Converting Celsius
A commission for FA: Circutron who told me he would like to have his Superhero OC dominated by a charismatic, powerful villain. I offered up my idea for a villain that I had kicking around in my mind for a few months in the form of Baron Sharp and he fell in love with the cobra, and together we hashed out the contents of the story.
Celsius goes to an old-world style mansion on the outskirts of Empire City, having tracked rumors of a new kingpin in the area to there. Little did he realize that engaging Baron Sharp in his own world was asking for trouble. And the cobra sees something he'd like to bring out of the young hero.
Contains: Cyrokinesis, Anthro Snakes, Superhero Combat, Transformation, Ice Bondage, Muscular Naga, Teasing, Exaggerated Sibilants, Stripping through Combat, Hypnosis, Coiling, Reprogramming, Tail Growth, and Eventual Domestic Bliss
Celsius belongs to Baron Sharp FA: Circutron and is native to FA: blackjackaught 's Empire City superhero setting. But oops, the moment he entered the Baron's mansion, he was no longer in the same world, who knows where the cobra lives...
I know not everyone has the income to commission me, but if you still want to support my writing, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations,you could always get me a Ko-Fi
Celsius carefully balanced along the frame between the panels. The cat was carefully walking his way along the roof of the conservatory, a sort of indoor garden filled with trees and plants. The conservatory in question was the one affixed to an old-world style manor house. Said manor house was the end of the trail of breadcrumbs the feline had followed thus far. Disappearances, disruptions in the criminal underworld, whispers of a new power player, or perhaps he had always been there, but only now did the Mask hear of it. Baron Sharp. All of the signs of his presence led back to here.
The cat had decided on this entrance to the building because, while the structure of the conservatory was less sturdy than the brick construction it was butted up against, the plants inside should provide a good cover and muffling for any noise he made while entering. Celsius arrived at the hatch he'd scouted from a nearby hilltop before nightfall and opened it up.
Heated air billowed out like opening a car on a hot day. No lights came on in the glass room since night fell. Cats however, operate well in the dark.
Carefully, Celsius eased his boot-clad feet into the hatch, and then grasped the rim next to the latch with one gloved hand. He focused, and ice began to form under his fingers, pressing out from the rim. His grasp shifted to hold onto the frozen surface as it began to form into an icicle shape, then a column. As the ice formed, the cat was lowered down at a steady rate. Nice thing about such a method is no one would question a puddle in a conservatory come daylight.
The feline felt his boots touch floor and let go, allowing it to not quite reach the floor as a pillar, but still be within reach if he needed to use it to escape. He reached inside his vest for a penlight, as even with his feline sight he still needed some source of light.
"A delightful performansssssss..." A bass voice resonated through the room, far echoier than the cat had expected from a room full of plants. Not a moment later lights flickered on.
A glance around revealed, rather than a lush inner garden, a stark interior made from sheets of shale arranged to imitate some desert landscape. Lounging on a bench made from the stone was the Baron.
Celsius had known that his opponent was a serpent of some kind, but was not prepared for the old-world elegance on display. Sharp had a cobra hood which almost seamlessly was matched to the smoking jacket the snake had immaculately arranged around his torso. His legs were in equally exquisite silks, with his talon-like feet left bare, revealing the perfect pedicure of the claws there. The Baron wore round spectacles as well, balanced perfectly across his broad snout. His tail was noticeably wrapped loosely around the base of the broad bench twice, revealing the scarlet red diamondback pattern, contrasting the alabaster and obsidian scales of the back and belly.
Most villains the hero had come up against seemed to be in their villain costumes at all times of day, even in their lair. Something so casual was at first disarming. And Celsius was sure he'd seen foliage through the glass of the conservatory when he was scouting the manor out in the light of day.
Baron Sharp continued, as if he hadn't noticed the feline's confused look. "Sssssso kind of a handsssssssome young hero to drop in, assss it were." The snake leaned hard into the sibilant hiss his kind was known for, a twinkle in his blood-red eyes.
"Enough with the flattery, jackass." Celsius shot back. "I'm here for one reason. You're a bad guy." He punched his palm with his opposing fist.
