Missing the Target (Request)

Story by Togo57 on SoFurry

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Kaleb, an assassin, bites more than he can chew when he tries to take out his latest target: a general for a garrison in the imddle of nowhere.

Request for InfernoX5515 on FA

Tried several different writing techniques while doing this story, which means it took out way longer than I hoped to get it finished, and I thank the requestor for their patience. Anyway, hope you enjoy, and remember to fav and leave a comment.

Also, might be opening more requests slots back on December, so stay tuned!

Red leaves and twigs cracked under the bulk of the foreign figure's weight, his black clothes and gray fur cloaked not by the shadow of the night but by the blinding light of the sun setting behind him. A flock of birds scrambled from out of a nearby bush, he had to be more careful. You can never know when the next paranoid noble will splurge his money on hired swords at the middle of nowhere, and if the birds could hear him, so could they. The gray wolf hid behind a tree near the end of the forest and took out his telescope, glad that the blasted sun was covering for him for the first time in who knows how long.

The wall was not fortified, and only a couple of lookouts were perched atop of it. Smoke was rising from the kitchen's chimney, but it was not enough to signal a huge battalion inside, or any battalion for that matter. Barracks empty. With such... defenses, it wouldn't take much for any run-of-the-mill assassin to get in, climb to the top of the keep, and take out whoever was in charge of these men; and not many would dare call Kaleb "run-of-the-mill".

It was amazing someone had paid him so much to kill this general, but peacetime made people careless. Both his customers and his prey.

He turned his gaze towards the gate, looking for possible escape points, when a figure emerged. The betrayed sun shined from all the pristine armor, but Kaleb could still see the black fur of a wolf, yellow patches the tip of his ears. At the side of his steed, there was the coat of arms of the House of Ember; and at his back, a gilded scabbard.

Kaleb waited for the General to take off and followed his route with the telescope. Only thing in that direction were a couple mountains, a river, and a lake. No villages for at least two days, and that's if they hurried. With a short hop, Kaleb mounted his own steed and smiled.

This was going to be even easier than he thought.

A few miles behind, Kaleb rode towards his target. As expected of a noble, the General did not take any detours or beaten roads, so, even if they were just a few miles apart, he wouldn't see him coming. Kaleb positioned himself so that he would be riding next to the setting sun, that way the bastard would not be able to betray him a second time.

If only this was at night. It would be cool, his skills could have been tested, and the whole thing would have taken a few minutes tops. No need to waste anyone's time. Why couldn't the General just stay at home this particular day?

A third bridge crossed, and finally it seems like they had arrived at their destination: Lake Cagna. The General descended and approached the waters before taking off his helm and turning back. For a male, the General was good looking. His face was delicate, and he had soft eyes, and his lips were...

No. No. Kaleb slapped himself to get back to his senses. He held his breath and braced his legs. Even if he was a few feet away, he didn't want to risk being found.

With his curiosity sated, the General took out his arm guards and untied the scabbard at his back. The gilded sheath covered in gems more than confirmed his identity, more for showing off than for actual use, unlike the simple one he kept at his waist. It made sense for him to carry both, as he likely knew had to fight and not just go around parading his weapons like some do. Still, after both scabbards hit ground, the leg guards and breastplate ended up also being discarded before the General went into the water. Breast being the key word.

Kaleb moved closer to the equipment and pulled it farther. He sighed. Nowhere in his briefing did it say that his target was going to be a man, but Kaleb somehow always thought that it would be one. Especially with a name like Ember. And yet here he was, lusting after his next target.

In front of him, the General was bathing, droplets of water caressing the black fur. They licked her body as they went down her breasts, a few clinging from her tits before falling back to where they came from, while the lucky ones went further down. It seemed like the yellow did not limit itself to her ears, as all her underbelly had the same color, it extended even to her other lips.

He wanted those lips. He needed them.

As if on cue, the black wolf moved her right hand down and started rubbing. She then curved her middle finger, "Ahhhhhhhh."

"Shame," he whispered. If only they had met in a different way, he could have been the one doing all those things to her, and maybe more. Nah, he probably couldn't get close to her even if he wanted to, though a few ales always helped him with that. Kaleb shifted from his hiding spot. His pants were getting tighter, but that would need to wait for a different day.

The black wolf turned to the side only to see a small gray wolf leaping at her, daggers in each hand.

Kaleb looked at the dropping jaw of the general and readied his attack when everything stopped. Literally.

Ember had lifted her right hand and was pointing it at the gray wolf.

"Wait, you are--"

She then flicked her wrist, sending the assassin flying backwards until he crashed at a pine near the shore of the lake.

