Avatar Na'vi: Hunter's Hunted

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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Avatar Na'vi: Hunter's Hunted


A special thanks to the Learn Na'vi Forum in the ongoing process of teaching me Na'vi.

This is all based on what we know of the Na'vi language in May 2010.

Thanks to Apxa for his contributions to the story.

Txo ngal ke tslam lì'fyat nìNa'vi, nìsìlpey fìvurìl livu skxomit atxantsan ngar fte ngal nume sì tslivam aylì'ut ;)

[If you don't already know Na'vi, hopefully this'll be a good motivation for you to learn so you can understand the dialog] ;)

The best Na'vi resources are the wikilinks: http://wiki.learnnavi.org

Na'vi Grammar Cheatsheet: http://www.lingweenie.org/docs/navicheat.pdf

Our Dictionary: http://mwf-data.clonk2c.ch/dvi/attach/NaviDictionary.pdf


Hunter's Hunted

by Mirri



Much too close already, she knew there was no need to close the distance. She was jeopardizing the whole hunt by getting closer than she needed to and risking discovery. The slightest brush against a leaf, any sound or movement she made that would make her seen, and it would all have been in vain.

The bow was raised already, steady as a cliff while she padded slowly forward, stepping on the soft undergrowth. It was merely a lack of confidence in her own skills that made her walk closer. She knew deep in her heart she was better than this.


The sound revealing the attack was sudden and too quick to react to. The arrow impaled the Hexapede's skin, embedding itself deeply inside it to a bleating cry that made its nearby herdmates flee for their lives out of the clearing while their sibling fell to the ground.

While she sprinted forward and slung the bow over her shoulder she noticed how deep the wound was. Again she had used too much force; she had been too close and the bow too high strung.

She slided on her knees the last two feet on the slippery moss and leaves, and drew the knife at her side in a blur of movement. The Hexapede's throat was cut in a single well-executed slash, ending its brief suffering and she bowed her head over its face, pressing her forehead against the deer-like creature's muzzle and shared its last exhale with her own breath.

"Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmuk, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo. Ngari hu Eywa salew tirea, tokx 'ì'awn slu Na'viyä hapxì."

A clean kill.

She tugged at the arrow and found it too deeply embedded to pull out again. The female sighed and broke it off at the skin, tossing away the other half.

Alright, almost a clean kill.

She rose to her full eight and a half feet and stretched herself out to a pair of admiring, hidden eyes in the tree above. She was a lanky, tall, azure blue cat-like creature with sapphire-blue stripes all over her almost like a tiger. Extremely athletic - there was not an ounce of fat on her body due to her hardened training. Battle hardened, it would seem. Aside from the razor-sharp bone knife she was now sheathing at her hip, she carried only a small quiver of arrows and a large hunting bow with her that hung with the string going from one shoulder across her chest to the opposite hip. It looked a bit too big for her size, but she was young and still growing. It would fit her soon enough.

A single stiffened leather wristband on her right hand helped with her archery skills and she wore a necklace made of large fangs from some unknown creatures. Multicolored beads were braided into her dark black hair, but she wore little other jewelry. These things were reserved for older females who had reason to wear them. However, she did have a very large piece of jewelry of a sort embedded in her skin. It was a beautiful dotted pattern of what looked like a huge phosphorescent green tribal tattoo going from her forehead, down her wide, flat nosebridge, down her cheeks, then back over her shoulders and neck, and down into an elaborate pattern that spread over her back like an eagle's wings and went down the sides of her spine all the way to her tail and firm, rounded rump.

The eyes above had been admiring her form, indeed. Even a teenage Na'vi like her, she was still as much a skilled survivor as any. Ever since she was young she had been able to move with barely a sound, her limbs slender and graceful like a ballet dancer, always in full control and never accidentally touching anything that could make an unwanted noise. She was a perfect silent assassin of the jungle, as she had just demonstrated. The watching eyes had never before seen a youngling get that close to her prey without giving herself away.

It was time to reveal himself. From the tree above a shadow fell towards the ground and even the brief, slight *woosh* noise it made through the air was enough to alert the female before he landed. By the time he had fallen 20 feet and landed with a soft *thump* on the undergrowth she was already crouched with her teeth bared and her bone knife drawn, ready for an ambush.

The male smirked at her uncanny swiftness and rose up to his full height, standing proud and crossing his arms.

"Kaltxì, ma tsmuke. Nga wina taronyu lu nìlaw." He nodded towards the fresh kill behind her.

Her disproportionately large almond-shaped cat eyes looked up at him, their light-sensitive yellow and emerald green colors almost mesmerizing as they gleamed and the black iris widened for maximum sensitivity to any sudden movements. It took a second for her to recognize his voice and shape, and with a playful flick of her tail she parted her lips - her pure white canines looking sharp, yet she managed a sincere, if somewhat predatory smile at him while she resheathed her bone knife and untensed her body to relax once again.

There was no war-bow slung crosswise over his shoulders as usual when she saw him out and about, just the knife at his side, much larger than hers since he was most often hunting larger prey in raids with a whole pack of Na'vi. It was chiseled sharp beyond measure and embedded with colored stone shards.

"Kaltxì, ma Txaso," she returned the familiar greeting to her tribebrother, a bit of pride flushing into her cheeks. She knew him well from when they used to play as kids. He was older than her and she remembered admiring him greatly when he succeeded the Rite of Passage and captured his own Ikran a couple of years ago.

Her own Rite could not be more than a year away, she hoped. It all depended on when the elders would allow her to prove herself, of course, so she was training hard. She would become one of the youngest females ever to pass if she was allowed to take the Rite next summer. She wanted to be ready.

