Gladiator Zeeme

Story by Gritou on SoFurry

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Me? Being late? I'd never!

Anyway, just like Nex, it's now Zeeme to get his birthday story, this time featuring him and Perrin in a Roman setting!

Time to get down in the area and see what the horse can do! And remember, if you enjoyed it, let me know =)

The crowd was going wild, their cheers echoing in the arena as one gladiator stood above his weaponless opponent. The one clearly winning the fight was a horse wearing a harness crossing over his muscular chest and a metal protection over his thick left arm, a leather skirt covering his lower parts, even from this position the loser could have a full view of his balls and sheath.

He had his sword pointed at a fox's throat, hoof heavily stomping on his chest, leaving him no escape, only the possibility to surrender or die. It had been an easy fight for the young warrior, he will not even bear a new scar to remember it, his short fur only soiled by sweat and dust. However, before putting an end to it, he lifted his head, not looking at the people around but to the only one that mattered.

Above everyone stood the Emperor, along with a few senators from the city and some slaves keeping them fresh and well fed. A young grey wolf, almost as young as the equine fighter actually, was sitting on the throne, ruling the city-empire. Too young, according to those plotting against him, but this did not matter to the stallion.

He was focused on his hand, waiting for the lupine to point his thumb up or down. Their eyes met, even from the distance he could see a smile appear on his muzzle, and then the Emperor lifted his thumb, granting life to the defeated fox on the ground. The stallion lifted his hoof and took away his sword from the other warrior, letting the vulpine go while the crowd started to chant his name.


It filled him with pride, lifting his weapon to the sky as he bathed in the glory, the people gathered in the arena only going louder as he posed for them. He had been reduced to being a gladiator for a couple of years and had many victories behind him but the rush still felt like the very first time. However, this time was different, and he could feel a set of eyes focused on him...

Two years ago, the one that bought him was named Perrin, the wolf that now stood at the very top of the Empire. Of course, it wasn't the case back then, the lupine was only a senator, but they had made an arrangement, regarding his freedom. All he needed was 50 victory in the arena. It could have been just that, but Zeeme had been a bit cocky and asked for one more thing.

He left the arena, with a thought filling his mind and plumping his sheath: Tonight, to celebrate his victory and freedom, he was going to fuck the Emperor.


At the end of the day, once the other battles were over, Zeeme had to go back to the ludus Magnus, one of the Emperor owned gladiator casern. The horse didn't even removed his outfit nor tried to bath himself to get clean, both from wanting to keep those until his freedom would be complete, and because he knew what the Perrin liked. He grinned to himself, thinking of the start of his gladiator career, when the now Emperor would invite him to his house after a victory, to worship his body and bath him himself.

Of course, back then it always ended with the wolf shoving his knot in the equine, a Roman citizen couldn't submit to some foreigner. Or so he said, because while training with other gladiators he did heard tales of some fellow warriors fucking their owners and being in charge behind the closed curtains. He let a sight out, all that changed after Perrin became the Emperor, no longer invited around, no more victory celebration, except with his hand or sometimes the one warrior he fought against.

The wait finally came to an end as the heavy wooden door of the casern cracked as they opened, the stallion lifting his head, big ears turning to catch the noise, but fell as quickly as he saw a couple soldiers cross the threshold. They were dressed in the regular red cloth and metal plate, no mark indicating a potential grade, just two grunts, heading toward him.

They stopped a few meters from him, saluting him with a hand while the other was on still holding their spear.

"Our Emperor requested your presence, horse." Spoke the taller of the two, though still a head shorter than the gladiator, a malamute.

"And what does he wants?" Zeeme's ears flicked, getting on his hooves and standing tall, showing off his impressive body. He already knew the answer to his question but called that way had always annoyed him, the lack of respect from the guards only adding to the pile of shit he would get rid of once his freedom earned.

Eyes going between them, he could see the two tense up. "Knowing your kind, he probably want to punish you for some crime!"

That made the equine smirks. "Sure, a punishment..." He shook his head, thinking he had lost enough time with those two. "Guide me to my fate then!"

Getting behind him, the taller of the guards gave him a push in the back, while the lower soldier opened the way, guiding the soon to be free stallion through the city streets and toward the Emperor's palace, where the wolf was waiting for him.


