The Quiet Side of the Beach

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Commission for Etis

"Alright, everyone. Into the car, now."

"But, but, what about Koen?"

"Koen's not feeling well today. Don't worry, we'll tell him all about it when we get back."

With a begrudging grumble, a young canine clambered into the back of the car along with several other kids, two of which were forced to take seats in the far back, wedged between a number of bags with a seatbelt keeping them to their fabric car seats. The driver's door swung open and in stepped one of their caretakers, an avian with a rather handsome face that always seemed to look naturally stern. He cast a glance over his shoulder to make sure everyone was in place, before he started the engine and reversed out of the drive.

Sitting by the passenger seat window was a young bat, 13 years of age, whom everyone knew as Vell. He wistfully stared at the front door to the small group home and watched as it slowly disappeared from view as the driver put his foot on the pedal and sped them away. The bat felt a small pang of guilt, though it more like a longing.

Their purpose of their trip today was a simple one: the beach. They hadn't gone on an 'adventure', as the group home caretakers called it, in quite some time. The last time was about a year ago when they went on a shopping spree at the mall with that the caretakers had fondly referred to as 'pocket money', though it was probably just extra funding they needed to move somehow. For reasons unknown, they had decided the kids needed some sun on what was a particularly warm day. Though Vell was excited to get some fresh air, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. Koen wasn't going to be here with them.

Though some of the kids of the group home might not have awaken to it or realised it, it seemed like each one of them possessed a unique gift of some sort. For Vell, it was a strange power that seemed similar to a friend of his: a young fox who was a lot older than he appeared, and was sadly too busy today to hang out. Though, even if he were available, Vell was pretty sure his caretakers wouldn't allow him to tag along anyway-- it would be considered unfair to the other group home kids, for they wouldn't be allowed to bring a friend.

Vell felt the twist in his stomach, the manifestation of his power reminding him he needed to feed. He wasn't a vampire-- though, that would be a little ironic, considering his species-- but he was something akin to an incubus, or perhaps something else entirely; in truth, no-one knew what he was, not even his wise old friend. Regardless, his source of food was the essence of others, and the easiest way to attain that was through sex. Luckily, he had a plan for today to get his fill.

As in on cue, a boy nudged his side and he turned his attention to the 12 year old canine squashed in the middle, beaming up at him with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Vell quirked an eyebrow and noticed the flash of a screen on the boy's lap, quickly realising that Leo had managed to snatch up his handheld console before they left. His name was Leo, a boy with the physique of any standard pointed-ear dog, with but the patterns of a floppy-eared border collie. He was Vell's primary source of 'nutrients' when he was a home. The bat shook his head and cast his gaze away, staring out the window.

Another was Koen. He was a little more unique than the rest of them, his power and supernatural ability manifesting in his very DNA and physical appearance. Though he did his best to look like an average anthro panther, he was actually something far more intriguing: a displacer beast. Beneath his usually baggy hoodie was an extra set of arms that he somehow managed to keep hidden most of the time, and his tentacles were often hidden as well. Vell couldn't even imagine the kind of torment the boy went through every day: ever since it had been revealed to him on a rather quiet night when Etis was with them, Koen had been on Vell's mind. He felt strangely...connected to Koen, in some way. He cared for him. Maybe it was a warped sense of pity, but he wanted to help him somehow. Such a thing wasn't easy, however.

The journey to the beach was short, and it was only when they had parked along the shore, at a car park that stretched on and on along the length of the beach, that the driver had noticed Leo's handheld device. Of course, it was confiscated, and the canine ended up pouting for several minutes as they unloaded their bags. Inside them were their swimming gear, as well as a towel for each of them so that they didn't have to share, if they didn't want to.

The caretaker, along with his associate, a mild-mannered feline with deep tawny fur and the 5 kids they'd brought with them trudged their way onto the beach, attempting to find an available spot. The fact that it was the perfect day for some beachside activity didn't help: just about everyone else was out soaking up the sun as well, leaving little room for them to relax.

"Abel," Leo began tugging at the avian's sleeve. "Can we go over there? Please? Pretty please?"

