02 Jake and Mitch: Persistence

Story by Kittymeow on SoFurry

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Author's Notes: Alright, against my better judgement i continued writing, mostly because I have nothing better to do and i figure if i keep banging my head against this wall of literature i might actually make a dent. Again any criticism that could help me is appreciated. This story does have a gay sex scene so don't read if you don't want.


Jake awoke slowly. As he opened his eyes he saw the fox asleep. They must have shifted in their sleep because Jake was fairly certain he didn't fall asleep with Mitch using his arm like a pillow. Jake tried to get up but then noticed the fox had a very firm grasp on his right arm. Seeing no way out he decided to lie still and let the beaten fox rest. After a few minutes the fox began to move.

"Good morning, Mitch." Jake said as he awoke. "How do you feel?"

"Sore, and cold. I don't understand how you can sleep naked like this." the fox asked.

"Well I got used to it, wait you aren't naked I can feel cloth between us."

"Oh, yeah I wrapped myself in the blanket you gave me, but yeah my clothes are off. You couldn't expect me to sleep in them when they had blood on them." Jake took a moment to think about this. After an awkward silence or two passed he spoke up.

"If I wasn't so amused by your antics I would probably beat you myself you know."

"You know you couldn't do that. It's not your style."

"Ok, but you know you can't just sneak into my bed and sleep naked with me."

"You didn't care at the time." the fox retorted.

"I was asleep." Jake lied.

"You were not, in fact you couldn't sleep until I lied down with you."

"Well can we have this discussion over breakfast, and can you let go of my arm."

After thinking about it the fox finally let him go. The wolf got up and, ignoring the feeling of being watched, put on some clothes. As the wolf was leaving the room the fox called out "Could you make me eggs?"

As Jake started to cook he began to think about what happened the day before. Mitch had been attacked by some rather big people and the shop door was broken. Jake decided he would be more security minded around his store. The next time they show their faces I'll just have to beat them harder. He put some leftover pancake batter on the friar for him, and two eggs for Mitch. After they cooked he called Mitch out to eat.

"The food's ready" He yelled. Mitch walked out from Jakes bedroom and went on the couch. Jake came into the living room with two plates and set one in front of Mitch, who had decided not to get dressed.

"Look, I have no problem with you being gay, but you really should at least wear clothes in the house."

"What for, we're already sleeping together." The fox said. Jake choked on his pancake at this and said "We aren't sleeping together. That was a one time thing."

"You know you liked it." the fox said.

"Either way, my house my rules."

"Alright mom." Mitch said as he walked back to Jake's room. Mitch came back wearing some of Jake's clothing. He was wearing jeans that were baggy to Jake and as such dragged on the floor when Mitch wore them. The shirt he was wearing had an image of an island with a palm tree on it and a setting sun in the background; the shirt itself went down to the fox's knees. In his arms were the clothes he was wearing the day before.

"They're dirty, and I think the shirt has some dried blood on it. I'll throw them in the wash." the fox said before Jake could ask him why he was wearing his clothes.

"So are you still able to work for me, or should I give you the day off?" Jake asked.

"Don't give me the day off, the other workers will know I'm sleeping with the boss." the fox said, grinning at his comment. Even Jake laughed at the fox's comment.

"In all seriousness though, I think I may need the day off. I think one of my ribs is fractured."

"Alright, I'll see you after I'm done working. Try not to get attacked while I'm gone." Jake said as he got up and left for the shop. Mitch was alone, in a friends house, with nothing to do. After watching Jake's TV for a few hours he decided to go on Jakes computer and get in touch with some friends. Mitch checked his email and saw that nothing was going on in anyone's life that even remotely interested him. So, Mitch decided to search around the computer to learn more about his roommate and protector. Jake, who was taking a smoke break at that time, would learn why a young fox should never be left alone with your personal information. After his smoke break, Jake went to the store and oversaw the installation of the new shop door. I wonder what Mitch did to provoke those guys anyway.

Mitch, after guessing Jake's password , fullmoon (how original for a wolf), began sifting through his email, finding mostly business or family related email. Nothing really interesting here. After looking through his inbox he decided to see what mail Jake sent out recently. There was one dated yesterday to Jake's brother, Kevin, about Mitch.