Txaso puffed himself up some, flexing his muscles as he felt her admiring eyes roam over him, lingering mostly on the tribal tattoos of honor and bravery that dotted his form. Her own body was a bare canvas in comparison to his ceremonial sigils and glyphs, telling the stories of his adventures. He was especially proud of the red and green spiral with three claw slashes through the middle on his right shoulder, telling the tale of how he courageously distracted and drew away an angry Palulukan to save a pack of his wounded tribebrothers during a hunting accident. The bioluminescent dots shone bright in the shade of the thick overhead canopy.

He took the opportunity to take in her own form up close as he stepped nearer, the slender, young Niya having been much on his mind lately. She bore the distinct tribal look with great grace; that long black hair of hers was braided into a pony tail with various beads, feathers, and bones inserted into it, as well as into the dreadlocks that fell down over her face and over her long, pointy blue ears that constantly twitched and turned to catch any nearby sound. The bangs and tufts of hair hung down over her chest, barely obscuring her somewhat flat and athletic breasts. Na'vi females were certainly not selected for their bouncy attributes, but rather for their sleek, almost aquatic slimlined bodies.

He liked how the ropey, prehensile, lemur-like tail sticking out from her rump was coiling and swishing in playful ways whenever she was not concentrated on hunting and keeping it perfectly stiff to balance herself. Around her waist was a simple belt of several leather strings wound together to form a thick rope-string and it was tied together by a knot at the side. It held the sheath of her knife and a single front flap of loincloth that barely reached down to her knees. She had grown out of that one, but all the boys greatly appreciated that she had not yet gotten a proper one that was longer. There was no back flap to it, just her tail sticking out underneath the waist-string.

What aroused his attention most of all, however, was the lack of pattern around her lower belly. She was still completely pristine and blue, a clear mark of her virginity. Once a female was claimed by a male, her chest, belly and groin would be tattooed with those bioluminescent dots in a pattern of her mate's choosing.

The two of them had not had much contact for a while, there was a clear separation of warriors and adolescents in their tribe, after all. The adolescents were always laughing, running around, and playing hunting games, and the newly accepted warriors were busy distancing themselves from the other kids now that they had achieved status and recognition in the tribe. It usually took a few years for the warriors to get over themselves and start talking to the kids they used to play with, but by that time they were usually warriors too.

And now that he was considered an adult in the eyes of the tribe, group pressure dictated that he had to hang out only with "others of his kind". Yet recently he had taken a renewed interest in the young, maturing female, especially after that show a couple of months ago. A group of Na'vi had rehearsed a play, an enactment of an epic story that had been told in the tribe for untold ages. It was performed by the adolescents and she had played the legendarily stealthy huntress mate of a great Toruk Makto played by Umatak, the tallest of the younglings whose own Rite of Passage was only months away, and they had showed in very eyebrow-raising detail how the two had consummated their love under the Tree of Voices after he was victorious in the Great War of the Black Mountains. Complete with grinding and moaning and their queues joined they had been rubbing loincloths in front of the whole tribe. It had not exactly been a family-friendly show, but it had certainly aroused the interest of all the young males in her. Adult or not, many had to self-consciously adjust their loincloths during that ordeal.

The old storytelling female of the tribe who had come up with the whole idea of a play and rehearsed with them had afterwards vehemently defended it as an accurate portrayal of recorded historic events, even though she could not remember instructing them to do it that explicitly.

Needless to say, Niya was quite popular among the young males in the tribe after that and they haunted her every step, some of the more insistent ones needing a smack on the nose before they stopped trying to follow her on a hunt and more often than not scaring off her prey. She had soon after entirely given up trying to hunt with any of the boys like she used to since she seemed to have this aura of distraction that they were completely unable to cope with anymore.

Txaso prided himself on not having been too pushy, even though the competition around her seemed fierce. However, she must have noticed his interest, he was sure. They had been talking together a lot more than they used to and 'accidentally' showing up in the same places. And he knew how much she appreciated the way he could chase off the younger, hopeful boys with a stern look. He was an adult warrior, after all, and a renowned one at that. So far his plan to just be friendly towards her, not at all persistent to stick around when she wanted to be alone, and acting as a safe haven in public where he could keep the other boys away from her, had worked. Whenever it got a bit too much to have all the clumsy adolescents fawn over her, she would seek him out and the crowd that followed her would grudgingly disperse.

This, however, was the first time they had been alone. Truly alone. Out here in the thick of the jungle with a fresh kill tantalizing their instincts and making their hearts beat faster. Niya herself was already tense and adrenaline-fueled from the successful hunt and Txaso was fast catching up at the pleasing sight of her, the scent of a fresh kill, and the knowledge that they were all alone.

Txaso himself was out of a family of many brothers and sisters and he looked like it too. Breeders sire breeders and he was truly his father's son. He resembled the ancient warrior archetype readily enough: A bulky build with broad shoulders, sharply angular cheekbones, and bulging muscles accentuated by the leather strap tied around his left biceps near the shoulder. His dusk-blue, tiger-striped hide gleamed with health and youthful vitality as brightly as the fine glowing speckles littered upon his broad, noble brow, down his wide muzzle-bridge and tracing lines and patterns down his chest. His magnificent long and dark black queue hung unfurled down his spine like a braid of hair. His stance was steady and lethal to any prey; his steps were not as silent as that of the female in front of him, but rather sounded as if he almost took root in the ground whenever he firmly planted his feet.

His finely chiseled features smiled at her with a certain smugness and charm that made the females his own age swoon and chitter amongst themselves about which of them he had been looking at, and they were now working their magic with the younger female too. Niya giggled and averted her eyes shyly from him. He knew then that all his waiting and restraint had paid off. He was ready to make his move.

Txaso stepped around to the other side of the Hexapede and squatted down, smearing his fingers in the pool of blood that had seeped from its open throat and onto the ground. Niya followed curiously and stood beside him to watch.

"Nawma Yerikìri. Oeng irayo tìng ngeyä tirearu lehum," He laid his hand on the creature's forehead while speaking and then lifted his gaze to the female's, raising the hand to draw two lines of blood across her forehead in a downward V shape, "..ulte sirearu a nga yìyomtìng."

