Puzzle Heart - Chapter 4

Story by Fere_Ermelis on SoFurry

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Puzzle Heart continues as Klaus and Scotty make the most of their globetrotting adventures in India and further afield. Cram full of canine filth once again ;-)

We padded away for a mid-morning stroll before quickly nipping to the hotel to change, then heading straight back out for lunch. I was intent on trying something stronger, curry-wise, much to Klaus's amusement. We actually came across a sandwich/pita kinda place and settled on that, something a little less heavy on the stomach, tail and breath.

It was set off the main thoroughfare in a sheltered courtyard, almost cloister-like with hindi sculptures, script and paints covering the stone. It was pretty colonial though, and my dobie was sure to show-off his knowledge by explaining all the little bits and pieces that went into building and living in a place like this. Each bite of my lunch was paused as he came out with something else, pointing away at the most delicate of carvings, or perhaps over at the oasis pool at the very centre. The smells of sun-warmed lily pads, stone and baking bread were prominent, dabbing my senses into mint yoghurt sauces and cool iced water to keep me ticking over. I could see Klaus was loving it too, and on no more complex a level than just the green tea.

"Hah, check it out!"

The waiter had brought him his drink, the most curious looking porcelain cup I'd seen; but it was the refined and ever so expensive contents that wow'd.

"This ain't like the tea we get at Tesco, that's for sure!" He winked as he took his first sip, an orgasmic look overcoming his muzzle as he did so, "fuck, that's good."

I half expected him to follow the kitchen staff back to their work stations, and ask to buy their batch of tea leaves. Knowing Klaus, I wouldn't put anything past him.

But this wasn't the most curious or even fun part of the day. We had just about finished our lunch, and sat back to gaze skyward through the roof to the ever-blue sky above, ears tuned intently to the rush of taxis, cars and all manner of padded paws zooming this way and that. It was only then that Klaus shuffled in his chair and sat up.

"What's wrong?" I noticed he was looking around himself with a frown, trying to figure out what was trying to get his attention.

"I.. I dunno, somethin'.... Something's touchin' my tail, I ... can't..."

He swiveled this way and that on his white-painted metal chair, before he stopped and smiled.

"Well hello there!"

I couldn't see initially, but I leant to my right and saw a tiny cub in the throes of desperate shyness at being discovered. He was probably only three or four years old, dressed in a terracotta-coloured poncho-like rag, whilst his tiny paws grasped a well-loved plush fox with cross-stitched eyes and plump, sausage tail.

"Bahara, bahara! Bahara nikalana!" The waiter had come back through into the courtyard, his tail and ears swung forward in anger at seeing the cub 'bothering' us, "please do accept apologies. We are very sorry for this interruption."

"Not at all." And Klaus stooped down and picked the cub up into his lap, smiling as the youngster decided on exploring his tall, dagger ears with utter amazement, "we're quite OK thank you."

The waiter scowled at the cub once, before bowing in acknowledgement and padding back to his kitchen. Klaus in the meantime was chuckling and giggling as the cub scrambled up to his shoulders to get a better look at his ears, his muzzle reaching around to take another sip of his tea.

"I think you have a new admirer." I smiled and murmured, finishing off my tall beverage and enjoying seeing the smile on my dog's face.

"Heh, yeah!" He giggled again, adjusting his paws and bringing the young fox cub into his lap once more, "well aren't you just the cutest thing?!"

Those tiny velvet ears flopped back and his muzzle went all blushy and shy; it was adorable. He wasn't alone either. Eventually, our keen ears picked up murmurings coming from under the shade on the far side of the courtyard, where the street met the restaurant. This cub, being as young as he was, had little or no fear, and was taken by Klaus's strange appearance. The suede, midnight-black fur, the cropped ears and the tail were an enigma to the street-cubs and pups of Agra. Klaus made a point of turning around, cos' he could hear and smell them too, before ushering them over with a nod of the head.

"Hey there kids!"

They were all under ten, dressed very shoddily and had filthy footpaws; but they were smiling, bright, sharp-toothed smiles that cut through the grime on their muzzles, and enhanced the reds, auburns and mottles in their fur. I just sat back and giggled to myself as Klaus was swamped with half-a-dozen eager and excited cubs, intent on touching his tail and finding out from where he came. Questions, in broken English, shot this way and that, criss-crossing each other to become almost indecipherable; and in Klaus's inimitable way, he answered every last one before he put the youngest back on his feet and delved around in his jeans pocket.

