A New Volunteer

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#126 of Commissions

Story for an anonymous commissioner!

Breaking into a spooky underground lab to film yourself committing vandalism sounds like a great way to go viral, right? There's no way anything could go wrong.

Contains: hot plague doctors, shrinking/size difference, teasing, tasting, maw-play, oral vore, and graphic digestion.

Nobody had dared him to do it. He didn't need the inspiration. Thinking about how many views would roll in once he uploaded the video was motivation enough. Geta wasn't really giving much consideration to whether it was smart or not to upload blatant evidence of his own breaking and entering onto the internet for everyone to see. He was too hyped up on the moment, especially once he realized how easy it was to break into that spooky underground lab, located out in the middle of a nondescript, empty field, well outside the city. Nobody would have known it was there if they weren't looking for it. Yet for all the secrecy, all he needed was a crowbar, and he was wedging the front door open, completely bypassing the combination lock and setting foot in the dismal surroundings of the sparsely lit entranceway.

There were a hundred rumours about what went on down there. Most of them were nonsense, he figured. Just a bunch of spooky shit that people made up to freak people out, or maybe the owner or owners themselves were the ones peddling all those ghost stories. He wasn't scared. Yeah, it was weirdly silent in there, with nothing but the distant buzzing of unknown machines to welcome him into the lab, and he had a distinct sense of someone watching him, but he wasn't going to let that get to him. Instead, he just turned the phone's camera towards his face and flashed a great big grin, just to make absolutely sure that anyone watching the future video knew it was him.

"Alright, that was easy. Should probably have a proper door on some super secret government lab or whatever if you don't want people breaking in. If I didn't do it, someone else would, right? Let's go see what freaky shit they've got bubbling up in here. You think it'll be some sort of dinosaur cloning thing? Could swear I saw a raptor chick the other day ... "

He kept on going, finding a few more locked doors, as well as one that was conspicuously open just a crack. Some sort of glimmering green light was spilling through from the other side. Geta made sure he got a good shot of it, lowering his voice down to a whisper.

"Oh man, do you see that? Looks like something out of a bad horror movie."

Without thinking about it, he started moving slower, keeping his stance low, sneaking along as he made his way towards the door. There was something so fascinating about the light coming from it. It wasn't like he'd never seen the colour green before, but there was something particularly new and exciting about the way it hit his eyes. Maybe it was the particular shade, or just how bright it was, but he found himself attracted to it like he was suddenly part moth. Even feeling it happening to him, fully aware of what was going on didn't change anything about how he felt. He still wanted to go investigate, putting aside all other considerations, not even bothering to narrate anymore. He was still holding the phone out in front of him, but ended up mostly filming the floor as he slowly inched his way to the open door, reaching out with the crook of his crowbar to carefully open it from afar.

Aside from the faint squeaking, and the constant whir of machinery, it seemed somehow even quieter than before. He was holding his breath, lest that give him away, still feeling like he was being watched, or even followed. The idea of looking over his shoulder occurred to him, but he didn't bother with it. He stepped right into what looked like an examination room, complete with an adjustable table, and plenty of blinking monitors displaying various information he couldn't decipher. The source of the glow was pretty quickly obvious, emanating from a corked test tube sitting alone in a rack on one of the nearby countertops. The luminescent properties were so strangely mesmerizing to him, and at the same time, appetizing. Somehow he just knew, to look at that faintly bubbling fluid, that it would have been the tastiest drink he ever had if he took just one single sip.

The only thing that could distract him from the forbidden soda was noticing one out-of-place detail in the middle of the room. Everything else looked fairly standard, like an ordinary doctor's office, aside from some mysterious equipment and hardware. But what was with the leather straps? There were four thick bindings right around where the wrists and ankles of a 'patient' might have been. Just what sort of fucked up lab was this supposed to be? Geta was suddenly reminded of why he was there, and he snapped out of his stupor, raising his phone back up, scanning around the area before playing to his future audience.

"Just look at that creepy fuck-table! Tell me this isn't shady. I'm probably doing a public service smashing this place up. Speaking of ... watch this!"

He grinned into the camera, and made sure to keep it balanced on said fuck-table, capturing everything while he hefted his crowbar in a two-handed grip. It wasn't like he was live or anything, but just thinking about how many people were going to be watching him got him all fired up, enough that he bellowed out a warcry before slamming the steel into a nearby monitor with a satisfying smash. The display warped around the cracks, the data still displaying but all distorted. Another swing, and he took out a rack of empty test tubes, sending them crashing down to the floor, littering the area with broken glass. He had the crowbar over his head for a third swing, but he stopped himself just short. Was that beaker glowing brighter than before?