The scent of blood and the promise of food and a fresh kill seemed to be bypassing both of the two Na'vi's stomachs and going straight to the more primal centers of their brains. Txaso stood up again, suddenly feeling out of breath and only now noticing how rapidly his heart was hammering in his chest.

He stood a head taller than Niya and traced his finger along the underside of her jaw, lifting her head up at an angle to let those big yellow eyes gaze deeply into his own, finding purpose and a determined expression in his stare.

"Ngari txantsana taronyu lu.. a'ewan asevinsì." His finger moved up her chin and then slipped between her lips, his smile widening when she suckled on it and tasted the fresh kill.

Txaso bit his lower lip. It was now or never.

"Rutxe, tung 'ong oeyä aytì'efu teringa." He took a deep breath, never breaking the gaze with her. "Ngari nì'ul to 'eylan oeru lu. Tsakrr oeng ayevi lamu, oel narmew ngati. Set oel nerew ngati."

Niya's eyes widened, her ears were perked up and did not flinch even at nearby noises from the jungle, she was fully concentrated on him as he stepped up closer, their chests only an inch apart now, both of them sharing each others' breath.

"Hol tute tìng fpom oeru fa feyä lrrtok pxel nga." Txaso continued. He was getting nervous at her lack of reaction, he did not have her pegged as the type that got stunned easily, which made him glad that he had rehearsed his lines well for days. At the time they were meant to overwhelm her, but now that they actually seemed to do so, he was having second thoughts.

"Spame'eie oeyä txe'lan. Kame nìlaw oeyä vitrati ngal na tsawkeyä atan." He smiled and blinked his eyes for the first time since they locked gazes in the beginning. "'erieia mì sevina menariti ngeyä oel."

The female's ears turned bright red on the inside and she snapped out of her trance from his heavy exhale and the finger caressing along the side of her jawline now. She opened her mouth and about to say something, but was immediately silenced when the bigger male wrapped both of his long arms around her and hugged her close. The sudden sharing of body heat made them both flush with excitement and the hug was held tight a few moments before Txaso pulled his head back to look at her again, his previously charming smile having grown to a much more eager one.

"Fìtseng Kelutralftu solutx oel ngeyä fahewit. Fpak oeyä aytì'efu ngaru ke tsun oel." Leaning in to whisper in her ear he nipped at the tip of it playfully, lowering his head a bit to press his cheek against the side of her forehead. He looked down her back at his own hands.

"Oe.. oe ke tsleram.." Niya inhaled sharply when she felt a hand roam down her back, all four fingers stroking closely down her spine towards her tailbase. She was looking straight ahead over his shoulder and into a tree, but she found herself unable to even focus on it.

His voice made her knees weak, it was deep, deliberate and smooth as the softest moss. "New tsafahewit äo oeyä kxetse oel." His hand slipped down her perfectly curved rear into the cleft of her rump, grabbing a handful of it and kneading that rounded butt firmly. He knew he was pushing his luck now, but when he heard her exhaling sigh and saw how her tail lifted up at the touch near it, all pretense of restraint disappeared from his mind.

"Txe'lan ngeyä seryaw oeru. Oel piak sivi ngati na syulang, oe ke tsun pey." There was a low growl in Txaso's throat, unmasking his lust. There was no doubt he was going to claim what he had come here for.

Niya felt her tail being grabbed near the root and then run through the bigger male's fingers all the way to the puffy tip. Their bodies pressed together and the warmth of both was rising quickly as was the scent of them. It was almost as if Txaso could sense whenever she was starting to feel uncomfortable or having second thoughts, because every time just before she was about to say something, he interrupted with a line that made her brain turn to mush and her resistance crumble away.

"Mì oeyä aytìfpìlyä kilvanit ngari nì'aw tskxe lu. Fratseng 'ampi ngati oel." The voice flowed into her ear, eliciting another suppressed sigh from her and a deeper hug.

Her arms tightened momentarily around his back when she held him close and rested her head on his shoulder. Finally he heard her reply, "Oel sim ngaru. Ngeyä txe'lanyä tìsom oemìfa 'efu."

Txaso was filled with a sense of pride, accomplishment, and arousal all at once. What he had waited for was ripe for the taking now. Slowly he brushed his hand around her side from her tailbase to her hip and farther around to the front, meeting not even a twitch of resistance.

"Rìyun oel prrte'ti a lahe aytutean nì'aw sìlpey 'efu." His hand slipped behind her loincloth in front and greedily grabbed a palmful of her smooth sex. Both of them shivered at the sudden intimate contact and Txaso was surprised to find how warm and wet she felt. Impatiently he pushed a finger into the slit he was cupping a moment earlier and during her gasp of surprise he forced another one in beside it. Both slipped back and forth slowly, parting the girl's folds for the first time by the aid of someone other than herself. Judging by the way she dug her claws into his back and moaned into his neck, he was doing it right too. The slippery noises grew louder when he increased the pace, and he looked down her back, watching her tail swipe side to side uncontrollably while his fingers rapidly pushed through her tight pussy and were already dripping with her eager, clear juices.

When he abruptly retreated she was panting up a storm, her eyes wild when he pulled back far enough in their hug to look at her again. He licked his fingers while she watched and then lead his hand down one of her arms, stroking it all the way to the wrist where he grabbed her.

"Oe fkxake nekll." He grinned with all his canines showing and guided her hand around the side of the front flap of his own loincloth, his eyes closing when he felt her fingers clutch his well-proportioned endowment hidden beneath. He must have moaned out a bit too needful or eager, because she suddenly pulled her hand back as if burned by fire.

"Kehe. Oeng zenke muntxa si futa akxanì lu!" She took a few steps back and held her "tainted" hand with the other one, her tail stiff with fear and the overwhelming sensations of all these conflicting emotions.