"Thank you for coming to see us, kids." Klaus rummaged some more, placing a paw on his wallet and fiddling through the wad of cash, "here. One for each of you. OK?"

And he handed out single one-thousand-rupee notes to each excited and exceptionally grateful paw. I don't think they'd ever seen that much money in their lives. Cue lots of hugs for 'uncle' Klaus!

"Whoa whoa! OK kids, that's cool! That's enough now." He laughed and let them gently back down, promptly before the weight of cubs plus him pushed his chair backwards and onto the tiled floor, "Alavida!"

"Alavida, alavida!" They all dashed away, doubtlessly to show their bemused parents their sudden windfall, paws tapping on stone, grit and tarmac, wafts of half-washed scents and tails fading out to the smell of tea, water and us.

"If it keeps them from havin' to work on the streets for a day, it's worth it." Klaus sighed and smiled as he watched them bound away into the city heat, slowly turning back in his seat and looking at me "I hate to see little... what?"

I'd just got this mellow smile on my muzzle, contemplating and happy, fulfilled and filled with ideas.

"Oh nothin'" I put my muzzle back to work on the chill of the ice cubes, still melting at the bottom of my glass.

Klaus just smiled and finished off his drink, captured still in my stare. Flashes of that moment played through my head not just for the rest of the day, but for the entire trip. I haven't even got a third of the way through our tale, but I can tell you now that the street-cubs of Agra were a turning point for me. Those singularly cute moments where he was so good with those cubs, where he held them and played with them and did everything a father should, reminded me that Klaus was missing something. You could see it in his eyes, no matter how butch and masculine he portrayed himself; and heck, if it wasn't his eyes, the smell on his tail was a dead giveaway. I could sense that he was not necessarily upset, but very distracted, almost longing in his 'comedown' after our time at the restaurant. He was pining for what every studly dog could ever wish for; a family.

Perhaps I was in the way. Perhaps his bi-sexual ways would come back to haunt us. I loved Klaus with all my heart and tail, but I wasn't above myself and us as a couple, to realize that there would always be something that I could never ever give him.

Was I scared about it? I guess I was. I became very distracted too, even to the point of not bothering to change my seating assignment on our next plane; we'd been seated apart. I just needed time to think. I wasn't mad or sad or anything; I was just worried that he would up and leave me for a female, if cubs were his next priority after marriage.

Needless to say, when we landed in Nepal, Klaus immediately caught up with me and said, in that deep, gorgeous English accent, that he had 'missed me' in the only way Klaus can ever 'miss me'. Catch my drift?

Does an airport bathroom count as joining the mile-high club?

Have I ever been up this high before? Well I guess that depends on your definition of 'high', cos' for sure, when I'm in bed with Klaus and he's really in the mood, I can't describe to you how heaven-bound I feel as he pounds me.

Having said this, high is in the literal sense and I can honestly say that Nepal took my breath away in two ways; one, with just the most stunning, beautiful scenery, and secondly, quite literally vacuuming the air from my poor, delicate lungs. Paws almighty, it's a long way up!

We made our way to some place called Namche Bazaar in the shadow of the Himalayas. I was left astounded by the expanse of nature and the vastness of the rocks and sheer stone faces. Surrounded on all sides by the most incredible, hostile-looking outcrops, scree and valleys, Namche was cuddled almost by a peak called Kongde Ri, snow-capped and foreboding in its presence.

"We're not goin' up that one are we?" I gulped as I stood outside our little hut-cum-flat, paws on my hips as I gazed to the sky.

"Nah!" Klaus comes out, barefurred from the waist-up - it's about thirty degrees by the way! - and puts his paws around my waist, before turning me physically around to face north and slightly east, "we're goin' up that one!"

