01 Jake and Mitch: A run of good luck.

Story by Kittymeow on SoFurry

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Author's notes: I'm not a very strong writer so any constructive criticism is appreciated (be brutal please). Also my first furry story, and my first romance story (quite a milestone for me). No yiff but it does feature a gay relationship so if you don't want to read it... don't I guess.


Jake, a local grey wolf and surf shop owner, was walking down the beach one late night. He was wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a jacket over his tee shirt as at was unusually cold that night. He could feel the sand slipping between his toes and his tail brushed the sand behind him. He stopped at his usual spot and sat down, looking out towards the ocean and moon, pulled a carton of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit up a cigarette. He sat and smoked for awhile until a local fox saw him from the shore and came to visit.

"Hey Jake, what's up?" Mitchell said, his unwavering happiness that made him so interesting audible in his voice. Mitch was wearing a pair of denim shorts despite the cold and a loose unbuttoned shirt that showed his lean physique. The fox stood about seven inches shorter than the wolf at 5'4" which was tall if compared to other foxes. Jake, who has always been a reserved fur, couldn't understand what made someone be so happy all the time. He had met the fox almost a year ago at his shop. As he became a usual customer Jake became more acquainted with him. Now Mitch helps keep the place clean in exchange for free rentals.

"Just the usual, want a smoke?" Jake asked politely.

"Nah, I won't touch the stuff. Not if I want to be able to ride the waves tomorrow."

"Suit yourself. Probably better you don't, this stuff hits foxes harder than wolves." The two sat together in silence until Jake finished his cigarette.

"So, what brings you here?" Jake asked as he stood up to leave.

"How do you know it's not just you're charming disposition?" the fox responded with his usual wit.

"Very funny, but really it's kinda late so I'm headed back home, you should probably do the same."

"Actually funny you should mention that. I kind of got kicked out of my apartment just now and was wondering if I could crash at your place." The fox asked.

"How the hell did you manage that?"

"Something about not paying rent for, oh about three months." The fox said while holding up three fingers next to a smiling face.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess I could let you stay." Before Jake could continue the fox had already wrapped his arms around his neck and was hugging him, a little too tightly for his comfort.

"Hey, watch the fur." Jake protested. After he got off Jake and Mitch began their walk on the beach back to Jake's house.

When they walked through the door, Jake stopped at the doorway, held up both of his front paws, and announced "Welcome to my humble abode." Humble really was the perfect way to describe it. There was one bedroom, one bathroom, a small living room area, kitchen, washroom and that was it.

"I know where everything is, I remember from that party you had for your brother a few weeks back" Mitch said.

"Good, than you'll save me the tour. I'm really tired right now, you can sleep on the couch until we get you set up. How long do you plan on staying?"

"I don't know. Lost my job so I can't afford to be anywhere. Hey can I start working for you as an employee? At least until I get back on my paws?"

"Yeah sure, no problem." Jake responded groggily "There are extra blankets in my closet, I'll go get them and you can sleep for the night." After retrieving some blankets Jake headed off to bed, stripping out of his clothes and diving under his blankets before drifting off to blissful sleep.

The next morning Jake got up, walked into his kitchen and started making his breakfast. It felt like a pancake day to him so he started the oven and started making a simple breakfast. After making his breakfast he turned the corner and saw a wide-eyed fox staring at his nakedness before bursting out into laughter. An embarrassed Jake set down his plate and covered himself while asking "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You let me stay the night. I'd ask if you remembered but you clearly didn't" The fox retorted.

"Oh shit. I did that didn't I. Sorry about all this. Not used to morning guests." The wolf said as he walked back into his room trying to be as casual as possible.

"Don't worry too much, it doesn't bother me. Actually you're kinda cute." the fox called "Are those pancakes?"

"What was that?" Jake called out.

"I asked if it was pancakes that I was smelling. But now I can see that they are."

"No, before that. Did you say I was cute?" Jake asked as he left his room, now clothed in some baggy jeans and a loose tee shirt.

"Oh right, I never told you." The fox said to himself. "Oh well too late now. So yeah I'm gay. I honestly thought you knew." The fox said smiling as he dug into the pancakes. "That's not a problem is it?"