Expecting to be met with defiance or anger, she saw how Txaso merely smiled that damnably charming smile that always made her thoughts cloudy. "Kurakx ngeyä aysìfpìl akawng, tsay ke tsranten. Nì'aw na'rìng oìymum oengyä prrte'."

Niya bit her lip. She knew she ought to resist, but every other part of her wanted to let the male do everything he wanted to. Eeeeverything.

"Pänutìng oe tsnì ke rina' si ngaru. Oeng uvan-muntxa sivi." He reassured her, that coy, confident smile melting away all her arguments like snow before the spring sun.

"Uvan-muntxa si, fyape?" Niya looked apprehensive and curious at the same time, not moving away when the male stepped closer to her again. She had heard boys talk hushed about this thing before, but she did not know what it was.

"Kìyar oel ngaru fì'ut. Ne kllte." He winked at her and kept an air of mystery about it still.

It took a few moments of internal arguments in her head before Niya finally knelt down in front of him, finding her head level with his crotch and unable to take her eyes off the lump her smooth fingers had just helped create. He did not let her linger long before he reached to the side of his belt and untied the knot that held it all up. His loincloth and knife fell to the ground around his ankles and revealed himself in all his blue, throbbing glory to her inquisitive eyes.

"Tewti!" Niya gasped before catching herself and blushing furiously, trying to avert her eyes from the obvious by looking up at him, but she found only a proud, grinning male looking back.

"Eltu si, ma Niya. Nì'awve nume meuia ngal oeyä rina'kxetse." Txaso could not help but lick his lips in anticipation and his blue member was steadily growing larger and rising up. "Pom po."

His hands moved to the back of her head and encouraged her forward, but to his surprise she beat him to it, giving first a long, wet lick over the tip of his maleness and then slipping it into her mouth. Her head moved back and forth, sliding his swelling shaft between her lips and feeling how it grew bigger and more slippery from the saliva she was coating it with. Her tongue ran over the ridged surface, feeling the pointy bumps, almost like barbs, start to expand near the tip.

Txaso could not believe what he was experiencing. He had only heard the other boys talk about this, he had not imagined he would ever get to try it. Or indeed that it would feel this good. It was just perfect. She was so careful about keeping her teeth back, suckling and looking up at him when he could not resist thrusting his thick meat into her wet maw again and again. His fingers grabbed deep into her dark hair, kneading the back of her skull while they both worked from a clumsy dual movement to a perfect harmony of thrusting and pushing down, intensifying each others' movements.

"Mmmmn... niä oeyä meskxe." He breathed out, eyes closed to focus on all the other senses bringing him feelings that tingled up his spine and made his loins flare up with desire. One of her hands slipped up his inner thighs and she cupped his balls as instructed, kneading them gently and rolling them between her fingers. It just made Txaso moan out and thrust faster, breaking the rhythm they had found, but sensing her quickly catching up to him again.

"Txantsan.. mmmn!" The male purred with pleasure and kept humping her willing muzzle, careful not to thrust too deep even though his whole body screamed for him to ram forward and bury himself to the balls in her tight throat. Just to feel what it would be like.

"Kìte'e oeru fa ngeyä ftxìl tengfya ngal kìtame'e Toruk Maktoru."

He felt her gag suddenly and pause, staring wide-eyed up at him, but he just kept his hands on the back of her head and pulled her forward to keep thrusting into her wonderfully wet and hot maw. Her ears blushed crimson and she lost her concentration entirely.

Naturally Umatak had been completely unable to refrain from "secretly" telling all the other boys about how he and Niya had been doing some private rehearsing for that big play and during the mating scene that they were expanding on and really getting into the spirit of, she had rubbed against him so firmly that he had gotten a boner. She had stopped when she felt that big bulge rub back against her and she had gotten off him again, asking him sternly to stop doing that every time they did the scene. With the play coming up soon, she was getting more nervy every day and it was not the first time he had gotten hard during rehearsal, but she had never been quite this annoyed before.

Since they were all alone and he knew others were staying away from that clearing because they were doing that secret rehearsal thing, Umatak had just grinned, flipped his loincloth aside and told her she would have to help him out then. He had started jerking off right in front of her with the intension of getting off so he would not get stiff again for a while - something he knew he would definitely have to do on the day of the performance too in order to not cause a scene. However, she only briefly endured his teasing comments about why she was not going to help him with her mouth if it was all really that important to her, and before either of them knew what had happened she was on all fours next to him, sucking him off.

In his version of the story afterwards he had cum so much it shot out her nose and she could not even swallow it all even though she tried her best. What actually happened was that she pulled back gagging with surprise at the first spurt and he had to jerk himself off over his own belly all the way to the end. Surprisingly the rumors had managed to stay amongst only the young males and had not spread to the adults, and for a good reason. Umatak would probably have found himself in a great heap of trouble if anyone found out. But the circulating stories certainly helped raise all the boys' interests in Niya.

"Txo nga ke txey, nga flìyä nìngay." Txaso licked his dry lips, panting from the bottom of his lungs while he kept pleasuring himself in the young teenager's slippery maw. "Ngal niväk oeyä rina'ti srak? Fu nume nì'ul?"

Niya pulled her head back when the hands on her neck allowed it, panting and licking her lips to remove the web of precum hanging in strings between her lips and the tip of the male's swollen cock. "Nì'ul nume, rutxe.."

The older male could not help but break out in a great grin, his impassioned movements rushing him to squat down in front of her. He reached over to lift her hunting bow and the quiver off her back, placing them carefully on the ground next to her. The rest of her equipment he let her keep - there was something strangely arousing to him about being intimate with an adolescent female who was still armed and clad in her loincloth. As if what they were doing was not forbidden enough already, it added another layer of danger.

"Oe nulnew ftu ne'ìm, mìn eo oe." Txaso guided the female around and down onto all fours. She put her hands on the warm side of the fallen Hexapede, raising herself up with arms stretched and her knees in the grass just beside the creature's spine. She was kneeling and bent over like this when her playmate moved up behind her, hugging her with his long arms and groping her chest while his other hand reached up to wipe her chin and smear his own precum down her throat a bit.