My jaw drops a mile as I catch a muzzle full of Mount Everest, gleaming in the early year sun. Sure it was pretty, but I don't think I'd prepared myself to be the next fox corpse on some paws-forsaken mountain path in Asia. I guess I just smiled and felt ever so slightly queasy, pushing down my feelings and emotions to enjoy what this curious Khumbu community had to offer. The blue and green corrugated roofs were so cute, patchworked into the mountainside like paper cards in place of tiles, covering the slopes with angles and squares and every bit of simplicity. There were a lot of other out-of-towners in the village too, so Klaus and I were by no means alone; although, it was nice to pad off and wander the dead-quiet streets, smile at curious muzzles as we wandered by and caress paws down the intricately woven sheets, blankets and coverings drying in the chill of Nepalese breeze. You could smell nothing but innard-stripping cold, freezing blasts that belied its companion blue-sky, but certainly did wonders for your sinuses so long as you were wrapped up otherwise.

I had my tail warmer on, my bobble hat with no ear slots and about three or four shirts to boot. Klaus is padding around in what seems like summer clothes. I guessed he must have thick skin, or else he was used to this by now. It did feel like I had the most handsome, sexy tour guide as well as a lover on this trip.

The streets were uneven, barely carved into the rock, with grit and stones falling away to tumble to little piles by the sides of houses and huts. The nose picked up soups, stews, animal dung and ice-melt, stale yet comforting scents that could only be in a place like this. It was fascinating. We spent a couple of weeks there in total. I was so taken by our 'roughing-it' kind of holiday, that I actually got used to it a lot better than ever I thought I would. I took to looking at the crafts, seeing how sheep were shorn, and even delighting in seeing Klaus take part, have a go, then get completely bamboozled by the pups of the village. Man, what a magnet for cuteness! Dunno how I ended up attracting him. That sounds a bit too overly self-deprecating on my part. I do thank my lucky stars more often than not, in the good moments and the even-better moments too; the cute, the cuter and the sexier, I landed an outward going, forward thinking, hung-like-a-horse mate who I had the sneaking suspicion was building up to something.

I was put out of my 'misery' pretty soon. It must've been about half way through our stay, and but a day away from our trek up to base camp when we spent the night drinking and reminiscing, nomming and socializing with locals and tourists alike in the centre of the village. Klaus tugged on my paw at about ten o'clock local time and whispered something into my ear. I dunno' what it was! He'd had an awful lot to drink, but seemed relatively steady on his paws when he got up. I was about to find out what he had in store, and that was probably even before I had got through our little wooden-paneled door.

"Are...are you ok honey? You're lookin' a bit unsteady there!" I giggled, stretching and yawning in the doorway, before padding on after Klaus who was whipping off his clothes and standing with his toned ass and back to me.

"I've got a little somethin' for you!" There was a growl in his voice that I hadn't heard for a while; and as he turned, his cock raging hard already, I could see he had a small plastic bottle in his right paw, "you and I are gonna'... cook up a storm!"

It was hard to make out in the dim, lamp-lit room, the shadows and outlines of our bed, rickety cabinets and patchwork rough carpet dashing across his gorgeous body like a false set of northern lights. It was only as he came right up to me, eyes intent on mine and muzzle delving to find my tongue, that I saw what it was; Nepali olive oil.

"Why don't you get your cute ass on that bed and let me show you how good this stuff is."

I think I just murmured and moaned a reply, cos' now I didn't only have his tongue across my throat and paws lifting underneath my layers of protective clothing, but I had that dick pressing and prodding against my stomach. Fuck, he made me feel weak at the paws! The wet tip was coursing and staining my coat, and the heat was just intense, throbbing red warmth that hit the underside of my jaw and seemed to penetrate me like invisible spears. I complied and stripped naked, wafting my tail in Klaus's direction, being as naughty as I could be. I wanted to present myself, rump in the air with my appendage drawn over my back so that he could get as deep as he wished. Fuck me, Klaus. Fuck me you filthy dog! I wanted it so bad. Our airport quickie up against the stalls was only ever gonna' last me so long; and I'll give you the main reason why in just a second.

Back to Klaus. His grins are audible, I swear to paws! I could feel his sin, that sly look burn into my ass and the back of my white-furred thighs. It was like having someone stand there with a fur-dryer and directing it right at you; and in this cold atmosphere too! He's _that_powerful.

"Mmm you've got such a great arse. Edible fuckin' thing!" He murmured, low-toned and concentrated as I heard a cap click and the slick slurp of oil dribbling generously over his paws, "but eating aside, I want you on your back, honey."

