Baptism of Fire - Spooktober Horror Story

Story by Valcyrie on SoFurry

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#9 of Stories

As promised in this upload, I was going to release a new horror story with a specific theme every week, and this is the first one of them. This story is a collaboration with Jarren Ironclaw where I give a writing prompt and he gives 3-5 keywords. Then we both interpret these in our own ways to write a individual story about them.

You can find my good friend Jarren Ironclaw here, and his story here.

You can find the first horror story here.

This is a short story (3700 words) created by me, Valcyrie but a extra thanks goes to my love Draco Solis who after proofreading gave me some really valuable tips of how to improve it! Thank you, dear!~ <3

WARNING: This is a horror story, and revolves around supernatural horror and graphic descriptions. If this is not your thing, do not read further.

The background art is of my own doing, and you can find the cropped close-up (where the demon face is clearly visible) here, and the full picture here.

Warning: Supernatural horror, graphic.

[Disclaimer: Any names portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblances with actual people or characters are completely coincidental.]


Navigating the "Underworld" as they called it had always been hard. Chris's interest in the occult had sparked as a teen after an intense session with an Ouija board. Everyone was sure someone had cheated, that someone around the table had moved the planchette with their fingers. Afterwards everyone had promised it wasn't them and laughed nervously, and everyone suspected everyone. But Chris knew it was a different power. He had felt the presence in the room that night and seen the shadows circle the table, slowly closing in. After that night, many lonely nights in front of Google had brought him to page after page of information about the supernatural. He had never had any idea that this topic was so vast and that so many people - sometimes large groups and entire organisations - were working with these matters. Everything from spirits to spells, alchemy to demonology. His parents had always been the more traditional sort and in his early years, Chris had gone to church every Sunday but that stopped in his teens. His parents had not been happy at all, but nothing they had done had increased his interest for the church and after two years they had just given up. God had never been something for him. It had never felt right or reasonable. So instead, when his parents were gone to church, Chris often found himself back on the internet, digging into its darker depths.

It had taken him a little while, but eventually he had found contact with someone who claimed to be a witch online, someone from the same city as he. They had started talking about spiritual matters and it turned out that the stranger was a Wiccan, a Gardnerian neopagan and a member of a local coven of 7 witches. Chris had found this very fascinating and at the end of their conversation, the witch had informed him of a "moot" that was held down town every month. Chris had no idea what a moot was, and the witch had explained that it was a meeting for all sorts of pagans and "alternative believers". They all met, either at a pub or in a park and discussed their ideas and beliefs. Chris was surprised by the open-mindedness, it seemed too good to be true. But the witch promised him that all was good, as long as one respected each other and no personal attacks came to be.

"Don't worry." Chris had said. "I have the intention to learn, not cause trouble." "Then you are more than welcome. Belle Park by 7 pm, Thursday in 2 weeks."

Chris had been really excited for the day and it actually turned out to be everything he had been promised and had been hoping for. The people at the moot were really kind and respectful. When hearing each others beliefs, there was never any questioning of them or an attempt to prove who was right and who was wrong. Instead they listened, learned and seemed to find it interesting, as if hearing someone else's beliefs made them think and enlightened them. Chris had never before in his life seen such openness and respect for other people and he started to really like the local group of pagans and practitioners. Soon he was a regular, showing up at every moot that work would allow him and made sure to each time talk to someone new. His interest knew no bounds and the more he discussed and learned, the more eager he became to know more. His thirst for knowledge of the forbidden only grew, especially for topics that really fascinated him; namely the darker side of magic and witchcraft. There was real life necromancers, chaos magicians, witches who worked with blood- and black magic, even vampires and members of darker cults. There were those who believed in demonic powers and even satanists. Not only the pretty much atheistic LaVeyan satanists, but followers of Crowley and even theistic satanists who studied documents from the 17thcentury to practice their arts.

Chris had always been drawn to the darker side of the occult spectrum. He wasn't sure why, there was just something that pulled him in, as if the knowledge had a certain charm that he could not resist. Eventually Chris had started talking with a few members of a demon cult. They called themselves the Followers of Baal and had strong ties to ritualistic satanism. But they did not worship the Devil himself, but one of his demon underlings. Baal, the Duke of Hell, a mighty demon lord. The cultists talked with passion about how Baal could - and had - helped them with everything in life. From wealth to swaying women to taking revenge on their enemies. Some of their stories seemed just a little too wild for him to actually believe, but at the same time there was that nagging thought in the back of his head. "What if they are right? I don't know much yet, I'm here to learn. But... can it really be..?"

