"Grounded" 2; Storms on the horizon

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Alright here it is. The sequel to Grounded ish complete! \o/ There isn't a lot of yiffing but I have a good reason for it. I needed this plot to set up a third story plot and you'll know what it is when you hit the end of the story. As usual if you're under 18 or don't like stories that include but are not limited to incest, homosexual themes, anatomically correct furs or furs in general. click the back button now or fail out with Ctrl+W. All other's enjoy ^_^


Jake murred softly in his brother's arms. He could still feel the warmth his brother had shot into him along with Josh's pulse beneath his tail. He snuggled back against his brother, rubbing the wolf's strong arms as Josh held him. The wolf's muzzle was buried in his brother's shoulder fur as he murred softly. "Hey Josh?" Jake whispered quietly. He received a small nuzzle from his brother in reply. "Can I come stay with you next week?" He asked murring softly.

"I don't know kit. That's up to my room mate." the wolf said nuzzling through his brother's headfur. Josh's eyes widened a bit for a second behind Jake. "Oh...Crap..." Josh muttered as the doorbell rang downstairs.

"Who's that?" Jake asked, wiggling a bit as Josh shifted behind him.

"That's Luke." Josh said. "Kit this is probably gonna twinge a bit but I need you to relax as much as you can alright?" Josh said softly.

Jake settled back against his brother and nodded. "Alright why?" Josh gave no reply. A half second later he felt Josh's tongue lap across his ear and it dawned on him. Without any reaction time at all Josh pulled back and Jake winced. No pain burned through the smaller fox just a small pop accompanied by his brother extracting himself and kissing the fox between the ears.

"You alright?" Josh asked, nuzzling his brother. Jake waited a second before nodding to make sure any slow traveling pain would make it's way up but all he felt was a slight stretching pain and a dull throb of his heartbeat under his tail to replace Josh's. The larger wolf meanwhile, hopped out of the bed and walked to the door. "Jake I need you to put your clothes on and wait in your room alright?" the lupine said as he opened the door and looked back to see his little brother cuddle his own tail.

"Alright." Jake murmured as he stood up and walked out after Josh and into his own room to get dressed. Josh had more pressing things to worry about. He hopped the last five steps landing quietly before grabbing a pair of boxer's from his bag. He pulled them on quickly as the doorbell rang again. He walked back over to the door and opened it a bit.

"Hey pup." Luke said smiling at Josh.

"Hey Luke... You're early." Josh said opening the door and letting the otter into the house.

"Nope it's 8:30 I'm right on time." Luke said as he hugged Josh. Josh closed the door as he embraced the otter. Luke was barely three inches shorter than him and he had a sapphire blue tint to his fur. His tummy fur was a lighter blue color to his heavier coarse hair on his back. His eyes were a deep emerald green and always managed to hold the wolf's gaze the longest. Josh nuzzled through Luke's headfur and murred softly as he heard Jake's door open again. "Babe when did you shower last?" Luke asked running his fingers through the wolf's fur. "You smell like musk." Luke added with a giggle.

Josh took a quick whiff of himself and wrinkled his nose. "Oh uh I was just..." Luke leaned up and licks Josh's muzzle causing the lupine's thought train to derail.

"It's fine. So this is your old house huh?" Luke asked taking a quick glance around the visible parts of the house. "It's nice." he said with a smile and a small twitch of his tail that the wolf chuckled at. The otter always seemed to want to wag his tail but his tail always fought it and twitched back and forth.

"Lemme just check on my little brother alright?" Josh said turning and walking back up the stairs. Luke nodded and sat back on the couch thinking for a second. As he leaned over towards the armchair his nose caught a second scent and something clicked in the otter's mind. Josh came back downstairs a few minutes later with Jake in tow. "Oh so here's the little tyke who yiffed my roomie." Luke said with a chuckle as both boys blushed and looked at each other before returning to staring Luke.

"How..." Josh began.

