
Story by whitecrow323 on SoFurry

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This little work of fiction was not inspired by any particular drawing, but my generalized love of werewolves. Basic Premise, A hiker encounters a pack of weres and is given a fateful choice.



Having had my fill of the isolated town in the high north, I set off into the wilderness with all my possessions in a large pack that I easily shouldered. Within twenty miles of the town, I instantly entered a world filled with animals that all but never ventured near human settlements. Whether meeting caribou, Arctic Foxes, Musk-ox, Polar Bears, or even grey wolves, I preferred their company to that of my fellow species. While many would fear for their lives in the presence of so many wild animals, I felt completely safe since I knew their ways. Besides, even if I was attacked, I had a survival rifle and enough bladed implements to come out victorious.

After traveling for several days in the direction of a remote scientific outpost in the far north, I realized that I was very likely the only human for many miles in each direction. I rejoiced in the fresh air, open skies, and untouched forests through which I hiked. Since it was mid spring, the snow was just starting to melt and the local animals were looking for love in all the right and wrong places.

Off in the distance, I saw a tall cliff face with a cornice of snow on top. Seeing this as a chance to get a better view of my surroundings, I began the arduous climb to the top. While it took the better part of two hours to reach the top of the cliff by hiking around to find an easy slope, eventually I reached the desired destination. From the vantage point, I could see for many miles in every direction. On the shores of a distant lake, a pack of wolves were drinking from the clean water. Else where, in a clearing of trees to the west, a mother polar bear was teaching her cubs how to hunt.

While absorbed in the scenery around me, I heard what sounded like ice cracking in the distance. I thought nothing of this and continued my observations. It was not until I saw cracks spreading beneath me that I knew I was in a dangerous position. Not thinking clearly, I made a lunge to jump clear of the cornice. Of course this only made my situation worse in that the structure of ice and snow collapsed from beneath me.

With what little momentum I got from my lunge, I managed to grab on the the rocky cliff face; holding on for dear life. Despite having plenty of motivation to hang on, my grip was too weak. As I started to fall again, I looked down at the slope below me. Thankfully, It was not vertical all the way down. Instead, it started steep and than slowly leveled out into a more gradual descent. Of course I would still fall 25 feet till i reached the steep but not vertical portion and even then, the slope was littered with boulders. My only hope for survival was to not find the big rocks.

The relative calm of my brief fall was quickly jared by my impact with

the snow covered slope. Thankfully, nothing was broken and I brought up my arms to protect my face and head. I tumbled down the gradually shallowing slope at an increasing rate. Against all odds I managed to avoid the car sized boulder all around me until I neared the foot of the slope. Out of nowhere, I took a hard knock on the head and went out like a light; still traveling down hill at a considerable speed.

I did not know for how long I was out cold, but slowly the sensations of the world returned to me. As I opened my eyes, I saw that I was at the base of the cliff staring up towards the sky. Thankfully my presence had not caused an avalanche and even if it had, the boulders would have offered some protection. For some unexplained reason, I felt very exhausted and it was a struggle to form complex thoughts.

I gave this no mind as I tentatively tried to move my limbs. Other than some scratches that had not broken the skin, my arms were okay; as was my left leg. When I went to move my right leg, however, I was racked with a powerful spasm of pain. My screams at this echoed through the surrounding valleys, no doubt being heard by the local predators. As I looked down at my right leg I was shocked to find a grisly compound fracture of my lower leg. As if this was not bad enough, there was a large pool of blood that the snow beneath me failed to soak up. The wound was still pouring out blood, as the fracture must have severed a major artery.

With all of that blood loss, It was no wonder that I was fighting a losing battle for my life. Seeing no point in fighting any further, I laid down and let the approaching numbness of death take me. As I turned my head to the right, I noticed three shapes approaching me. At first I thought they were scavengers, looking for an easy meal. However, as they got closer, I noticed that they were bipedal. I tried to call out to them, but only a soft whimper left my throat. My last sight was the three shades gathering around me and looking over my broken and defeated body.

For what seemed like an eternity, I waited for the eternal slumber of death to take me. I calmly welcomed an end to all of my struggles and cares in a society that I had little liking for. Despite my desires, I felt sensations returning to me. However, the sensations I felt were most unusual. In place of the cold and wet valley I though I would die in, I was now in a warm and dry room. In place of my clothing, which had become soaked with sweat, I was now wrapped in something soft that felt like fur.

