Delayed destiny ch 6

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#6 of Delayed destiny

Here's chapter 6 for you all. Any and all feedback welcome. I hope more and more of you find this story and want to keep up to date with it. It's great to see people actually take an interest in my work.


The flight home was long and I had to focus hard to make sure I didn't lose control of the power. It doesn't help when you have nine other voices arguing in your head.

We arrived home and split as soon as my feet hit the ground. I felt dizzy and everything started to fade to black.

I awoke to see my mom sitting beside my bed.

"How are you feeling?" (mom)

"Good I guess, a little sore."

"I would think so you just flew 70 miles without stopping and containing all nine of your brothers powers"

"How long was I asleep?"

"A little over 4 hours" (Forest)

Forest appeared from the ground at the end of my bed.

"Forest? What are you doing here?"

"Well I couldn't just do nothing when I heard my boyfriend was passed out from exhaustion."

"Boyfriend? Well I guess it does fit."

"Of course it fits. I was wondering how long it would take you two." (Mom)

My mother left and it was just me and Forest.

"So I heard the whole story from Farren and Kade mostly. What you did was kinda awesome." (Forest)

"Well I knew I had to act for my brothers, I wasn't going to stay in that place, what they're doing there isn't right."

"I agree, but most people wouldn't have that kind of courage to do what you did."

"Joe would have done the same thing"

"But you did, and you only did what you needed. Joe would have torn that lady to shreds."

"Good point"

He came to lay on the bed with me. It was already late and I needed more sleep. Doing all of that really put a number on my body, probably my brothers as well. I pulled Forest into me when I realized I had a raging boner.

"Um.. Sorry I didn't even realize." (Me)

"What part of boyfriend did you not understand? It's fine really."

We both fell asleep with a few minutes.

The next morning I woke to my mom calling all of us down. I told Forest to stay up here. We all came downstairs and saw Ms. Star standing in the front doorway. Me and Farren immediately fused without saying a word, so did Vince and Tony, Seth and Garrett joined in a second later.

"Please calm down, I'm not here to hurt you or take you back." (Ms. Star)

"How do we know your not lying again?" (Garrett)

"Because it's just me here today, and your family has already been compensated for everything that happened."

"Wait, why? I thought we would have been in trouble with the government." (Tony)

"No, I'm sorry it seemed that way to you guys. I've been told that everything is supposed to be voluntary and not forced."

"Can you tell us more about this program you were talking about?" (Me)

"Yes I will, but can you guys please power down?"

We all defused and asked her to explain.

"Thank you. This program is for military use. We are working on gathering everyone with enhanced and useful abilities, namely unique powerful abilities and healers. We are doing this because we fear other countries are doing the same. We need to make sure our borders are secure and that we can protect our citizens."

"why didn't you just tell us that to begin with?" (Carson)

"because we need to test your abilities before we explain these kind of details to citizens."

"So why explain this to us now when you aren't sure if we will accept." (Me)

"You all have the best ability out of any of our previous subjects. My ability is to completely disable my targets bodies. My ability has never failed, even against arcane resistant ability users. Your ability to control any and all arcane abilities is unheard of."

I looked to all my brothers.

If what she says is true, we could help a lot of people. (Farren)

What would we be required to do though? (Garrett)

I'm not a fighting machine for the military, I don't think I could be killing people. (Kade)

Let me ask something. (Me)

"What would be required of us and what would we be doing exactly" (Me)

"That's all up to you guys. We could train your healing abilities up and you could serve as medics on the field. Preferably we'd want you guys on the front line, but i get that's a lot to ask of you guys." (Ms. Star)

"I don't think we could serve on the front lines. Where would we have to go, and what kind or training would we do?"

"We can train you at any of the military facilities around the US. You wouldn't have to leave or be required to do anything unless another country were to attack us."

"So we could train at the facility we were yesterday, and then stay home until we are needed?"

"That's correct. And again you could only train in healing abilities if that is what you wish."

I looked back at everyone else.

We really could help a lot of people if something were to happen. (Me)

I wouldn't be opposed to fighting on the front lines if it meant protecting the country. But I would never fight anywhere else. (Joe)

I could tell from the link that Garrett Carson and Lance felt the same.

But not all of us would be able to do something like that. (Kade)

And we can't be split up, we don't even know if you are arcane resistant if it's just the four of you. (Me)

I say we ask some more questions and see what else we can do with our ability before anything else. (Joe)

"Ms. Star, would you be able to test your ability on me Garrett Carson and Lance while fused?" (Joe)

"I don't think that's the most appropriate thing to do right now. Why do you ask?" (Ms. Star)

"Because us four are the ones who would be the most willing to fight if it meant protecting our people. We want to see if we are still arcane resistant when it's just us four. You can reverse your ability if it works right?"

"yes, but I'm still not sure if I should."

"Please this would be a great help for us to figure out what we would like to do."

"OK... ok I suppose I can do it once."

Joe and the others fused and stood waiting for Ms. Star to use her ability. She raised her hand and I could sense a pressure feeling from Joe. But he still withstood the ability.

"OK so you are still arcane resistant." (Ms. Star)

"yes but I could tell it was harder for them then when you tried to use it on me yesterday, and they were already expecting it so he had time to build up a resistance." (Me)

I was saying this because I still didn't like the idea of us ever having to be separated. Joe could sense my worry.

This is that your decision to make Ajax, I hope it never comes to it but we have to help if we can. (Joe)

I understood but it was still hard on me, and everyone else for that matter.

"So do you guys have an answer for me now? Or should I give you all some time to think it over?" (Ms. Star)

I could already sense what everyone else was feeling so I spoke up first.

"give us some time, but I can guarantee that we would like to train some more at the very least."

"OK, miss Lainey has my contact info, Give me a call when you come to a decision."

Ms. Star left and we all went upstairs. Not a single word was spoken for the next few minutes but we all shared our thoughts on the subject. After a while I realized Forest was just sitting there and not knowing what was going on. I was about to speak when I thought about trying to project my thoughts to him. Nothing happened. I turn to Farren who guessed my intentions and immediately fused with me. I tried again to communicate with Forest.

Hey Forest can you hear me?

Woah is that you Ajax?

Ya it's me I just realized that you didn't know we were all sharing our thoughts on what happened. Then I wanted to see if I could project my thoughts to you but I guess we have to be fused to do that.

Farren defused from me and I pulled Forest into my room. I explained everything that happened and he had a ton of questions, like if we were going to do it and what that would entail. We talked late into the day when suddenly Garrett's thoughts came to me.

We completely forgot about school.

Shit I knew something was missing. Whatever we had shit going on it doesn't matter.

Everyone went to their rooms after eating dinner and one by one fell asleep.

"Hey uh... Would you want to try something with me?" (Forest)

"Try what?"

"Well now that you're my boyfriend we could do some stuff?"

"Not here Forest, my brothers are sleeping in the same room."

"Well I just thought that becouse everyone here is gay they wouldn't mind, if they even woke up in the first place."

"Sorry Forest not here. I want to but we'd have to do it at your house where it's just us two."

"OK I understand. Let's get some sleep."