"Easy enough. You smell like musk and something else and the only other something else in the house is the kit." Luke explained. Josh's ears laid back against his neck as he stood there. "I'm not upset Josh." Luke said quietly.

"But he's my brother... Doesn't that bother you?" Josh asked frowning a bit.

"To be honest it does a little but I doubt you'll be doing this on a regular basis so it shouldn't matter." Luke explained. "Hey lil guy can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Luke asked, kneeling to speak to the kit. Luke moved closer to Josh, clinging to his leg as the otter spoke.

"I'm not little." Jake said in a soft tone that was on the verge of complaining.

"Oh, alright what's your name then?" Luke asked, as he smiled to the little fox.

"Jake..." the vulpine replied apprehensively.

"Alright Jake can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute or two?" Luke asked. Jake laid his ears back but Josh's paw ruffled through his headfur and calmed him.

"Go ahead kit I'm gonna wash the sheets alright?" he said to the pair before disappearing up the stairs.

"Come on Jake it'll only take a minute." Luke said walking back into the kitchen. As soon as the vulpine walked through the door Luke stopped and knelt in front of him, carefully looking the kit over as if he expected something to be wrong. "Are you okay Jake? Did he hurt you?" Luke asked resting his paws on Jake's shoulders. Jake looked confused as he looked into the otter's eyes.

"No... What do you mean?" Jake said laying his ears back.

"Listen kit don't ever do that with him again alright?"

"Huh?" Jake asked bewildered by the otter's request.

"You guys yiffed. Josh get's violent when he's horny enough. He'll hurt you and I don't want to see that so don't ever play with him like that again okay?" Luke asked catching the kit's eyes with his own.

"But... Josh wouldn't hurt me.." Jake murmured.

"He's not the same when he fucks kit. He will hurt you so promise me." Luke said giving the smaller fox a stern look.

"O-okay." Jake said as he heard his brother coming back down the steps. Luke patted his shoulder again and stood up. As Josh entered the kitchen Luke threw his arms around the wolf and hugged him nuzzling his chest. "I'm gonna go to bed." Jake muttered as he passed Luke and Josh. The fox kept his gaze down and his ears back as he practically ran upstairs.

"Is he alright?" Josh asked, looking back over his shoulder.

"He's fine just tired." Luke replied, nuzzling Josh's fur.

"So what did you two talk about?" Josh asked, nuzzling the top of the otter's head.

"Just stuff. How was school, what video games did he like, you know." Luke said quietly. Josh nodded and released Luke before walking out to the couch and sitting. Luke followed behind him, sitting in his lap and nuzzling the wolf's fur. "Think you can yiff me before bed or are you spent?" Luke asked, giggling as he nuzzled Josh. Josh gave a soft growl as he rubbed the otter's back. "Then I guess you'd better get to work hun." Luke said, knowing the wolf's growl was at how late the otter had chosen to come over.

Upstairs Jake curled up on his bed and sighed. His brother didn't seem rough earlier, why would he start now? The small fox curled up into a ball off fluff and hugged his tail. He nuzzled through his tailfur, picking out his brother's scent and murring as he lay there before strange sounds made their way upstairs. Outside of his window the quiet and calm was replaced with the steady sound of rain. Jake murred softly as he curled up and kept his brother's scent close to his nose as the rain continued pouring while he drifted off to sleep.


Jake hadn't slept long before thunder filled his ears. His ears perked at the first low rumble and his eyes shot open as a small whimper left his muzzle. With the next loud crash the kit yelped and sprang from his bed landing on the floor with a grunt. Another flash filled the room with blinding light as the small fox darted under his bed and curled up, quivering and whimpering with the next sharp crackling of thunder shaking his windows. Downstairs Josh stirred from the couch at the first rumble and hopped off the couch when he heard his brother yelp and the following thud of his brother's body hitting the floor caught his ears.