Kaleb stood up and spit to the side. Those bastards had had never said anything about her being a spell-sword. They would pay for this... Double the standard rate!

The she-wolf readied another spell, but Kaleb threw one of his daggers at her.

Only one way to beat a magic user, and only one way to get close enough to do so.

Ember watched as the gray wolf took out a small package and held it in one hand. He smiled, before crushing it and releasing a huge smoke that covered the area. She gathered her energy on both hands and pushed them to her side, releasing a gust of wind all around her.

No sign of the other wolf.

Ember reached out in vain to her wrist. Her sword was in the shore, somewhere, but no way of summoning it. It was gone, just like the rest of her things. She had to find the other wolf, and fast.

She turned back. The assassin was leaping at her again. She took one step to the side, barely dodging the attack. However, before she could ready her next spell, the gray wolf spun and sent a kick right at her stomach, sending her flying several steps back.

Time for the coup-de-grace. Kaleb leapt one last time at the fallen General, wielding his dagger with both hands.

Ember was holding her stomach, grasping for air.

Kaleb was getting closer when the she-wolf raised both hands and a stream of water came at him, engulfing him and pushing him back, and back, and back. He tried to to get back to the surface when, suddenly, he felt something griping his right arm, then his legs, and then his neck; pulling him down.

The collar choking him dragged him even more forcefully, letting out the few air he still had left. Vision blurry. Then, black.

Kaleb opened his eyes. He was back above the surface, some kind of thing was still holding him.

"Don't move." In front of Kaleb, the naked figure of the General was looking down at him, sword in hand. She put the cold blade under his chin, "Now, are you going to talk, or should I just let you drown this time?"

Kaleb struggled to catch his breath, he didn't know for how long he had been out, "I regret nothing. Just know this, General, that my death won't be--"

"I-I, wait, what?" The black wolf had a puzzled look on her face "So that's what happeneded..." She sighed and put her free hand on her forehead, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Inferno, and I'm no General."

Now it was Kaleb's turn to be puzzled, "But, the sword, if you're not General Ember then is he--"

"Dead. A few days ago. Illness. Shouldn't you know this as an assassin?"

"Haha... ha... hehe..." His target, dead, and to boot he had confused it with someone else. And he lost anyway. He would never hear the end of it from the guild. If there was a god in the heavens, he only hoped that it would smite him right there and now.

Inferno watched the wolf laugh, and laugh, and laugh. She then went back to the shore.

Kaleb continued laughing when he felt the ties binding him start to remove themselves and, once they were gone, something fell on his chest. It was the general's sword.

"Here, you can take it as proof. If anyone asks, just say that the illness was just a rumor to cover what really happened. It's often what happens, so everyone should believe you."

Kaleb looked at the sword and hugged it, "Uhm, thank you..."

Now his mistaken target was taking pity on him. That divine judgment sure couldn't get there soon enough.

"So, what's your name?"


"Well, Kaleb, would you like to accompany me somewhere nice?"

Kaleb nodded and stood up.

"Oh, and you should bring your mount closer. It must be thirsty after coming all the way here from the garrison."

"How did you... nevermind."

"I also knew you were watching me take a bath."

Kaleb blushed. From failed assassin to pervert, this was perfect.

The pair talked as they walked around the base of the hill. Inferno talked at length about her late uncle, General Ember, who apparently was not that well receive by the other nobles or the rest of the family. In fact, the more he learned about him, the more Kaleb understood why would anyone put a hit on him. Kaleb, on the other hand, mostly listened, but still a few things about his past came out. For example, how he had joined the guild, who were basically the only family he had growing up. It was... too early to get into more details. Finally, they reached the top, and Kaleb was surprised. Surprised at the nothingness of it.

"Is this it?" He asked. While the carpet of grass did look comfortable, especially right under the shade of the oak tree, the hill looked barren.

Inferno lied down on the grass, "Just you wait."

Kaleb took off his coat, it still felt wet and he didn't want to catch a cold, especially since it was getting late. Sunset red filled the sky from side to side, with a small black spot in the middle of it: Inferno. At least it had a nice view.

He walked over and sat next to Inferno. They were now both naked from the waist up, which didn't seem to faze her. Unsurprisingly, given her experience fighting with or against other men. On the other side of the coin, he had to control getting over her. Maybe make a comment about how they could warm each other. One thing would take to another and... that's why didn't have a girlfriend.


"Wow!" He said, and lied down next to Inferno.