Niya had seen animals do this before several times in the spring, but she was feeling nervous. It looked so easy and casual for them, but she could not keep a clear head with all the anxious emotions bubbling up inside her.

"Pawm nìltsan ulte oel tìyevìng fì'ut ngaru." He growled in her ear, grinding his balls and his rigid member against her firm rump, drawing a trail of precum down her tailbase while he enjoyed touching and consuming her with all his senses. Her fair, smooth skin, accentuated by the small bumps of all the dots in her tattoos, he loved running his fingers over them and following their contours across her supple young body.

"Yäpem ngal mì oeru." Niya whispered at him, pushing her rump back against his heavy endowments, her tail coyly snaking around his waist as he hugged himself close. He had never imagined a female would offer herself so willingly and eagerly to him, and her astonishing reply just made the fire burn hotter in his belly.

"Ma Niya asevin. Fìkem oeyä unil fratrr lu." Txaso pushed his nose into the back of her hair, inhaling her scent deeply and hugging her closer up against him. Every part of his body pressed against her bare backside. His hand reached around to grab her braided queue and run it through his fingers all the way to the tuft at the end.

"Slu 'aw oehu fa tsaheylu." The tuft was held out right beside her head and she turned to look at it, a shiver running through her. He had promised it would only be playing, but it was getting real now. Yet she could not resist. In the rehearsals with Umatak they had just put sticky resin from a plant near the tufts so it would look like they were connected during the scene even though they were just sticking together.

The opportunity to share her mind was titillating to say the least and she found herself nodding, and watching breathlessly when Txaso tossed his own queue to the side and took it in the other hand, bringing the two ends together. The tendrils parted and groped eagerly at the air, trying to find each other. He was used to flying his Ikran this way, but to Niya it was entirely new. Although, no Ikran could have prepared him for what happened next.

A jolt went through both of them and they moaned in blissful unison at the sudden powerful connection. She was so much stronger, so much more overwhelming than an Ikran's mind. Every little trace of his fingers running up her spine and over her chest and belly tickled his own senses like fiery ice. The peculiar double-vision was much harder to block out and too frantic and intense for him to easily merge with his own. He had to close his own eyes just to see with a single pair and stop his own mind from drowning in sensory impressions. His own member jerked and slapped against her back and he could feel the same sensation of wet precum drooling slowly down his rump even though he knew it was only her mind that felt it, every sensation was shared and similar ones were amplified through both of them to almost unbearable proportions.

After the initial shock, all his training started to kick in and he tried shielding his mind like he had learned the first times mind-melding with an animal had overwhelmed his brain. It helped a little, but he was nowhere near in control of anything. All he could do was try to dig down to that little place in his mind that had the rest of his actions planned out and then try to resume in spite of feeling like there were two people inside his head. Their heartbeats and panting synchronized in just a few moments and they drew breath as one, their bodies unable to tell the difference between the two of them anymore, and even their minds had difficulty doing that. Every time she moved her arms or gripped the skin of the Hexapede tighter, he felt his own arms tingle and it felt as if they moved as well.

He felt his own hand slide down the girl's belly, down her thigh and behind her hanging loincloth like before, this time not even pausing before he plunged two fingers inside her sopping wet sex again. Flashes of pure white pleasure surged up his spine from his loins. It must have been her doing it, but every thrashing movement of her primal urges stimulated his own to follow closely. The pleasure was both physical from his groping hand in her groin, and spiritual from the images, sensations, sweet scents that tickled their noses, and just the pure white-hot lust that was invoked in their mind.

Fiercely he leaned over and bit down on her neck, feeling the pinpricks of his own teeth on his neck from her. Growling with delight Txaso grazed his sharp teeth across her slender neck to her shoulder, completely losing himself in the way they stripped each others' souls naked and fully shared every sensation.

His fingers were toying in her juicy young cunny, settling into a rhythmic motion in and out that made her buck and moan. Every spark of electric pleasure was felt in his own balls and without noticing it he was grinding himself against her rump, smearing precum over her blue skin.

Txaso was starting to be able to find himself in the flashing mess of images and emotions, and he found that the more he distracted her mind to a single purpose, the more he was able to focus his own thoughts. His fingers sped up, keeping the girl moaning and writhing beneath him, leaning her weight forwards on her outstretched arms to push down on the side of the Hexapede.

In a moment of clarity his own desire stood out sharply against hers and the hazy interference of her mind overlayed on his was silenced. With a frightfully determined growl he nudged the back of her head with his chin and grunted into her ears, "Fìkem sngìyap."

His maleness slipped down behind her rump and he pulled her tail aside with one hand while aiming himself. The first thrust missed, smearing himself up her backside, but he tried again, this time squatting lower to hit right beneath her tail. Txaso groaned loudly and lunged that speckled-blue body of his forwards. Hunched over her he felt a reluctantly tight heat start to spread around him. He knew he got the angle right this time, now he just needed to push and not give up.

He knew he was on the right track when the girl shrieked like a wounded Ikran to the sky. That big, girthy blue shaft was splitting her apart. Niya swore every vein that she had licked with her tongue was twice the size now and she could feel them pulse inside her rear. Her claws dug into the thick skin of the Hexapede and she squirmed against the pain of being speared by the older male. The saliva and precum only helped marginally when he forced himself forward, endless veins gnarling raw through her tender insides. She was being stretched in ways she had never imagined possible and after the first snarls, whines and hisses, she was too breathless to complain anymore. Txaso clutched her against him, insistently pushing forward all the way with two fingers in her pussy trying to distract her until he finally felt his balls press against his own hand from behind.