He couldn't explain what exactly was so tantalizing about it, but he couldn't stop looking at it. He definitely wasn't mistaken. It was thrumming with some sort of weird energy, like it were radioactive. He was rapt with attention that he ended up dropping the bar with a heavy clank, the loud noise not even breaking him out of it. It was probably dangerous. Maybe it was toxic, maybe it was some sort of acid, or maybe it really was some sort of nuclear weapon or something. Whatever it was, it was probably a really, really bad idea to take a sip of it, much less a full swig. He knew that, and yet he ignored everything the logical part of his brain was telling him, operating on those irresistible urges. Wandering over until he was inches from the tube, he tilted his head to one side and then the other, his mouth hanging open a bit as he considered the tempting fluid. His throat was so dry all of a sudden. He just ... needed a little.

By then he'd tuned out all other sensory input. Every part of him was solely focused on trying out that mystery beverage in front of him. He picked it up. It felt oddly warm in his hands, right through the glass. Just holding onto it was pleasant, in a way. He gave it a tiny shake, and saw it bubbling, regretting it for a moment when it looked like it might have erupted in his hand. It calmed down after a few seconds, and he relaxed with a deep sigh. Smacking his lips and licking them over, he couldn't fight off that sudden thirst, that vital need that left him feeling as if he might have passed out if he didn't quench that need soon. A flick of his thumb took care of the cork, and soon he was carefully considering the smell, leaning in close with a few cautious sniff. That probably wasn't a good idea, but rather than any sort of noxious fumes, he got all the sugary sweetness of a fruity soft drink. It smelled delicious, and he simply had to know if the taste matched the mouth-watering aroma.

One sip, and he already couldn't get enough. He wrapped his lips around the test tube and slugged the whole thing down in a single breath like he was chugging a beer. The taste was incredible, dancing over his palate, leaving him with a refreshed and satisfied feeling unlike anything he'd ever felt before. His belly was warm, his thirst was quenched, and he was even tingling a tiny bit. He couldn't possibly have said why, but his sheath was even twitching a little, giving the slightest hint at arousal for some inexplicable reason. Biting his lip, he stood up straight and held his arms out, testing his balance. He didn't feel intoxicated, and nothing was aching or gurgling in ways he didn't like. It probably wasn't a deadly poison after all. Or at least not a fast-acting one. He was so focused on it that he didn't even notice the figure in the doorway until she cleared her throat.

Geta was no coward. Or so he liked to think. No one could have blamed him for freezing on the spot when he saw that black-coated figure standing in the doorway. It took him longer than it should have to realize she was wearing a mask. It looked like it belonged on her face, like it was part of her body. The metal-beaked doctor loomed there, tall and broad, filling out the door way with her leather-clad shape. She looked like something out of a history textbook. What were they called? Plague doctors? Maybe she was just trying to give him a scare, looking like that, silently lingering, staring at him, but the unnatural light of her eyes shone right through the mask with a bright, mesmerizing green. It was strangely similar to the drink he'd just swallowed down. Part of him wanted to get closer, just to see what would happen.

The doctor, if she really was one, folded her arms over her chest, casting him a look he knew as disapproving even when he couldn't see any of the details of her real face.

"And I suppose you'll be replacing everything you've damaged today, luv?"

Even her accent was all out of place, like she was from somewhere else entirely, maybe overseas. He didn't bother to reply, or even acknowledge her question. He saw an opening, and he went for it, sprinting forward with the full intention of vaulting over that weird bondage table and pushing right past her before she could react. She couldn't conduct creepy experiments on him if she couldn't catch him. That was his big plan at least, but as soon as committed to it, he found his legs disobeying him, getting all tangled up in his own clothing, finding his jeans suddenly two sizes too big. He tripped himself up badly enough to go down in a heap, struggling with a shirt that was feeling like a blanket, going up over his head, overtaking his arms until he had completely disappeared beneath all the accumulated fabric. Thrashing his way out left him looking up at the doctor from a whole new perspective, gazing far, far up at her distant beak. She was taller than him, but he didn't realize just how big she really was. She looked like a giant compared to him, and she was only getting bigger.

