After a Sister Came to Visit

Story by Tribalgeek on SoFurry

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Read my other story a Sister comes to visit first to follow the storyline.

It had been a busy couple of months for Grace her life was changing in major ways and not all of them were good. Jane and Randa had moved out only a week after Grace found out about the affair, she had heard that Jane was already pregnant. The divorce had been finalized last month and the house truly felt empty now.

Not all of the changes were bad though, she was no longer working at the hospital having gone into practice for herself the hours were certainly better that was for sure. New neighbors had moved in and their daughter had been coming over a lot to hang out and swim.

Grace's Saturday started rather differently than they had lately, which usually involved sleeping in. Someone was pounding on her front door and she was not in the greatest of moods over it. She trudged down the stairs still wearing the old t shirt she had worn to bed and yanked the front door open.

The sight that confronted her was rather confusing. The neighbor's daughter was standing there with a rather large duffel bag clutched in her hands. The other odd part was the small vixen was wearing what looked to be her night gown. Very little of her body was hidden by the nighty the gauzy fabric allowed a mostly clear view of her trim athletic body. If it wasn't for the bag Grace was sure she could have seen the foxes modest chest and if she was wearing panties or not.

All of this however paled in comparison to the normally orange fox being pink. Not just the hair on her head but most of her fur as well.

"Jessica please tell me there is a good reason you're knocking on my door at this ungodly hour." Grace while surprised was also a bit miffed at being woken up so early.

Jessica Fidgeted a moment shifting her weight from foot to foot before she finally spoke. "Well my parents kicked me out and I was hoping I could get dressed and use your phone."

Grace opened the door wider with a soft smile. "Come on in." Graced moved to the side as Jessica slipped in she shut the door behind the pink fox and latched it, she really didn't need any angry parents barging in to further ruin her day.

"Guest room is the first door on your left down the hall." Grace followed behind Jessica and her eyes were drawn right down to Jessica's firm ass. It was nice and tight, a bit on the small side, but that was fine with Grace. She did find out that Jessica was wearing panties a cute pair of stripped blue and white ones.

"Thanks Grace this means so much to me." Grace gave a nod feeling her shaft begin to stir at the sight of the nubile young fox in front of her.

"So what's the story Jessica why'd they kick you out?" Grace stopped at the door to the guest room expecting Jessica to move out of sight to change. The little fox tossed her bag onto the bed and began digging through it.

"Well you know how I turned 18 a couple weeks ago? Well one of my friends gave me some pink fur dye, and last night I used it. My parents woke me up this morning to do chores and that's when they found out. They made me pack up and get out right then and there. They told me to not bother coming back." Grace listened and discovered she was wrong about Jessica moving. The pink fox pulled the nighty up over her head then pushed the cute little panties down.

Grace managed to watch quietly her shaft continuing to harder. Her t shirt lifted up a bit revealing a bit more of her intimate anatomy. Jessica ended up bending over to pull on her new pair of panties showing off her silken folds, and Grace couldn't be quiet any more.

"You can stay here." Grace realized quickly that the thought had come from her cock not her brain. "Let me get dressed and we can talk about it." Grace quickly left the room and headed upstairs to her room. She gave a sigh and leaned against the dresser her head hanging low. "What did I get myself into" She began searching through her drawers for something that wouldn't draw attention to the raging erection she was sporting.

The search through h the drawers turned up a pair of sweat pants that would work and a bottle of pills she had forgotten about. Grace just starred at the pills for a moment.

Grace had gotten herself a prescription for them while still with Jane. Some test had show that they increased fertility and cock size in herms. She had never gotten around to taking them and then Jane was just gone.

Grace slammed the drawer shut packing those thoughts away for another time. She pulled the sweat pants on and adjusted the erection that just wouldn't go away so it wasn't so noticeable beneath the pants and the shirt she already wore.

The leopardess returned to the living room and found Jessica sitting on the couch. The foxette wore a tight little black t shirt and a pair of blue jeans that clung to her subtle curves.

