Camp Luster
So this is a commission story Drad asked me to write for him, and the first of my 5 free stories I've given out. It contains sex, both M/M and M/F, gangbang and mild BDSM. I hope you find it to your liking. \*\*\*\*\* CAMP LUSTER "And promise me you...
Excerpt from "A World of Darkness" (Graphic)
**[Warning! Contains very graphic content such as rape, blood and death.]** It is a world of Darkness. The Sin of Cain has spawned the cursed horror that stalks the night in search of living blood. The Kindred have longed in a secret influence,...
Breakfast Adventure
Videraz knew his territory well. He had lived in those mountains for over 70 years and there was no secret place or hideout that he didn't know about. Every morning, by sunrise, he woke up and took a flight around the mountaintops, watching his...
Excerpt from Gargul (part 2)
It is early evening as you stop by a farm along the road, asking how much further it is to your destination - the city of Wiss. As far from the war as possible. Recieving word that your goal is no further than 4 hours walk from there, you decide to...
Excerpt from Gargul (part 1)
The Four Stags was a large house; by the looks of it a small farming house that by time had expanded room by room, and was now 2 stories high with lots of small tower-like projections and balconies. The outer walls on the ground floor were made of...
Excerpts from Dragonbane
And the sword sank into David's flesh, and a scream of a thousand griefs, sorrow and betrayal let out. The blade sank even deeper, and his eyes met the ones of his bane. "Im sorry I hurt you. I am really sorry." His eyes turned blank as the last piece...
Darkness Reigns: Prelude
It was another scalding hot day as the sun's rays burned the desolate wasteland. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but dirt, sand, and rocks. Far across the plains, heading towards a mountain ridge, was a small dust plume rising up. It was...
Diplomatic Domination
DIPLOMATIC DOMINATION "The North" they called it. It could almost be found amusing, the fact that no one had come up with a more inspirational name yet. It was like calling an island for "the island" and would cause most southerners to smirk....
The Villain's Web
THE VILLAINS WEB The stone wall was cold as the grave against her back, the chill seemed to even creep through her leather armour. The corridor was dimly lit by moonlight and the occasional torch and candle, enough to make out silhouettes at...
Sucked Dry
SUCKED DRY Castel de Val was a very remote but beautiful castle high up in the Alps. Situated high on top of a mountain, it was surrounded on all sides by endless valleys, massive forests and rivers. It was closed off from public access almost...
All Souls' Blight
ALL SOULS' BLIGHT It was late autumn, nearing the shift between October and November that we all love so dearly as Halloween. Far out on the Scandinavian countryside across mountains, cliffs, forested wilderness and lakes, a small orange light...
When Val met Jess part 3
**WHEN VAL MET JESS part 3** _This story is dedicated to a special someone. Your life and your story was a great inspiration to me, and you helped me see so much of you, of the world; and of myself that I never would have otherwise. You changed...