"I sssssssee," The cobra sat up slowly, his hood outstretched, showing the deep red scales inside which matched the silk trim of his jacket to a tee. "You have come to play." He casually undid his black cravat and set it aside, before undoing the silk belt on his jacket. "I sssssssupposssssse a good hossssst providesssssss entertainment for hissss guestsssss...." When he spoke occasionally the sheathing flesh of his fangs would flash into view, reminding the cat of that unusual anatomy.
The feline seethed, ears folded back and tail bristled out. The Baron wasn't taking this seriously at all. He frowned, and saw that the serpent's not inconsiderable tail was still up against his legs and wrapped along the base of his seat. Seeing his chance Celsius held out a gloved hand, forming a claw shape and a frosty ray lanced forth from the space between his fingers and thumb. Where it met scales, ice began to accumulate rapidly. The frozen buildup formed clear as sculpture blocks across the loosely stacked coils as he endeavored to freeze his foe in place.
The snake quivered, raising his shoulders as if he'd merely been spritzed with cold water on the back of his neck. He lowered his glasses on his snout as he looked back to the hero. "If you wanted me to remain ssssssseated, you could have asssssked, my dear." However, he stood, letting his smoking jacket pool off of his shoulders to reveal his bare chest to the feline. "But sssssinssse you did not asssssk, I do not feel obliged to remain ssssseated..." He casually began to walk forward. At the point where his tail would have grown taut from the icy bindings, the scales suddenly began to slide. Once the initial adhesion was broken, the loop of serpent length easily slid through the slick double-ring, not impeding his forward movement at all as he approached.
Celsius frowned, and held out both hands, tilted out nearly to the point where his thumbs were intertwined. The resulting ray came out as a helix of ice, wrapping around itself as it surged forth. The full brunt struck the snake dead center on the chest. Ice built up, pouring out and around the serpent's torso like a time elapse of clear frost forming on a sculpture amidst a blizzard. His arms were similarly caught, and the cat shifted his attention towards icing up his legs to fully immobilize.
The reptile's nictitating membranes closed against the onslaught of icy cold air that came with the freezing over his frame. The ice came up the base of his neck but stopped before it could wrap up over his jaws or bind his hood. The Baron watched calmly, waiting for the hero to finish.
Chuckling, the cat put his hands on his hips, assured that freezing around the snake's center of mass would do more to subdue the cold-blooded creature. "Got you, fucker."
"Ssssso vulgar..." Baron Sharp tutted playfully, seeming unphased by his situation. "Ssssso confident..." He flicked his tongue and finished extracting the tip of his tail from the previous ice-hold. "Ssssso wrong~" Suddenly, the ice around him burst, the nearly vaporized ice shards obscuring him for a moment.
Celsius shielded his eyes with an arm, dropping his stance to put one foot back in case he needed to bolt. As he lowered his arm, there was half of the ice he'd formed around the baron left. There, in the clear block, were the silk lounge pants the villain had been wearing, standing just the way the snake had been within them. Something wrapped around the hero's back foot and tugged.
Yowling in surprise, the cat reached out to grasp the currently slippery, dripping pole he'd created to enter the conservatory, looking down his body towards his foot. The black, white and red tip of the snake's tail was looped snugly above the ankle of his boot. Celsius' eye traced the thick length (Was it thicker than before?) around.
As he twisted to follow it the rest of the way, he found himself face-to-face with the serpent, who seemed larger this close up. Hissing, the cat held out his free hand to blast ice into the cobra's face, then shot another blast of ice to connect the pole he was holding onto to the floor as well, bolstering its stability as he used it to yank himself free of that grip, spinning around the pole and landing on one booted foot. His other foot was now bare, jutting from his jeans. Now on the far side of the column of ice from the serpent, he had a moment to take in what had changed.
Celsius' eyes widened. He had hardly noticed that he hadn't seen the Baron's legs on the trip along his body to his face. The reason had become clear: Sharp had changed his body. His long tail was thicker than before, and travelled straight to the base of his pelvis, no sign of ever having had legs. His torso was broader now, an attractive triangle of musculature leading to the base of his hood, which affixed itself to the innermost points of his deltoids. The way his glasses now sat on his muzzle also belied that he had become much larger than when the cat had arrived overall.
