Delayed destiny ch 17

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#20 of Delayed destiny

Sorry for the wait. I'm going to put up two chapters now. Any and all feedback is welcome


I was still confused with everything going on. I don't know what to make of Core, or this renegade group trying to take us. All of it was just piling up and the stress was getting a little overwhelming.

"Hey Ajax are you sure you're OK?" (Forest)

"I'm just really stressed." (Me)

"I can understand why. Do you want to tell me about yesterday? You said something might have happened but you weren't sure."

"Ah man. Well, it's still freaking me out. When me and my brothers defused when we got here. I heard a voice in my head."

"Well you and your brothers can talk that way right? What's so weird about that?"

"But it wasn't my brothers. It said it was time for me to meet it, and that it would train me to save everyone."

"ooookay. Um... Maybe it was just all the wear on your body."

"No I don't think so. Last night it came to me in a dream. It said I could call it core. It wasn't answering any of my questions and just kept talking in weird ways."

"OK, I think you need to take a break from fusing, and everything else for that matter."

"Now you think I'm crazy. Core told me not to tell anyone."

"Um Ajax I know your under a lot of pressure, but it's OK we will sort this all out."

Fuck now Forest thinks I'm losing my mind, he's gonna tell everyone and I'm gonna be the crazy one.

"Forest, please don't tell anyone what I told you. Your right, I'm under a lot of stress and we'll figure this out." (Me)

"OK, but you have to talk to me about everything you are hearing OK?" (Forest)

"OK that's fair."

I told Forest what he needed to hear to keep my secret. I don't know what's going on, and I don't know how to deal with it. The last thing I need is everyone thinking I'm crazy.

Good job. You have shown again, that you were the right choice. (Core)

There you are again. Are you really real? Or is Forest right in thinking I'm losing my mind? (Me)

What do you believe?

I don't know what to believe anymore.

Good, you will open up your mind now. We'll talk soon.

And he was gone, again. Man I might actually be losing it. I didn't tell Forest anymore about Core, and I wasn't going to.

The day was pretty wild. It started with both our mothers making all sorts of calls. They called the police as well as the FBI and CIA. All of these calls were made with very little action from any agency. We knew it would be hard to make anyone believe what was happening.

You know you'll have to take this in your own hands. (Core)

Why do you keep popping in and out of my mind? (Me)

Well it seems like you could use an answer.

You don't give me any answers!

Don't I? Depends.

Whatever, what do you want now?

Well I already told you want I wanted to.

I don't want to take care of those people, That's not my job.

Why isn't it your job? I'm going to leave you with that question.

Don't leave me like that!

What are you yelling about? (Farren)

Sorry, it's nothing. (Me)

If you say so. If you need to talk out your stress we're here for you.

I know, thank you.

Man Core needs to stop popping in like that. It's getting to be too much.

I spent the rest of the day with Forest. We didn't do much except talk and cuddle.

"Forest, I really appreciate you being here for me through all of this." (Me)

"You act as if I could ever leave you." (Forest)

I kissed him and felt comfortable laying with him. It was already getting late and I was still tired. I fell asleep with him in my arms.