Delayed destiny ch 18

Story by Trollin67583 on SoFurry

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#21 of Delayed destiny

Here is chapter 18. Tell me what you think of the story so far. Any and all feedback welcome


Saturday! The weekend is here! Not that it matters. Our moms would have just kept us out of school again, but the weekend always brings along a new mindset for many people. I awoke before anyone else.

"God, what time is it." (Me)

I checked myself as I realized I was talking to myself. I looked at the clock. 4:21am, on a Saturday really. The day to sleep in, and here I am awake by myself.

I spent some time just looking at Forest and how cute he looked sleeping.

Man I really shouldn't be lying to him. He doesn't deserve such treatment. He only wants the best for me.

You know he must stay away from current standings. (Core)

Current standings? You mean this whole thing with you and me?

Not quite. More like you and crainion.

Crainion? What is that?

Did I say that? I don't think I did.

You know more then you are letting on. What the hell is crainion!?


And why shouldn't I? You think you can come in my life and start messing shit up like you own the place?!

I'M TRYING TO SAV... I'm here to help.

Really cause I doubt that. Why would I need your help? If you know what me and my brothers can do you know we don't need help.

Brothers, brothers, brothers. Why do you always bring them up. YOU THINK THEY HAVE YOUR BACK? YOU'RE WRONG!

I know they have my back. You on the other hand, you don't mean shit to me. You haven't helped me.

Haven't yet. But I was going to. So much is about to happen. You will need me, when the time comes, call my name and I will respond. Not everyone can say the same.

I could feel his presence leave.

About Goddamn time if you ask me. I'm not going to call your stupid ass fake name ever. I know who I can trust and you aren't one of them. Ugh god this shit has me pissed the fuck off.

I left a note for Forest and left for a walk. It was still dark out and everything seemed so peaceful. I heard a car behind me. I turned and saw it was coming up pretty fast. I stopped walking so I could see it pass by me. When it started to get close it slowed down. I saw another two pairs of lights behind it pop up.

Oh shit. Not this. Not now.

I jumped over a bush and cut the corner to the other street. I started running as fast as I could move.

I need to get the fuck out of here.

I saw the lights appear around the corner as they sped up to catch me.

Shit shit shit. This can't be happening.

As the vehicles got closer I could see that they were blacked out vans. I kept running. I was going through an intersection when I saw the lights to my right.

No no no. I'm not fused. If they hit me now I'm dead. What do I do. CORE!

The van slammed into the right side of me.

I'm... I'm OK.

I didn't think you'd call for me that fast. (Core)

The van was completely bent around my body. I turned back and saw the other three had stopped and men got out of each of them, Holding those damn rifles.

Core can I fly? (Me)

Do you believe you can? (Core)

Ah fuck I got to try.

I jumped and took off in the opposite direction of the men. That's when I saw it. The bright red and yellow sight. The flames reaching to the heavens, blasting the night with the heat of anger.


I landed among the wrecked house. I pulled all of the flames heat into me. Absorbing everything I could contain. I flew back into the street as six black vans pulled up. Four men got out of each van holding a rifle in their hands.


I let the fire within burst out. Channeling all of it towards the men. All the vans immediately blew to shreds. The man were gone in an instant.


The street was a mess. The vans were all but gone, No trace of the men who were here but seconds ago, And a burning home. The home of a quiet family of two parents and ten kids.

Why? Why did it have to happen like this?

We both knew it couldn't happen any other way. (Core)

Damn it, I need to go tell everyone.

Why would you do that? They would keep you there. Keep you locked up for displaying such power. Forest would tell everything and you would be deemed too crazy to be free. Let's go and destroy that facility. Force anyone to talk and tell you were the other bases are at. We could take it all down now. End all of the suffering that some families are going through, that yours almost did.

No. My family would understand. They would believe what I'd say. It was that damn group that did this.

How could they believe that? There is no evidence of anyone else here. Forest will tell them all what you said to him. Do you want to be locked up forever? For helping people out?

No no no. Your wrong. My family is there for me. They would never lock me away.

All that's left here is you. Not a single person in the world would believe us. We need to prove it to them all. Prove that it was those sick people that did this. Once you do that the world would hail you as a hero. The one who averted a world war. You could have anything you want at that point.

No. No no no. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!