Hey, Kevin. Remember that fox friend of mine, Mitch, that was at your going away party a few weeks ago. Well it turns out he's in a bit of a pinch and needs my help. I won't bore you with the details but he's going to be staying at my place for a bit. Also it turns out he's gay. Told me yesterday, which I have no problem with except he seems to get into trouble with it. He's sleeping on the couch right now after some thugs beat him up, he's alright though I got him out of it. But I still worry about. I still haven't told him I'm bi but I'm sure he suspects something, I want him to choose to be with someone because they are right for him, not just because they happen to be there. Anyway, keep in touch.

After reading the email Mitch decided to get a quick snack and lie down to rest. Jake is the one I want to be with but he's too damn considerate. Maybe if I try being more aggressive.

"Hey Mitch, get your lazy ass up."

Mitch was awoken by a loud wolf at the doorway. "Oh, hey Jake. I guess I fell asleep. Anything eventful happen at the shop?"

"It's work Mitch, it's not meant to be eventful." Jake went into the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer. He also got a cola for Mitch. "You said beer wasn't your type so you won't mind cola, I hope."

"Why are you so nice to me Jake?" the fox asked.

"What do you mean. I'm a nice guy."

"Well yeah you are, but we were never really close. We were friends maybe, but nothing close. I just helped you around the shop so I could surf."

"Well because you always interested me a little I guess. The only time I have ever seen you without a smile was yesterday, and even that didn't last long. I just never understood how someone can be so happy so often. It intrigues me."

"Good... Also Jake?"


"You should take a day off and catch some waves tomorrow. I know a sweet spot up the road."

"Alright, we'll do that." The two sat down for awhile getting to know each other. Mitch learned that Jake's brother was in college out of state. He also leaned about how Jake was very protective of his younger brother when they were growing up as well. Mitch told Jake about his life, about how he comes from a family that was never really close and how he kind of drifted away from most of them.

"It's not that uncommon actually. Foxes rarely stay with their families." Mitch explained. After it had been dark for quite some time Jake went back to his room. He returned with the fox's blanket.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." Jake said before heading back to his room to sleep.

The next day Jake went to the shop and picked up a couple surf boards for them. He locked up his store and called his employees and told them to take a day off before finding Mitch, who was wearing his now clean jacket that he liked to keep unbuttoned and denim shorts that he now noticed brought much attention to the fox's groin, and following him to his sweet spot. They spent a few hours surfing in an isolated part of the beach until they were tired and decided to rest in the sand.

"So do you always get in to trouble for being gay?" Jake inquired.

"No, that day was special. I got attacked and defended in the same day." Mitch said grinning. "What about you, I mean why are you so accepting of my sexuality?" Mitch asked.

"Well, the way I see it, you being gay makes no difference to me. Hell even I used to experiment back in high school." the wolf said, instantly feeling as if he had said too much.

"Really? Care to elaborate?" the fox egged him on.

"Not a chance. That stuff is all between me and whoever shared in them. Anyway I came out as bisexual a long time ago." Jake said, trying to keep his voice casual.

"If I hadn't heard it from you I probably wouldn't have guessed. You never showed any interest in me, and I'm a fox, almost an exact symbol of lust."

"Right, well that's just part of my personality. I'm very reserved, you could say that I have a good poker face. What it comes down to is I like you, but I think of you more like a younger brother than a lover."

"Well we should change that, don't you think?" Mitch said as he jumped on Jake before he had a chance to respond. Against Jake's protest he began to undo his pants before Jake finally pushed the fox off him and redressed himself.

"What's wrong. Too much?" the fox asked.

"Look, Mitch. It's not that it could never happen. It just shouldn't happen like this."

"Why not? For a wolf I find you very timid."

"And you're an aggressive fox, a very aggressive fox, but you're vulnerable. You only want me because I helped you. You feel like you owe me something but you really don't. Please let's just go home before it gets cold."

They left the beach and walked back home in silence. Mitch followed Jake a few feet behind and studied the way he moved. Slouched shoulders. Weak knees. He feels bad about denying himself pleasure for my sake. No. He feels bad about not being able to give me what he knows I want. When they got home Mitch decided to continue his efforts on Jake, only a little more subtle.

"Do you trust me Jake?"

"I do. You have always been friendly and you have never done anything against me."

"Good, because I trust you with my life. I have to after I saw you defend it so well. But why don't you want to be with me?"

"I am with you, we live together if you've forgotten." Jake took a seat on the couch and Mitch followed him.

"You know what I meant."

"It's complicated." Jake said.

