Stargleam, A Lightfury's Journey: Chapter 2

Story by Twilightfury on SoFurry

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#2 of Stargleam, A Lightfury's Journey

This is the second chapter of an adult Lightfury x Nightfury story that I am writing. It tells the story of Stargleam, a young Lightfury who is driven by instinct to search for a mate. She is far from home and struggles to survive in the distant north. The story takes place in the same world as the How To Train Your Dragon movies, but all locations and characters will be original creations. I will be taking the occasional liberty with the established cannon, but it will have nothing to do with the plot of the books or the films.

This is my first attempt at writing anything substantial and as such it will likely have unforeseen issues. I will be publishing the chapters as I finish them, on no particular schedule, and continuity errors might emerge. I've kept the scope of the story rather small to mitigate any issues, but I am all to aware that inexperienced writers make mistakes. That said, I think a large portion of the views will only be for specific scenes so it probably doesn't matter all that much.

This story is intended for an adult audience and will feature scenes of a graphic sexual nature. If you are underage, do not read this story. I do not own or am in any way affiliated with How to Train Your Dragon or any of its related properties, settings, and characters. This is a work of personal fan-fiction unintended for official publication or/and financial reimbursement.

Chapter 2

Stargleam stood atop the cliff along the lake's southern edge and slowly stretched her wings. The pain in her right side hadn't been much of a bother over the last week, but an experimental flap reminded her just how serious her injuries had been. She clenched her eyes and sharply sucked in a breath in response to the stabbing pain and forced herself to keep her wings extended.

After several long minutes, Stargleam opened her eyes and slowly exhaled before stepping to the precipice. A quick glance confirmed that she would need to remain aloft for several dragon-lengths to avoid colliding with the lakebed after her inevitable crash landing. The Lightfury gave herself one last moment to brace herself against the oncoming pain before she crouched and leapt forward, her wings fully extended at her sides.

Stargleam didn't even attempt to flap her wings as the air caught her weight. Pain immediately radiated from her right side and the Lightfury's body shuddered in response. She gasped out a groan as her momentum carried her gliding towards the lake below and, after a few moments had passed, she folded her wings and dived into the water.

Stargleam pulled herself to shore some time later and limped towards the tree line. Being under the open sky was a risk, but Stargleam had decided that it was necessary to test just what her limits currently were. The pain from gliding and swimming still hadn't faded and the young dragon let out a frustrated huff with her situation.

It had been weeks since she had crashed and Stargleam berated herself for not noticing sooner that there were no signs of other dragons during the entire time. Stargleam had always been a solitary dragon, but a day rarely passed without her coming across others of her kind. She had been so distracted with her own recovery that it just hadn't occurred to her to how alone she really was.


Stargleam came awake abruptly some time after the sun had set. She had been sleeping lighty, but was uncertain just what had woken her. She felt restless and anxious and, after several minutes of smelling the air and quietly listening, she stood up and moved towards the lake to get a drink.

The sky was clear and Stargleam paused to marvel at the glittering reflections of the stars and moon on the water's surface. She had always been captivated by the beauty of the night sky and, after seeing her own glittering reflection streaking above the waters, had always felt a part of it. Unheeding of any possible dangers, Stargleam let out a longing cry towards the sky that was now denied her. She flared her wings and leapt into the air, immediately crying out in pain after a single stroke of her wings. She landed on the sand and the pain lancing through her side made her temper flare. She lashed out with her tail and paws, uselessly sending sand flying in anger. She felt aflame with frustration and lost herself for a time before suddenly becoming aware of herself again after foolishly biting up a mouth full of sand. She gagged and hacked as she stumbled to the water's edge and spent a few moments cleaning out her mouth before slumping to the ground in melancholy.

Stargleam wondered what was coming over her. She was behaving like a hatchling, ruled by emotions and flitting from one thing to the next. She felt a giddy restlessness growing and abruptly stood up, shaking the sand from her scales. Stargleam waded out into the cold water and took a deep breath before submerging herself completely. She held her head under the water and started to shiver, but not from the cool water. A warmth seemed to be growing inside of her and while it was not entirely unpleasant, it made Stargleam wonder if she was falling ill.

After several minutes, the sensation of warmth abated and Stargleam burst from the water, sucking in a deep breath. She walked back to shore and stretched her tense muscles before turning back to the cover of the trees. The warm feeling had mostly passed, leaving only a vague fluttery feeling in the dragon's gut.

Stargleam curled up in her temporary nest hidden between several fallen trees, but sleep eluded her. The quiet woods seemed especially ominous tonight and her mind and body were still restless. She felt an uncomfortable warmth begin to grow in her lower abdomen and Stargleam stretched out her wings to attempt to dissipate some heat. Her efforts didn't seem to work as the warmth continued to spread until the young dragon was on her feet again and panting. She took a step in the direction of the lake, but her back legs felt weak and Stargleam sat back on her haunches and forced herself to push through her sudden fever.

The sensation of warmth gradually began to fade and, as Stargleam's panting started to abate, she gradually became aware of a strange smell. She tested the air for a few moments and was shocked to realize that the scent was coming from her own body. It wasn't particularly appealing or unpleasant and Stargleam noted that it seemed to be her normal scent, only much more potent. She quickly began searching her body for the source of the smell and was surprised to find it coming from between her hind legs.