Her voice boomed out now, echoing slightly within her mask, filling his ears with its overwhelming sound.

"Right. I see the new sample is working as intended. You just couldn't resist, could you? That is, of course, by design. I am pleased by that, at least. If not by your intrusion."

Bending low, she reached for him, stretching out a leather-gloved hand that was almost as big as his entire body, leaving him recoiling, trying to dive out of the way. It felt like he'd leapt across the whole room, for how hard he lunged to the side, trying to dodge her grip, but it had really just been a few inches. He was no more than half a foot tall, once that concoction got to work inside his system. The process of shrinking down was seamless, even subtle. There was no pain, no strange sensations. His perspective was simply different, all of a sudden, like everything in the room had shrunk down except for him. And he couldn't move fast enough to escape her, snatched up between her gloved fingers, fully naked, his clothes far too large to cover him anymore. They remained strewn in a pile on the floor while she clutched him, bringing him up to set him out on the countertop in front of her.

Geta didn't let the altered pitch of his voice stop him from showing his defiance.

"Hey, you let me go right now! What kind of freak show is this anyway? Who the hell are you?"

The doctor gave a laugh, keeping him pinned down with just a single finger pressed to his chest.

"And here I thought everyone knew my name by now. They will, soon." She wiggled that extended digit against his chest, keeping him down even as he squirmed and bit. His teeth couldn't get through the leather. "Victoria Black, or Doctor Black if you prefer. And you ... "

She kneaded him with two fingers now, making it hard to breathe for a few moments with the pressure on his chest.

" ... Are my next volunteer. How generous of you to offer your time and your body for the advancement of my research."

"What the fuck ... let me go! I'll call the fucking cops ... "

That was enough to bring a much heavier laugh out of Victoria. She cast her masked head back and let it out, not minding if it came out as a bit of a villainous cackle.

"Is that so? That seems an odd choice right now, given you are here, where you don't belong, and the echo of shattered glass is still ringing down the halls. But, I suspected you weren't smart when you didn't even notice the cameras. It's not as if they were hard to spot."

Looking over her shoulder, she spotted his phone, still propped up to film his rampage. A tsk beneath her mask and she grabbed it up, hold it out in front of him. He and it were roughly the same size.

"And what's this? You thought you were going to be internet-famous for your breaking and entering? Going viral, so to speak?" She couldn't help but chuckle to herself. "That seems very unwise."

Her distraction had her releasing her grip on him for just a moment, and he rolled to the side, frantically crawling, then bolting when he managed to struggle to his feet. He had no idea where he was going, but he went for it anyway. It was probably for the best that she smacked him back down to the countertop with an open palm, smothering him beneath her glove for a time with a deafening crinkle of leather. He might have pitched over the side without her interception, which would have brought their encounter to a rather abrupt end, given how far it was to the floor. She tsked again, and rolled him back and forth a few times like she were making sushi.

"I'll have you know you've ingested a highly experimental transformative substance for which only I possess the cure. That does not put you in a good position for bargaining, much less trying to escape. But I am reasonable. Assist me with some data gathering, and I will let you go. I shall consider the damage paid for by your time and inconvenience."

"Fuck you," he sputtered, and spat at her. It got less than an inch up before coming back down on his own face.

"Ah. I thought that was quite reasonable, myself. But, that is fine. I'm sure there is plenty to learn from you even if you aren't going to be cooperative. It might just require a more ... hands-on approach. Wait there a moment, will you?"

She reached for a nearby book, a thick, hard-covered tome packed with her own notes, scrawled in messy handwriting that was probably only legible to her. It was just heavy enough to weigh him down without crushing him, though he was left struggling with it, pushing with all his tiny might just to make sure he could breathe, straining and struggling while she completely ignored him. He wasn't going to be able to last much longer before it started crushing the air out of his lungs, but she took her time, reaching up to start loosening the straps on her mask. It was an elaborate process, something she handled delicately, even if that piece of antique equipment looked plenty sturdy. He didn't get a good look at her face until she finally freed him from that precarious situation, opening her notes and flipping through a few pages with one hand, picking him up in the other.

Despite the birdlike appearance of her outfit, the actual her was a white rat, one with eyes so green they were another source of illumination in the well-lit room, glimmering out brightly enough he couldn't look right into them. She squeezed him here and there in her grip, kneading his naked body up and down, taking notes with her free hand, murmuring to herself.