"I've got time."

"Well, I just always figured that the person you would be interested in would be mmff-" Jake was cut off by Mitch latching onto Jake's muzzle in an unprepared and awkward kiss. I never was a patient fox. Mitch was waiting for signs from Jake indicating whether he would let him move on or if he just ruined any chance he had with the wolf. After a few moments, though it felt like hours to the fox, the wolf began to react positively to the fox by moving his tongue into the fox's muzzle and sharing his taste. The fox eventually broke the kiss and bent down to start undoing Jake's pants.

"I hope..." Mitch said as he unbuttoned and unzipped the wolf's pants.

"... This is..." as he slid them down with his underwear to reveal the wolf's sheath.

"... Slow enough for you." as he held coaxed Jakes penis out of his sheath. Mitch caught sight of the white spot on his sheath from when he first saw Jake nude. On impulse he bent down and kissed the spot, which also helped get Jake's member out of hiding. Jake leaned down to Mitch and whispered to him "Thank you, Mitch"

As Jake's member came out of his sheath Mitch took a moment to study it. An eight inch cock would present quite a fun challenge. Mitch started my licking the pink member from base to tip, before taking it into his small mouth. Jake, who had been living alone for the last two years greatly appreciated having someone with him who's body he could enjoy. After Jake had let Mitch play with him for a bit he suggested they move to a more formal venue, Jake's bedroom. Once in the bed room Jake took off his shirt and then looked at Mitch.

"That won't do, you still have clothing." Jake said. He walked over to the short fox and began helping him out of his jacket. After that he slid his shorts down to his ankles before looking up to see nothing under his shorts. The wolf, slightly perplexed, looked back at the fox as if asking for an explanation.

"I don't wear underwear. It's too restraining." Mitch said to alleviate Jake's curiosity.

"Well you certainly do have a lot to restrain. No wonder you're always horny." said Jake in reference to Mitch's abnormally large nine and a half inch long member. It almost seemed out of place on a fox but Mitch was a large fox. Jake took the penis into his mouth and took some time to taste his partner.

"Not this time." Mitch said. "This time I want to play with your cock."

Mitch pushed Jake's muzzle away from his groin and went to the bed and bent himself over it, presenting his asshole.

"You sure you can handle it?" Jake asked.

"We'll never know if you don't try." Mitch said, looking back with his trademark smile.

Jake walked over and started to lick his partner's asshole, providing as much lubrication as he can until it became loose enough for him to get his tongue into his partner's ass, eliciting small moans from Mitch. Jake stood back up and slowly probed the entrance with his member. After getting the tip in he moved the shaft in slowly, listening for any sounds of pain from the fox. After getting an inch and a half inside him Mitch pushed back as hard as he could getting an extra three inches in.

"You don't have to be so gentle with me Jake. I used to toy harder than that." Jake winced at the comment and decided to make up for lost time. He pushed his cock in until his knot was hitting the entrance. Feeling confident about making it that far without harming him, Jake began to pull out to his tip and then thrust back to his knot. The rhythmic thrusting caused the fox to moan to the feeling of having the wolf inside him. It made the fox think back to his high school days where he used to spend quality time with his friends in the locker rooms. Jake leaned over and began to paw the fox off. As he masturbated the fox and penetrated his ass the fox spoke up again.

"Getting better. Try... Try knotting me." He said between thrusts.

"Are you sure?" the wolf asked.

"Don't talk... Just try it." the fox said, sounding more out of breath than before. Jake, with a worried look on his face, used the precum of his partner to provide additional lubrication to his knot. After pushing in he got his knot about halfway before he had to pull back. Another thrust stretched Mitch's ass further. One final thrust and with a shocking 'pop' sound Jake was knotted. With a few more short thrusts Jake could no longer control himself and splattered the inside of his partner's ass in semen. The feeling of having all eight inches of wolf cock inside him was pure ecstasy alone. When Jake let loose inside of Mitch, Mitch responded by spraying his own mess all over Jake's bed.

"That was good, Jake. So good." the fox panted out.

"That's nice and all Mitch, but my knot won't deflate anytime soon so I suggest we worry about cleanup later." They decided to lie in bed until they could separate. After a short while Jake succumbed to tiredness on the semen soaked bed.

"Sleep well, Jake." Mitch said to his sleeping partner. The fox, more exhausted than hurting, overcame his pain and fell asleep still connected to his new mate.