Leo pointed across the beach, quite some distance away, to a collection of rocks that formed that was effectively a natural barrier halfway down the beach. It didn't seem like anyone felt like climbing it, and Vell could see the advantage of it: if they could climb over, it would probably be empty on the other side, allowing for some privacy. Vell's mind was already churning with lewd thoughts as the avian, with sleek white and gold feathers, mulled over the possibility.

"...Okay, but if anything happens, you come straight back, alright? We're only going to be here for a few hours, so don't dally there all day." The avian was strangely lenient, much to Vell's surprise: Josiah, the usual caretaker, was normally quite strict, especially when it came to letting the boys out of their sight. Strangely, however, no-one had seen him for a few days, and Abel had appeared merely a couple of days ago, willing to help and look after them. Of course, their beach outing had already been planned, and Abel had quickly picked up the reigns in Josiah's stead.

"Thanks!" Leo beamed and turned immediately to Vell, grabbing his hand and dragging him along the beach. Vell cast a brief glance back at the others, but none of them saw fit to go along with them: instead, they followed Abel towards a small tent nearby that was used for changing clothes. He turned his attention back to Leo, who had already let go of his hand and was barrelling towards the rocks at top speed, kicking up sand as he went. Canines did like to go fast, after all. With a sigh, Vell quickly started in on a jog after him.

"Slow down!" Vell called as he reached the bottom of the rocks, Leo already halfway up them. With a grumble, Vell began his ascent, but couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He felt as if he were being followed somehow, yet he couldn't quite put his finger on who, or where. As he climbed, he cast his gaze back out over the beach, aware that a handful of eyes were on him. He wasn't surprised about that: anyone would look if they saw two kids climbing a bunch of rocks at the far end of the beach. Instead, Vell cast his gaze over the crowd, probing for...something. His supernatural abilities stemmed beyond a hunger: he could at least feel a tickle of emotion here and there. Yet, despite that nagging feeling of being watched, he couldn't pinpoint anything. With a shudder, he began to ascend once more.

As Vell had so accurately guessed before, the other side of the beach was surprisingly empty, though there was a clear reason for that: at the very other end was a small ramp leading up to the rest of the city, but there were no other additional walkways along the length of the beach, giving no-one any easy access. Leo was already making his way down the rocks and Vell started after him. It was dry enough for the majority of the rocks not to be wet, so the young bat didn't have to worry about slipping.

When he reached the bottom, the rock descended down, not bigger than his palm, and landed in the sand next to him, about half a metre away. Vell cast his gaze back up over the collection of boulders and narrowed his eyes, wondering if he were imagining things. He was pretty sure he hadn't knocked it down himself, so surely it had come from higher up. Yet...

"Vell, c'mon!"

Vell turned his attention to Leo, who was already tugging off his T-Shirt out in the open and yanking down his pants. In a matter of moments, the canine was completely nude, his 12 year old sheath bouncing around without a care in the world. Vell nervously glanced over to the walkway above, where those who might be walking along the length of the car park might spot them. To his relief, however, no-one appeared to be passing by. They were lucky to not be seen.

The young bat was about to scold Leo for not putting on swimming trunks, but the canine was already sprinting towards the water without any clothes on, tail wagging frantically. Vell couldn't help but smile fondly, moving his way over to where Leo had discarded his bag and clothes. He rummaged within his own gym bag and retrieved a blanket, which he laid out on the sand so that he could sit.

It was then that he noticed it: footprints in the sand. At first, he had ignored them, but something about them seemed strange. There was more than there should be. He recognised his own footprints, and Leo's own as well, but he was positive that there was a third set. It was almost as if someone was following them, invisible to the naked eye. He quickly realised what was going on and smirked, glancing towards the ocean, where Leo was playing around in the water.

"You can come out now, Koen. He's not looking."

After a few moments, a mass made a dent in the blanket next to him, and the air shimmered. Black fur and a solemn gaze bled into the world, slowly seeping into a tangible shape, as if they were just a oil painting. After a few seconds, there sat Koen, looking particularly embarrassed and, strangely, a little sad. He sighed when he was fully formed and visible, his lower arms tucked nearly around his stomach to avoid being so easily seen. He closed his eyes and raised his head, purring quietly.