"Subject seems ... unharmed by the transformation. No visible deformation and only expressing situational distress."

Geta tried to protest again, but Victoria just squeezed him a little tighter, gripping hard around his ribs and chest, trapping the words in his throat while he wheezed and struggled. She probably could have just crushed him if she wanted. But instead, she leaned in close, letting him feel the warmth of her breath on his face, and the rest of his naked body. There was something intensely heated to it, more so than regular, and aside from a bit of tea he couldn't quite place the scent. Something herbal, and oddly sweet, and maybe even arousing in ways he couldn't explain. His sheath still hadn't fully softened, despite the circumstances, and basking in that sultry breath wasn't helping with the inexplicable arousal. He pushed at her gripping fingers, but he might as well have been trying to bend steel bars. Even the burst of adrenaline when she spoke didn't help.

"Tell me. Do you think you'll be as filling as an entire person when you're shrunk down like this, or will you be little more than a snack? Either way, I'm sure I have the room. I truly must stop skipping lunch, but I get so lost in my work."

He shook his head violently, barely managing to squeak out a terrified response.

"What the fuck ... no no no, don't say that, don't even joke about ..."

"Joke? Oh, no. I am quite serious. This is my work, after all. The things I create in here might change the world. And you want to come along and start smashing things up? No, luv. You've got nothing more to contribute to my research than your calories."

Rather than shove him in right away, she instead just stretched her mouth open right before his eyes. He watched the saliva snapping between her blunt front teeth, then the rest of them, while a thick pink tongue stretched out to extend an invitation to him, glistening with her drool. It dribbled just a bit, pattering down onto her leather outfit below before she scooped it all up an elaborate working of her tongue, loudly slurping along her lips in a slow, firm stroke of her dripping tongue. Really, it hardly helped at all. Her muzzle was glistening with how much she was salivating for him, and the look in her reflective eyes was impossible to read. He had to assume she really meant it, especially as she brought him just a little closer, and then closer still, letting him swelter and squirm, panicking between her fingers, unable to do anything about his situation.

She kept up the tease until she could finally press her tongue against his face, smothering him and immersing him in slippery spit, leaving him soaked, coughing, accidentally swallowing some of it down. It gave him an odd sort of tingle as it ran down his throat, and tasted far more pleasant than he ever would have expected. In fact, it was a little like that impossibly satisfying drink, that apparent shrinking potion. Thankfully, he didn't get any smaller, but he kept on tingling as she slurped her way down his exposed form, twitching noticeably when she worked between his legs, even showing a bit of pink. That unintentional arousal wouldn't go away, even as he sputtered and shook beneath the assault of her hot tongue, her breath steaming in his face, making him pant.

"Mm. You taste about right. No trace of the substance. That's good. Though I'll need a closer examination."

A shift in her grip had her holding him by the ankles, turning him upside down, dangling him above a dangerous drop to the floor, letting him sway back and forth as she teased him with a few wiggles, loosening her hold just enough to let him fall slightly, only to catch him again in her free hand and set him back to hanging there, helplessly dripping with the clinging sheen of her drool. The blood rushed to his head, leaving him dizzy, making the room spin around him as he watched her maw stretching open once more. This time, he got to see all the way to the back of her throat, staring into that flexing, squeezing abyss, watching it flexing with anticipation as he wriggled in fright. He made sure not to squirm too much, lest she lose her grip on him and drop him straight down into her belly, left to writhe in the steam of breath so hot he thought he might have been cooked alive before long.

She let him hang there until he thought he was going to pass out, smacking her lips a few times, but mostly keeping her jaws wide open, leaving him one slip away from plummeting straight into her gullet. He was panting to the point of hyperventilating. The heat, the terror, it all left him unable to catch his breath, his chest heaving with the effort of simply staying conscious. She reached out her tongue and batted him back and forth, leaving him to wetly sway like a soaking pendulum, flailing his arms, trying to slow his momentum. But it wasn't enough. He felt his feet slipping through the grip of her pinching fingers, and then there came the sickly lurch of gravity seizing hold of him. He only fell for a moment, but it felt like an eternity, his mind speeding up, leaving him to perceive every single detail of that freefall towards the outstretched rat tongue, hearing his own scream in slow motion before he plapped hard onto the pink welcome mat, sending up a splatter of spit in all directions.

