Moving Forward Chapter Four (Kris-Krossed)

Story by DayDreamer089 on SoFurry

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#4 of Moving Up

Sensitive Content WARNING This story may include the following sensitive topics: Abuse, Sexual Assault, Transgender issues, Abortion, and Sexism.

Lumina Sinclair is a young Raccoon fresh out of university, ready to start her life when her work, friendships, and loves will test her in ways she never imagined.

Evelynn Adira is a free spirit, fighter, and a ferocious feline. Lumina's best friend and partner-in-crime is sometimes in her own world, sometimes hanging by a thread. She's got aspirations... she just hasn't figured out what they are yet!

Kris Thompson is a kind, timid canine who just wants to be find acceptance in this world. She has questions about herself that she doesn't feel may ever be answered, but with her friends' support, she keeps searching.

These characters are property of myself and Rokah. Copyright 2019, all rights reserved.

Kris-Krossed - Chapter 4

Kris walked up the front steps, shaking with nerves as she pushed open the set of double doors. She looked down at the schedule in her hands:

Wilson Hall, Room 312: Professor Zimmermann: Psych 1010 , was firmly placed in the 8 a.m. slot on Monday morning. Zimmermann...that sounds SO familiar. Kris thought, trying to place the name, but came up with nothing. She shrugged the thought off, coming up with nothing and moved on to finding her classroom.

It took a while for Kris to figure out where she needed to go. Typically, you would think the 3 in 312 meant the third floor, but in this older style building, 312 apparently meant the basement. A cold breeze rolled across her as she stood at the top of the stairs, causing her to shiver. Why's it have to be in the basement? She thought, walking down.

Kris came face to face with the room 313 at the bottom of the steps. Good it must be close. She took a left, taking in the smell of a burning radiator. The next room she found was 303. Great. The hallway led her to the right and she continued to follow it around. 302, 301... She thought as she rounded another corner, "312, finally."

"Yes, dis is freetwelfe, hurry up and take your seat." The Shepherd called out, waving her in. She rushed to take the first seat she saw, almost center of the front row.

"Alvright." The large Shepherd walked up from behind his desk, "Let's get shtarted."

As he began to walk around the room, Kris realized why she recognized his name. His accent should've given it away. She envisioned her freshman year and her "Schools, Society, and Cultural Diversity" class. The teacher seemed a lot younger, but the accent was just as strong. He liked to make cheesy jokes and always made it a point to say hello to his favorite students, Kris being one of the many. She was incredibly surprised she hadn't recognized him sooner.

"Kriztine Thomzen?"

"Here." Her voice was quiet and plain against his.

"Do zou happen to be related to Kristover Thomzen?" The man furrowed his brow, finding a resemblance he couldn't quite place.

"N-no sir." She blushed heavily.

"Okay, my mistake." He shrugged, and continued with roll call.

"Alvright,alvright, settle down." He began, waiting for everyone to quiet down once again, "Now I understand zat my accent might be fery voreign and might be hard to comvrehend for some of zou, but, howefer, I am going to shtate vright from zee shtart zat I vill not slow down for zou, so just use zis opportunity to make sure zou pay extra attention during my lectures. If zou do not pay close attention, zou vill miss sings- fery important sings. And if zou miss sings, zou vill not pass zee course. And I am sure nobody vants zat to happen, so like I said, pay attention and zou vill all do fine in my course. I assure zou, I vant nothing but for all of zou to succeed, even zough, shtatistically, I know zat vill not be zee case."

Kris could already tell that over half the class had checked out. Whether is was because they can't deal with accents and needed to drop the class, or because they didn't even want to take Psychology, who knew.

"As zou can zee, zis class has been overbooked," everyone shuffled in their seats, glancing around, "And I am sure many of zou vill drop it, but for now, let's mofe on." Zimmerman looked to Kris, and suddenly a lightbulb seemed to go off in his head. His face flushed lightly, before he shook it off and carried on talking. Dr. Zimmerman carried on for a while, going over the basics of psychology. Something, something Frued, something something Maslow, Kris couldn't focus.