"You okay?" Vell asked quietly, and Koen peeled his eyes open slowly, glancing at Vell from the corner of his eye. It was peculiar how mature Koen could look sometimes, despite him being two years younger than Vell.

"I'm okay," He muttered. "I hope no-one sees me."

"Here." Vell quickly pulled his spare T-Shirt from the bag and passed it over. It was a couple of sizes too big for Koen, which was actually perfect for hiding his arms. He quickly pulled it over his head.

"Thanks." The panther replied, looking down at his feet.

"So...what happened? How'd you get out?" Vell asked, and Koen grinned a little, looking a little embarrassed as he scratched a particularly ticklish part of his cheek.

"The caretaker...Maia. She's known what I am from the start. Sort of by accident, really." He admitted. "She helps me hide. She knew I wanted to go so she let me."

"And you just..."

"Hid in the bags in the boot."

A silence fell over them for a moment, before the two of them started to giggle, like they were 9 year olds. Their laughter eventually died out and Koen fidgeted nervously with his two visible hands. He looked worried about whether he was going to be seen. Vell wasn't even sure how they might explain it to Leo, or how Abel might react to being here. In any case, it was nice to have him here. At least, Vell thought so.

The bat reached out, hooking an arm around the panther's shoulder and tugging him closer. Koen hesitated for a moment before leaning on him, curling up against his side. It took a few moments, but Vell began to gently feel the vibration emanating from the displacer beast's body, a quiet purr that signified he was quite content. They sat like that for a while as Koen threatened to sleep on him, and Vell stared out into the waves, watching Leo enjoy himself.

All of a sudden, Leo decided to step out of the water and make his way back to them. Vell gave the panther a quick and simple nudge to warn him of Leo's arrival, but as Koen moved to take off his shirt and by extension go invisible, Vell placed a hand on his forearm, stopping him. Koen stared wide-eyed at Vell's serious expression, and a single nod was all the panther needed to be told it was okay. He relaxed his arm as Leo approached, the canine wide-eyed and surprised.

"Koen? Woah, when did you get here?" Leo cried, moving a little closer. His naked body-- which he seemed totally unashamed to reveal-- was soaked from head to toe, the damp fur clinging to every curve of his body. Koen blinked at him for a moment before awkwardly casting his gaze away and pressing his legs just a little closer together. Leo blinked innocently enough and Vell decided it was better not to scold him about it. He had a feeling that Leo wouldn't consider it a big deal, anyway.

"He just came here." Vell covered for the panther, who subtly nodded his head in thanks, and Leo bought the explanation almost instantly, shrugging off any questions he might have had and heading towards his bag. He yanked the towel hidden at the bottom and started patting himself down, the warm sun overhead already helping to dry his wet fur. With that, Leo brought out his blanket and draped it across the sand, taking a seat and pressing his paws together, relaxing a little. He vigorously rubbed the towel over his head, glancing at Vell from between it.

", Vell," Leo began, a grin spreading across his face, a knowing twinkle in his eye. "Can we do that thing we did before? The, know."

"I'm not sure what you mean." Vell remarked absently, still staring out over the waves, a little lost in thought.

"You know..." The canine visibly blushed. "Where I put my thingy in your butt, and--"

"What?" Vell immediately realised what the boy was saying, and snapped his attention to him, eyes wide. He knew what the cub was referring to now, though the two of them had never really shared their lewd actions, as such, to the other care home kids. Koen seemed momentarily surprised, but that in itself was yet another secret: Vell had enjoyed the pair of them in some capacity-- Leo on multiple occasions, in fact-- but Vell assumed that neither of them were aware of the other party. It was typical of Leo to, metaphorically, put his foot in it.

"I, uh, I knew already" Koen mumbled quietly, his gaze glancing between Vell and Leo respectively. It was the bat's turn to look embarrassed, not realising Koen's supernatural ability to be invisible, and Leo once again blinked innocently. The realisation inevitably dawned on the canine's face and he grinned, scooting forwards.

"Have you put it in Vell's butt too?" He exclaimed, perhaps a little too loudly, and Vell quickly shushed him, putting a finger to his lips and attempting a stern glare. Leo's ears folded down against his head, and Koen squirmed awkwardly in his seat.

"Well...he put it in mine." He whispered. Leo's eyes widened and he shot Vell something of a sly grin.