Once arriving in the palace Zeeme was impressed by the size of the building and the wealth exposed, the two soldiers not leaving him any room to explore until they stopped in front of big red and gold curtains covering the entrance to the Emperor's room. Getting on each side of the small arch the smaller of the two men in armor opened the way for him.

"We will guard the entrance, so don't try anything funny or we'll jump in to stop you." Said the taller one with a growl, grabbing the horse's arm as he was about to enter.

"Then I hope you'll pay great attention to what will happen in here." He said while effortlessly escaping the dog's hold as he entered the room.

Inside his eyes were assaulted by the amount of decoration. Statues of previous Emperors lining on each side, all of them wolves, while here and there stood finely painted amphora representing various fight, one he could even swear representing him in the arena. An ample bath area on a side, hot water still fuming in it, big enough that you could fit a whole family in it in which the horse wouldn't mind jumping. However, the most impressive sight was that of the throne at the end of the room, elevated thanks to a few steps to climb, and the wolf sitting on it.

Wearing a toga embroidered with gold-like thread, standing proud and radiating with power, his muzzle was showing a smile, broadening with each step the gladiator took to get closer to him. Once reaching the bottom of the stair, Zeeme lifted a hand, saluting.

"Ave, Perrin, irrubatur te salutat." He said with a smirk, making the wolf laugh too.

"I presume you worked on that joke all those years? Come here old friend." The wolf stood from his throne and crossed the small distance separating them, arms open to take the stallion in his embrace, getting on the tip of his toes to kiss the bigger male.

Zeeme was quick to return the embrace and kiss, his strong arms pulling the Emperor closer to him, and he could easily feel the groin pressed against his leg. Their tongue danced together, breathing heavily, the stallion scratching the wolf behind his ears, making Perrin's tail wag like a young puppy.

"Remember our agreement?" Asked the gladiator after breaking the kiss.

Nodding, the wolf started to nuzzle his neck, breathing in deep the horse's musk. "Oh trust me, I've waited for it!"

Now that took the equine aback. "Really? I remember you only topping when you were still a senator." Said the equine, while his hand went down the wolf's back down to his rump, groping it through the toga.

"Maybe I was too shy to admit I wanted it." He answered, his ears lowering and looking a bit on the side. "Shall we get to it, my proud warrior?"

Feeling his sheath plump a bit, Zeeme smiled, looking at the bath. "I think I have another idea first... See, didn't had time to clean up, and I think I need a bath." He lifted an arm, flexing it to show off his thick bicep and his armpit, making the wolf's eyes widen and lean a bit to sniff it. That made the horse grin and he was closely followed as he got near the small pool the Emperor had in his room, looking expectantly at the Emperor. "Gonna help me undress?" He asked, posing, puffing his chest out.

The grey wolf looked at the gladiator, his eyes examining him from the hoofs to his tall ears, as if trying to decide where to start. His hands were soon starting to work, rubbing the short fur covering the muscular chest before undoing the buckle of the harness crossing his chest over his pecs, making them looking slightly bigger without the restraint, the equine making them bounce a bit for the show. That did not left Perrin unresponsive, and as the harness fell to the ground the wolf gave the warrior's nipples a small flick and rub, earning him a whiny.

"I see some things never change." Perrin said with a predatory smile.

"You damn tease, you know I love it!"

The Emperor went back to working on the undressing, but not before groping those massive pecs. His hands made their way up to Zeeme's shoulders to remove the small piece of armor protecting him there, having to lean and press himself against the stronger male. Enjoying the situation a bit too much, Zeeme felt his cock start to erect, lifting his leather skirt, and by the look of it, he could say the wolf noticed as he saw him blush. As the wolf then looked at the metal place covering his arm and trying to figure out how to remove it, the gladiator decided to show off a bit more.

"I'll take of this one." He said with a grin, gathering his strength and flexing his arm. Both watched as the buckles keeping it tied slowly gave up as his biceps was more and more pumped, until the muscle won over the laces popped and the arm protection fell off.

"You got a lot stronger over the years!" Said Perrin, impressed by the show, a tent clearly visible in his toga.

The horse chuckled and pulled his head against his pecs, soon feeling the wolf tongue passing between them. "I got you to thank for it, Emperor! Now get to the lower part." He said, commanding, and the wolf that once bought him followed it and went to his knees.

