Sport fight

Story by MischaDemon on SoFurry


Sport day fight

Waking up in a gloomy Wednesday morning, Mischa pulled her self out of bed walking in the bathroom for her school uniform. Her red hair messed from her slumber as she rubbed sleep from her eyes, getting ready for another school day.

She glanced at her timetable on her bed next to her green folder, first she had Art then Drama, she rolled her eyes picking up the folder and walking out to the lounge room to see her demon mother smoking her Cigarette looking deeply into her laptop sitting on her lap.

"Morning mum" Mischa called from the kitchen hurling her school bag onto the counter and reaching in to get her lunch box and water bottle.

"Morning, did you get that work done last night?" a voice called back

"Yes" Mischa replied with a smirk

Another voice called out from another room "mornin sis" it echoed throw the kitchen making her growl yet not yell.

"Mornin" she replied again

After getting everything ready she walked out stuffing another top into her back hoping her demon mother didn't see.

"Wagging sport again is ya?" her mother look over the smoke gently dances around her muzzle her red eyes glared at her daughter just over a smirk.

Mischa broke the eye contact "yeah just going to hang with friends" Mischa tried not to sound foolish even if she was going to see some friends.

Her Mother's smirk grew into a grin "just DON'T get caught ok? You're getting rather close aren't you?" She said

"No I'll be fine and careful you no that" Mischa lifted her nose in the air and blowing the smoke away from her face, her tail swished behind her for a moment, her alarm sounded for her to leave for the bus stop, waving goodbye to her mother she got up and walked off, pulling her headphones over her ear's and turning her Ipod on, the out of the music blocked everything else out until I everything almost looked like it was in slow motion. The morning mist lifted off the grass and birds played chase in the darkening sky.

Reaching the bus stop she met her little bunny sister, not her really sister it was Daimin's sister thought they thought of each other as siblings in some sense.

"Mischa, hey Mischa!" Crystal called out her short bunny ears twitched

With a wise smile Mischa didn't say a word but just looked down on the young kitten finally with a "Morning missy, whatcha up to?" she kept that smile slowly pulling her headphones from her ears and putting them around her neck.

"Nothing, what you listen to?" Crystal squeaked trying to look for Mischa Ipod in her pocket

Mischa pulled it out showing her the title that said "Down with the sickness by disturbed" a band Crystal hardly heard of...

The bus came just as they got their passes out, the buss trip was long but music made if fun, distracting her from the cry's and screams from the younger kids as they payed each over out for silly little things. Before she knew it she was at school in her hang with the guys.

Brodie a short bear with blondish fur poked Mischa and Anthony hugged her in his Muscle filled arms, so or was great when the bell rung for classes.

All the furs scattered everywhere to a classroom.

"Hey Rashel!" Mischa ran up to a furred dragoness wrapping her arms around her waist placing her chin on Rashel's shoulder. "Hello" she said again giggling

"Oh hello thar! You right?" he said with a snort

"We still on for sport?" Mischa asked loosing her grip to stand next to her

"Yeah everything is AGO!" Rashel just laugh but shortly stop when everyone looked at her, her furry face couldn't even hide the blushing red embarrassments.

So the classed went pretty fast for a sport day and the fun began when the lunch bell rang, Mischa ran as fast as she could sprint to her hang when she saw Chelsea her Leaped friend, Chelsea saw Mischa running so she stood her ground with opened arm to embrace a hug, Mischa stopped right in front of her looking at her new ear jewellery the coloured spike caught her attention.

"Oooohh pretty" Mischa poked the spikes before nuzzling in for a long hug

Chelsea laughed squeezing back when she notice Mischa's friend waving to her, "umm are you going somewhere?" she asked turning around so Mischa could see.

"Oh yeah ima going into town with them" she hugged Chelsea again with a nuzzle "see ya tomorrow ok?" Mischa giggled

"Aww ok have fun"

"Will do"

The Kitty ran off to meet the others, so they walked out laughing and talking about just stuff, as they walked a shadow flew over the small group of girls as one looked up just to see blond fur. Then all of a sudden "BAM" Mischa was in the air as Tamara Screeched "Hey put her down!" Mischa looked up to see long blond hair fluttering in the wind looking down at the claws that were hooding her close. It was her friend Darcy a light skinned demon with long head banging locks.