Luke mumbled in his sleep as Josh carefully pulled the blanket over his friend before heading upstairs. He remembered as he hit the fifth step that only their mother was ever able to calm the kit when a storm hit. "Shit..." he mumbled, as he sprang lightly up the remaining stairs and into his brother's room. He looked first into the closet and back down the hall before a whimper caught his ears. Jake sniffled softly under his bed as he heard his brother moving around in his room.

"Jake you okay under there?" Josh said quietly, waiting for his answer to come after the next rumble of thunder passed. Jake gave no response and whimpered as the rumbling force outside passed again. Josh leaned under the bed and scooted in next to Jake, snuggling up to the smaller fox and nuzzling his cheek.

"Please... Don't hurt me." Jake whimpered. He flinched as the room lit up again and he saw his brother's outline reach towards him. He felt a light touch of his brother's paw brush across his cheek.

"Come here kit it'll be alright." Josh whispered, leaning in and licking his brother's muzzle. Jake whimpered and cringed. "Come with me alright we'll go downstairs where the thunder is quieter." Josh said pulling his brother out and picking him up. Jake relaxed a bit in his brother's arms, letting his legs fall to either side of the wolf's waist as his brother hugged him. Josh turned and walked out the door making it to the bottom of the stairs before another crack of thunder roared through the house. Jake yelped and threw his arms around Josh's neck whimpering as he clung to his brother tightly. "Shh it's alright kit just relax. That thunder can't hurt you and if it did I'd kick it's ass." Josh whispered, nuzzling the vulpine's neckfur as he opened the basement door and stepped slowly down into his father's den.

Jake whimpered softly as a few tears began to stain the fur on his cheeks. Josh sat down in one of the armchairs in the room and drew a blanket around his brother and himself. He nuzzled through his brother's fur murring as he gently rubbed Jake's back beneath the blanket. Jake was wearing only underwear and Josh was naked as they snuggled. The thunder around them was barely audible in the room but with each time it came Jake cringed and shrunk into his brother's fur.

Almost an hour later the booming thunder died into the low hum of gentle rain as the pair remained together in the armchair. Josh carefully stood up letting the blanket fall to the ground before he turned and walked towards the stairs. He quietly made his way back upstairs and back into the kit's room. The wolf leaned over his brother's bed letting the kit's back rest on it. When he reached up to remove the fox's arms he was met with a quiet whimper as his brother's arms tightened, not wanting to let go of his source of comfort. "Don't leave me." Jake whispered, nuzzling the wolf's fur.

"Alright kit." Josh whispered, lifting the smaller fox again and turning to sit down. He maneuvered himself onto the bed with his brother above him. Josh pulled the blankets over himself and the kit above him and continued to murr softly as his brother nuzzled his chestfur for a minute before settling into sleep again. One thing loomed at the front of his mind though. The sheer look of terror on his brother's face when Josh arrived. The words his brother spoke, "Please... Don't hurt me." echoing constantly in his mind as he nuzzled his the kit's headfur.

Had he hurt his brother today when they yiffed? Jake seemed to be alright and he was deliberately careful. It didn't make sense to Josh. He sighed and settled back against his brother's pillow brushing the thoughts away. He'd ask Jake tomorrow what he'd meant.

Morning came soon after to find the brother's snuggled together with Jake curled up and huddled against Josh's chest as the pair slept. Luke peeked in though the door and shook his head at them. He still had no clue when Josh had gotten up but he was sure that his ploy to keep Jake away from Josh was failing. Josh rolled over to face Luke and sighed stretching and sitting up. "Mornin' cutie." Luke said quietly. "Nice tent you're pitching, carnival in town this week?" Luke added, giggling as the wolf looked down and quickly covered himself.

"Bah just shut up and get out I'll be down in a minute." Josh said, as his little brother sat up and yawned. Luke nodded and shut the door making his way back downstairs. Josh leaned over and nuzzled his brother licking his cheek as the kit blinked sleepily. Jake nuzzled Josh's cheek as his brother pulled him into a hug and murred. "You alright kit?" Josh asked nuzzling his brother and murring. Jake mumbled a sleepy yes and buried his face in the wolf's chestfur. Josh smiled at how fragile his little brother seemed.