The thought of the possibility hooked him, and soon he was talking to the members of the cult even outside the moots, using Skype. After several sessions of discussing the cult and the powers of Baal, the group invited him to their temple to take part in a ritual. Chris was really not sure if he should. This was a step so deep into the Underworld that he was afraid to take it. He had left Christianity behind yes, but to actually be a follower of a demon cult? In the end, his curiousness got the better of him and he agreed.

When he arrived at the place for the first ritual - which was being held underground inside an old abandoned mine with only torches, candles and oil lamps to light up the way-a shiver ran down his spine. He hesitated once more, but soon stepped into the tunnel. The further down her went, it felt like the air and the darkness around him got thicker, as if it was hard to breathe and see despite the lights. Soon he felt it. That eerie prickling feeling along his spine and neck, the same sensation he had felt during the Ouija session. He wasn't sure if it was just the wind blowing in the tunnel, but it felt like the shadows were dancing way more than the wicks were flickering. He shivered and suddenly felt cold, but it was too late to turn back now.

When he came down and left the tunnel he found himself in a large cave room. Despite all the sources of fire it was so cold in the room that he could see his own breath. He looked around. There were much more than just three cult members here. In fact, there was a total of twelve. Six on one side, standing in circles. Six on the other, and six empty circles as well. He couldn't help but smile at the almost silly symbolism. It felt almost cheesy to him, but, whatever floats your boat, right? He was appointed a seat on a bench to the side as he was just there as an observer, a fledgling, a possible initiate. He noticed that there was also another person sitting there already. A slim girl in black clothes and scruffy black hair who seemed to be completely introverted.

"Typical goth." Chris snorted to himself and shook his head. She didn't even look at him when he sat down on the bench next to her and that killed off whatever interest he had in talking to her at all. People without manners were not his thing and the ritual was soon to start anyway.

Chris was spellbound. He had never in his life seen anything like it. All twelve members of the cult playing music, chanting, dancing... it was like watching a perfectly rehearsed performance. He could feel the shift of energy in the room. The hairs of his neck stood right out and slowly spread down his arms and legs. The air itself felt electric and when two of the cult members removed their robes to have violent sex right there on the cave floor, Chris was sure he heard noises coming from the dark tunnels of the mine that lead further into the deep. Suddenly, a breath of warm air swept over him, but despite the warm temperature he felt himself shudder. For the first time, the girl next to him looked up and she looked scared. But Chris felt a strange calm come over him. It was as if he was sleepy, as if he was sleeping where he sat, but at the same time he was aware of every little thing that happened around him, and in the room. The tunnels leading further down into the depths of the earth wereso black that it almost seemed like the darkness welled out of them. He heard whispers, but he wasn't sure if they came from the tunnels, or inside his own head. As the ritualistic sex seemed to reach its peak, he looked up and saw a giant shadow pass through the room, and seemingly disappear out the tunnel they had all entered from. Suddenly, it felt as if he was waking up from a long sleep. He sat up straight and shook his head. Had all of this been a dream? The cultists got dressed again and soon they were all blowing out the candles and torches, taking the lamps with them. When Chris got up he felt strangely light-headed, as if all energy had been sucked right out of him. When he tried to walk he staggered and in the corner of his eye he saw the girl stumble too. Once they got back out into the cool night air he took a few deep breaths and felt how his conscious and awake mind slowly came back to him. One of the cultists from the moot approached him.

"Well Chris... what did you think?" "I... I don't know where to start. Wow!" The cultist smiled at him and cocked his head a little to the side.

"Are you perhaps interested to join the ranks of the brotherhood? We still have seats to fill." The cultist eyed the goth girl who walked past them and followed her with his gaze. There was something hungry in his eyes, but he let her walk and turned his attention back to Chris. "Y-yes... Yes, this was awesome. I'd like to be a member." The cultist smiled, laid an arm over Chris' shoulders and walked towards the car with him. The entire time they travelled back to the city, the cultist told him of everything it meant to be a full member. The trials, the initiation ceremony, the responsibilities... but also of course, the awards. And the more he spoke, the more interested Chris became.