Do you know what? I was kinda disappointed to hear that. I guess it's because in this place, in this circumstance and with Klaus being as wild and carefree as I could ever wish for, I was begging for a good, hard doggy-style fucking! Sigh!

Anyways, I roll over, my tail swishing around and swiping gently and not-so-innocently across Klaus's wet cock, before slumping there, spread-legged and ready for anythin'. It was then that I noticed that his junk was still lubricated in only the most profuse run of precum, and not the oil; but his paws were coated, absolutely soaked. The smell of fatty syrup was strong combining only with my own heat and desperation; and now Klaus got down on his knees, his head peaking between me as I looked down my body in anticipation.

"Oh murr!" He growled as he ran his sticky paws over my butt, parting the fur and taking a single lascivious sniff, finding out how ready I was for him, "you'll love this."

By this stage, I'm expecting him to get back to his feet and fill me up with hot cock; but no, not this time. He stayed right there, grinning and grunting as his paws fiddled about with the underside of my balls and the softness of my thigh-fur; and then it hit me, or rather struck me, or... oh I can't describe it. It just felt unbelievable!

"Ohhhhhh fuck, oh Klaus!" I instantly slung myself back onto the bed, paws reaching to my sides to grip the sheets and mattress.

"Mmmm you like it?"

"Yes! Ohhhhh god!"

"Feels so good inside. Wanted to feel the "damage" I'd done to you, desperate, cock-loving little fox that you are!"

I swear he had his right index finger hilted up my ass, lubricated with the oil that now dripped to the floor and seemingly trying to delve all the deeper; and now the rhythm started, pushing and pulling, withdrawing his finger then sliding it all the way into me. Oh fuck, it was amazing! I just lay there and took it, reveling in this incredible touch and the power of his paw to do utterly, stupidly pleasurable things to my body. His paw got faster and faster, helped by his left that kept lubricating him after a while; the burning, sore, gorgeously deep penetration of that clipped-claw finger was just sending me over the edge so quick.

My mind skipped like a melting vinyl record, flying in all directions as I was driven to distraction. My hips started to move in unison with Klaus's paw, humping down and up, up and down, unable to comprehend why this was so good; how could anything possibly replace that thick inch-rich dick that I craved day-in, day-out?! It just proved to me that my dobie dog was a skilled and thoughtful lover who, in his tipsiness, still knew how to pleasure his fox without doing me any potential harm with his massive weapon.

"Baby, I'm... you're gonna' make me cum. You... you're gonna' make m... me cum!"

I stuttered as I sat up, almost in awe at my own loins as the hidden paw did me no end of pleasure. My ears were swept back and my eyes had grown almost sleepy in their desperation; I wanted to climax so bad, and I think Klaus knew this.

"Mmmm, this should do it for ya'!" He grinned again, keeping his eyes on mine as I felt a thicker push, another finger slipping into me.

I yelped out loud as he finger-fucked me with not one, but two of his talented digits, ever deeper now and pressing like a volcano button against my prostate. This was just too much, far far too much for me to withstand, and I sat up again, huffing and panting and moaning and....

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. oh fuck oh fuck... ohhhhhhh god!" I jerked and twitched as I was able to watch my own aching hard cock erupt and splatter once, twice and three times, patches and globs of hot fox spunk settling in my sweaty, hot and bothered fur.

Klaus knew, and held his fingers at their deepest in my backside, pressing and pushing as hard as he could against the male g-spot; and fuck me, it worked so well. His dick is one thing; but his paws are magic. Combine them, and you will realize how incredibly lucky I am to own him! I sighed and panted, relaxing back with a flump to the duvet, my heart going apeshit and my tummy pulsing up and down with my rapid breathing. It was hard to catch my breath in this rarefied air, so much so that I thought I'd pass out! I guess a quickie like this was the most sensible. I didn't want to end up in hospital or some shit.

To finish off nicely, Klaus eased his fingers from me, then switched his attention to his own edged dick. He rose to his footpaws with a snarl, legs slightly apart and hoo boy, was he goin' at it! Stood in the light, this black shard hulk of dog pawed-off frantically, gazing down at me with squinted, slightly sizzled eyes as I propped myself up to my elbows on the bed; then it happened, this beautiful flood of my mate's pleasure.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... hff, hff... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" He slung his head back and that huge tumescent sword of veins, muscle and spunk coated me in liquid, my muzzle ending up being draped in ropes of off-white cum like mistletoe hanging from a fireplace.