Jessica looked up to Grace from her vantage point on the couch. "Thank you so much Grace you don't know how much this means to me." Grace dropped onto the couch next to Jessica with a nervous smile.

"Your welcome Jessica but let's go over some ground rules. First you're going to finish high school. Second you gotta help out around here, clean up after yourself help with dinner and the like. I don't mind if you have friends over but no parties." Grace folded her hands in her lap as she finished speaking before she said anything she would regret.

"Thank you so much Grace those are fine and I won't cause any problems I promise." The foxette spoke and then flung herself onto Grace giving her a hug. Grace returned the hug and gave a little sigh feeling Jessica pressing against her shaft.

"And one other thing if you want any spending money you're going to need to get a job. We have a position open at my office if you want it." Grace was surprised to feel Jessica squeeze her tighter trapping her hard shaft between their bodies. She was equally surprised that the fox hadn't noticed it.

"Okay that's great. Well I guess I am going to go get unpacked." Jessica pulled from the hug and bounced off to her room.

Grace gave a groan as she rose from the couch her erection throbbing at this point. She was going to have to do something to get some relief and she was going to have to do it soon. She adjusted the shirt and sweat pants trying to hold the erection down some to hide it just in case the foxette came back out.

She headed up to her room and just began stripping her clothes off as she headed towards the bathroom. She wrapped her hand around the throbbing pink length and began pumping her hand up and down the length. She climbed into the shower and turned it on. The sudden shock of cold water didn't deter her from her stroking though.

Meanwhile downstairs in the guest room, Jessica was bent over on the bed her pants and panties pushed down around her knees as she pumped two fingers in and out of her wet snatch. It didn't take the little foxette long to get off she just couldn't last long thinking about the large cock Grace had to be hiding.

"God I have to fuck her." Jessica spoke breathlessly as she pulled her fingers from within herself. She didn't bother pulling her pants back up she just flopped forward onto the bed and panted as she tried to recover.

Meanwhile back upstairs and in the shower Grace was still pumping away at her own cock. The water of the shower flowed over her form as she worked her hand up and down her thick length as quickly as she could. Pre cum dripped from the tip of her rigid shaft.

"Oh god Jessica." Grace cried out breathlessly and leaned against the shower wall her hand continued its pumping. A shudder passed through her body and a moan leapt from her throat as her orgasm washed through her body. Her cock began spurting out jet after jet of hot cum against the shower wall.

Grace leaned there for a few moments as she recovered just watching her cum slide down the wall and into the drain. The thoughts swirling around in her mind crystallized and she made some decisions that she should have made long ago.

She turned off the shower and stepped out of the warm space. She didn't bother drying off she just headed back into her bed room her fur still dripping water onto the floor. She yanked the drawer open her pills were hidden in. She took the recommended max dosage then and there just swallowing the pills without water.

"It's time to start collecting wives and then I am going to get Randa back for what she has done to my life." She finally grabbed a towel and dried off. A tight blue t shirt was pulled on the thin material clung to her body showing off the ample swell of her bust. Next she pulled a pair of tiny jean shorts on. The shorts left the bottom of her ass cheeks bare and did nothing to hide the bulge from her cock.

Grace headed down to the kitchen to get some lunch thrown together. She made a couple of sandwiches and plated them up. She threw a bag of chips and threw it onto the table before pouring a couple glasses of tea and set them on the table as well.

"Jessica lunch is ready." Grace stayed standing as she called out. She wanted to see where Jessica would sit before she sat down herself.

Jessica soon appeared coming through the door. Grace could smell something but she must be mistaken. It smelled like Jessica was aroused. "Oh thank you Grace do you have soda? I'm just not a big fan of tea." Jessica spoke while standing next to the table and Grace just watched her.

"Oh sure there's some in the fridge. Just stick the tea in there I'll drink it later." Grace watched Jessica moved over to the fridge and grace decided now was the time to act. She waited until Jessica had opened the fridge and set the glass of tea down before she moved in.