Victoria dragged him inside and sealed her lips around his thighs, fully immersing his upper half in the saliva bath until it felt like he was going to drown. He still oddly liked the taste of it, and her breath was a blessing, wafting up sweetly from inside her, far more pleasant than he would have expected. She sucked him like a popsicle, leaving him bobbing back and forth, stuck in place and listening the squelching noises all around him, echoing in the cavern of her maw. If he wasn't so afraid, he might have been impressed by the skill she displayed with her tongue, rolling him over, squishing his face from one of her cheeks to the other, giving him a long, deep tasting and slathering over near every detail of his body from the waist up. She didn't neglect his slight arousal either, leaving him to whimper and twitch as she expertly curled her tongue between his thighs, sliding back and forth over his balls, over his sheath. It hardly felt generous. More just intrusive, leaving him squirming his legs, sliding them back and forth over the soft surface of her lower lip, until she just slurped them in with the rest of him.

Another cry, and he was left scrambling, pawing at her tongue, trying to gain some leverage on the slick surface before he slipped all the way to the back of her throat. One gulp, and he'd be gone. He could already feel the power of her throat, flexing hard, sucking down all the saliva she was working up tasting him like that. From there, she pushed him into one of her cheeks, pinning him there with her tongue, and just letting him simmer and marinate in all the juices while she set to her notes once more, jotting them down and muttering her words around the form of the fox bulging in her cheek. That muffled things slightly, the vibration of each syllable trembling around his form. Or maybe that was just him, shaking as he was mercilessly handled by the rat.

"No anomalies detected in subject's taste. Texture seems unchanged," she murmured, and then wrote and underlined a question to herself. "Structurally sound?"

He had all of a second to wonder what that meant before he was splayed out between her front teeth as if being laid into a guillotine. They weren't sharp, but they were strong, and he could feel the pressure building around his belly, cracking some of the air out of his spine, starting to bend him. Before anything broke, she relented, opening up to reposition him with her tongue, repeating the stress-test around his chest until he felt like his ribs were going to crack. He couldn't breathe, the air crushed right out of him, but his body felt intact. She shoved him around some more, pulling him back in so she could nibble on him some with her back teeth. They felt like they were ever so close to piercing his skin, but she regulated the pressure just right, setting to just lightly nibbling him, maybe bruising him in a few spots but doing no real harm.

"Passed," she said, writing down some additional details on her findings. "Subject seems to be unchanged but for size. How does this affect his nutritional value?"

She let that linger in the air a few seconds, laying him out over her tongue, leaving him flatly sprawled and exhausted. He couldn't even muster a struggle anymore, just panting there, gazing directly into the darkness at the back of her throat, watching her undulating gullet beckoning to him with its constant flexing. Then her chuckle echoed up into his face like a concussive force, leaving him reeling and stunned.

"If I'm to estimate your intelligence correctly, you might not have understood those words. I'll be blunt." She cleared her throat, another sound that rumbled all around him, rattling his very skeleton with its bassy depth. "I'm going to swallow you, and digest you. Without the aid of any sort of anaesthetic, I expect this will be find this quite painful."

There was just enough time for it to dawn on him. Just enough for him to go from stunned silenced into terrified protest, kicking frantically, trying to find purchase on her tongue and just faceplanting over and over. He couldn't have escaped her maw even if she opened up wide and let him try. And she wasn't doing that. She tilted her head straight back, held him pinned against the roof of her mouth for a few precious seconds, and then put her whole body into a thunderous GULP that sucked him straight into her gullet. He was instantly compressed from all sides by the full-body massage of those slimy walls, kneaded hard and sinking straight down, bulging out the white fur of her throat for a second before he vanished behind her chest. She leaned herself back, arching her spine, and gave a lingering mmmm that he heard from the inside, blending in with the slow and steady beat of her heart, and the puffing her of lungs. Then there came the sloshing and the churning, the grumbles and glorps of her gut greeting him with bubbling hunger, leaving his lungs filled with an acidic scent before he plunged beneath the surface, kicking and fighting.