Suddenly the pants left behind in the ice made perfect sense.
As the feline worked to process this, he felt something against his back, and realized he'd been so busy staring at the serpent's upper body he'd lost track of the tail again.
Said tail yanked upward, catching the inside of the padded vest the superhero wore.
"Shit!" Celsius kicked out with his bare foot, shooting out a blast of ice from the sole at where he guessed the tail was touching the ground nearest, and raised his arms, dropping free of his vest. He rolled to one side when he landed, hearing the thick appendage slap the slate behind him, and jumped to his feet, shooting ice again at where he'd left the Baron's upper body.
The serpent had already moved again, casually slithering towards the hero's left. "Ssssso much easier to let me hold you, preciousssss feline..." His arms were crossed behind his back, a confident posture for his torso, and also one that jutted his black-scaled chest forward, making him seem to almost lead with his pectorals as he advanced.
Waiting a moment, darting his eyes between the tail and the chest of his opponent, the cat launched himself forward just as he saw the muscles flex to move the tail towards him, diving towards the slate on the opposite side of the snake's torso.
He wasn't quite fast enough, his remaining boot caught in a loop of muscle. "Onto the hard ssssslate as well. Isssssssn't it difficult enough for you?" The Baron's bass voice was resonant enough to be felt through the stone. The serpent tugged with the tip of his tail.
Celsius twisted his body at the same moment, allowing his boot to be removed as he angled his arm to shoot ice on the arms where they rested at the base of the well-muscled cobra's back, still crossed. The ice built up around them rapidly as he pushed more effort into building the bond quickly, the ice having a foggier appearance than the other stuff he'd produced so far tonight. Once he thought that it was thick enough he rolled lengthwise twice before pressing himself up onto his bare feet. Apart from his gloves and mask, one could be forgiven for presuming he was just some cat, left in a long sleeved shirt and jeans.
Baron Sharp smirked, twisting his body like a sidewinder to reposition his upper body to the hero's right and allow his tail to whip around on the completion of his locomotion, the tip curling, seeking out something to grasp on the feline from his left.
Though reacting as fast as he could, the hero was still caught by the wrist. Better than having that loop close up near his shoulder for the feline. Celsius raised the caught arm and riskily slid himself underneath the black underbelly like he was limboing to gain the leverage to wrench himself free. The flat shale beneath his feet glistened as a clear layer of ice formed, giving him frictionless maneuverability, completing his movement like an ice skater on his bare paws with a kick to the underside of the tail.
The serpent seemed amused by the maneuver, taking a moment to flex his arms and snap the ice manacles that had been holding his wrists together behind his back, revealing two rapidly melting rings to the cat. Steam was coming from his scales at the point the moisture ran off of the clear ice. He pointed one finger at the hero, flicking his tongue before speaking. "Do you think this dansssssssse hassssss not gone on long enough...?"
Rubbing his formerly caught wrist, the cat discovered that his glove on that hand was gone. Darting a glare at Sharp, Celsius spat his reply. "I'm just getting started, fucker." He shifted his weight, pushing his paw out from the other on the ice like he had skates to press with. The slate iced up just ahead of his feet as he began to propel himself forward, soon in the rhythm of a speed skater as he picked up momentum, curving around the length of the long snake.
The Baron twisted his built torso to track the cat's movement with his eyes. "What will I take off you nekssssst, hero? Your other glove? Perhaps your trousersssss?" He began to flex his long tail into the path of the speeding feline.
Celsius scoffed with a confident smirk as he extended the path he was forming ahead of himself up off of the slate, a curved chute that carried him over that loop of reptilian muscle and scale as he sped forward. Abruptly he stopped the formation of the ice, closing his gloved hand into a fist and winding back with it as his momentum carried his feline form in an arc towards the cobra.
As the hero launched his fist forward to put his whole momentum into a mighty punch, Sharp twisted with a viper's reflexes, jaws parting and turning to one side. At the same time he reached out with a powerful arm and caught the cat as he fell.