"Okay, well, let's do it." Leo insisted, and he didn't wait for Koen to respond before metaphorically pouncing on him, crawling up to the panther's body and pushing him down against the blankets. Koen let out something of a muffled protest, but he quickly quietened down when Leo's lips suddenly met his own and the two shared a slow, clumsy kiss. Vell watched them from the sidelines for a while, wondering exactly where their little encounter might lead. Above all else, he was curious to find out who might go on top.

Leo didn't have much choice but to prop himself up with both hands, fingers curling against the blanket as his head tilted and his little tongue roamed, pressing against the rough surface of Koen's own tongue. Leo wasn't sure if he really liked the texture of it, but he persevered nonetheless, if only to sate his own arousal-- kissing was nice, and it was steadily making him harder. Koen squirmed beneath him and had the luxury of roaming two of his hands, the other two hidden beneath his T-Shirt. He touched with Leo's slightly damp sides, feeling out his 12 year old curves until his hands met with the cub's rump. He gave the cheeks a firm, yet gentle squeeze and a groan escaped Leo's lips.

They continued to kiss for a little while, peppering their tongues back and forth, before Leo eventually raised himself up. He reached down to the hem of Koen's T-Shirt and grabbed it firmly with both hands. In a mad panic, Koen snapped his hands to Leo's own, wanting to keep the shirt on. Leo hesitated for a moment before fighting against him, apparently finding it rather kinky. He was surprisingly stronger than Koen, despite the panther's physical appearance, and Vell was too late to stop Leo from raising the shirt up enough to see his extra hands.

A quiet silence fell over them as both Koen and Vell froze, wondering how Leo might react. To their surprise, the canine continued to pull, acting as if they weren't there at all, until the hem met with Koen's chest and couldn't go up any further. The panther anxiously raised his hands up and allowed the T-Shirt to be pulled over his head, revealing his nakedness in its entirety. Leo bowed his head and sunk himself down against Koen's body, pressing his muzzle into the crease between the panther's neck and shoulder. A groan escaped Koen's lips and, against his better judgement, he uncurled his extra arms and hooked them slowly around Leo's body, exploring him with all four hands. Vell quietly sighed with relief.

The two boys began to squirm, and for good reason: Leo was already hard and aching, his knotted little cock prodding and grazing against the panther's warm, fuzzy fur. It wasn't sure Leo that was aroused, however, for Koen's own small, humanoid cock was equally rubbing against Leo's damp fur in kind. The two of them shuffled clumsily around in an effort to find a good spot, and they eventually sighed with bliss when their cocks met, pressed firmly against one-another, each one twitching and throbbing eagerly, desperate to be touched, to be paid attention to.

It was clear from their lewd encounter that Leo was the most dominant of the duo-- at least, that's how it seemed from Vell's perspective. Koen was handsy, but wary, never venturing too far with his touch and mostly keeping his hands around the canine's back. Leo, however, was happy to thrust and hump, to kiss and roam where he liked, and that was evident in the way he practically pinned Koen down, nestled against his warm fur. Vell slowly raised himself up and tugged himself out of his baggy pants, wanting to join in on the fun.

Moments later, Leo felt a warmth against his behind, and he stopped his fervent assault on Koen's neck, glancing back out the corner of his eye to see Vell expertly positioned behind him, the length of his own teen humanoid member grinding between Leo's cheeks.

"W-Wait, you're not going to...?" Leo asked cautiously, and the wicked gleam in Vell's eye told him all he needed to know. The canine's lip quivered with anxiety and he pushed his hips back, resigning to his fate. Vell groaned and firmly grasped his cheeks, digging his thumbs against the flesh and spreading the ass apart to get a good look at the pucker hidden between them, the ring spasming and clenching periodically.

Unable to wait any longer, Vell slipped his hips back and pressed the head of his twitching cock against Leo's behind, threatening to penetrate him at any moment. Leo visibly quivered against his member, trembling more out of nervousness and excitement than anything else. Koen lay beneath them still, glancing at Vell's motions out the corner of his eye whilst Leo buried himself down against the panther's slightly stocky form, hoping the warm black fur would bring him comfort.