"Ah Dude please put me down" Mischa started to panic her paws clutching his claws.

He swooped down to gently place her back on the ground; he came back around landing besides her placing his arm around her waist to keep from going any further.

Tamara, Rashel and Allara laughed in a matter of shock, they have never met Darcy before.

Mischa smiled "hey man wagging too?" she said giving him a sly look for a different answer

"You know it, didn't feel like going to hockey so I heard word that ya girls where heading out here" he started to walk with them all arm still around Mischa not planing to move it.

"Really? Who told you?"

"Mammy or Zach as you might know him, he's at KFC now"

Tamara smiled as they walked faster to get there; it was a great arvo talking about music and mean less stuff as you do Darcy and Mischa pretty much going no where wit out one another.

"Oi, Rashel!" a voice called from the walkway, and following it was a pig, and two foxes walking over, the smell of alcohol covered all of them, making it easy to notice. "Heard you been bad mouthing me huh" the pig shouted hardly able to stand, the foxes walked up besides her bearing there teeth snarling at the group.

Rashel didn't know what to do, she couldn't fight them and she didn't say anything about them, Mammy suggested they leave and so they did, but didn't make anything easy, the three drunks followed them.

Turning around Tamara shouted "what do you want?"

"Just wanted to know why your dragon friend can' talk to my face when saying shit" the pig snorted walking up quickly to them all sizing up Rashel thinking of taking her on.

"I haven't said anything and if I did I'm sorry" Rashel bravely said

some whispered cased around the three, "she did say sorry" one said "is sorry enough" the other said, looking up with a dirty grin the pig lifted her head "no its not" she snorted again interacting for the others to bash Rashel, the foxes walked over pushing everyone away from Rashel having the pig come in and taking a grip on Rashel's hair ripping her to the ground, she fell with a thump as everyone tried to get to her and help her up.

"How ya like it now!" the pig squealed angry at the dragoness on the ground covering her head, the pig got a few hit in before Mammy and Tamara both pushed her away, Mischa coming on with a flying fist connecting with one of the foxes, Allara and Darcy Tried to help Rashel up thou the other fox cam in push Allara into the gravel.

"Darcy quick help Allara" Mischa cried glancing over then looking back into a fist to the face, her face whipped around returning back with an evil satanic smirk like her mother's to unleash kick to the gut followed by a tail whip, the fox went down, Mischa looking over her shoulder to see Tamara and mammy fight off the pig screaming at her to "fuck off" then finally backed off for a second, "We'll be back" the pig spat a gob of blood to the ground, Darcy helping to Allara up and Mammy helping Rashel up.

They where all shaken up, Darcy looked at the time on his phone 3:00pm it said, 20 minutes time the busses came down.

"Hey we better start heading off" He said walking back to Mischa and the group whispering into her ear "you ok?"

She smile and just nodded, putting her head on his shoulder "everyone ok?" Mischa asked looking at Rashel teared full eyes as she nodded slowly, Tamara cuddling up to her making her feel safe again.

They all walked back to school, just as Rashel's mother pulled up in the car looking at her daughter "what happen?" she asked with a little worry in her voice, she got out of her car looking at Tamara, but she just returned the worried look back. Rashel said goodbye to everyone and jumped in the car and Tamara had a quick work with Rashel's mum returning back to give mammy a kiss, Allara was already on her way home and Mischa and Darcy stood arm wrapped around each other.

"I didn't know you could fight" he said with a chuckle, his grip got a bit tighter

"Lets hope I don't have to do it Again" she buried her face into his should after clanking at the two love birds kissing

Darcy laughed "but your ok right, she did get you" he broke the hug looking at Mischa's face and the mark one of the smutty foxes gave her, it was a slight bruse on her cheek.

Mischa saw her bus heading up the road to where she caught it from "yeah I'm fine I really am" she smiled un sure like "I have to go" and with that she locked lips just for a moment with his before calling out bye to Mammy and Tamara to catch her bus.

When she got on it, it quickly she gazed out to Darcy his light shin turned a pinkish shade as the bus drove past with Mischa the same pinked cheeks biting the corner of her lip.


Writers say: this kinda happen, yeah I was in a bit of a fight the other day but I think its ok now and NO I did not kiss Darcy for real... that's bad and also cheating... Lol and I know my grammar is not the best even in this story but not bad for a quick write up.

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