Already the week after, Chris was taken in as an initiate. The group had a smaller locale on the upper floor of an old pub down town, Chris had understood it as one of the members were either friends or related with the owner. It started with 7 trials. One trial each night, and one night per week. He was put to study ancient Hebrew texts, Crowley's Lesser Key of Solomon as well as plenty of other texts about demonology and ritualistic magic. The trials involved everything from testing his physical capabilities, even in fighting, to his sensitivity to the spiritual world and his knowledge of the unknown and the forbidden. They tested his ability to perform magic on his own, as well as with other members. All this time, his friend from the moots had been his tutor. At the end of the 7thweek, Chris felt ready. He knew of God's Lies, the balance of good and evil, how Baal was not an evil demon but a freedom fighter. How God was a dictator who tried to silence the free will and the free word, things that Baal stood for. It all spoke to Chris more than well. Finally, after he was finished, his tutor approached him.

"Congratulations, Chris. You have passed very well so far. Everyone here..." He reached out his arm and made a circular movement, pointing at every member of the cult.

"... is more than happy to have you here. We are all very impressed with you. I can feel..." He placed his hand over Chris' heart and closed his eyes.

"... that your heart truly burns for Baal." "Yes!" Chris almost shouted. He was getting ecstatic. "Yes, my heart burns for Baal!" "Yes! And it will burn for Baal! Hot and searing, until his work is done!"

"Until his work is done." Chanted the rest of the group as one.

The tutor smiled an unnaturally twisted grin and looked at Chris.

"Next week... it is time for your Baptism of Fire."

This time, Chris received no information of what was to be done. It surprised him at first as his tutor had helped him every step of the way so far. But this was the final test, and just like in school, he supposed that he was supposed to show everything he could do and everything he could remember. A tough test to be completed without help, but if he made it, he would truly deserve a place in the cult. He would have fought for it, and earned it in blood. He was not going to be just Chris any more, but a Follower of Baal. He could almost taste the sweetness of victory on his lips, sweet like sugar, yet venomous like a viper. But he _was_the viper. And he who controlled the vipers venom had tremendous power. In the shady dark room atop the pub, Chris grinned and felt like a king. The world was at his feet.

When the time came for the final test, he was taken far out on the countryside where one of the members of the cult had a farm. They went far out into the grounds, it felt like miles to Chris. But finally, they arrived at the site. Chris stepped out of the car and looked at a large square wooden structure.

"What is this?" Chris asked and turned to his tutor.

"It is your final test. A maze. A maze you must navigate on your own. When you find your way into its centre, you shall find a stone idol of Baal. You shall take it, and carry it with you back out here."

Chris couldn't believe his ears. It surely could not be that simple. There must be something more. Fellow cultists inside testing him? Riddles he had to solve? Tasks he had to complete in order to unlock doors? He looked up at his tutor.

"Is... is that all?"

The tutor gave him his twisted grin again and slowly shook his head.

"Not really..."

Chris did not like the way he drew out those words slowly, as if he tasted each and every one of them before speaking them loudly. The tutor continued:

"Where does Baal rule, initiate?"

"In the 6thcircle of Hell, sire."

The tutor nodded and grinned.

"And hell it shall be. Once you enter, the building will catch fire. You will find yourself surrounded by fire, ash and brimstone. But fear not, initiate, you have it in you. And once you pick up the idol of Baal, he shall give you his blessing, and turn you invisible to the fire. Once you are, you are free to walk out the same way you came. And when you come back out to us, you shall be celebrated as a new member of our group, but not just that... the first member of the 3rdand final circle."

Chris swallowed hard and looked around at the other members. They all understood his silent question and nodded. They had all undertaken this test. Chris turned back to his tutor and felt his heart beat hard inside his chest. Perhaps this was more of a scare than actual danger, or so many people would not have made it. He swallowed hard and nodded.

"I'm ready."

