Bewitched by Moonlight

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#5 of Tender Loving

1612 words

At long last, the time is right for a witches' familiar to bring back her mistress. Under the full moon, she begins the ritual and contacts the spirit of the one she loves so much.

Apparently, the last witch trial was held in 1878, though it was thrown out. Funnily enough, Salem just couldn't get enough of their witches.

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She had been gone for too long. Samantha stood over the circle she'd drawn on the stone in chalk, looking at her grimoire one more time. The circle was prepared and intricately lined with runes of power, the incense was lit, the candles were in place, and her wand was properly positioned... The black cat purred, looking from the text and diagrams in her book to the circle, then snapped the book shut. "You'll be home soon, my mistress." She looked to the full moon in the sky. It was just before midnight, the witching hour... And with just enough time for her ritual to complete.

The cat removed her clothes, letting the cool night air bathe over her fur, her nipples standing at attention, her tail flicking behind her. She was incredibly beautiful and shapely despite her age: immortality did that to you. And yet, she felt weak and frail these days, in the time since her mistress had gone. She'd been learning the rituals, studying the magic... Now the familiar fancied herself as talented as her mistress. But there was truly only one way to find out. She began the incantation, lighting the candles with her wand, sparks of dark flame springing to light, seeming to draw in the moonlight that washed the earth in its pale glow. The stars seemed to wink out as her words took form around her, darkness enveloping the circle, so that her black form blended with the shadows, seemingly becoming one with the void.

Her words echoed, ringing through her ears, and both her hair and her fur stood on end. The tingling magic passed over her body, and she reached down, gliding her fingers over her exposed womanhood before sprinkling the dampness around her. The offering, a connection to the world, solidified the magic's hold as the darkness stood strong in the clearing. Soon a column of moonlight pierced the wall around her, its pale beams illuminating the translucent figure that appeared before Samantha. Her heart stopped, then skipped a beat.

Her mistress was as beautiful as she'd been in death nearly a century and a half ago. The slim doe's face was pristine and gentle, her curves perfect and full, and as she turned slowly in the light, Samantha could see everything, from the dots like freckles that ran up her face and down her back, to the heart shaped white that splashed over her chest and again under her tail. Her slender legs and arms drifted about her lazily, even as her entire form was suffused with wisps of glowing white, betraying her ghostly nature. Her eyes opened, the gentle, sharp, incredibly loving blue eyes looking into Samantha's purple ones. The doe smiled warmly. "Ah, Sam... Tis good to see you again. Does the world of the living treat you well? How long have I been gone?"

Sam stepped forward towards the floating figure, nodding. "Yes, Mistress Stella. And soon after your persecution a hundred and forty one years ago, they finally got rid of the notion that witches existed and should be executed... If only they'd learned their lesson sooner." She took another step closer, her hips swaying lightly as she gazed on the ghostly form of her mistress, the one who'd made her magical in the first place and opened her eyes to the world. "I'm sorry it took so long to learn the ritual. I had a lot of work to do without you there."

Stella grinned a little, floating down until her feet lightly touched the ground, standing with an unearthly grace as her hair continued to float in an unfelt breeze. "You learned without being my apprentice, and without a mentor, though. It's an impressive feat. One borne of the heart, I'm sure." She stepped forward, reaching out a hand to her familiar. "How long do we have?"

Sam stepped forward, nuzzling her cheek into the cold, but solid, hand of her mistress, purring contentedly. Finally, she was home. Her whole body shook with happiness, strength seeping into her form just from seeing her master, but she focused on the doe's face, knowing there were steps still. "Ten minutes. A short window, I'm sorry, mistress. Any sooner and it wouldn't have worked." She reached out a hand, caressing Stella's face, feeling the cold skin against her fingers as she ran them down her naked form, gently cupping one of her mistress's large breasts. "But the warm blood is here, pumping through my heart. I give freely the connection you need."