Behind his mask, the feline's eyes widened, the motion replicated by the technological material conforming to his eyelids whilst keeping his eyes appearing pure white from the outside. His arm was caught between the serpent's jaws, his fist jutting out the other side while the extended fangs ensured that he couldn't just wrench away at a right angle, their sheathing flesh acting practically as a padding, conforming to his long sleeve and making the grip that much tighter. Celsius lashed out with his other arm, and found it caught by the wrist in the Baron's palm.
The opposite arm that had caught the hero repositioned to press just above the base of his tail, completing the manipulation of the pose into a perversion of a tango. The cat's feet were left dangling and bare above the slate while the serpent began to sway and slither about, humming playfully. The bass waltz reverberated through the feline's whole body, near overwhelming.
Shaking his head and letting out a fierce hiss, Celsius yanked as hard as he could on his arm caught by the snake's powerful jaws, bringing his feet up to kick off from the built naga's transition point between serpent and anthro parts. The combined motion sent the cat swinging out in a wide arc, but his other hand was still caught on the wrist.
The Baron's grip adjusted there, and amplified the momentum with a deft flex of his arm. Just as easily, he had turned Celsius' move to his advantage again, forcing the hero's escape attempt into a twirl.
When the cat finished spinning he found himself again pressed to the powerful snake's upper body, this time facing away with his arms crossed in front of himself. One wrist was still held, the other paw caught in a gentle hold of clawed fingers, the hum from before continuing unabated. Celsius tilted his head to look up and back at the serpent.
Baron Sharp smiled back, the second glove half-hanging out of his jaws like a rose. "Now isssssn't this nissssser...?" He crooned, twisting his torso as he began to draw his tail into a supportive coil beneath his upper body and the cat.
Celsius turned his head away, shuddering. It was not nice, it couldn't be nice. The snake was the bad guy. His domino mask hid most of the blush forming under his tawny fur. Seeing the tail starting to layer on itself again, he angled a foot, and tried to freeze them together again. It might not have held the Baron long but it had kept his tail occupied for a while.
A light chilly mist emitted from the sole of his foot. "W-what?"
"Oh, did you run out of moissssssture, little hero?" The Baron rumbled triumphantly, continuing to twist and twine himself around, the loops of tail starting to press up along the cat's legs starting from his feet. "The air in my terrarium isssss resssssirculated through a dehumidifier whilssssst it issss heated. I come from a much drier climate than yoursssss..."
The feline's eyes darted around to all the ice he'd formed. It was all melting too slow for him to draw upon the moisture easily, merely dripping and making little puddles beneath. The puddles weren't steaming, and with the air being recirculated like the snake said, would have no chance to add humidity to the space. He could feel his lips chapping up from the dryness and cursed himself for not noticing that he was overextending his supply until the snake had taken advantage.
Celsius was too busy making these thoughts to realize the grip on his arms had changed. The claw like fingers grasped the hem of both sleeves and tugged, rising up and untwisting the arms within.
With a soft yowl, the cat found himself flopped back into a cradle of coils. Looking up, he saw the Baron holding his long sleeved shirt, tossing it aside carelessly.
Sharp hissed, flicking his tongue while hovered over his catch, loops of his tail sliding and encroaching on the feline, now left only in his super mask and trousers. His muscular torso hovered like a feral cobra's hood over caught prey. He leaned in closer, face to face, and his eyes began to glow with inner light behind the sanguine color.
The feline mrowled weakly, trying to clamber his way up and out of the shifting mass of snake. Each time he thought he had a hand or foothold, the coil buckled and slid along beneath his grip, providing no support and just resulting in more of the scaled flesh layering onto either side of the cat. At the same time, he tried to avert his eyes. His mask would keep the snake from seeing just what direction he was looking, he hoped.