Stargleam rolled carefully onto her left side before stretching her head towards the source of the smell. She had never paid her hind-quarters much attention outside of their typical functions, but the curious dragon now carefully examined her own body almost as if it weren't her own. She kept her rear legs spread on either side of her, her tail stretching out between them. Her small tail-hole rested beneath the point where her tail met the bulk of her body and the slit in her scales just above it seemed to be more pronounced than usual. The flesh on either side of it appeared slightly swollen and plump and Stargleam was surprised to find that pink, un-scaled flesh seemed to be visible just along its edges.

Stargleam repositioned herself against a fallen tree and, her back now braced, she leaned forwards while putting her weight on her left forepaw. Her right side protested somewhat to the stretching, but the pain was insignificant compared to the strain of her attempted flight earlier in the day. She ignored her injury and began to carefully probe between her legs with her snout, gently sniffing the air as she did. The scent was indeed coming from the slit between her legs and Stargleam was surprised to find that the scales surrounding it seemed to glisten slightly with moisture. She extended her thick, forked tongue and lightly licked up the mysterious fluid and found it mostly tasteless, but pungent with her scent.

Stargleam wondered at what was happening to her body as she started to clean herself between her legs. She worked her way around her slit, massaging the plump flesh with her tongue. The warmth in her gut seemed to increase slightly as she worked and Stargleam halted her cleaning as she wondered if it was connected to the mysterious fluid between her legs. She came out of her momentary distraction and realized that she had unconsciously began to take increasingly deep breaths of the scented air. Her heart seemed to be picking up its tempo and Stargleam's thoughts began to become less distinct as her head became light-headed. She took a deep breath, nuzzling her slit slightly, before she extended her tongue and slowly licked down its length. The dragon shivered as the warmth in her gut immediately seemed to grow and she repeated the action a few more times at the not entirely uncomfortable sensation.

Stargleam continued to lick along the slit in her scales, her speed slowly picking up as she tasted more and more of the strange fluid. The mound between her legs started to tingle pleasantly and the Lightfury found herself focusing more and more attention near the top of the slit where a small nub of flesh was protruding slightly from between her scales. She rolled her tongue over the area and, feeling a tingling wave of pleasure along her spine, Stargleam put a little pressure against it. The sensation was powerful and, after pressing against it for only a few heartbeats, the Dragon recoiled back at its almost painful intensity. She panted for a moment to catch her breath before ducking down again as the sensations started to fade.

Stargleam began licking along the length of her slit in earnest. She pressed lightly against the nub of flesh before moving further down moments before the sensation became overwhelmed her. She put more force into the remainder of her lick as she lapped up the surprising quantity of fluids that was building up. Her large tongue spread and parted the swollen flesh on either side of her slit and Stargleam shivered slightly every time her forked tongue finished its journey and flicked slightly into the air.

The Lightfury lost all concern for her surroundings as she tended to herself. She began to grunt softly with each lick and her forepaws began to knead the dirt and air respectively. Her tail swayed back and forth before occasionally stretching taunt in response to a lightning sensation running through her. The warmth in her lower gut had grown and Stargleam found herself taking a break from her licking to gasp in breaths. Every small break from her ministrations was almost painful and the Lightfury growled in frustration every time her growing pleasure started to abate. She redoubled her efforts and found that she could press into herself with more and more force as she built up a tolerance for the sensations. She was drenched in her saliva and fluids from the top of her crotch to the base of her tail and the Lightfury found herself slurping up the mess as it began to drip around her tail and onto the ground. She groaned as her lips sucked at the now very pink and engorged flesh between her legs and her tail began to spasm more and more frequently.

Stargleam's body began to tremble uncontrollably, but her snout remained fixed to her crotch. Her abdomen started to spasm as waves of pleasure radiated through her body. The sensation was so abruptly intense that her head snapped back and she gasped in a breath as clear liquid shot from her crotch and onto her tail. She sucked in a breath and, as her pleasure peaked, she felt a heat growing in her throat. A high pitched shriek broke the quiet night as a flame ignited in the back of Stargleam's throat. She squeezed her eyes shut and fired the blast up through the trees and into the sky where it detonated, sending echoes of sound for miles around.

Stargleam gasped for breath as she reclined against the fallen tree. Her entire body tingled and her right side ached, but the pain and pleasure were quickly fading from her mind as it slowly dawned on her what she had done. The blast of plasma had been powerful and the noise and light would carry for miles.

Stargleam rolled off of her back and pulled herself to her feet. She was tired, her right side ached, and her lower-half felt like jelly, but she knew that she couldn't stay at the lake any longer. A light wind began to blow through the trees and, as Stargleam set off, she wondered if she could hear a dragon roaring in the distance.

Stargleam, A Lightfury's Journey: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Survival A cold wind buffeted Stargleam as she glided above the choppy sea and she wondered again if she'd made a fatal mistake. The pangs of hunger from her empty stomach had faded over the past day and been replaced with a deep...

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Nightfury x Lightfury

The Lightfury broke the kiss and slowly began to turn away from the male. She snaked her tail under the male's chin as she turned her back to the onyx-scaled dragon and swayed her hips back and forth, pulling him longingly along and giving him a...

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