Gift: A Dark Night and A Bright Tomorrow

Story by Foxfyre on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: By continuing to read past this disclaimer you agree that you are not under the age of 18 or the age that your local laws prohibit the viewing of sexually explicit material. By continuing you also agree that I am not responsible in any way for your actions. On a side note, I would like to add that this story has a happy ending. So...Enjoy!

She was a neko, petite, shy, 16 and about 5'9". Her name was Shizuko, everyone called her Zuko, and she had shoulder length black hair. At the top of her head, her two ears stood, usually curled a bit or folded to her head. She wore a mini skirt and a tight-fitting top that showed off her belly. Earlier that day, she had run away from home. Her father abused her and her mother, beating them when he could, but Zuko's mother ended up getting both as she refused to let him touch Shizuko. She was extremely shy and rarely spoke; the slightest thing could throw her father into a rage, so she kept quiet. She got a couple of friends to help her get a fake I.D. so she could travel a bit, the first place she went though, was, of all places, a small bar. The bouncer gave her a bit of a weird look, but had shrugged and let her inside. Zuko figured she would get a couple drinks, she had alcohol before at a party she'd snuck out to, but this time she wanted to get totally plastered. However, the bartender intimidated her, he kept looking over at her and smiling ever-so-slightly, it was a little bit creepy for her, so she just chose an empty couch and sat down to watch the other people.

He was a wolf, strong, bold, 22 standing around 6'6". His name was Arril, his fur was a mixture of gray, and black that made him look like what could only be described as average. He wears a pair of jeans, not the tight kind, and a semi-tight t-shirt that showed of his rippling muscles. He wasn't overly buff, but it was obvious he worked out and could do some damage if he wanted. He'd had the job of bartender for a while, almost a year and a half. His genuine smile and polite tones brought the small bar the population of local 'usuals' that every small business survives on. Tonight, he was feeling a bit yiffy, but his job didn't leave him much time to get down to any real flirting with any of the ladies, he was always called away, usually on purpose by an already occupied friend of another bachelor floating close-by. He happened to glance up at just the right time to catch sight of a pretty, young neko, her still-developing chest made it obvious that she wasn't of age to be there, but the sight of her struck him, and kept looking over to her, unable to get the yiffy thoughts circulating his mind to let him be. Eventually, a rapid-fire order from the other end of the bar brought his attention elsewhere, and he didn't pay her any more mind until he was force to make the dreaded 'last call'. The wolf looked up and saw her, still sitting on the couch where she'd found a seat earlier. Arril watched the customers leave, all but her; she seemed to be zoned out, thinking of a far-away world. He decides to have a bit of fun about getting her attention, so he went about the normal tasks of closing up a bit louder and more obviously than he normally would have, but nothing fazed her. Finally, he finishes up and stands in front of her, gazing at her face and waiting for her to take notice.

The distinct feeling of someone watching her, coupled with a feeling that made her skin crawl brought Zuko back to the present. She gets a little restless and blushes at him, seeing that he wasn't going away.

Arril gave a big smile and sat next to her, "Hello there." He said in a cheerful voice, turning sideways a little to face her on the sofa. He looked over her form and cursed himself; he'd never be able to get that feeling of desperately needing a yiff to go away. She shyly lowered her ears, seeing him looking at her a bit intently with an odd look in his eyes.

"Hello." The neko said in a small voice.

The wolf continued to appraise her with his eyes, not really attempting to hide it at all.

"Hmm...Cute and shy? I think I like you. What's your name?"

He smiled inwardly, after all, there wasn't anyone else here, and he needed a yiff, no, not even really a yiff, just some form of release. She quietly whispered her reply as she fiddled with her fingers.


She looked at her lap and the small skirt that covered it, hands clasped and trying to find something to do resting in the middle.

'This guy gives me the creeps.' Thinks the neko to herself.

The wolf nodded, more to himself than to her.

"Zuko...Name's Arril." He said nonchalantly as he moved a little closer, touching his leg to hers.

He leaned a little bit inward and put his paw on the back of the couch by her shoulder.