Confused at the contradictory information my brain was receiving, I opened my eyes in hopes of discovering where I was. With what little I could see out of my half opened eyes, I could tell that the room I as in bore resemblance to a cave. The ceiling had many stalactites that had been broken off so they wouldn't drip. To my right, there was a small fire that provided plenty of warmth. In the distance I heard a disembodied voice saying,"Ah your awake. Please you must rest, you have suffered near fatal injuries."

I tried to respond, but unintelligible moans were all I could give. In a calming tone, the voice stated, "Here, drink this. It will help speed up your recovery." A small mug was brought to my lips and I eagerly drank down its contents. While I could not identify the taste of what I was being offered, I was too tired at the time to care. As I finished the contents of the mug, I tried to get a clear picture of the individual from whom the voice came. However in my delirious state, I could see naught but the outline of my caretaker. Gently rubbing my forehead, the individual states, "Now you must sleep." Too exhausted to argue, I returned to the slumber I had just left.

While asleep my dreams drift between a variety of subjects that exemplify my uncertainty. Dreams of falling, dreams of being in embarrassing situation, and dreams to weird to describe with words flooded my delirious mind. How long I dwelt in this state may never be known, but slowly I felt myself awakening again.

As my eyes blearily open, I quickly got a better picture of my surroundings. The room I'm in was roughly circular with a nine foot diameter. Near my feet is a seven foot tall door that leads out into a hall way. To my right was a small fire similar to the one I had sensed earlier. Beneath me, there was a pile of animal pelts, with a large one over me serving as a blanket. As I cautiously look below the blanket, I was shocked to notice that in addition to taking my clothes, my benefactors have bandaged and splinted my right leg. Equally unusual was the fact that the scratches on my limbs were completely healed.

While taking in the scenery, I heard the sound of foot steps approaching the room I was in. In the panic that this brought up, some how I managed to lay back down in a futile attempt to feign sleep. A few seconds later The foot steps enter the room. I crack one of my eyes open slightly to look upon the new arrival. To my surprise and horror, the being that entered was not human. The males body was covered in grey fur and has a wolfs head in place of a humans. Despite the unadulterated fear that flowed through me, I some how managed to keep still.

As if his mere presence was not shocking enough, the werewolf than stated in a bemused tone, "I know that you are awake human." Now throughly terrified, I tried to back myself as far towards the cave wall as possible. Of course I had forgotten that my right leg was still healing. A sudden stab of pain surged through my body. In an attempt to protect myself, I curled up as tight as I could, waiting fearfully for what the werewolf would do next.

In an attempt ot quell my fears, the werewolf stated, "You have no reason to be afraid, I have been tasked with looking out for your well being. My name is Akai. What is yours if you don't mind my asking?" After reluctantly telling the wolf my name, I asked him how long I had been out cold and why I had been brought here.

To this, Akai answered, "From the time we found you until now, three days have passed. You awoke briefly on your second morning here, and I was the one who fed and looked after you. As to why you were brought here, there are two reasons for this. First, it would have been inhospitable of us to leave you to die out in the cold. Second, we wished to offer you a choice between returning to your kind or joining our pack. Since you are currently too injured to leave, I will not trouble you with the details of this decision you must make."

I next asked Akai how my severe wounds had been healed. His answer was, "The saliva of my kind has healing properties. Once your bones were set it was just a matter of 'licking your wounds'. Once applied, even the most life threatening of wounds will heal within a week." My last question was if I could have some food. Considering that I had not eaten any thing solid for three days, I was quite hungry. At this Akai briefly departed stating that he would bring back some venison.

I spent the next three days quickly recovering for the injuries to my leg. By the forth day amoung the werewolves, I could move my right leg in small quantities without causing any pain. Most of the day was spent with Akai learning about his kind. LIke the werewolves of legend, these anthros combined the best qualities of feral wolves with that of humans. However, they were forever stuck in a hybrid state, unable to resume human form. In addition, while most of them were formerly human, a sizable number had been born in this state.

By the fifth day, I was able to stumble around with a little difficulty and explore the cave in which my benefactors resided. The cave system was a rather large complex with nine rooms that housed about twenty one individuals, fourteen males and seven females. Of the twenty one, four were under the age of sixteen and had been born with in the pack. Akai, who served as my guide, was in his late twenties and had joined the pack after getting lost in the woods much like I had. He was nineteen at the time.

By the sixth day, I could walk around with only a little soreness. It was at this point that I was told I had to make a decision as to whether I would leave or stay. When I asked what would happen in the case of the former, Akai answered, "If you decide to leave, we will send you away, blindfolded of course, on the back of our fastest runner. He will drop you off on the edge of our territory near a small town. From there on, you go on your merry way. If you choose to stay with us you will be turned and become on of us. I will spare you the details of how this is done until you have made your choice."