Despite the cock-numbing tightness of his meat wedging her open, Txaso pulled back a bit and then pushed forward again as if to be certain that he had indeed hilted himself to the balls in her ass. Their strong mind-bond shared both their pain and pleasure, and Txaso felt his own rump clench up at the phantom sensation of being taken back there. Ribbons of bright colors veiled his senses from the female and her spirit cried out in his mind in lieu of her breathless mouth, "Oeyä txìm tìsraw sängi!"

Txaso grunted in response, pulling himself out halfway and then plunging to the hilt into the hot tightness of the young female once more. "Ngal emziva'u fìtì'efuti ye'rìn. Mawey, tung oel nemfa kxetseti ngeyä." He panted out with hot breath against the backs of her ears, his rhythmic thrusts picking up speed fast.

"Nga tok mì tìfpxäkìm atsleng." The female tried again, this time whispering the words while her mind entwined the same thought.

"Kehe ma hì'ia tsmuke. Fìkem uvan-muntxa si lu. Oel ke rina' sivi ngaru txo mìfa fìtseng."

Niya's eyes widened and she let out another hiss at a particularly rough thrust that even made the older boy pause momentarily since he felt it too. With one arm around her belly to hug her close and his other hand plunging sloppily in and out of her cunny he felt his knees slide on the grass below as he sped up, humping the young girl shamelessly in the ass and letting all the pleasure and pain wash over him, returning some of the sensation of his own ecstasy to her mind as well to blot out the worst of the pain. He knew it was not happening to him, but all his own feelings flared up in response to mirror hers.

His insistent thrusts soon stretched and numbed her, and before they knew it, both of them were moaning as one voice, grinding their naked, panting blue bodies together on top of the Hexapede while they shared in their forbidden love. Niya felt both of her tight treasures being filled with rapid, incessant humping motions and she was pushing back against both the girthy rod being forced up her backside and the thick fingers sinking into her pussy that made her feel like she was being taken by two boys at the same time. The heights of ecstasy she was being pushed to were just absolutely mind-blowing. Her fingers clutched the leathery hide of the Hexapede she was supporting herself against and she rocked back and forth on her knees, taking Txaso to the hilt every time he drove down against her savagely. The ridges of his maleness scraped through her sensitive insides, feeling much sharper than they did in her mouth.

"Nga lu tsawl 'evian!" She suddenly groaned out, snapping Txaso out of his routine only to plaster a big smile on his face as he increased his efforts, the fire in his loins blazing up. He could feel her pain almost entirely subdued by now, their minds were just a maelstrom of swirling pleasurable sensations, emphasized by their concerted moans and lustful grinding against each other. Heavy beds of sweat were dripping off his flat nosebridge down onto her neck and shoulders from the effort, and their grinding was made increasingly easier by the coat of sweat over both their blue-striped bodies.

The big hulk was crawling over her back, trailing little nips and lovebites up her shoulder and dragging his teeth down the edge of her ear, purring thunder. "Oel mivakteio ngati na hì'ia Pa'li nìlkeftang kipkrr fìtxon."

With strong arms clamped around her waist, he thrusted that giant lodgepole up from behind, aimed ferociously at the molten core of her loins, wedging her open with overwhelming fullness, every ridge and vein grinding against every sweet-spot she had back there while the sheer force of him reduced most of the sensations to a head-swimmingly distracting wave of ecstatic soreness. He ran his nose up and down the back of her hair and to the top of her head, nuzzling and panting into her black dreadlocks every time he felt her shiver down her curved back that was pressed against his belly.

Niya stayed in place on her hands and knees, leveraged by the fallen animal she was supporting herself against. The sweat-coated groin of the naked blue male rubbed firmly against her rump and he fit his belly nicely into the arc of her back so he did not conceal any slickness from the warm beads of sweat that were smearing between those two horny teenage bodies grinding together with sexual fervor.

The Na'vi girl was moaning shamelessly and pushing back against him, feeling those massive balls smack against her crotch and the back of her thighs. The smaller female felt him tower over her and she lifted up her head, hanging out her tongue and catching the sweat dripping off his nose and chin, as well as the occasional drops of drool from his panting muzzle and tongue. She tasted his masculine musks and let herself be marked by it and enveloped in it fully.

To her Txaso was a mountain of handsome, rugged, strong, fierce, proud, noble, unabashed masculinity. To all the giggling girls she was hanging around daily, he was the big prize. And right now his fingers were sliding inquisitively down her sweat-dripping breasts, down her steaming hips, digging filed claws deep down the cleft of her rump and holding her down against her prey. That amazingly insistent beast of his continued wrecking her innards, blazing a trail from one end of her to the other - so many veins, so much muscle, working so excruciatingly well together that it was a beautiful thing to endure.

Niya's own luminescent tattoos down her back ground against his slick chest, the tribal female squealing and whining like a little filly Pa'li while he took her as his. The connection was strong still and he felt her pain in his own rump from the way his fat Na'vicock speared her insides, extending her so wide her pelvis bones were popping. "Evieyä taronyu afkeu! Oeyä txìmit neykekx ngal na zazam sawke aftxavang!"

His ridged, barbed cockhead ripped at her insides and he felt the slick warmth of his squirting pre-liquids inside her, turning into a mass that drooled down her thighs and pooled in the grass while he kept mating her like the wild blue junglecat he was. Her jewelry of dreadlocks with beads and her necklace clattered while he rammed her back and forth - her naked, smooth, nubile body rubbing against his and accepting every demanding snarl he made at her. Like a savage animal he was breeding her, groping and squeezing her chest, her belly, her sides, her rump, feeling every part of her smeared in his strong scent. The tsaheylu flashed passionate sparks of bright fire through his loins, further igniting his lust for this female.

Niya lowered herself down a bit more, bending over and groaning as the thrusts grew more intense by the moment. "Srane, ma apxa tsmukan... muntxa si oeyä kxetse na lesti ioang!"