Slowly, Vell began to push, slipping his hips forward and gently pushing the head of his member into the boy's behind. The tight ring swallowed up his cock with some difficulty, and Vell soon felt the spasming of the boy's inner walls around his cock, coaxing a bead of pre-cum from the bat's member to aid in his thrusts. With each inch that he pushed forwards, Leo tensed and clenched, arching his back a little and letting out quiet, breathy gasps. He was new to the whole anal experience, and he wasn't ultimately sure if it was for him.

With a sigh, Vell slipped back an inch or two, already halfway embedded in the canine's behind, before he thrust again, his hands grasping firmly to the boy's hips to hold him steady. Leo let out another gasp and Koen curled his arms tightly around Leo's body in some form of comfort, the panther gently raising his head up to lightly lick and groom the canine's shoulder. Though it was subtle, Koen was slowly rolling his hips, gently kneading his member against the canine's fur. His flushed cheeks were an indication of how nice it felt, whilst Leo remained firmly held between them, struggling to accommodate his friend's member and dealing with the blissful sensations that spiked up his spine and made his entire body feel like it was on fire.

Vell began in on a slow, but steady rhythm, keeping his thrusts methodical and measured so as not to harm Leo's relatively virgin insides. The bat's own experience with sex aided in his calculations, able to easily gauge how much the boy could take at once, giving him the advantage of knowing how hard and how fast he could pound into Leo, if he so chose. The bat didn't care who saw them now: it wasn't at if they'd even notice them, not unless they were being quite loud. Even if they were caught, however, Vell wasn't sure if he'd mind. It was strangely erotic to have sex in public.

Over time, the bat sped up his thrusts accordingly, watching the way Leo panted and whimpered beneath him, the way he clenched around Vell's twitching cock. The bat eventually leant over far enough to shield them, propping himself up with a hand and holding Leo's hip with the other, speeding up his thrusts until he was rapidly pounding into Leo's behind, his teen balls swinging back and forth. The canine began to huff and gasp with a greater intensity, groaning between them as Koen continued to groom and lick, purring quietly underneath the two of them.

Leo suddenly began to tense, his innards clamping down like a vice as he effectively pushed his hips back against Vell's member, allowing the bat to bottom out for the first time. Vell was so surprised that he actually paused, glancing down at the canine and watching the way he tensed and huffed, his flustered expression and quivering muzzle tilted to the side. Vell quickly realised what had happened, considering the way Leo's ass periodically clenched and gripped around his member: the canine had orgasmed.

Slowly, Vell eased himself back. He wanted to finish, but he was more than aware what oversensitivity did to a person, especially someone as young as Leo. As he fully withdrew, Leo tiredly rolled to the side, thankful that there was enough space on the blanket for him to lay down without the sand getting into his fur. His climax, in that moment, was visually quite obvious: cum stained his stomach and cock, as well as Koen's belly as well. With a smirk, Vell bent his head down and pressed his mouth to Leo's stomach, scooping up the cum with his tongue and quickly and eagerly gulping it down.

Vell's tongue trailed down, catching every droplet, every tiny string of seed that painted the boy's stomach. His tongue eventually met with the boy's member and in an effort to not torture him, he quickly slathered his tongue around the member to catch as much of the cum as he could. Leo tensed under his assault, but it lasted no more than a few seconds, leaving Leo to relax on the blanket soon thereafter. Vell heard a quiet panting to his right, and he didn't need to look to know what was happening. Koen was idly masturbating himself, watching the way Vell so easily scooped around Leo's body with his long, prehensile tongue.

"You want some, too?" Vell asked casually enough, glancing at Koen out the corner of his eye, causing the panther to pause. With a smirk, the bat moved his way over, intending to give Koen was much attention as he did to Leo. His tongue danced over his small body, trailing from his chest down to his stomach, scooping up the cum as he went. Finally, his mouth met with Koen's rigid, twitching erection, and the panther watched with a sheepish grin as Vell closed his eyes and took the cock into his mouth.

"O-Oh..." Koen groaned, closing his eyes and relishing the lovely sensation of sweet and tender suckling. The panther reached out, strangely holding Vell's head with multiple hands as the bat bobbed his mouth back and forth, expertly coiling his tongue around the panther's length and making sure to coat every inch of it in spittle. His intention was to extract essence from Koen, hoping to get enough to sate his hunger-- but he was smart enough not to overdo it.