Oh and I never did tell you what else was turning me on did I? Well, I shall tell you something that you doubtlessly would've already guessed. After our little post-dinner fun, we padded quickly out into the street to wash off in the moonlight; fuck that was cold! Snuggled up together at night was just the best too. My mind was going a mile a minute. I was excited, satisfied, nervous and also feeling pretty damned randy!

When the morning of our Everest adventure dawned, I was already prepared in more ways than one! Another glorious crisp dawn and yet another long trek to the base-camp (we weren't gonna' go all the way to the top, but it was cool to just be there) was the confirmation in my own tail and head that I really had to take this opportunity. As you've probably realized, I can be pretty filthy dirty when I want to be, and with Klaus at my side, those kind of times come along more than once in a blue moon. So there I'm sat in our navy blue tent, sheltering from a sudden gust or two, coddling my paws around some of Klaus's green tea. I don't usually drink it, but it was so cold and uncomfy, my gullet needed defrosting with something. As I sipped, my mind traced over Klaus's body. He was sat just feet from me, legs open and casting gazes out of the tent door into the windy, white-noise storm; and although we were both clad, ears to tail, in very snug winter finery with hoods keeping our muzzles and heads warm, there was no escaping what I could smell, wafting up to my naughtily keen nose.

I knew how little Klaus had been able to wash - at least properly wash - since we arrived from India, and I knew from experience that last night he'd been particularly pent up and sweaty, all in order to show me the night of a lifetime. One of many might I add. Foxes have more than one life too you know! Anyways, so I'm there, paws gradually gripping my enamel mug harder and harder, and I just can't stand it any longer. The bulge in his winter pants was just too huge and delicious to ignore, and the aroma... oh fuck, the smell that came from him was this beauteous mix of sweat, musk and matted fur. As much as I know he hated being away from somewhere where he could clean off and feel fresher, I really didn't mind a bit!

"Storm's almost over. I can see the clouds startin' to bre..."

And I cut him off, putting my mug down and launching my way over to him as stealthily as I could. I rustled over the sleeping bag between us, careful not to swish my tail around and knock something over, and literally pressed my nose in a mining desperation to his open, vulnerable crotch.

"T... take 'em off! Please!" I mumbled and muffled a plea so aching and wanton that you would've thought we'd been apart for months, maybe years. I can't help it. I just needed to sniff his huge package, have that rich maleness dangled over my muzzle in horribly wonderful temptation.

"Well, I guess someone wanted something other than tea to warm him up, huh?" My dobie grinned and shuffled, undoing his belt and slipping down his pants to sit spread legged and vacant right in front of my nose, "someone want more?"

"Uh huh." And there I go, delving right between him, almost pushing him back with his head exposed to the harsh, cold outside. Not that he minded I don't think, certainly from the moans and the growls I was able to induce.

I just dived my muzzle right down onto his member, swallowing him whole and tasting every last inch of what he had to offer; and believe you me, he offers a lot! So much so that I was starting to feel faint. I shook it off as I withdrew my suckling, and concentrated my nose under his big oval bollocks, nuzzling each musky orb in turn and delighting in them being in such wonderful proximity to his ass and tail. Klaus sat up, running his paws over my ears as I kissed and licked him, running my senses up his ripped tummy and smelling everything from sweat to musk to deodorant to the stream water we'd bathed in the night before. I was so glad that he had just rinsed everything. His male odour is too precious to wash off all in one go, especially when he knows it turns me on so much. I reckon he did this on purpose.

Didn't matter to me, as I was gradually losing sight of everything and anything around us, my butt and tail in the air, legs apart as if I was about to be taken by another stud. It was times like that, hidden away and alone together, thousands of feet above sea level in the blistering frost of Nepalese wilderness, that made me wish he really could be in two places at once. I don't know whether it was the air or lack of it, but my nose just went crazy, my libido out the frickin' roof and my desperation for dober dick off the paws damn scale!

Scratch that! I knew exactly what it was, just as I was about to tip my big studly dog up and get a full mawfull of his deliciously musky tailhole. Damn it all! It was only then that I lifted my head, and felt so dizzy that I almost passed out again.