Instead of feeling the leather skirt loose up around his hips though, he felt a hand fondling his balls and a tongue passing over the length of his half-erect cock. Between his legs the lupine was busy teasing him, his eyes widening as it kept going up, his other hand resting on the medial ring.

"I don't think you'll manage to sheath all of it in me." Said Perrin, suddenly seeming unsure.

Zeeme gave him a grin, petting him on his head, his lower garment now fully lifted by his meat, some pre already pearling at the tip of his flare. "Just mean we'll have to redo it till it fits!"

At those words the Emperor became crimson, his fur doing little to hide the red on his cheeks and rather than answer he opened his muzzle to engulf the equine cock. One of his hand reached under to fondle the hefty ballsack, making the warrior neigh in pleasure. Caressing the head of his former owner, Zeeme started bucking his hips, pushing deeper into that warm and wet hole that was offered to him, the horse closed his eyes, letting the pleasure drive him, one of his hands playing with his nipple. He could feel the wolf's other hand move to the base of his shaft, jerking what was left out, Perrin's lips at his medial ring and that tongue dancing over his length to drive him nut.

"Fuuuck..." He said through grunts and moans.

Motivated by his words, the grey lupine bobbed his head faster, trying to deep throat him. Through his half closed eyes, he watched over the wolf, seeing more and more of his cock disappear past his lips, the arousing sight making his dick throbs, followed by Perrin choking on his flare. Zeeme started pulling out but the grip on his shaft stopped him from going too far, making him grin when seeing the eagerness of Perrin.

"I just need a second to catch my breath." Said the Emperor, the big pole of flesh resting on his muzzle, nuzzling it from under and basking in the strong musk, his fur messed by a mix of pre and saliva, hand rubbing the horse strong thighs. After a few moment licking the big nuts dangling under, he took Zeeme's cock back in his maw.

"No worries, won't stop till I come." He grunted, his shaft throbbing again, a heavy drop of pre being fed to the wolf before he starts fucking that muzzle again, one hand resting on Perrin's head, still being careful not to push further than his medial ring.

Looking down his eyes met the wolf's, each thrust getting him closer. Perrin winked, tail wagging behind him, his teeth slightly teasing the meat in his maw while his hand gently squeezed the former gladiator's balls, trying to bring him over the edge. It didn't took him this long as Zeeme was pent up, having saved himself for the occasion, his meat throbbing and balls pulling up.

"Aaaah! Fffff...." The equine let out a powerful neigh, followed by moans and grunts, his shaft erupting. The wolf could see up close as each massive rope of cum was going up the length before filling his maw, drinking the salty and potent semen that was served to him. But despite his best effort, Zeeme was producing just too much and he could feel the wolf pull out, marking the Emperor with the last few shot of cum, painting him white with the gooey liquid, both males panting from the hot blowing session.

The two of them stayed silent for a few seconds, before Zeeme helped him back on his paws and pulled Perrin in a kiss. He could taste himself on the grey lupine's lips, tongue wrestling together, going from a muzzle to another, his arms holding tight around the smaller male.

Breaking the kiss, Perrin looked him in his eyes. "You're a free horse now. A citizen of my empire."

"That's not what we agreed on..." He said with a frown.

"I know." The wolf answered, before finally tossing the leather skirt the stallion was wearing away, and removing the toga he had on him, his smile letting his fangs showing. "I just thought you deserved your first reward before we go further."

It got a laugh out the former gladiator. His brain worked a second while looking at the now nude wolf, enjoying the lithe but toned body, and noticing the very hard bone between his legs. "Fine! In that case..."

He moved quickly, and before Perrin could react, he was lifted off the ground and thrown in the small pool, landing with a splash, Zeeme only waiting an instant before joining him. "My first action as a free man will be to take a bath! And I always need help to reach all those hard places..." He added, suggestively, making the wet wolf blush again.

Water was only up to his abs level as he got in, standing on his hooves, and after taking in a good look Perrin picked up the jar containing the soap, slowly pouring some over the muscled torso of the horse. With his wet paws, he started smearing it all over his strong body, Zeeme's pelt soon covered in bubbles as he could feel every muscles being groped one after another. The former gladiator lifted one arm and flexed it, showing off his bicep for the Emperor to clean, not having to wait more than a second to feel the soothing massage and rubbing, even getting praises for how strong he was.

Reproducing the same with his other arm, this time also exposing more of his armpit, the horse watched at the one that worshiped him. "Remember to kiss before cleaning."