That big slab of muscle got pulled back just enough, aimed up, and then plunged into her rear entrance at a new angle that made her black out for a moment. Pained grunts next to her neck, teeth ground on her collarbone... disorienting. All of it.

Txaso knew it was not happening to him, but the snarling, the panting mawfuls of muzzle, throat, shoulder, half of a chest and then the other; the savage clawing, clamping fistfuls of flexing, churning blue rump so hard at work. The sweat rolling down breasts, the trailing fingers, throbbing ridges scraping against so many places, so deep inside them both... the mind-sharing was enough to confuse both of them. Their boundaries blurred and for a few passionate moments they forgot who was who and became just one lustful creature.

Snapping back into his own body just made Txaso snarl and redouble his efforts to try and reach that peak of pleasure once more. Her blushing cheeks made his own feel warm and he bit at her neck, assfucking the young female with unrestrained lust even though it meant he would finish soon. They were both getting really into it, playing off each other's thoughts and sensations with great precision due to their shared link. Txaso could feel everything she wanted and every desire was immediately met. He even figured out how to hit the right harmonic rhythm with his fingers in her pussy and his cock humping in her ass, working separately at the same time to make sure there was a continuous sensation of pleasure flowing through her body without a pause for breath. It made her wild and squirmy, just the way he wanted.

"Sraneee! Oer na Pa'li makto!" She begged for it heatedly, despite her pain and her smaller size she wanted it. He could tell she wanted it with every fiber of her being, her naughty fantasies searing through his loins like wildfire, heating his balls to the boiling point.

Txaso groaned in pleasure at her words, gritting his teeth and pounding her tight rump into submission, eager to show off. "Ke tsivurokx oeri vaykrr tserä' oeyä rina'it nemfa ngeyä ksetxer, tsewtxa ioange!"

The fingers retreated, messy and dripping when they reached over and smeared her face with her own scent, making the female moan and lick at them before they quickly retreated to her hip, both of those big hands trying to hold her in place now.

"*nnnnnnnngh!* Y-Yomtìng ngeyä rina'ìri ksetxeru oeyä!" She looked back over her shoulder briefly, her eyes widening at the sight of that massive blue warrior's spear pushing in and out underneath her raised tail at such incredible speed.

"Srane.. *mmmn* SRANE! Nguway si tawne nìwok, ma hì'ia tsmuke!" His grip grew pale-blue around her waist, her shoulder, sweat running down that noble mug like rain. He could feel how the poor female's ribbed tailtunnel squeezed and choked his fat cock, twitching and squirming while he took her roughly up against the Hexapede.

Trembling with lust that was sent straight through the tsahaylu, she almost could not bear the sheer naughtiness of being taken in the wrong place. Not for procreation, not for her own arousal, but solely for the pleasure of the male she was being fucked like an animal, right up the ass just so they would not mate for real. It certainly felt real enough to her. "*nnngh!* Ngeyä rina'kxetsel 'efu na txepit mì oeyä txìm!"

Deeper and deeper he burrowed, insatiable and unstoppable, that broad-ridged head grinding fiercely inside her, so many veins pounding harder as she clamped down around him and all his circulation until the pain of it - the strength he could damned definitely have felt in her even without tsahaylu - wringed a deafening bellow towards the canopy at the top of his lungs.

Txaso *roared*and slammed that monstrous pillar up her ass with a vengeance, speeding up even further. His fingers trembled in the vice-grip on her hips, a blazing flash of scraping pain and fire shot through her back entrance with every ferocious thrust he could muster until his precum finally slipped down far enough to get smeared around the sore edge where it was needed so desperately. His powerful hips thumped heavily against hers and sweat ran off him in musky little rivers, most of his braided hair having come undone and his mane was hanging plastered down his shoulders and face. This was an even tougher workout than running miles through the forest, jumping from tree to tree.

Arms latched around the female and he bit into the hollow of her neck while his knees pushed hers wider apart to make more room for him back there. Accompanying Niya's own sharp inhale of surprise at the neckbite was a mindless gnarling from the speckled-blue muscle pounding her loins raw.

Niya snarled and writhed against him just as savagely as he tried to hammer her into submission, it was a test of wills. She scratched her claws down the flank of the Hexapede, drawing long red lines on the fresh kill. Every emotion in her exploded strongly in Txaso's own mind, and when his teeth sank into her neck and he tasted the warm, coppery essence of her, the images of captured prey flowed through his mind from her, the female stammering and gasping for breath in the middle of being claimed so incredibly fiercely. Every surge of forbidden pleasure that his ridged member raked through her rear made the female squeal, her eyes widening at the rough sensation of that barb-like surface of his cock scratching through her insides and raking her raw.

"Ngari lu apxa na ioang a kxerll oeyä kxanìa tsengnemfa." She tensed up and groaned, "Ngìyop rina'payä kilvan oemì."

At this rate it only took a few moments longer before the lecherous male blew a momentous load of boiling white sludge up inside his female. One of her hands was quick to reach down behind herself, grabbing the boy's nuts and feeling how they pulled up and swelled out between her fingers with every volcano-like burst of seed that exploded in her ass. She could feel the colorful blaze of a bonfire of pleasure in her mind, rippling up her spine and making it contract at the base, just like the male behind her was doing as he was emptying bucket loads of creamy liquid pleasure up the young female's rear.

She squeezed in desperate spasms around that girthy blue pole, her own mind bursting with glittering heat at least twice through her orgasms during his drawn-out brush with paradise. Their orgasms felt as if they happened to both of them and one just triggered the next almost immediately after. It seemed that Txaso's connection was enhanced even further when his mind filled with his own primal urges, because the moment his spine contracted in climax to start flooding the female's rear with thick, gooey seed, it zapped her brain and made her cry out for the third time in unadulterated pleasure, once again sending waves through both of them. Txaso had certainly never experienced multiple orgasms like this before.