She stepped up right behind the foxette pressing their bodies together. Grace slipped her arms around Jessica one moved up to Jessica's breast which she began to knead and squeeze. The other hand slipped between Jessica's thighs. Grace began to rub her fingers against Jessica's nether lips though the fabric of her Jeans.

Grace was rewarded by the sound of a soft moan escaping Jessica's lips. "Mmm that's it Jess I know just what you need." Grace turned Jessica around before kissing her deeply. The little foxette didn't resist she just went along with it.

The kiss was broken long enough for Grace to yank Jessica's shirt off. She was pleased to see that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath that t shirt. Her nipples stood hard atop those perky tits. Grace was surprised to feel Jessica undoing the shorts she wore. The little fox was getting into things it seemed.

Grace could feel the head of her cock poking out of her sheath Jessica's hand was rubbing against it. Grace moved her hands to Jessica's shoulders and pushed her down to her knees.

The little fox didn't hesitate she just tagged Grace's shorts down out of the way. Grace watched more of her foot long cock slip free of her sheath. Jessica gripped that hardening shaft with one hand holding it steady. Grace gave a soft sigh of pleasure as she felt the fox's tongue licking against her cock.

Grace's pink cock slipped fully free of her sheath and she felt Jessica pause. "No stopping now." Grace shifted one hand to Jessica's head and she gripped her hair pulling her towards that hard cock. She felt the tip of pressing against Jessica's lips for a moment before the fox opened up. Grace gave a soft moan as she felt her shaft slowly being enveloped by that warm wet mouth.

Grace began to thrust her head length in and out of Jessica's mouth. It had been a while since she had the chance to enjoy someone else's body. She could hear soft sounds of pleasure slipping free from Jessica muffled by the cock filling her mouth. Grace wasn't satisfied yet though. Jessica hadn't taken all of her cock yet and she wasn't stopping until she had.

Grace began to thrust harder in and out of that sweet mouth working more of her length down into Jessica's throat. Grace gave a louder moan as she watched her cock fully disappear into Jessica's tight mouth and throat. She continued sawing that length in and out of the Foxette moaning louder and louder before she finally came to a stop with the full length inside of Jessica.

Grace gave a louder moan as she felt her orgasm wash through her. Jet after jet of her hot seed shot from her cock and into Jessica. The orgasm felt like it lasted forever to Grace, but it ended all too soon. She pulled her length free with a wet slurp from the foxette.

Grace looked down to the kneeling girl with a grin painted on her face. "Let's finish this in your room." Jessica opened her mouth to reply but all she could do was pant. Grace took a step back and, watched Jessica slowly stand holding onto the refrigerator door for support. A wet spot on her jeans showed her arousal from sucking Grace off and the slight swell of her stomach showed just how much she had swallowed.

Grace kicked her shorts free while she watched Jessica. The fox had a little smile on her face that gave her an overall satisfied look. Grace pulled her shirt free and tossed it away before she headed over towards the guest room.

Grace could here Jessica rushing to follow her. Grace climbed onto the bed and crawled to the far side before dropping to her side and watching the door. Jessica appeared in the door way she was hopping on one foot pulling her jeans off the other. She finally got the denim garment off followed by her panties.

Jessica moved slowly towards the bed looking nervous the whole time. She climbed onto the bed lying on her back her legs slightly spread. "I want it Grace. I want you to..." Jessica's words trailed off and Grace smiled to her.

Grace moved onto her hands and knees and began crawling towards Jessica. "Don't you worry Jessica I know just what you want and need?" The leopardess crawled over Jessica. The little fox slowly spread her legs.

Grace slowly slipped between those spread thighs. Her hands slowly trailed down Jessica's sides until she gripped her hips. She tugged the smaller fur down the bed some drawing her closer. One hand shifted down to her cock holding it stead and guiding it towards the fox's folds.

Grace gave a soft sigh of pleasure as she felt her cock head slowly parting Jessica's slit. Jessica squirmed beneath her and she heard a little moan escape her lips. The fox's pussy was wet but she was tighter than Grace would have imagined.