What a great way to start the semester. I can't even keep my head on straight for one class. How am I going to pass and graduate if I can't focus. Why did I even sign up for this class? Psychology? Am I really going to need that to teach music? Really? I'm not a therapist, and I'll barely come into contact with children, so why did I bother. There's no way I'm going to pass this class. It's going to be too tough, and I'm a senior. I can't afford to miss one of my credits. I want to graduate with the rest of my class. And I don't want to look stupid in front of all the freshman in this class. Why did I....

A tap on her shoulder shook her from her thoughts, "Are you going to pass back the papers or just keep staring at our teacher?"

Kris blushed, completely unaware she'd been staring, and passed the class syllabus' back, "Sorry."

He didn't get into anything too specific for the rest of the lecture, mostly focusing on what the plan was for the rest of the semester. When tests will be, exam schedule, study groups, office hours, etc.

"Alvright, class, that's zit for today, I vill see you all in two days."

Everyone began to pack up, ready to move on with their days, and Kris was right along with them.

"Uhm...Kris? Can I zpeak vith zoo?"

"Uhh... sure..." Kris spun around, flinging her bag over her shoulder, and walked towards Dr. Zimmerman's desk, "What is it?"

He looked around, making sure no one was within ear shot, "I realized my mistake, and I vant you to know zat I von't be saying anysing to anyvone. I'm terribly sorry."

"Oh, uhm...thanks." Kris looked down at her feet, completely uncomfortable with the conversation.

"I look forvard to having zoo in my class again."

Kris nodded, not sure what to say in response, and turned back towards the door. She wasn't two steps outside when she was greeted by another student, "Hello," the boy smiled, "My name is Xander"

Kris was taken aback by his abruptness and struggled to respond, "Uhhh, hi..."

"You're Kris...right?"

She nodded.

"Soo, I was wondering if you'd like to go see a movie with me sometime?"

"Uhhm..." Kris blushed, unsure of what to think, or feel, or say.

Xander smiled arrogantly, "How about you just give me your number, and I'll text you, and you can take all the time you need to think about it?" He bent down, meeting Kris' lowered gaze, "Does that sound alright to you?"

Kris nodded again.

"Can you tell me what it is then?" He laughed, throwing a glance back towards his friends standing down the hall, but Kris didn't notice.

It took a few moments, but Kris did speak, barely managing to get her own phone number out of her mouth.

"Thanks, I'll text you." He walked away, back towards his friends that were still waiting on him, and threw his arms up in the air in triumph. Kris took a few moments to recover, and then pulled out her class schedule. Her next class wasn't until the afternoon, which meant she had some time. She pulled out her phone and quickly typed up a message:

TO: Lumina

I was just asked out.

Kris began to walk down the hall, not expecting a fast response. She is at work after all. She wandered for a while familiarizing herself with the building. She took the stairs back up to the main level as her phone vibrated,

From: Lumina

Are they cute?

Kris rolled her eyes.

TO: Lumina

It's not all about looks, you know.

She made her way outside and breathed in the fresh air. The campus was simplistically beautiful. Not over done and modern like a lot of the bigger schools, but took pride in it's rustic, slightly run down appearance. There weren't a ton of buildings, maybe six for classes, four for dorms, and then other miscellaneous ones for food, libraries, computer halls, etc.

She was halfway to the library when her phone vibrated again.

FROM: Lumina

That's a yes, you should go!

Kris shook her head.

TO: Lumina

You're no help

She continued walking the last few yards to the tall building, noticing how much it towered over everything around it. It was the only thing you could even remotely consider modern on campus. Lot's of windows, made of steel, next to no brick- it almost looked futuristic (At least compared to everything around it.)

FROM: Lumina

Everyone agrees with me! You should go!

Who all was she telling?!? Kris thought, her eyes going wide.

FROM: Lumina

P.S. Only a few co-workers. I'm not telling everyone. What's it going to hurt if you go?

What would it hurt? Her pride, her confidence, her grades, give the wrong impression... the list goes on.