I gave the matter some thought for several minutes. While at first I had been quite frightened by the wolven who had rescued me, in the three days I had spent in their company I had grown very fond of them. Despite their bestial form, I found them to be quite a rational lot who I enjoyed conversing with. This was especially true for Akai, the wolf who had looked after me and served as my guide. Not wanting to return to human society and wanting to get to better know Akai, I decided to stay.

At my decision, Akai showed considerable happiness and went into a detailed explanation of how I would be turned and join the pack. "There are two ways in which you can be turned. The first involves my bite. Of course it is far more complicated than it sounds. In order for my bite to take effect, I must first beat you till you are on deaths door step. Beside the fact that I do not want to undue the healing of the past week, this method also has the negative side effect of causing you to lose most if not all of your memory prior to being bitten. It will also cause you to be slavishly devoted to me, something neither of us wants."

"As a result, we will use the second method which is much more pleasent and carnal in nature. All you have to do is let me penetrate your tail hole with my cock. Once I tie with you and fill you bowels with my seed your transformation will begin. In addition, my semen acts as a natural opiate that will prevent you from feeling any pain while your body shifts to be like ours. As I mentioned earlier, this approach is much more enjoyable for both of us."

As He completed this explanation, Akai approached me with a lustful look in his golden eyes. I simply sat in place with nothing on but a pair of boxers as the wolf who was clothed in naught but skin and fur crawled over me in a sensual fashion. As our eyes met, only a few inches apart, Akai pulled me into a passionate kiss. I was so surprised at this action, that I could not resist the wolfs tongue exploring my mouth. While doing this, he gently played with my nipples, causing my boxers to tent upward. Adding to this, Akai gave me some slow and erotic pelvic thrusts, rubbing his furry groin against mine.

As Akai reluctantly broke our shared kiss and pulled back slightly, I looked down with surprise to find his cock peaking out from the bush of fur it had been hiding behind up until now. While gently slipping off my boxers, my guide stated, "Perhaps you would like a taste of my member before I take you." Too happy to reply, I let Akai maneuver his hardening cock till it was at my mouth.

With considerable eagerness, I took my guides arrow shaped member into my mouth. At this action, Akai let out a satisfied sigh. Encouraged by this response, I intensified my ministration to the cock head with in my mouth. While doing this, I gently squezed the base of my guides member with my right hand while fondling his balls with my left. His tail waved from side to side in a flutter of activity that demonstrated how aroused he was.

Having suckled Akai's member for several minutes, my efforts were rewarded with a new sensation. From the tip of my guides cock. a tasty liquid issued forth. Spurred on by the wonderful fluid that Akai was feeding me, I redoubled my efforts of his pulsing member. Panting with a near feral lust, my guide barely managed to state, "Thats enough, I want to save my seed for your tailhole."

Reluctantly, I obeyed and allowed the were's member to slip from my mouth. As Akai backed down along my body, he positioned my legs on his shoulders and aimed his cock at my anal ring. With his member now drooling a constant stream of pre, my guide covered his cock with the slick fluid. Primed and ready, he used his left hand to prepare me for his member. The feeling of his paws caressing my behind felt simply divine.

Once my anal ring was slick with pre, Akai quickly hilted his index finger within me. He quickly searched around and located my prostate. The attention he gave it left me panting as he had earlier and my member joined his in drooling pre. Taking care not drive me over the edge, the were crossed his index and middle finger then used them to simulate the act of mating. As he prepared me, I waited with breathless anticipation for his member to penetrate me.

With my anal ring stretched and ready to recieve him, Akai positioned his cock with its tip just parting me. The werewolf gave me a lustful smile before grabbing onto my hips and burying his bone in one quick thrust. From my agape mouth came a cry of unbridled ecstasy. Once the initial shock subsided and I had grown accustom to his member, Akai began to thrust in and out of me. With each stroke my dick jumped and I let loose an excited moan. I had little reason to doubt that the rest of the pack heard our copulation, but we were both too drunk with pleasure to care.

As he increased the pace of our mating, Akai took every opportunity he could to sexually tease me. Whether giving my ass a firm slap, fondling my balls, stroking my now hard cock, or tweaking my firm nipples, each served only to fill me with lust for him. I do my best to return the favor, playing with my guides nipples and running my hands along his sides. He responded to this by increasing the pace with which he fucked me and I by offering obscenely loud moans to encourage him.