More of Grace's length sunk into Jessica and she found out just why she was so tight. Grace's cock head met resistance and she realized her pink fox was still a virgin. Her hips rocked back and then she thrust forward hard. She felt Jess's hymen give way and the fox cried out in pain.

Grace shifted her hand from her hard cock back into Jessica's hips she began to thrust that length in and out of those tight wet depths. She moaned out with each thrust and it didn't take Jessica's moans long to join her own.

Grace forced more of her thick length into Jessica with each thrust, and she soon felt her cock head bashing against Jessica's cervix with each thrust. Jessica gripped the sheets beneath her moaning out.

Grace felt Jessica's walls clamp down all the tight and her thighs were suddenly soaked as Jessica moaned out her orgasm. Grace wasn't done yet and she wouldn't be until all of her cock was buried inside of her foxette.

The leopardess began to thrust all the harder spurred on by the thought of cumming right into Jessica's womb. She felt her cock head finally pushing through Jessica's cervix. Finally her hips began slapping against Jessica's and that was all it took to set her off.

Grace gave a final hard thrust burying her shaft right into Jessica's womb. Then the flood gates opened and she pumped her load of cum right to where it would do the most good. "When the last spurt had pumped into the foxette she pulled her shaft free and flopped down next to her.

Grace was panting as she laid there her shaft finally beginning to soften. She turned her head to the side and smiled as she looked the fox over. Her stomach had swelled a bit more from the second load a preview of what she might look like knocked up.

"Mm maybe I should thank your parents for kicking you out." She rolled onto her side and scooted a bit closer to Jessica wrapping an arm around the panting fox.

"I think I might thank them myself." Grace gave a little chuckle as Jessica finally spoke. She was definitely enjoying having the little vixen around...

Monday afternoon inside Grace's office the leopardess sat behind her large mahogany desk, a gift from her mother, going over patient files. Her lab coat lay on the desk next to her discarded when she had sat down. The white blouse she wore strained against her bust which seemed to be growing along with her cock. The black skirt she wore was bunched up around her hips as a certain pink fox orally helped her relive some tension beneath the desk.

Grace looked up from the files hearing a knock at the door. "Come in." Grace spoke as she scooted closer to the desk to hide her current clothing situation.

The door swung open and Grace's Physician Assistant stepped through the door. She was a small mouse woman with a sizeable bust that tended to look out of place on her. She was wearing a pair of dark blue scrubs that did little to hide the mouse's form.

"Hey Grace have you seen Jessica I was going to get her to give me a hand with the filing, but I just can't find her." Grace gave a smile and gripped her desk she could feel Jessica going into high gear after hearing her name.

"Oh I had her run some errands for me, but as soon as she gets back I will send her your way. How's that pretty wife of yours Amy?" In a somewhat odd situation at least to Grace Amy had married a herm Calico, but Amy was the one who wore the pants and apparently a strap on.

"Oh Kayla is doing well. We're still trying to get pregnant though." Grace gave a small nod as she listened.

"You two should come in as patients let me do a work up and see what we can do to help." Grace gripped the desk tighter barley holing back a moan as she felt her orgasm building.

"Thanks but we want to do things the old fashioned way. Anyways I am going to go get started on this filing." Amy turned and began stepping through the door. She stopped once she was almost out and looked back. "Jessica when you get done under there come join me." Amy shut the door behind her with a little snicker.

Grace finally let out the moan she was holding in. Jessica might not be that experience, but she was a fast learner. Grace felt the building pressure finally spill over. She gripped the desk tight as she felt her cock begin to spurt its hot load down Jessica's throat.

Once the torrent had stopped flowing she pushed back from the desk. Jessica slowly stood licking her lips clean of the cum that had tried to spill over. "Thanks Grace, you were right that is a lot better than going out to lunch."

"See I told you I know just what you need. Now you better go get to work, also see if Amy would like to head up to the cabin with us this weekend. It will be nice to get away with her and Kayla."

"Sure Grace." Jessica slipped out of the office as Grace began to make plans for her next two conquests.