Vell's head bounced back and forth, his tongue coiled tightly around Koen's cock, squeezing whenever his member throbbed. He could tell the boy was eager, so he wasted no time in giving him exactly what he wanted. It didn't take long for the panther to start thrusting gently up against him, his body squirming as his breathing became heavy and laboured.

"M-Mmh...!" Koen gasped out, closing his eyes and groaning under his breath as he pushed his hips up for one last time. A sigh escaped his lips as his muscles relaxed all at once. Vell soon tasted it: the thick, salty taste of Koen's cum, spurting onto the length of the back of his tongue and dribbling down. His tongue flexed to gulp it down and a twisted, warped mass inside of him unfurled, swallowing up the essence with a metaphorical cry of relief. The displacer beast cub squirmed for a little while longer, groaning quietly under his breath, before his sighs of pleasure eventually withered in his mouth, and he lay himself back, utterly spent.

Vell eased himself from the cub's groin and wiped his mouth, absently licking his lips. His own erection was plainly obvious, and he moved into a position between the boys, putting his arm around both of them. they nestled into him, nuzzling against his sides as the bat closed his eyes and relished the sunlight above.

After a moment or two of quiet peace, he felt hands touching him, and not just anywhere: specifically on his cock. He peeled his eyes open to see two hands on his member, each of them different, and he very easily assumed what was going on.

"Eager, aren't you?" He mused quietly, a low and quiet chuckle escaping his lips, and the two boys said nothing as their hands roamed. Leo's fingers moved to the head of the member, grasping around the edge of his glans and peeling back the foreskin to reveal the smooth, pre-soaked head, whilst Koen's hand moved to the base of his cock and idly touched with his hands, moving back up to gently pump and stroke the member, albeit clumsily. Though their movements were inexperienced, it was going wonders for Vell, who was already considerably horny. He rolled his head back and simply enjoyed it.

Their pumping hands were almost relentless, unwavering in their determination to make him cum, and it took little effort for them to get him panting and groaning, shifting idly on the blanket and occasionally pushing his hips up against their heads, following his natural instincts. Leo's movements around the head of his cock did most of the work: his little fingers pursed with a tightness around his head, yanking the foreskin down and stroking the edge of his glans, over and over. Though, that wasn't to say that Koen's efforts weren't bearing fruit: they were certainly helping.

Soon enough, Vell began to groan with a little more intensity, his chest heaving up and down as his stomach tucked in and the pressure in his loins reached a peak. He raised his head enough to stare at their working hands, damp with pre-cum, as he felt his climax roll over him. A long sigh escaped his lips and a thick, plentiful spurt of cum shot from his teen cock, arcing across to land on his belly in all manner of angles, the rest of it oozing down his length and stickying their roaming fingers. They continued to vigorously stroke him until the last of his orgasm died down, but even then, he had to prompt them to stop.

Vell's cock flopped tiredly against his stomach, the cum spread across his belly. They could relax for just a little longer before they had to go back-- surely Abel wasn't already out searching for them, right? The bat closed his eyes and leant his head back, feeling the warmth of the heavy heartbeats beside him. Today had been a good day to go to the beach.

"Oh, yeah..." Something dawned on Vell and he unhooked his hands, sitting up after a while. " come you didn't freak out over Koen's arms? I mean..."

He trailed off, but the intention of his words was obvious. Koen's species wasn't exactly the norm, and the panther knew that. The boy curled himself up a bit as Leo sat up, blinking, eyes wide with surprise. Then it dawned on him what Vell meant, and he grinned.

"Oh, 'coz..." He held out his hand and snapped his fingers. "I'm special too."

Suddenly, flames erupted around Leo's fingers, flickering in the wind yet not going out. They travelled up his arm somewhat, but then receeded again at the boy's command. Vell's eyes widened with surprise at the realisation of Leo's gift, and now he was left with a greater question. Surely there weren't that many supernatural creatures in the world, so it surely wasn't a coincidence that they all happened to be living under the same roof.

Vell got the feeling he'd just stumbled upon something very important, yet also very dangerous.