After spending several minutes in the heat of mating, I felt a growing protrusion at the base of my guides member. Doing his best to overcome the feral lust that has over taken him, Akai asked me, "Once I tie with you, there is no going back; are you sure?" Composing myself long enough to form a coherent reply, I happily respond in the affirmative. With my permission given, the were gave one final deep thrust. The growing protrusion passed my anal ring and grew to its full size, locking the two of us together.

Limited in the amount of movment he had, Akai gave a few short thrusts until he drove himself over the edge. With a triumphant howl echoing through the cave, my guide coated my insides with his warm seed. The feeling of his engorged knot rubbing against my prostate was too much for me. As I shot my own see onto my chest, I joined Akai in an incredible orgasm. This lasted for an imperceptable amount of time, until we were both left to bask in the after glow.

As my rational mind returned to me, I felt a comfortable warmth emanating from my loins. Shortly there after, Akai returned from the blissful orgasm that had taken him. Noticing my concern, the were stated in a calming tone, "And now your transformation begins. Don't worry, it will not be painfull in any way." As he stated this, the warmth started to spread throughout my body. Once this sensation reached my hands and feet, I noticed short hairs sprouting from these extremities. To my surprise, tan fur covered the ends of my limbs and my nails extended into razor sharp claws. My feet also changed shape to resemble the digitigrade paws of Akai.

In shock, I tried to back away from my guide, forgetting that we were tied together. This served only to rattle my prostate and leave me sprawled on the floor in pleasure. In a slightly chiding tone, Akai stated, "We'll remain tied for about 15 minutes. Just relax and enjoy your transformation." Taking my guides advice, I watched in amazement as my limbs were covered in tan fur. In addition, the muscles in my arms grew more defined and stronger.

As the fur started to spread over my chest, I was once again seized in the grip of a lesser but equally intense orgasm. I moaned in ecstasy as my chest sprouted fur and muscles became as defined and strong as a well trained athlete. With only my head and groin remaining, I looked down in amazement to see my cock changing shape. My once human member elongated by a few inches and developed a more arrow like shape. The base bulged out into a sizable knot that was very much like the one my guide had. My scrotum sprouted fur and formed a sheath that would cover my cock when flaccid.

While looking upon my hardened member, Akai stated, "I might as well return the favor for that wonderful blow job your gave me." To my surprise, the wolf flashed me a lustful smile before bending down and taking my member into his mouth. I was so surprised at this action, that I simply threw my head back and moaned with pleasure. As I was expertly serviced by Akai, I felt a limb growing from the base of my spine. My new tail grew to a length of two feet and sprouted a bushy coat of fur.

While my guide tended to my engorged member, I felt fur forming along my neck. As it reached my jaw, my face started to change shape. My ears moved to the top of my head and grew a more pointed shape. I watched in disbelief as my nose extended into a fur covered muzzle. With my transformation completed and Akai so expertly pleasuring me, I was finally driven over the edge. WIth a howl of satisfaction, I fed shot after shot of my seed into the hungry wolf's mouth. The frenetic waving of my tail, that had been brought on by Akai's wonderful blow job, slowly faded as I basked in another afterglow.

When my mental faculties returned to me, I quickly took stock of my condition. Barring the difference in our fur color, I now had a body nearly identical to that of my guide. After a few more minutes tied together, Akai's knot had shrunken enough that it could be removed. As my guide pulled out his member with an audible pop, my softening member jumped slightly. Pulling me into a passionate embrace, Akai stated, "Now that you are one of us, it is time for you to be given a new name. With your rebirth, you are Kamots, the newest member of our pack. Since I have looked after you from the time you were brought here, I will teach you our ways."

The following weeks passed quickly, with new experiences happening every day. Since I had considerable experience in wilderness survival. I was a quick student for Akai. All of the pack hunted for our meals, with the exception of two of the youngest members, who were guarded by a male and female pair. Once the quarry was brought back, we used all of the animal to our benefit. The meat went to our stomachs, the connective tissue was used to make bow string, and the bones were used to make tools and arrowheads.

Of all the things I learned about my new pack, I especially liked its sexual practices. Since the few females were only in heat during a limited period in spring and there was a desire to keep the pack from growing too big, sex between males was a common place and useful way to prevent frustration.

In addition, there was an especially close bond that existed between a new member of the pack and the were who had turned them. I can attest that I felt that way towards Akai. If the choice of mates for the night was between my guide and another pack member, I was always drawn to Akai. We spent nearly every evening raising our tails for each other. With wonderful company and a cozy home, for the first time in my life I was truly happy.