." (Ms. Linner)

"Of course. Ajax you and your brothers behave over there, got it?" (mom)

"yes mom" (me)

I never had to tell my mom that I was gay, she sees patterns in everything so I knew she knew. As we made it back upstairs I asked Forest if his mother knew about him yet.

"Ya she's known for about a year, she's OK with it but my dad finally found out. And when he realized my mom already knew he flipped and that's the reason he left us."

"Wow that must have hard. I'm sure you feel like it's your guy's fault, huh?" (Farren)

"At first ya, but our mom eventually explained that they were having troubled times to begin with. Honestly that asshole can burn in hell!"

"Woah, that bad huh?" (Me)

"Well we found out he used to beat our mother. We were going to beat the shit out of him if we ever saw him again."

"If you ever do find him we will help."

I said that looking to my brothers who all nodded.

We all packed a bag and explained everything to the rest of my brothers.

We walked through the front door of Forest's house and saw Colin, Forest's older brother, Allen and Tyson who were twins, and one year younger then Farren and Kade. Colin was the same age as Seth, and Forest was my age. All of them looked alike, they are husky and German shepherd mix. They all had short white and Grey fur. Forest was a little different because he had tan tan lines down his back and arms.

"Farren is that you, Come here!" (Allen)

Allen pulled Farren into a hug Seth did the same to Colin and Kade practically dove to Tyson who fell to the ground from kade's weight. Me and Forest just looked at each other shaking our heads. We all went upstairs to the loft and started to talk. We explained everything that happened while they were away.

"So you guys actually have powers now? That's sorta crazy." (Allen)

"Ya it's still pretty new to us." (Seth)

"Well let's see what you can do." (Colin)

I turned to Seth and held out my hand. We had been practicing and didn't even need to explain what we were thinking about anymore. We all kinda had some sort of mental link now. I started to imagine what kind of power we would have all fused into one. Seth grabbed my hand and flashed into me. In an instant I could feel Seth's thoughts towards Colin.

You really missed him didn't you? (Me)

Of course I did, now stop prying.

I turned to Forest and raised my hand I used my talent in telekinesis to pull him into me and kissed him.

Wtf I don't want to be kissing Forest. (Seth)

Right, sorry I got carried away.

"Hey isn't Seth in there with you?!" (Colin)

"Yeah... sorry about that" (Me)

I raised my left hand and concentrated on air. I made a small tornado in my hand. That's when everyone lost their shit.

"Wow, I didn't believe you when you said you had multiple abilities." (Allen)

"Well we can control basically any arcane power, but some come easier than others. For me telekinesis and air elemental come easy." (Me)

At that time Kade fused with Farren. He started floating and and then made a fireball between both his hands. I looked over at Farren and held my hand out, shrugging as I did so. He grabbed it and was pulled into me. I felt insane amounts of power rushing through my body. I looked over to the linner's and started to raise into the air, I then picked up all four of them to float with me

I held a ball of fire in my right hand and and wind vortex in the other. After a few seconds I let go of everything and dropped to the floor. All three of my brothers defused then and were a little dazed.

"That is some crazy power you guys have." (Forest)

"The rush of power we feel when we fuse like that is wild. We are still working on controlling it, it can be overwhelming." (Me)

So we spent the rest of the day catching up and spending some alone time with each other. We all thought that tomorrow would be a good day at school. But we had no clue what was coming.