Gods Chosen- Message from a God

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#1 of Gods Chosen

Gods Chosen is an attempt at making a really complex story with the intention of keeping exposition to the absolute minimum. It's written with the intention that nothing is ever explained in the story unless it is in character for that character to explain. And even then they'll explain it only as they feel like explaining it. This is done with the intent of practicing more "show don't tell" in writing, in conveying how things work by showing how the interact rather than just telling the reader as well as make it feel more lifelike and real.

To say that Alliquinn stood out would be an understatement. Even amongst other Alkilraen the eye would naturally be drawn to her. Not because she was of exception beauty. She was pretty enough by her own race's standards, but nothing extraordinary, and anyone unfamiliar with the subtle difference in her vulpine features she would be impossible to pick out just by looking at her face. Her differences lie in the rest of her appearance. Stand Alliquinn next to someone of one of the other races and she'd be described as tall, but otherwise normal, for though she stood at about seven feet tall she'd still be seen as a runt compared to the rest of her kind, who stand about a foot taller yet than her and whose limbs are twice as thick.

Of course to her own kind she just looked really young, like an adolescent who wanted to see the world before they were fully grown, despite the fact that Alliquinn was just as old as some of the others here. The quality of her rose-colored fur proves she is not malnourished, even if a bit on the thin side. Alliquinn just always grew slower than everyone else. The last big difference between her and almost all the rest of her kind is that while they all wore worker clothes made of light, durable fabrics, the only things adorning Alliquinn's body is a pouch at her side to carry her personal things and a long flute-like object made of some sort of off-white material in a holder around her shoulder.

Well, that and a pair of heavy work gloves so that she doesn't cut up her hands while tending the crops. Not that she was very good at it. She wasn't raised to be a farmer and lacks the muscles of the others. But what she was raised for doesn't always make enough to get by and she needs to eat and make enough money to make it to a bigger city where her talents would be useful, and so manual labor is sometimes needed. The others do help her, but that's not so much as a way of being nice as just trying to get the work done faster. Of course with their god in attendance, everyone was trying to at least look more industrious, meaning less that the young Alkilraen was able to do. As she mentally try and figures out whether she'll have to skip a meal to have enough money to leave while it's still in a good travel season she tries her best to avoid looking at the god. She knows for a fact that outwardly the god would look just as she would, it doesn't change the impulse to look at something as powerful as a god, just to say that they have seen one.

Now the best two ways to tell that a god is in attendance would be the entourage of heavily armed member of their own race. The more telling clue, however, would simply be the necklace around their necks. Alliquinn steals a glance at the necklace anyway before returning to her work. Being as weak as she is, she can't really afford to slack off even the slightest bit. One of her ears flick over as the door opens to the farm owner's house as the land owner and some new person steps out before them.

"Your job while I'm gone will be very simple and easy for you. They will do all of the actual labor. If you see one with a bone necklace coming your way, listen and hear what they have to say and do what you can. Beyond that you're mainly just the person who pays them," the land owner states out loud, taking advantage of the fact most Alkilraen have difficulty with the common language.

"I still don't know why you don't just go with slave labor, seems like it'd be far less a hassle than hiring these barbarians," the other person complains, clearly not comfortable around so many Alkilraen.

"Because one thing you all don't understand is that these people are cheaper and more reliable than slave labor. They are a simple people who demand to get what they feel they are owed. Pay them whatever amount they want in a timely manner and only the amount they want and they'll happily just keep working for you. They don't steal the crops, they know what they're doing most of the time. And best part is they manage themselves. Anyone who works less gets paid less."

"Is there a reason that one is naked?" the second human asks, nodding his head towards Alliquinn.

"Who knows? They're a backwards people anyway. And um," the human trails off as he notices our god standing in his fields. He quickly jabs the other human and quickly bows. "Um, your holiness. I hope I haven't done anything to offend you."

He definitely seems cowed and at the exchange a lot of the workers stop to see what their god is going to do. She doesn't seem all that concerned, neither do her bodyguards. But with a flick of her fingers the scenery seems to change. A man is lying on his deathbed. He looks similar to the landlord but significantly older, possibly the man's father. And next to him are some humans and what is likely the other man's father as well.

"The only regret," the old man in the bed begins, "is that I wasn't able to take care of those traitorous swine when I had the chance. See to it the farm is taken care of."

There is a response from the other but there is no more sound. The old man closes his eyes and then the scene seems to end, bringing everyone back to normal. Alliquinn looks around to see if anyone else had witnessed that, and it is clear that at least a few are wearing the same confused expression and looking around just as she did. And yet the effect on the farmer is a lot more pronounced. His entire expression has gotten extremely pale, as if all of the blood has been drained from his face. He quickly stops what he's doing and rushes back towards the house.

"I need a drink," he quickly explains to the other. The other human stares at our god for a moment then bows and runs after the farmer.

< Was that really necessary? > One of our god's protectorate asks as he stares at our god.