"Nga ioang leiu!" This time while she raised up her head she rubbed the side of it against his sweaty cheek and throat, pressing her neck against his shoulder while she moaned to the canopy in another mind-shattering ecstasy that rippled through their minds, making the boy's balls contract again and shoot out several more loads.

The boiling white slime backwashed and poured down over her tailhole, pooling on the ground, making lewd squishy noises as he kept slamming himself into her, and bounced her perfectly curved rump back and forth throughout the ordeal.

Every eruption of pleasure behind her surged through both of their minds and bodies, and a thunderous earthquake of a roar resounded around them. Niya was not sure whether it was all in their collective consciousness or if he had truly roared out loud, but it did not seem to slow him down. She groaned out to echo his perceived roar, more nearby birds taking flight in fear at the savagery of the two beasts beneath the trees.

Once more those big balls of his lurched outside of her as he pounded his hips up against her rump with ferocious intensity. The several fingerwidths of that monstrously convulsing organ jackhammered every one of his pulsing veins firmly up the whole length of her tunnel - the massive headridge flaring up as if trying to tie with her, just before yet another avalanche of steaming, broiling jelly overflowed her insides. The horny warrior boy kept on pumping his creamy, white, virile seed deep into the wrong place, only to feel it squirt back out over his own balls and down the girl's sex and rump. She was much too full already, but still kept pushing backwards even as the goop oozed from underneath her tail and pooled on the ground, thick as mud. She craved the full length of that fat blue cock up her ass and she was as eager as they come.

That huge, vein-crusted, musk-gleaming hunk of male plunged up her ass once more, forcing a warm wave of thick white sludge out around his shaft. Another few straight minutes of mind-hazingly wonderful movements in her were given, the carnal urges of both the blue lovers peaking at that moment... it was fill and flee, pull back and plunge, him sinking in and her innards swimming. Hunching and grunting against her lovebite-ridden shoulders, his grip slipped off in her sweat only to reach pleasure-blindly into her lap and grab her loins proper.

"Ngal pxan lu tìng txana sìmaktot sutanur."

The smaller female squealed with delight and pain throughout, getting assfucked fiercely for several long moments and feeling the warm shiver of orgasm clawing through her body at least twice more while he plowed her tight ass into submission. Txaso's hands grabbed and groped at her smooth sex till he could feel the hot juices run through his fingers, drooling from the aroused female each time he rammed himself up her tail. It was a delicious combination of both of their fluids, and by now they were both so thoroughly smeared in it all that it was going to be hard to write this off as a play-mating. With both their minds melded together in pure pleasure, she could feel his fantasies overlaying hers, sending jolts of ecstasy through her own body and dragging out the joyful, sexual gratification longer than any of them had imagined possible.

Half a minute and half a dozen shuddering, snarling contractions later, Txaso finally collapsed like a falling log onto the girl's back, knocking half his breath out with a deeply satisfied groan. The volcanic explosions of seed that had washed through the female had now subsided and was running down her thighs, warm and thick as cooling lava. Niya was pushing her hands against the Hexapede to support his weight, arms and legs trembling with the effort of keeping him up. It was made easier, however, by the soothing sensations of seed streaming down her rump and thighs and pooling in a thick puddle that engulfed her spread knees by now. She had never thought boys could be so messy.

That massive blue shaft was still stuck firmly inside her, but at least the barbs and ridges seemed to retract after a few minutes, which also happened to be about the time her own exhaustion got the better of her and she fell down flat on her belly with him on top. There was a splash of hot Na'vi semen splattering to all sides when she landed sex-first right in the puddle and got herself and her loincloth soaked with all that liquid pleasure.

The female groaned in defeat and lay there with her upper torso and chest pressed against the side of the dead kill and the rest of her draped across the ground with the bigger boy on top, both of them panting wildly in post-orgasmic bliss. Niya had completely lost count of how many times she came while he was pounding her like a Pa'li filly. The sheer warmth and satisfaction of his well-bred little girl filled his heart and mind through their link. There was no doubt she never had a stud like him on her back before, but considering his size she took it pretty well for her first time.

"Tewti..! Nnnngrr.. Oe kivin tìyur mì kilvan... nìwotx trr!"

There was no reply for a few moments and she turned her head to find Txaso dead asleep. He was making more of a rumbling purr than a snore, especially from down there with so much of him inside her still. The soft vibrations felt deceptively soothing and she could not help but yawn herself. The boy mumbled something unintelligible against her shoulder in his sleep, those huge strong arms regripping around her waist and her chest for a moment before relaxing again. They were both oblivious to the strong scent of sex that permeated the entire area by now.

She felt the fatigue and the warm, pleasant gooeyness of her overflooded insides, and she closed her eyes. Her hands pressed against the body of the prey in one last physical exertion and she managed to lift the heavy blue boy on top of her enough to make him slide off to the side and roll with her until they both landed with a *thump* on their sides. The smaller female purrred in deep contentment and made the tendrils in her queue untangle from his and break the connection to leave him with just his own mind in his own body again. Through the haze of sleep, he hardly noticed except by hugging himself a bit tighter against her back.

It made her feel alone and cut off all of a sudden, after having shared so much with the male, but it was a relief as well to be able to just have one person's thoughts in one head. Niya sighed softly and curled up a bit, very much enjoying being held and spooned from behind like this with him still stuck inside her. She clenched her rump every once in a while, feeling that big slab of maleness twitch and grow rigid again.

It only occurred to her for a moment what they had just done and a flash of red crossed her cheeks. She was quick to shake off all those thoughts, however, they would have to come tomorrow when they woke up to the realization of the ramifications of what they had done, but right now they were together and enjoying each other to the fullest. Her hand laid down on top of his on her chest and she entwined her fingers with his, holding his affectionate hug securely around herself while he dozed off.

"Mrrrr.. mowana ayunil," she whispered to him, just getting snores in reply. It only took a few seconds more before her own eyes closed and she drifted off the same. Happy, secure, and as well-fucked as any female in the tribe had experienced before.