The dark of the night was covering all of the sky. The only light being those of a multitude of stars dotting it. If there was something Kaleb liked about his job, it was being able to see the night sky often thanks to all his traveling, not being bothered by the lights of the city. And even in those nights, he had never seen the sky so peppered by stars as now. He took out his telescope and started gazing at them.

"Look," Inferno said while pointing at a bright star, "you can see Lupus, the hunter, from over here."

Kaleb looked where she was pointing as she moved her finger to trace the stars forming the shape of a wolf howling.

"You can also see the twins from here: Canis Major and Canis Minor. There's the guide star, Cor Caroli. Oh, and if you look over there it's--"

"The drowned king!"

"The what?"

"You know, the drowned king. Here." Kaleb said as he gave her the telescope. "There was once a terrible king. Not only despised by the rulers of the other kingdoms, but also by the people on his own. In the end, his subjects got fed up with him and decided to punished him by drowning. See, this is the head. At the sides you can find the arms, and this is the bucket where he's being drowned."

Inferno let out a soft laugh. There was no such constellation, "Any other ones that you know?"

Kaleb went on to name more constellations. The hanged man, the cunning thief, the heroic outlaw, and more. All dealing with death and/or dashing rogues getting the upper-hand. Some of them overlapping with those that she knew.

Inferno smiled, guess different people see the same stories in different ways.

"And do you see that one? It's the vixen queen. It's the story of a queen whose kingdom was constantly ravaged by a roving band of crocodile thieves. So, the queen decided to meet with the king of the thieves and form an alliance between the two people. Here, you can see her head, that of the king, these are her legs, and this is the tip of his..." he said as he pointed to the brightest start, located in the middle of the constellation and followed upwards by a stream of smaller stars which formed a small cluster "...tail."

"A tail, huh? Looks more like a penis to me."

"Well, I guess you could see it that way."

Inferno laughed, "So, what about the foolish assassin? Can you see it?"

Kale arched his eyebrows. He didn't know any by that name. He looked all over the sky, but no matter how he looked, there was nothing that looked similar, "I don't--"

Inferno let down the telescope and got on top of him, "Yeah, it's the story of handsome assassin, but who was fool enough to jump on the wrong target. He was beaten, badly, but his intended victim left him alive. She... found him to be cute on his own way."

Kaleb raised his right left arm and grabbed one of Inferno's breasts, using his thumb to knead her tit, "And what happened next."

Inferno moved his hand over, and pinned him to the ground, using her powers to shackle them together, "Shh, I'm the one telling this story. Here, put your mouth to good use."

Inferno grabbed Kaleb's head and moved it over to her crotch, putting his nose next to her clit. Kaleb smooched it, but he was not going to let her win so fast. As soon as she let his head go, he lowered his muzzle and lapped at the juices flowing from her. Each lick coming sooner than the one before. Her scent was driving him mad.

"But, mmmmm, since he was an assassin, she decided to tie him up. You know, just in case. Then... ahhhhhhh"

The gray wolf had now pushed his muzzle inside her, licking her inner labia. Each lick accompanied by his nose touching her clit every time he opened his mouth to drink her.


Inferno reached down to the wolf's pants and opened them to reveal the red cock hiding inside them. It wouldn't take long for knot to come out. Tracing a circle with one claw, she made a new binding around the wolf's sheath. She took out Kaleb's head from inside her, and mounted him. Positioning herself right before she started to grind. This was a race she planned to finish first.

Kaleb winced as his cock continued to grow, and his balls started to hurt. He struggled when it dawned on him. She had put a cock ring on him!

Or so he hoped, since that meant he'd still have a shot.

Inferno continued grinding while Kaleb thrust her. Once they had a nice rhythm together, Inferno leaned down and hugged Kaleb while he continued to thrust more and more. Until at last...

Kaleb started to slow down and finally stopped, his breathing getting more erratic.

Inferno lied next to him, also tired, and gave him a kiss, releasing him from his binds. Or at least most of them.

As his cock started to retract, the ring grew tighter and Kaleb winced as he felt a finger moving up and down his shaft, before it settled down on his head.

"Oh, how cute, but remember what I said before. This story is not over until I say so." Inferno flicked and hit Kaleb's head, "Get ready for part two."

The next morning, Kaleb woke up and looked to his side. Alone. Where Inferno had been the night before, there lied General Ember's sword, and pinned below it was an envelope. Kaleb opened and a map and a small note fell from it, "If you're ever in the vicinity."

He smiled and stashed the envelope in his pocket. Right now, he needed to get back to the guild and collect his bounty. After that, though, maybe it was time for a nice vacation, and Kaleb knew just the right place to take it.