Perrin muzzle was completely red from the blush as he followed the command, licking the pit and kissing the massive arm before cleaning him up, letting a small whine of pleasure, his body now completely pressed against Zeeme, the stallion feeling the wolf's erection on his leg.

Wanting to tease the smaller male even further, he turned to show off his wide back, muscles easy to spot under his short fur. "Now what about those hard to reach spots? Get as close as needed." He added with a grin.

Not losing a moment the lupine went back to work, his tail wagging fast behind him. His paws worked every knot in the equine's shoulders while his erected shaft was humping his rear, the need driving him nuts but he didn't entered him. Feeling the smaller chest pressed against his strong back, hearing the wolf's strong sniffing as he picked his arousal and one hand now playing with his nipple this was almost too much for Zeeme to keep going like it, and he was glad when Perrin spoke up.

"Can you sit down? I want to try something..." He could picture the smile on his face as he heard him, and executed himself, moving to the first few steps of the bathing pool, sitting there with his legs spread and erection very much in sight, flare poking out of the water.

Perrin walked to him and straddled him, hand resting on his shoulders, he could feel those fuzzy buns hotdog his shaft. "Want to enjoy it as long as I can..." He whispered to the horse ears, making them flick before bending and starting to suck on the warrior's big nipple, while grinding his rump against his cock. Zeeme almost lost it, as he could feel the wolf suck his nipple almost as eagerly as he blew him earlier, tongue moving over that numb of flesh, lips sealed around and fangs slightly teasing him. All he could do was stifle moans and neigh, putting a hand behind the wolf's head while bucking his hips, a flow of pre starting to leak from his shaft.

Having the upper hand the Emperor took his sweet time, playing the former gladiator's body like an instrument, getting grunts and whinnies out of him, his muzzle making a few trips back and forth between the nipples, eventually adding his fingers to tease the one now in his maw. And as the horse was ready to give up and blow his load out, the Emperor stood up and exchanged a long tender kiss with him. "I think we're both ready for the real deal."

The equine watched as Perrin rose and went to pick a small jar of olive oil before coming back, slowly pouring its content over his sizable length, watching it dribble from his big flare down to his balls, the wolf's paw rubbing up and down to smear it all over. Zeeme took advantage of the last bit of oil to wet his fingers, kissing his Emperor again while slowly sliding his finger in, knowing well the lupine will need some preparation to take even just half of him. Perrin kissed him back, sucking on his tongue, letting himself be invaded on both ends.

After pushing a first finger in he quickly added a second, the wolf grunting a bit but not showing any sign he wanted to stop, his paw holding both his and the equine cock and rubbing them together, tongue dancing together as both males were letting themselves be guided by pleasure. Once his third finger could easily slide in and out, he considered the lupine's hole had been stretched enough, pushing Perrin on his back, lifting his legs on his strong shoulders. "Ready for it?"

"Conquer your freedom!" The Emperor answered with a grin, feeling the big flare at the end of that cock pressing at his entrance.

Zeeme slowly went in, the start being a bit harder, needing to press a bit stronger to enter, making the wolf grits his fangs under him. He moved his hand to jerk Perrin's dick, distracting him effectively, adding a messy kiss to help that tight tunnel letting him proceed. Inch after inch disappeared into the smaller male, the horse enjoying the warm and feel of that ass around him, and he stopped only once halfway in, the medial ring marking a first step. "Mmmmph... You're tighter than I thought..."

"Give me a bit... To get used... To it..." The wolf managed between pants, feeling already full and his ass taking someone for the first time.

After a moment, he nodded and the former gladiator put his hips back in movements, but using only the first half of his cock, wanting to ease it in before trying to go further. His hand movement was in synch, going up the wolf's length each time he pulled our and lowering it again each time he pushed back in, and by the way Perrin shivered he had no doubt it was appreciated. The mix of oil and pre made lewd slick sound each time and he started moving faster, the wolf grunts of slight displeasure slowly giving in to moans as he enjoyed it more and more.

Before realizing it he was now thrusting in at full speed and his medial ring was going in and out of the Emperor, bending him more and more as he pushed in deeper each time, the two males making out, their tongue entwining while Zeeme felt fingers playing with his sensitive nipples. It was ecstasy, that tight ass, that receptive bottom, the way he was able to take him and to finally top the fur that used to own him. "Fuck, you're going to make me cum too fast if you keep that up!"