It's decided. I'm not going. She thought as her phone went off once more. Lumina, I swear. She glanced back to her phone to be met with an unknown number.

FROM: Unknown

Please consider my offer. I'd really like to take you out. Please just give me a chance.

Kris' heart melted and began to race at the same time. In a brief moment of bravery she responded.

TO: Xander



Kris paced in her room, her dress flaring out around her as she spun, "I should cancel. It's not too late to cancel." She glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall, confirming that it was still 5 whole minutes before Xander was supposed to pick her up.

A knock at the door startled Kris from her thoughts, causing her phone to clatter to the floor. She moved to the door and pulled it open to be met with a face full of flowers.

"Hi Kris, I got you these." Zander was dressed in snug jeans and striped v-neck.

"" Kris blushed, taking the flowers and setting them down inside.

"Are you ready to go?"

Kris glanced down, checking for her keys, and nodded. "Let's go." She pulled the door behind her, giving it a twist to make sure it locked. The two of them walked downstairs and outside, the cold, night air refreshing against their fur.

"That's me over there" Xander motioned to a 2 year old Ponyac Grand Am sitting parked a few spots away. They both got into the car, neither one sure of what to say next.

The car ride was mostly silent, other than a few comments here and there, 'Look at that weird car," "Does that person have any pants on?," "Could you imagine if no-one had fur?"

Once the two got closer to the theatre, Xander spoke up, "I hope you like scary movies."

"Huh?" Kris perked up, being shaken from her daze, "Oh I don't mind them."

"Sweet. I was hoping we could see Kit: Chapter 2, you know where that angry kitten comes back to kill those kids? Except now they're adults."

"That sounds fun." Kris tried to sound excited, but truth be told she hated scary movies, and had no idea what he was talking about.

"I know a couple of my buddies are going tonight too, but we don't need to sit anywhere near them. Make sure we have a little privacy."

"Yeah, sounds good." Kris' nerves were beginning to get the best of her. She didn't know what she needed to be doing or saying.

"Hey." Xander turned towards Kris after parking in a spot, "Are you alright?"

Kris bit her lip, not wanting to make him feel like it was his fault, "I.. just.. Don't do this very often." she chuckled awkwardly, "If you couldn't tell."

Xander breathed out, "It's okay to be nervous, just don't shut me completely out, okay?"

Kris smiled warily, "Okay."

They walked inside together, both feeling only slightly better, both still riddled with nerves. Xander bought the tickets, some popcorn, and drinks for each of them, and they went to sit down inside the theatre.

"Do you have a preferred seat?" Xander asked.

"Somewhere in the back?" Kris laughed, "For quick escape?"

Xander's eyes grew the slightest bit wider, "Okay."

They took their seats, and munched on the popcorn while they waited for the movie to start. When the lights finally dimmed and the music grew louder, Kris finally began to relax. Don't need to talk, no one can see me, just got to not pee my pants from the jump scares and we'll be good to go.

It wasn't too long into the movie when Kris began to feel pressure on her leg. As it crept up her thigh, she realized it was Xander's hand and squirmed under the touch.

"Please stop," came out in a whisper, but Xander didn't hear, "St-stop it."

Xander heard her this time, but ignored her demand.

"Xander. Stop." She grabbed his hand, pushing it off of her.

"What?" He whispered, "Isn't this what you wanted? That's why you chose to sit back here. You want..." he put his hand to her crotch, "What the fuck!? Is that a dick? Are you a dude?" Xander was shouting.

"Please, be quiet..."

"Be quiet?! That's all you have to say? YOU HAVE A FUCKING DICK" people began to turn around in their seats.

"I..I can explain..." Kris' eyes filled with tears as she stood.

"You're fucking disgusting!!" Xander pushed Kris' shoulder, creating distance between them.

"I'm...I'm sorry." Kris ran out of the theatre, and back into the cold night. She reached into her purse for her phone, but soon realized she had never picked it up off of the floor. She felt defeated, and sank to the ground. What am I going to do?