The Baron's clawed hands gently cradled either side of the cat's face, thumbs pressing on the sides of the domino mask. "Calm yourssssssssself, my sssssweeet." As he spoke, emanating out from his slitted pupils, foreign colors began to ripple forth, replaced by yet another and another in expanding rings. Each new color appeared with the next beat of his heart, able to be felt through the surface of his coils as they began to squeeze. As the serpent spoke again, it was foreign words, but somehow, the cat still understood their meaning: "Follow the colors, let them soothe you." He twitched his thumb, and the mask's eye-coverings deactivated, revealing the feline's eyes fully.
Celsius gasped, and made the mistake of looking straight ahead as his last line of defense fell. His eyes locked on the Baron's own, widening. He was frozen in that moment for what seemed like forever. But even forever cannot last. A surge of color crossed the cat's eyes, matching the latest pulse from the serpent. The next followed suit, and the next. The feline's limbs slumped, stopping their fidgeting as his eyelids relaxed partially, his face going slack.
"My precioussssss hero," The cobra crooned in English, expression soft and yearning. "You left your world behind, and I find myself loathe to let you return." Baron Sharp continued in the unknown language, his meaning burrowing through the language barrier effortlessly to Celsius' mind. The sound of this tongue was smooth as silk and weaved its way through the cat's thoughts as easily as the cobra wound and twisted around his every defense.
"d-don...t-take off my masssk..." The enthralled hero weakly murmured against the torrent of will flowing the other way.
"Unmask you? Perish the thought. It is a part of you..." The serpent hissed tenderly, continuing to gently rub along the mask, pressing firmly. At some point the smooth texture of the high tech covering had started to gain segmentations.
The tip of the Baron's tail wound and tugged atop the cat's hips, starting to draw his trousers free while he was enthralled. As the waistband travelled down, the tip pressed forward between to start individually looping one thigh. As more and more of the tail covered that leg, its advancement downward continued the work of removing that final garment. When it too had left the cat's fur behind, the fabric was practically extruded out of the mass of coils, slumping to the slate beside the cobra.
Celsius curled his toes a bit, and let out a soft prrrt as the serpent's tail wound around with his own, twisting and gently starting to squeeze on it. Heavy loops of smooth flesh pressed on his chest and kept his arms away from his torso, just his face exposed, turned up towards the snake's own, as the strong hands caressed and rubbed along his cheeks. Such a handsome serpent, so powerful and masculine...
Baron Sharp chuckled affectionately, tracing the black scales forming at the edges of the mask and rubbing from them down the cat's cheekbones. In the wake of his thumbs the scales spread, replacing the tawny fur seamlessly. He squeezed gently with his fingertips, and began to pull along the underside of the feline's jaw. He worked like a sculptor, drawing and pressing at clay to adjust its shape to his liking.
A black and blue tail tip peeked out of the mass of scarlet, white, and black scales, before it sank back out of sight with a squeeze of the surrounding coils.
The hero longed for the beautiful man to kiss him, infatuated behind the spreading rings of color. His mouth wasn't ready for it yet, he knew instinctually. His muzzle was too blunt and flat. Thankfully every pull and stroke drew his muzzle out more and more. The pink triangular pad at the tip flattened and broadened as his nostrils drifted apart with each pass, the pink supplanted by black scales long before. To either side of his nostrils, new openings began to appear, each in sequence up the sides of his upper jaw.
"Now..." The serpent crooned affectionately as he gave a squeeze between his thumb and forefinger to the bottom of Celsius' chin. When his claw left to start rubbing along the still furred brow, there were blunt spikes with blue tips along the underside of the hero's jawline. "That is a mouth I will kiss." His muzzle descended, pressing to the newly formed snout. The cobra's forked tongue pressed through into the other set of jaws and set about grinding about, spreading his touch to every millimeter of the interior of that newly expanded cavern.
Celsius moaned blissfully into the contact, eyes drifting further shut, but staying just open, locked to the Baron's own. He felt the wonderful touch of the serpent caressing throughout his jaws, feeling just as good as his fingers on the outside of his muzzle. While he focused on the kiss, he hardly noticed that the scales had covered his brow, ridges like beneath his jaw forming at the top edge of where his mask had once been, and two more starting to surface from his tousled hair.