Josh pulled the smaller fox closer, pulling the kit's knees apart and putting them on either side of his hips as he hugged his sibling and murred. Jake nuzzled his brother's chestfur feeling something hard pressed against his belly. He looked down and whimpered as he saw his brother's cock against his belly and squirmed to get away. Josh held his brother close to him refusing to let go. "Jake settle down what's wrong?" Josh asked catching the kit's eyes with his own. He saw the same thing he had seen last night under the bed he sat on; fear.

Jake whimpered as he gave up trying to get away and broke into quiet sobs in his brother's arms. "Please don't -sniffle- hurt me." Jake said between sobs. A blood freezing chill ran through Josh's body. Jake had been afraid of him last night. He must have been hurt. Josh sighed and hugged Jake close fighting back tears of his own.

"I won't Jake. I never meant to hurt you kit and I thought I was being careful. Gods you must hate me." Josh whispered. Jake sniffled and wrapped his arms around his brother's chest.

"Luke said... If we ever played like yesterday again...You'd hurt me." Jake said quietly. Josh's eyes shot open as it clicked.

"Dammit Luke. Kit I want you to know something. I will never, as long as I live, hurt you. I promise." Josh said, hugging Jake a bit tighter. "If you don't want to yiff anymore I'll understand but please don't be afraid of me." Josh whispered, rubbing the fox's back gently.

Jake nuzzled his brother's shoulder. "Was... Was what Luke said true?" Jake asked.

"No. How could I ever hurt you kit?" Josh whispered pulling Jake back and bumping their noses together. "You're my little brother and I could never hurt you." Josh whispered before leaning in and kissing the smaller fox's cheek. "I might hurt Luke though." Josh said quietly, as he sat back. "Kit get dressed, I'm going to deal with this and then make pancakes again. Would you like that?" Josh asked, nosing his brother. Jake's tail began to wag quickly and he nodded before hopping down and gathering his clothes.

Josh meanwhile walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find Luke sitting at the table. He drew out a chair across from the otter and sighed. "Luke do you know what Jake said to me earlier?" Josh asked quietly. Luke shook his head. "He told me not to hurt him. You know what else he said?" Josh's voice was thin in the air as he spoke. "He said you told him I would hurt him if we messed around again." Luke's blood ran cold for a moment. "He's my little brother and you've made him afraid to be near me when I have a boner." Josh said. His teeth flashed white for a moment before his ears pinned themselves against the back of his head.

"Josh I can explain I-" Josh stood up before Luke got through his sentence.

"Get out of this house now."

"Josh I"

"You go back to the dorm and gather your shit and get out of there too because if I see you again Luke I'm not going to be this controlled." Josh said taking a step back to let Luke out. Luke stood and walked around the table towards the door. He looked back at Josh and sighed.

"I'm sorry Josh." Luke whispered as he walked out to the front door and opened it before stepping out and running to his car. Josh picked up the phone on the wall and began dialing. When the line picked up Josh sighed.

"James I need you to go over to my dorm. Luke's packing up and I need you to find him a new dorm and me a new roommate." Josh said in a quiet tone, as his brother's door closed upstairs. "That's fine just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like wreck the room." Josh said. He waited a minute before nodding to himself. "Yeah we broke up and he's a little messed up right now just... Just look after him alright?" Josh said, as Jake came into the kitchen. "Alright I'll talk to you later pup." Josh said, before hanging the phone up.

"Hey Jake do you want to go out somewhere today?" Josh asked, grabbing the pancake batter and the griddle and placing them on the counter.

"Well.... Could we... Could we hang out here... like yesterday?" Jake asked.

A small smile crossed Josh's muzzle. "Sure kit. We can do anything you want to today." Josh said in a soft tone.