Change in Venue- November

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#11 of Change in Venue

This one was extremely tricky to write, partly because I was writing it in that November, which means I was also trying to compete in NaNoWriMo for the year. So that's why this one is a bit more rushed feeling and less of significance really seems to be said. However, there are a few very critical details in here that are mentioned. And we're in the home stretch with only one more chapter to go.

Chapter 11: November

"And now, the President of the United States of America."

The president walks towards the podium and stands in front of the cameras. He coughs a few times before speaking up. It is very apparent that he has not been immune to the effects of the plague. Not only are his ears much larger and partially folded over but his mouth and nose have both grown slightly longer and his eyes have changed color. However, though it might have been possible to hide these deformities from the view of the camera the political advisors had instead decided that it would make him seem more reasonable and personable to all of the common folk by bringing out these features, showing them to everyone so that they would all know that he was dealing with the effects of the plague just as they were.

"My fellow Americans," he begins, making a political gesture as he begins his speech with the standard opening. "These pass months have been very troubling to all of us. With all of the Incidents our economy has been ground to a standstill. We are facing the toughest challenge that has ever been thrust upon this great nation. But we are not going to simply let it stand and defeat us. We will rise up and persevere against this threat. We have been deal with an enormous blow but we will not back down for that will mean that they have won."

The president stops speaking for a moment to collect himself before speaking up again.

"As are all of you I find myself very frustrated at our inability to prevent these Incidences nor have we been able to find anyone who we can prove is responsible. But we will not stop in our search to bring the ones responsible to justice. In order to help facilitate this we have decided to go about instilling a reward for whoever can give us conclusive proof that someone was involved in the planning and orchestration of the Incidences. But in response of the unrest and rioting that we have encountered throughout our country we are going to be forced to take some drastic changes. For starters as of this day I am declaring martial law and will have any and all citizens that are found either in the middle of the riots will be immediately arrested and detained for a period of no less than one month, regardless if they were actually involved in the riots or not.

"Now I know that this measure will not make things any better and this is the last thing I want to do but it is necessary to maintain the sanctity of this union. As soon as the rioting has completely stopped I will insist to congress that we start to ease the restrictions going into place this day. Further we will be forced to institute a curfew throughout the country. Anyone found outside after curfew will be detained and imprisoned for a period of time no less than one week with more extreme penalties the more often that that person is found breaking curfew. If you need to be active during the night then we will easily let people apply for and gain a special pass allowing for them to be active during the night. This is again for the safety of everyone in this great nation and we are only doing this to help make this great nation safe.

"If someone wants they can choose to join up with a special task force that we are putting together to help enforce the curfew. You will be definitely compensated well for your time once we have properly trained you in how to do this job efficiently and effectively with as little harm to the citizens of this great nation.

"Finally we are going to institute a bounty for anyone who can provide any proof for anyone that has been collaborating with the group that are responsible for this travesty. The better the information and more crucial the information the better the reward we will give.

"However with as hard as it is to handle all of these new policies being put in place we do have fairly positive news. With as much as this is affecting all countries of this planet, I have been speaking with all of the leaders of the world and we have agreed that this current threat is far more important than any other threat facing us. This means that there are no more wars facing this planet. As of this day the world has achieved a state of complete peace as all efforts from every country is going to be focused on catching the people responsible. We have been speaking with the leaders of all the major countries and have decided to create a joint task force for dealing with the ones responsible for these Incidences. And I can say with absolute certainty that the people responsible will find that there is no place safe for them to hide in the entire planet. We will find them and then as a planet decide on the best course of action to punish them for their wrong doings.

"Rest assured that we will be doing everything in our power to make sure that the problems facing us will be dealt with and we will restore things back to the way they once were as soon as we are able. This will not be an easy fix. This may even take us a few years before we can finally put everything behind us. But this nation will continue to persevere despite this and with this new unity the nation will one day flourish like it has never before been able to."

The president takes a moment to pause and take a sip of the water on his podium and takes a few deep breaths before touching his ears for emphasis.

"Now I'm sure that everyone is concerned about the mutations that seem to be some sort of side-effect of the plague. It is also highly likely that all of the people who are responsible for these Incidents have made themselves to be immune to the effects of their efforts. On top of that there will probably be a lot of animosity for the people who have been so far unaffected by the plague. As such we will begin a policy of taking every single person who so far does not show any effects into protective custody where we can keep the people from lashing out at them. Rest assured that we will do everything to keep everyone in this country safe and we will not give up and will not stop searching for ways to improve things until we have finally gotten everything back to the way they were."

The president has to stop with his statement as he finds himself growing more and more nauseous by the second. He rubs his head for a moment to try and wipe the sweat from it and buy himself some time to recover. Finding no luck in that he takes another sip of the water on the pedestal but finds that it doesn't help him any. He places his arms onto the pedestal as one of his aides quickly rush to his side, trying to see what all is going on. The aide moves in close and the president whispers something into his ear before motioning to a couple of the secret service agents nearby to quickly escort him away.

"I'm sorry but that is the end of this press conference. The president will not be answering any questions. Thank you," the aide states before quickly fallowing after the president.

The president was rushed over to a nearby room to wait for a doctor to try and figure out what is going on. The doctor came and began to examine him immediately, the secret service went and placed him on a nearby table so that he could lie down. The doctor frowns as he examines him. The president's breathing is becoming more and more shallow and labored. On top of that his pulse was racing and the president seemed to be unable to speak anymore, his eyes moving around erratically and fearful. The doctor tries to do everything he can there but quickly ends up deciding that the president needs to be rushed to a hospital where he can be treated with much more advanced equipment than can be found just in that particular room. They help the president up and half carry him out of the door and the white house as they move to the car. The entire time they're doing this his condition is constantly getting worse and worse. By the time the car has reached the hospital the secret service people had to hold him down as his body starts convulsing.

Once in the hospital they hook him up to all of the monitoring equipment as well as call in several more doctors to try and figure out how to keep the president alive. But with his heart rate still going faster and faster each passing second. They try everything they can do to try and return his vitals to normal but it seems a losing battle. After another hour of trying to keep him alive his heart finally gives out and they are unable to revive him. They become very concerned over just what all happened. To make him like this since they were more than careful to ensure the president never had anything to worry about and the water he drank was inconceivable.

Yet when they ran the tests they ended up finding a known poison to be in his body in a high concentration and yet when they got back to testing the water and foods that he had consumed that day they couldn't find a single trace of the poison. In the end they decided it was best to not alert the public that he was poisoned. Instead they came as close to the truth as they were willing to go, that he died of a heart attack due to complications from the plague, even though thus far no one with the plague had died of a heart attack and if they died it was a long and slow and painful process.

Change in Venue- October

**Chapter 10: October** Lewis sighs as he adjusts his breathing mask before adjusting the center mirror in his cab. It wasn't so much something that needed adjusting as it was a sort of tic he had when his mind was concerned over various things. The...

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Transformed Struggles- 2

**Chapter 2** As I finally start to regain consciousness the first thing I am made painfully aware of is the aching in my head. It is not so much the dull throb of a headache, nor is it responding to all the sounds coming to my ears, as loud as they...

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Change in Venue- September

**Chapter 9: September** Lauren goes about doing her rounds for the night. After going to check on one of the patients she moves to close the blinds to the window. "Well at least those guys must be doing well. Their ads are everywhere," she comments...

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