When Chris stepped inside it was almost pitch black. He blinked several times before his eyes slowly started to adjust to the darkness as the door closed behind him. They did not lock it, which increased his confidence. He took a few steps forward, and then smelled smoke. He looked around. Between the planks in the wall, smoke came and travelled upwards. They had not been joking. In the next second, the smoke caught fire. A thundering roar and flashes of light surrounded him as the walls burst into flames, and he started running. The smoke stung his eyes, but he forced them open. At first his long initiate cloak nearly swept against the walls and caught fire, so he grabbed it with his hands and held it close. Coughing and blinking through his tears, he darted around in the maze. Every other turn he took he was met by flames and symbols of Baal or other masters of Hell, but none was a stone idol. After a while the smoke and the heat started to get to him. He started to feel dizzy and the world was getting blurry, spinning slightly. His first reaction was to drop the cloak, but when he did the heat of the fire bit into his skin. He quickly pulled it closer around himself instead, using its thick fabric as isolation. He pulled it up over his face to filter away most of the smoke, and continued.

He had almost given up hope when he rounded another corner and stopped dead. In front of him was not another corridor, but a bigger room. The floor was a massive candle-lit pentagram and in the middle of it, a stone pillar with a grey stone idol of Baal. He instantly recognized its shape. He knew it, it wasn't impossible after all. His eyes teared up for more reasons than smoke. As he stepped into the room he suddenly felt that prickling feeling again and felt the hairs of his neck stand right up. He stepped into the circle and as he walked through the pentagram he shuddered. Someone was here, he could feel it. Once more, he saw the shadows dance along the walls. But something felt off. It felt as if they were waving at him with their tongues out, mocking him and laughing. He shuddered again, but stepped up to the idol and looked at it. He looked into its black, endless eyes and suddenly got that sleepy feeling again. He saw an enormous shadow slowly rise behind the pillar, clearly visible against the far wall despite it being on fire.

"Baal, my heart burns for you."

Chris reached out, grasped the idol and lifted it. Suddenly, everything went black. He heard the thundering roar and could feel the heat of the fire, but everything was pitch black. Another shudder came over him and he felt his legs grow weak. He sank down to the ground, holding the idol so hard his knuckles whitened.

"Wh-why?" he stuttered.

The heat of the fire burned his face and now he could hear it loud and clear. Mad cackling laughter of hundreds, maybe thousands of gloating creatures. Their mocking, singing laughter swirled around him. They were dancing. He felt a sting in his heart. The Dance Macabre. That meant that Death was near. But this was not Azrael who worked alone and in balance... this was Baal.


Chris heard a deep, raspy hissing voice thunder inside his head.

"... your heart will burn for me." The cackling laughter grew even higher. The heat and the smoke made him even more dizzy and Chris dropped down and began to crawl. The mocking noises grew even louder and Chris sobbed, closing his eyes as he cried. He dropped the idol and reached out with his hands. Baal had not made him invisible to the fire, but made the fire invisible to him. Every wall was burning and he could not touch them to quickly find a way out. He tried to crawl to wherever he felt cooler air, perhaps a breeze. But in whatever direction he crawled, he found another wall of fire. The world started spinning more and more and he spun around, standing up on swaying legs. In the background, behind the mocking laughters he could hear the cultists outside, chanting and playing their music. A horrifying thought struck him. This was not a final test... this was another ritual. As it dawned on him, he realized that perhaps all of this was just a sham. He had been so into this, so awe-struck by the temptation of power, that he hadn't even bothered to double-check anything that he had been told. He had been blinded and trusted them - and step by step, willingly walked right into a death trap. No one forced him in here, no murder had been committed. How could he had let himself be fooled so easily? How often had they done this?

Panic struck him. Chris started running, but slammed into a burning wall. Screaming he bounced back, turned around and slammed into another one. Everything was still black and soon he felt that his cloak had caught fire. His head was now spinning so fast that he fell over on the ground. Something cracked, and he was hit by something heavy and burning. The roof was collapsing. He reached out, fumbling for something to pull himself away with. His hands found the stone idol, which for some odd reason was still cold. Cold as death.

[Disclaimer: Any names portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblances with actual people or characters are completely coincidental.]

How tempting it ever may be, especially during these times of Halloween, please do not toy with powers you do not understand. An Ouija board might seem like harmless fun, but it is not. I have seen - and investigated - the results of such.