"What? No. it's ok. Just, surprising. I've got no problem with homosexuals." Jake said, trying to pick his words carefully.

"Actually we don't like to be called homosexuals." the fox said.

"What? Ok, well I have no problem with gays either."

"Again, that hurts us too."

"Then what do you want."

"How about fag?" the fox suggested.

"What? Now I'm pretty sure that was the insulting one." the wolf said carefully.

"Which one."

"That word, the word you said."

"I'm sorry I don't know which word your speaking of." the fox said casually as he finished up the pancakes.

"Fag, isn't that the one insulting to, uh, to you?" At this the fox began to laugh uncontrollably.

"I knew it, you were just pulling my leg." Jake exclaimed.

"Every chance I get, and yes fag is normally used to insult gays, but it's always fun to see people like you dance around it like you do. Also from now on every time you use that word I get to spank you as punishment." The wolf couldn't tell if the fox was serious or not, but he decided not to test it. Jake began to make himself more pancakes and the fox went into the other room and started to clean up his sleeping area. After he put the folded blanket on the arm of the couch he sat down and waited for the wolf to sit next to him and start eating.

"I never knew you had a white spot on your sheath. Looks nice, makes you unique."

"Can we not talk about the intricacies of my penis while I'm eating." The wolf said, inciting another fit of laughter from the fox. "Why are you always happy? You lost your job, your home, and you still laugh and smile more than anyone I know." the wolf inquired.

"Well, I figure if I ignore the bad and embrace the good then at the end of every day I can say I had a good day." the fox said.

After the wolf finished eating they walked down to the surf shop and Mitch started up as a full time employee. They had a normal day, a few rentals for scuba gear or surf boards, one rental for a waterbike. At the end of the day the wolf left saying "I'm going out for a smoke, clean up, lock up and I'll be back when you're leaving." Jake walked out to his usual spot on the beach and lit up. When he headed back to the shop he saw the glass door was broken and there was a tiger holding a beaten Mitch from behind as another wolf punched him in the stomach repeatedly. After seeing this Jake ran up behind the smaller wolf and threw him into the wall. As the wolf was starting to recover he kicked him in the gut to make him stay down.

"Let go of him." Jake ordered.

"And who the hell are you, this faggots boyfriend?"

"Doesn't matter. Let go of him or I'm going dent your face with that brick you threw through the door."

"Whatever man, you can have him." the tiger said as he released Mitch

"Take your friend with you." the Jake called as the wolf on the floor groaned. Turning his attention to the fox he asked "Are you okay, anything broken?" The fox stood up and hugged Jake, a tear soaked face buried in his shoulder, only two words escaping his lips.

"Thank you, Jake." After Mitch recovered they blocked the broken door as best as they could and went home.

When they got home Jake went straight to the kitchen and brought out two beers.

"Here." He said as he passed one along, and sat down on the couch next to Mitch. The fox stared at the cold beer in his paws.

"I'm only nineteen though."

"Yeah but you went through a lot today. I won't tell if you won't tell." Jake said. The fox opened his beer and listened to the sharp hiss it made. Jake opened his and took a gulp.

"So, will you be alright Mitch?" Jake asked.

"I'll live. I'm really lucky to have you as a friend." the fox said as he took a sip from his beer and rested his head on Jake's shoulder. The fox took another sip from his bear and the set it on the coffee table in front of him.

"Not really for me." He said in reference to the alcohol as he closed his eyes. After some time Jake noticed the slow steady breathing coming from the fox, indicating that he was asleep. He laid him down on the couch and covered him with the blanket before going to his own bed stripping out of his clothing, and laying down.

Unable to sleep, Jake just lied in bed on his stomach until he was tired enough to pass out. After a long and agonizing time without sleep he heard the door to his room open. He cracked open his eyes and saw Mitch walk into his room. Not sure what the fox was doing he decided to lie still and wait for him to say something, only the fox didn't say anything. He only walked to the bed and pulled up the blanket and hopped into the bed with him, and fell into the world of sleep. Jake kissed the back of the fox's head and whispered "Sleep well, Mitch." before finding his own dream world.