"Don't want it to stop!" Perrin removed his hands.

After a few more minutes he manage to slowly turn himself, still impaled on that horse shaft, to get on all fours, his back slightly arched. In that position Zeeme had no difficulty thrusting with all his might, and by now all his length fitted in the wolf, his hips pressing against that rump each time, feeling that wagging tail brush against his abs. Under him, the wolf was getting more and more vocal as he was teasing the prostate of the smaller male, each movement sending in a jolt of pleasure.

The wolf loud grunts and moans got the guards attention. Fearing for their ruler's life they rushed in the room only to find the stallion buried balls deep in him. Noticing them Zeeme flashed a grin at them, putting a bit more of a show, flexing one arm and his free hand tugging at Perrin's tail, making his movements slower and harder, balls slapping against the wolf's, making the smaller male pants and whines in pleasure, blissfully unaware of what was happening.

"Needed a good ass pounding, right wolf?" Zeeme asked, his eyes still on the soldiers.

"Aaaah! Fuck yes... Harder!!" Perrin exclaimed, lost in pleasure, claws leaving marks on the ground as he was pounded hard. The two guards retired themselves, their tail between their legs in shame, and trying to hide their crotch while the horse laughed and picked up the pace.

Grabbing the lupine's legs he gathering all his strength Zeeme lifted him off the ground, the smaller male now pressed against his chest, Perrin putting his arms around the equine's neck as gravity did its job, making him slide down that big pole of flesh each time he was lifted off. The two of them were grunting in unison, their head contortioned to manage a kiss as they were slowly getting near their climax, with each movements they took a step closer to it. The former gladiator was sweating again as each of his muscles was tensing, his breath heavy and his pole of flesh was throbbing, feeling the ass clenching around it, milking him in all the right ways.

They managed to hold the position until the end, and while bucking his hips in the inviting hole and gently biting the wolf's neck, the bigger male managed to make Perrin cum.

"A-a-AAAh! I'm coming!" The wolf's moaned louder and his cock bounced with each movements, before it throbbed and started to erupt, shooting cum in front of him as well as a bit on his chest, splattering on the ground while his moan turned into a howl. Zeeme was quick to follow, his balls pulling up and flare thickened as he started to release a stream of semen, flooding the lupine's inside, giving a loud neigh while trying to not give in to his weakening legs, maintaining his support and hold on Perrin. It felt like an eternity passed, their orgasm endless, before they finally went down from their high, the equine letting his Emperor go, both males quickly finding themselves on the ground after such a strong fucking.

Laid next to each other, his arm over the wolf, his spent cock resting on his leg and still spurting a few drops of cum, Zeeme managed to chuckle a bit while catching up his breath. "Fuck, you sure got me more tired than any fight I had!"

It got a laugh out of the Perrin, who was now rubbing his sore ass and trying to stretch his legs a bit, moving to give a quick kiss to the horse. "And I'd take that over any meeting with the senators."

They both paused, unsure of what should happen next, looking at each other.

"So..." The wolf eventually broke the silence. "...What are you going to do now that you're free?"

Sitting himself up, Zeeme rubbed his head and smiled at him. "I gave it some thoughts... And was thinking of joining your guards."

Perrin's eyes widened a bit in surprise, and smiled at the thought. "Well you do are in prime shape and would be a great captain, I won't have difficulties making it happen."

"Plus you know I'll keep your body very safe, won't let anyone else touch you!" He said pulling him in a kiss.

With his tail wagging the Emperor kissed him back. "Fine by me. Now though you should go get some clothes fitting your new role."

"As you wish, oh great and holy Emperor!" He said, laughing giving a fake reverence.

As he left the room, free and made citizen of the Empire, Zeeme stopped in front of the two soldiers that were guarding Perrin's private quarter. Neither dared to look in his eyes, blushing and trying to hide the bulge in their uniform while the horse was standing in his naked glory, his shaft still dropping a bit.

"Hope you enjoyed watching your Emperor and me." He said with a smirk while the two were left speechless, the former gladiator pushing a bit further. "Now can you go get me some clothes? And some wine? I need a break before going back in."

Lowering their head in shame the two went away, following his command, not wanting to anger the Emperor's favorite.

"This is going to be fun."