The god's response is a gesture on the order of a shrug before looking upwards and gesturing to the sky with her face. Alliquinn looks up and sees someone flying in. And some Jresh coming down from the sky is more than enough to draw attention, especially when one of the nearby Alkilraen casts a spell to get a better look and comments that the one in the center of the small flock descending on them is actually a god as well. This causes all work to stop as everyone near their god starts to move somewhat further away, giving a reverent space for the two gods to face each other. And coming with the Jresh god are a couple of armed soldiers, who almost must be using vit in order to keep up considering their large, almost ceremonial swords and heavy armor.

The Jhresh lands and faces the Alkilraen god and does a small bow, the Alkilraen god returning the bow. The Jhresh god then makes a gesture towards the Alkilraen god, an open hand inviting them to be the one to provide the Bolyla. One of the Alkilraen attendants starts to step forward but the god waves them to hold and then flicks a finger at one of her own guards before aiming a hand in Alliquinn's direction and then curling her fingers, the act of which creates enough force to push Alliquinn slightly towards the congregation. Figuring that she's being summoned to provide her services as a Rooqayla she steps forward and bows to her god first, and then the others god. The Jhresh god mainly gives the other an expression showing their curiosity at the act and a different, much more guarded expression as the guard comes back with a brand new Bol. The Alkilraen god takes the Bol, and without the slightest hesitation offers it to Alliquinn.

< I do not understand. > Alliquinn confesses, but does not take the offered Bol as she is a Rooqayla and assumed her job was to act as one.

One of the guards takes the Bol and walks up to her. < Have you ever used this before?> he asks.

< Never. >

< Try.> He then places the Bol into her hands and walks away before she can have any time to act.

Not having any other choice in the matter anymore, Alliquinn steps forward and crouches before the two of them, holding the Bol up between her arms so that it can reach each of them. She knows the procedure of what she's supposed to be doing without because she's seen other Bolyla perform the act. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she understands what it is they do to create the connection. Apparently confident in her ability to do something that by all rights she shouldn't be able to do anyway, her god moves up and touches the staff at one end, the Jhresh god holding it on the other end. The moment the second end is touched Alliquinn can feel a kind of pull from within her, a sort of energy flowing through her into the staff and though she could possibly resist, she's not sure how well she could. On top of that it isn't exactly something she felt should be resisted at this time.

As soon as the connection has been made, however, Alliquinn immediately regrets having tried. She finds herself and the two gods in a blank, empty space. And though the act of being here is definitely a bit of a strain on Alliquinn, the bigger issue is that breathing here feels like trying to breathe through a tiny little straw. Your lungs can get some air in and out but the effort is far greater than the amount of air that you're actually getting. Alliquinn's god responds to this situation by making a small gesture and all three of them can see the Jhresh god standing up and then a blade almost identical to one of his guards goes right through their chest. And then just as it started the image goes away, leaving the three of them in this separate space outside of their bodies.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" the Jhresh god asks, clearly not amused by the stunt.

"I do not make threats, Milifio, only inform people of the manner in which they will meet their demise."

"And here I thought there was to be no animosity between gods, Riharanarillo. Though aren't you a bit outside of your own race's lands? Isn't that against your self-imposed exile?"

"Not mine, my predecessor did, and it was no ruling on it being permanent. But I highly doubt you flew all this way to a farm in the middle of nowhere just to comment on the fact I'm outside my own country."

"I came to inform you of some more pressing information. Three gods have spoken," Milifio speaks with grave sincerity.

That catches Alliquinn by surprise, especially by the implication of the effect. Riharanarillo doesn't look as surprised by the information. "I haven't heard of any of the gods killing themselves lately."

"They're trying to keep it hidden. But it has happened. Which means someone is trying to get the gods to speak."

"I will be careful, of that you can be assured. Thank you for the information."

Milifio looks as if about to say something else but then sees Alliquinn starting to sway a bit under the lack of oxygen from having to fight to breathe in this location.

"I think your servant here could use a lot more practice if they're getting worn out by holding the gateway this quickly. And I didn't bring a Bolyla of my own. I've said the main thing I wanted to and can't afford to stay here too long so any further conversation will have to be postponed," Milifio states and then Alliquinn finds herself back in her own body, the connection having been broken with the Jhresh god having taken their hand of their end of the Bol. Alliquinn collapses in a heap and tries to get her breath back as the Jhresh god gestures at their attendants and they all take off back into the sky.

Riharanarillo smiles slightly and lets go of her end as well before walking another step and patting Alliquinn on the head, indicating a job done well. She then reaches into her robes and pulls out a small sack of coins and a letter and places these all in Alliquinn's lap before standing up and motioning at her own attendants. They bow and gather their things and an aura of approval seems to come off their god and touch everyone on the farm. The god then nods slightly towards Alliquinn again before starting to walk back in the direction of their country. Alliquinn is somewhat confused as to what was placed into her care and knowing that it would be foolish to not follow the instructions of a god, opens the letter and reads it. Apparently, her god has given her instructions to perform a task as a Rooqayla, and has given her the money needed to cover travel expenses and the expected cost on her time for imposing such a journey. Feeling that the sooner she can carry out this plan the better she stands up, bows to one of the Alkilraen with a bone necklace and then starts to walk into the direction of the town on the letter, the Bol flying into her hand as she walks. She stops for a moment, curious about the act, but figures it's just something she'll have to carry until she completes the instructions and then can hand the Bol to someone else.