Sharp had both of his hands massaging and stroking through the hair now. With every repetition, the hairline grew further back, as more scales advanced. The cat's ears pinned back of their own accord, but were less likely to unpin with every moment. As he was finishing up his kiss, he pressed firmly with both thumbs, rising up to view his handiwork.
The hero beneath him panted in ecstasy, not a sign of his feline self on his head left. His face and head were undoubtedly a snake's, especially considering the pale blue inner muzzle he now sported had a glottis and a sheathed tongue beneath it in clear view, the fleshy tube opening and closing with every deep breath like his nostrils had once done. Of course, they were no longer nostrils, but heat pits, no less sensitive, but for a different sense. The ears were smoothed away, no longer visible, and the dual crests atop his head had formed fully, tipped with a similar blue to his tongue and inner flesh. They emerged up through a loose infinity loop of darker blue, matching the pattern around Celsius' color-changing eyes. The pattern was continued again on the back of his head, and smaller on the back of his neck.
The serpent hissed in approval, raising his powerful upper body further away to get a more holistic view of his catch's progress.
The decreasingly feline cat hissed needily, trying to raise a hand from the looping coils to grasp for the cobra's hood. This only revealed the black scaly surface to the open air, the padded fingertips and tawny fur on his wrist and hand a stark contrast, jarring to behold.
Maintaining eye contact, the Baron took that paw in his clawed fingers, and released the other arm from his coils. It found the other hand easily, and he rubbed his thumbs along the striking surface of the fighting cat's knuckles, smoothing the fur down. "Hush my dear, all of you will receive my attentions." He smiled as his words visibly soothed the desperation from the hero's face.
Celsius lightly flexed his fingers as he felt the smooth, strong grip on them pull and draw the digits out, working like a blacksmith on a billet. The hero's smile widened dopily as he thought of that, imagining the cobra laboring away to make him a more effective weapon. When his hands were released, they were true blades, ending in claws like the Baron's own. The knuckles bore ridges similar to his jaw and head, as did his elbows.
"That's my good viper." Baron Sharp rumbled, as his coils contracted and pulled along the changing male's torso, the thick loops deforming and flattening out against the subject of their constriction.
Despite the pressure, the caught hero felt no trouble breathing, groaning weakly at a soft pop in his back, like tension had been squeezed free of his spinal column for the first time. The constriction began to travel down the spine, to his waist and hips, then working against his tail. Celsius' eyes widened as a new sensation rushed through his mind. His tail resisted constriction. It pressed back in all directions as the loops tried to close, getting stronger each time the slithering cobra body passed. The coils were starting to slip away from his chest, more and more focusing their efforts on his tail.
The cobra placed a hand on the viper's torso, caressing the swimmer's build of musculature revealed beneath the icy blue belly scales. He traced the faint muscle groups. "Oh, you will need to remember not to skip so many meals..."
"Sssssssorry.... I... don't mean to..." Celsius hissed dreamily, arching his back to press into the touch, curling his talon-like toes as another powerful contraction forced a surge of pressure outward from the depths of his tail.
"No need to apologize." The Baron crooned affectionately, tracing the back of his free claw along the viper's cheek. "You didn't have me to care for you before." Moment after moment, the tip of his tail trailed along, revealing more and more of the anthro snake's form to the dry air of the atrium as the cobra's powerful tail redirected its attention to its counterpart. He brought the hand from the former feline's chest up, twisting to gently press the tip of his fore claw just behind Celsius' jaw spines.
Instinctually, the viper knew what was desired of him. His slender waist defined further as he used those muscles to sit up, guided by the tender pressure on the underside of his jaw. He sat upright, the svelte look not so much that he had slimmed down but because his torso was longer, elegantly proportioned. His old shirt would hardly cover his midsection now were he to try to wear it. The hero's arms had drawn out longer in much the same way, as well as his legs, covered in black and two shades of blue in glossy, new scales. His eyes continued to dance with explosive color, drawn out by the Baron's gaze. Part of him missed the fuller embrace, but he knew it must be important to be this bare, or else the cobra would not have exposed him thus.
