Delayed destiny ch 15

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#18 of Delayed destiny

Sorry for the short chapters. I'm probably going to scrap this whole first write and redo it all sometime in the future when I'm a better writer. For now let me know what I can do to improve the story quality. Any and all feedback is welcome


December 2nd, it was a Thursday. Ms. Star gave us the OK to come back a train some more. This time we were going to train in healing and simple abilities. We were set to head to the facility after school. School was as easy as it always was.

The bus ride home was the same as always. Forest was worried about this whole thing. He kept asking to come with us.

"I can't bring you, I'm sorry." (Me)

"Please I'll just stay off to the side." (Forest)

"I can't. It's not my choice."

"OK. But do you have to go?"

"We need to learn how to control this power. We can't be collapsing anytime we fuse."

"OK. Be safe at least."

"Of course."

We made it to the bus stop. After a long kiss with Forest I walked home. When we got there our mom made us promise to not overdo anything while out there. We promised and got ready.

Ms. Star pulled up in the same military looking bus.

"Again with the whole bus?" (Joe)

"Come on, let's get going." (Ms. Star)

"OK ok fine."

We all got onto the bus. I was a little worried about that harsh answer from Ms. Star.

I don't like the attitude that she's putting off. (Me)

Ya I don't think any of us do. (Garrett)

We all kept on edge, still unsure of this whole program. We made it to the facility and just like last time we went to the training room. The room was filled with many tubs of fish. We were all a little confused, but Ms. Star told us not to worry.

"You guys will be training healing today."

(John. Trainer 1)

"We will have you fuse in pairs and each of you will have a station." (Murry. Trainer 2)

"You guys will take a fish out of the tub, place it on the table and wait for it to die. Then you will heal the fish and put it back. Each of you will do this 3 times then switch hosts." (Cory. Trainer 3)

"Do we really have to do all that?" (Kade)

"Yes, now get ready." (Murry)

None of us liked how this was going so far. Not only were they extremely rude. But they all seemed like they didn't care at all.

We performed what they asked. Each killing and healing three fish. It was fairly simple for all of us.

After that test we all sat down with the trainers and talked over how we all felt and what condition we were in. We all felt OK and we didn't have any problems with the fuses.

"OK can I talk to you all about the program and what you guys have decided?" (John)

I don't like the way he's asking that. Be ready to fuse. (Seth)

"OK what do you want to talk about?" (Me)

"Well I would like to hear your guys stance as of right now." (John)

"We would just like to train for now. We can't exactly fight if there's a risk we could pass out in a moments notice." (Joe)

"OK and what if we found a way to make sure that doesn't happen?"

I think one of them made that happen to us. Maybe that's why he's setting us up with a question like that. (Me)

"We are still unsure. I think we would like to be healers if nothing else. But I can't guarantee anything yet." (Joe)

"OK we could really use an answer from you guys." (John)

"What if that answer is no?" (Me)

"Well we would let you guys go about your normal business."

"Would we still be allowed to train here?" (Farren)

"I don't think so. In fact, I think this will be our last session if you guys decline the offer."

"Ah that would be too bad." (Tony)

"Yes it would. I've enjoyed seeing your abilities grow and become more powerful."

"Is there any more training for today?" (Carson)

"Just one more thing. We would like to see how many abilities you all have."

"Well I'm pretty sure we already confirmed we can control any ability." (Me)

"almost, yes, But there are a lot of random abilities that we don't know if you have. There's no way we could ask you to perform all of these abilities. So we have a machine that when you hook up to it we can see all the possible abilities you guys contain. "

"I think we are going to turn that option down." (Me)

"Well I don't think we can let you leave if we don't know every possible thing you can do."

"No we are good. We refuse any more help. And we are going to decline your offer." (Joe)

We had already been talking to ourselves. None of us liked this situation and we were about one second away from fusing and getting out of here.

Guys I say we fuse right now. (Me)

"You guys are gonna fuse now huh? I don't think I can allow you to leave here." (John)


Everyone grabbed each other and I become the host.

"This is where this whole game ends." (John)

He said that as he raised a hand to us. I prepared for any sort of arcane blast. For a second I felt nothing until my vision started blurring. I immediately connected to arcane reality control and forced any abilities affecting us to be canceled. I forced John back into his seat. I bent the flow of energy in him. I forced his ability to disappear.

"You don't have any ability now. We are leaving don't ever contact us again." (Me)

As I said this he started laughing.

"Haha did you think we wouldn't have backup plans. That you'd just fly out of here again." (John)

"What the hell do you mean backup plans?"

"I think I can explain that one." (Ms. Star)

I turn to her.

"What did you do!" (Me)

"Well how much do you value your parents."

As she said this, my mind flashed back to my nightmare of our house burning.

"You wouldn't dare hurt them" (Me)

"No but accidents happen."

I reached out with my mind trying to force a thought through to my mom.

Mom can you hear me?


Mom please answer.



Ajax is that you? How are you doing this?


Hunny what's wrong?



"What are you planning on doing?" (Me)

"Well we need you on our force. Of course you have no choice but we wanted to go with the nice approach." (Ms. Star)

"What do you want from us? What is this whole program anyways?"

"Well here's the deal. The fact you actually believed we were with the military is hilarious. We are a group working for our own means, Nothing more."

MOM are you OK?

Yes I'm just fine. What's going on?

I can't explain just yet but I needed to make sure your OK. Are you at Forest's house yet?

Yes we are both here.

"you think you're actually going to get away with this?" (Me)

"Oh and who's going to stop us?" (Ms. Star)

"I think I will right now."

I raised my hands and threw her against the wall. I did the same to John.

"You're making a mistake. Your parents will die for this." (Ms. Star)

"No I don't they will. In fact, I've already warned them about everything." (Me)

"What! How could you have done that?"

"A simple thing called projecting my thoughts."

I took my time to connect to our powers. I reached toward Ms. Star, I shut her ability forever.

"I will tear this whole facility down without breaking a sweat. You want to say that no one can stop you? I don't believe that."

"Please don't. You don't know what kind of forces you are dealing with." (Ms. Star)

"Then leave us alone, That includes all friends and family."

"OK we will."

"if we ever even hear about something you guys have done we will come through like an unstoppable force and raise all hell against you."

With that said and done we took off. It was the same flight back home as the first time.

Do you think we played that right? (Lance)

I don't know. But we have to check on everyone.

But what if they try to mess with us again? (Farren)

Didn't you hear what I said? We raise hell.

I want to know what they're doing. How many people have they recruited? (Joe)

Guys I'm trying to focus here. If we ever hear about some stuff they do then we will join whoever we have to to bring them down.

I made the flight back home. I made it back to the house. I saw that it was still standing and looked fine. Next I flew to Forest's house. There it was standing the same as always. I touched down and defused. Farren and Kade were ready to catch me, but I didn't pass out this time.

Our powers are getting stronger. (Me)

Yes they are. Now it's time you meet me. (???)

Who the hell was that?

What are you talking about? (Joe)

That voice!

No one responded to you. (Tony)

Don't say anything. You are the strongest out of your brothers. And I shall teach you what you need to know to save everyone. (???)

All of this brought on so much confusion. I decided to leave it for now and rejoin my family.