It took a few seconds before he emerged again, gasping out and choking on the thick fluid clogging his throat. He'd already swallowed some of it. It was already itching and tingling in uncomfortable ways, though the real burning hadn't started yet. He fought to keep his footing, to keep the churning, boiling chyme from overtaking him, but it was a losing effort. The waves kicked up by her movement sloshed the contents of her stomach over him. They were mostly pleasant, little more than some tea and some sort of crumbly pastry, partly digested, but that hardly mattered. He was doused and drenched in the damning coat of burning slime, feeling himself sizzle and scorch. His eyes were already hurting, as were his exposed orifices. He discovered to his despair that he'd never manage to lose that slight firmness in his cock, leaving some of it woefully exposed to the digestive nightmare all around him. If it wasn't for all the coughing, he would have been screaming by then.

Victoria largely ignored him. She bent down to gather up his discarded clothing, and tossed them into a nearby waste bin. Then she took her notebook and pen, stretching out with a cacophony of crinkling leather over that same examining table that had spooked him not long before. She didn't strap herself in, of course. Instead, she adjusted it until she could sit up and jot some down some thoughts in her notebook, giving him little more than the occasional prod or rub from the outside as if to confirm he was still alive and struggling. They were more than enough to disrupt his balance, ensuring he couldn't protect any single part of himself, getting fully soaked and dunked beneath the surface again and again. Drowning in digestives might have been a mercy by then, but for whatever reason, he held out, thrashing to the surface each time he went under, desperately gasping for what little air remained in the churning chamber as it kneaded him from all sides, tighter, harder, rougher.

"Mmm. That was a satisfying indulgence, I admit," she told him, and then shrugged her shoulders. "But why am I still talking to you? You'll be processed in a few minutes, I am sure."

She made a quick note on the page before reclining again, softly speaking out loud with her writing.

"Digesting normally. No discomfort."

While the rat relaxed, he was left at the mercy of her stomach, suffering an excruciating fate one churn at a time. His skin was peeling off, gruesomely stripped from his body until he looked like an anatomy diagram, steeping in her acids while they burbled and slathered all over him, sparing no detail. For his crimes, he was facing the horrific sensation of stomach acid on his exposed nerves, leaving him to press right through the exhaustion to scream his fear until his throat ran red, already digesting from the inside out. His flailing arms were loosening from the joins as his muscles started to fall from the bone, liquefying along with his flesh, joining with the sludge accumulating all around him. The rising acid was growing thicker with his own melted body, trickling fluids running down his form while he was left in the agonizing embrace of a rat's stomach enzymes.

His toes were the first to go. They were completely melted off his body, and his paws were soon after, the damage working up his legs. His arms didn't last much longer, detaching in all the activity, leaving him little more than a writhing torso as he neared his gruesome end. Victoria removed one of her long gloves and picked nonchalantly at her teeth while he rapidly came apart inside her stomach, working a finger to get at some of the fur he'd left behind. He felt the acid boring through his skull, hollowing his very thoughts right out, his chest cavity spilling open to pour out its contents. His organs couldn't last long at all in those wildly bubbling acids, burning up to mush within seconds. The activity just got more and more violent, throwing what remained of him around inside that chamber, leaving him losing more and more of his flesh as his weak whimpers became his last words. Soon they were just a rasp, and a gurgle, his mostly-skeletal face stripped of its flesh but for a few last clinging tatters. He gave his everything, lasting as long as he could, but it was all in vain. Struggling or not, he couldn't keep from being a rat's test subject turned lunch, the pain finally ceasing as his head snapped off a meat-stripped set of vertebrae, collapsing into his exposed ribs to melt down with the rest of his skeleton.

Victoria felt the telltale twitches, even amid all the sloshing activity, giving a small smirk and a few fond rubs of her belly. Then she was back to work, carefully considering how she felt before jotting down some additional notes.

"Subject proved not especially filling, but more satisfying than expected. Sample may require further testing. Willing participants next time?"

Closing her notebook, she sighed and laid her head back. Despite the bright light overhead, she found herself able to close her eyes and relax some. There was plenty of work to still do that day, not the least of which was to clean up the damage and put out some orders for the supplies the fox had so rudely smashed. All things considered, it could have been much worse than it was. If he got into her coolers, or her data storage, then he would have done irreparable harm to her work and studies. This was just an inconvenience. Maybe he didn't deserve to be churned through her intestines for such a slight, but, Victoria couldn't say she felt especially sorry for him. He squirmed nicely, and felt delightful to digest. Perhaps that was his true value as a person, contributing to her body, giving nutrition to the brilliant doctor to help fuel her for the day's future experiments and discoveries. Even if in the end he'd only been a snack, at most.