Stella gasped lightly, her slender, cold hands moving over Sam's lithe form and supple breasts. She stepped closer, embracing her familiar with a smile. "You read well, Samantha. Let us complete the ritual, connecting spirit to flesh. May your warmth give me form once more." The doe kissed the cat, her freezing lips warming immediately on the burning hot ones. The familiar purred, pushing a tongue into the spectral mouth of her Mistress, whom she loved more than anything, letting it feel her contours again, bringing warmth and life to them. Her fingers pinched lightly at Stella's breasts, then skipped down her full front, reaching down to the flower delicately hidden between her thighs. Her fingers slipped over the petals, covered in the ice-cold dew, before sliding in, seeking to warm her mistress with herself.

The doe kissed hungrily, suckling on the tongue in her mouth and moaning as the fingers slipped into her body, her own hands holding Sam close. She pulled back for a moment, biting the cat's lip lustily. "Such a good pet~. I can't wait until I can reward you properly." She pressed back into the kiss, taking the cat off balance, but she caught her familiar and floated with her to the ground, the doe landing on top. She didn't move the fingers from her body, merely ground against them, hips meeting as the icy cold lust of the grave steamed where it met the heated honey Sam was leaking. She twisted her hips slightly, breaking the kiss and holding onto Sam's hand as their legs tangled, then locked, and she pulled herself closer to Sam's heat, lower lips kissing now that the upper pairs couldn't.

Sam's hand finally left her master's body, her fingers twining fully with Stella's as they pressed themselves together. The moonlight glinted off of the slickness of their connection, which seemed to glow with their combined lust as they rubbed and pressed together, flower against flower, clits rubbing and sparking pleasure through them. Samantha shivered, cold sapping her of her warmth, yet the freezing lust of her lover was dissipating, and with it, color slowly flowed into the doe's form.

The pair moaned and gasped, breasts bouncing in the cool air with every thrust that brought them together, every rub that slipped their folds against and past each other. Every one of their hairs stood on end, an electricity in the air that was almost using their erect nipples as lightning rods, bringing joy and energy and pure need into the couple engulfed in shadows. Stella took control further, starting to bounce herself almost against her lover, their most sensitive parts crashing together like waves who, after a long journey, finally crash triumphantly against the shore. With every motion she became more solid, warmth returning to her body, fur and flesh replacing wisps and spirit.

The moonlight started to dim, the window beginning to close, but the two lovers didn't care, locked fully together and in their own world. Sam had waited a hundred and forty one years for this moment, and it was not disappointing. She threw her head back, yowling to the full moon as she came hard, her feminine cum squirting from her body and splashing across her lover's hips. With that, Stella gasped fully, her lungs taking in their first breath in over a century, only to force out all the air in a moan of pure delight, her own orgasm splashing where their lower lips passionately kissed, warmth running over and into her familiar's body, while the doe's heart started beating once more, pounding with lust and love for the one connected to her.

The spell began to fade, the stars returning around them and the moon bathing the entire area as the shadows faded back into their place, leaving two panting figures laying in a soft afterglow. The mistress and her familiar lay on the cool stone, the cool autumn night air sapping heat from their bodies, but both were far more alive than they had been in quite a while. Slowly Sam found her feet first, standing up and helping her master onto unsteady legs, the doe taking a few shaky steps like the first of a fawn. Once she had a feeling for gravity again, though, she turned and hugged her familiar, kissing her deeply, warmth running between the two as they shared their moment under the moon.

When the kiss finally ended, Samantha moved to the edge of the circle, picking up her tome and beginning to put on the dress she'd brought for the occasion, a slinky purple number that matched her eyes. She then gave her robes to their rightful owner, helping her mistress clothe herself. The witch smiled softly at the feeling of the robes on her fur once more. "This... This is what you miss when you're gone. Now, come, my dear. You've got a lot of world to show me, and I have a lot to make up to you." While one had walked into the clearing alone, two walked back, hands and hearts entwined, knowing they would never be separated again.