"You... you ok babe?" Klaus grew concerned when he saw my eyes bouncing around like marbles, and the shake of the head to reduce my confusion.

"Uh yeah... yeah I'm... I think I'll have to just sit down over here for a sec." And I shuffle back to my position and hold my head between my knees, tail strung underneath me, "phew, this... this air is thin."

Klaus chuckled softly, pulling up his trousers and inching over on all fours to tend to me.

"Mhm, that it is. You gonna' be ok?"

"Yeah I think so, I just... I just need to take it a little more steady than I'd hoped."

More giggles were had. Not at my expense though; just that I was trying so desperately to make up last night to Klaus, that my body hadn't counted on the strain of oxygen deprivation at high altitude. Man, I was so pissed at myself! Stupid lungs! Just when I wanted to inhale week-old musk, scent-loaded tail and sweat soaked loins in the prime of activity and exhaustion, my body and tail couldn't handle it. I was on the verge of tears I was so upset with myself.

"Aww come on now! Don't get upset, foxy fox." Klaus tipped my muzzle up, a tear trickling down the side of my cheek as he did so, "I'm not mad at you. I'm so chuffed you wanted to make me happy and give me surprises like that. It's enough that you thought of me. I don't mind that you couldn't. Heck, I know even I, in my silly dog horniness, couldn't have done the same for you."

"You're sweet." I murmured sadly, still reeling from my view as having fallen short from his expectations.

"Hey come on. I'm not mad, really I'm not." He pushed his nose to mine, trying to get me to smile. I was just so desperate to sniff what he had to offer, and my breath just couldn't handle the excitement. Felt less a fox than a mouse; a mouse with no nose or sense or decency to pleasure his mate when the time called.

I didn't answer Klaus, just moping myself to a stupor on his shoulder. Perhaps I should learn to be more appreciative when someone says I've tried my best. I guess most of it was just my selfish want for more of my doberman's addictive scent. I shrugged off the disappointment after about an hour, curling up into a ball in our tent to snooze whilst Klaus kept watch and waited for the weather to depart.

And once gone, he woke me up and I felt so much better. I wasn't ready to go again, which was pretty much the first thing I said to him when I woke, and he understood with a laugh of bemusement over why I should raise the issue again.

"I might have to cram something hot and big into that naughty, worrisome muzzle of yours!" He exclaimed with a playful frown as he crouched out into the brisk daytime air, "having said that, I'm sure you'd enjoy that."

I just blushed and nodded, my ears folded back as I followed on, senses stripped as everything met the gorgeous dusky, icy sky. We padded away up the well-walked snow trails, ending our trip at the very base of a glacier, towering out and up into the clouds. I've never had my eyes opened so wide, exposed so wonderfully to the most amazing natural colours, smells and lifestyles. The six o'clock evening heavens were precisely that; scraped by the mountains in carved blacks and whites, silhouetted with precision against the maroons, blues and yellows of Asian sky. With my snow goggles on, my ears cuddled into my hat and my tail snug in its specially knitted warmer (my mum's handiwork), I just gazed headlong into another sunset across the most rugged, yet somehow populous piece of snow-desert that I had ever been honoured to witness.

"If you get too cold, we can always head back." Klaus was there, hat over his ears and trousered footpaw atop an erratic rock at the very base of the glacial moraine.

Like a handsome adventurer, Klaus was caught in the glare of the snow, ice and rock, frozen and chosen to be mine as a mined fragment of the hottest obsidian melt one could ever wish for. I guess my eyes were only on him, set in the foreground to this wonder of the natural world. My longing for his muscular body, his sex and his aroma made the moment only the more romantic; and ah, I was wrong again! Out came the hard stuff.

"A tipple, just for us."

We were lucky it hadn't frozen solid as I cupped a tiny shot glass of whisky in one paw, and prepared my gradually stiffening muzzle with a pass of hot panting. I tell you what though.... it sure warms you up! I guess my nudging of Klaus as we made our way back down towards base camp, was centered mainly on my readiness to have that hold on my muzzle so promised but hours before.

"Didn't you have enough sausage for breakfast?" He grins at me, looking over his shades as we wander into the tent.

"I never get enough."

"Oh well, in that case!"

You can imagine the shadows cast against the sides of our tent that night!