The black serpent's back continued the deep blue pattern from the top of his head, down across his shoulders and to his waist, before continuing onto the girthy base of his tail where it vanished into the endless loops of alabaster, obsidian, and scarlet. His knees and the knuckles atop his toes shared the frosted spines that his elbows and hands displayed. He sat upright as he waited for what was to come next, the occasional stronger squeeze on his tail sending a quiver up his spine and releasing a hiss. Though he was relaxed, his eyes remained wide. Only mammals needed eyelids. Occasionally his nictitating membranes would dance across, but their presence did nothing to affect the surges of color.
Baron Sharp planted another soft kiss on the viper's snout, not deepening any further than the lips this time. As he pulled away, his face was a vision of love for his creation, undulating colors and all. "My precious Kelvin." He declared it, and it was fact. The final ring burst forth, and faded, leaving a glow behind his blood red eyes, and then even that faded away.
Kelvin's eyes lost their many colors as well, settling on the same icy blue as his underside. He blinked with the translucent, sideways eyelids of his kind and flicked his tongue. "?arpe, why are we naked in the terrarium?" He asked in the Baron's tongue, fluently.
Chuckling affectionately, ?arpe drew the smaller serpent into an embrace against his powerful torso, laying him back on top of the coils still encasing his tail. "Would you rather garments separate us?"
"Of course not." The viper hissed happily, nuzzling snout-to-snout.
~* ~~*~~ * ~~*~~ * ~~*~~ * ~~*~~ * ~~*~~ *~
Some weeks later, Kelvin was standing bare in the terrarium, which had had its dehumidifiers turned off. The reason was clear, as his claws lanced ice through the air, the viper's eyes focused on the forms he was drawing into being from the moisture in the air. The shape of two serpents emerged as the sculpture continued, holding hands while facing one another, their tails coiled to either side, with only the tips reaching to touch one another.
"Such a chaste design." The bass voice of the cobra came from the door into the rest of the manor.
The viper ended his icy blast and turned, smiling. "You disapprove, my husband?"
The Baron was in his anthro shape once again, slender and having legs and feet to walk normally with. He took a moment to admire how well the younger serpent was turning out. Since he had come to live in the manor his slender, elongated form had gained definition, his shoulders noticeably broader. His arms were well formed, though he had no need to use them. He hadn't ignored his lower body either, his bare legs and hips showing their strong muscle groups beneath the near-glistening scales. However, his tail was a force to be reckoned with, a girthy length of powerful chords of scale-wrapped flesh which was currently casually looped on one of the heated slates behind the black and blue snake, spread slightly under its own weight. "It is heartfelt; I have no objection to the chastity in the abstract." He flexed his tail and slid it up against the viper's own, starting to stroke back and forth sensually. "You seem to have exaggerated the size of your tail, however."
Kelvin gasped, grinning and twisting his own tail to entangle with ?arpe's own, pressing and sliding the ventral scales against his spouse's own. "You know very well I have the larger tail. Girth and length!" He playfully attempted to encoil the diamondback appendage with his own as he skated the few paces over to the older serpent.
"Is that so?" Baron ?arpe grinned, and began to gain height on his precious husband. His glasses remained the same size as his head grew, going from round spectacles to a stylish pince nez balanced closer to the end of his snout. Fluidly, his legs vanished first, torso broadening, but as his tail continued to thicken, he folded his arms, and they too melted into more black scales. By the time the cobra had finished making his point, he was a feral serpent filling the whole space, and just barely not bumping into the smaller snake's sculpture, smirking down.
The viper blushed, looking back at his tail, coiled about a length of cobra that was hardly a sixth of his total length. "No fair..."
The immense snake hissed playfully, and lowered his body just beneath his hood to bowl the anthro over a massive coil, before letting his weight pin him there. "Perhaps, but you love it." He brought the tip of his length around to tap and stroke the blue and black tip of the viper's own tenderly.
Kelvin couldn't deny that he did, nuzzling softly into the scarlet underside of one side of his husband's broad hood as the continued adjustments gradually hid him entirely from view. "My tail's still big." He muttered, giving a squeeze.
"Second biggest is still big, yes." ?arpe hissed with a chuckle. He sighed happily. "My dear Kelvin... precious viper of mine..."