"What're you bein so shy about Zuko? Afraid of something?" Asked the wolf in a quiet voice.

Her head sunk down low then she slowly nodded, ears curling downwards. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, his breath a soft warm breeze.

"Afraid of what? Is it me?"

Visibly frightened, she gave a light mew and shifted away from him a bit.

'Oh my God! What's happening? Please don't be what I think...' Zuko thought to her self.

Arril smiled and moved to be back next to her, legs touching yet again.

"Does that mean yes?" The lupine asked in a softer voice, easily discernable as being more than just slightly creepy. She shivered moving all the way to the end of the sofa.

'Oh God...oh God...oh God. Please don't let him follow me. Make him stay there and leave me alone.' She prays silently.

He laughed a bit and the loud sound echoed about the bar in his voice, something between a baritone and a tenor.

"Oh, that's definitely a yes."

He followed her all the way down to the end of the couch, turning a bit more sideways when he got to her so he was facing her side, with one leg turned and lying across the couch while the other rests on the floor. He leaned in and gave her cheek a soft kiss as he whispered.

"That's probably a good thing."

'Well, I already made up my mind I was gonna do this, no point being subtle about it.' Arril thought to himself.

She put a hand to his chest and mewed again in protest, pushing against his larger form in an attempt to make him move away.

'No, no, NO, NO, _ NO _!' She screamed in her head, knowing what was happening but unwilling to accept it. 'This can't be happening to me, it just can't.' The neko thought in denial, looking for some excuse that would explain everything away.

He looked down at the hand and chuckled, "There's an expression for that. Too little, too late."

The wolf moved the paw near her shoulder on the back of the couch under her hand. It stopped on the same side as the front of the couch and he brushed her wrist toward the sofa's back, turning his paw and pinning it lightly. With a small laugh, he turned her head to face him with his other paw and kissed her fiercely on the lips, pulling back moments later to survey her reaction. She squirmed, with her arm now pinned under his paw, then gasped at the kiss and struggled harder than she had been.

'He's going to do it; he's really going to do it...' Her thoughts yelled, finally demanding that she be making some form of defense.

He laughed rather loudly at the futile efforts of the neko "You should've tried this hard earlier, before I got a hold of you."

The wolf felt her continue to struggle and began to growl in a low warning tone.

"You might want to stop that while you're ahead."

He used his free paw to get a feel of her breasts before cutting the fabric straps on her shirt and bra with a sharp claw. He pulled her shirt down around her belly, revealing what lay beneath. She started to cry and continued to squirm, trying to get him to stop what he was doing. Her inner thoughts are like a broken record, all she can think is that she was going to be taken forcibly and there wasn't a thing she could do about it.

The lupine growled louder and gave her neck a sharp nip, aimed at giving a sharp pain rather than causing any damage.

"I told you to STOP." Arril snarled as he literally rips off her remaining clothes, followed by a smirk "Ah, I like what I see."

His sheath, previously sporting only a bulge, had now gained a red tip poking from the top, causing a noticeable bulge in his pants that was quickly becoming a tent. He stood up, still holding her wrist in his paw and grabbed her other wrist with his empty paw, joining them in the first and holding them captive with ease. He dropped his free paw, and unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, letting them fall to his ankles before stepping out of them. His paw he moved to her head, landing amid her ears.

"Do you know what you're going to do first, Zuko?" Asked the strong male wolf in a soft voice, which would make it hard for anyone to believe he had been growling moments earlier.

Zuko began to shake with fear as she stared at his growing shaft, tears flowing down her cheeks from her eyes, knowing what he planned to do. She then looked up at him and shook her head, still holding out hope that he would suddenly decide to leave her be. He sighed a little as he looked down at her.

"Then I'll help you out a bit. Open your mouth." The wolf commanded, a bit of a growl slipping past the calm veneer he had put up.

His length passed 4 inches and showed no signs of stopping as soon as most would. She whimpered loudly and shook her head, trying not to do what he wanted. Despite the protests in her head, the tears surging down her cheeks, the total disgust with being made to do this, she was getting a little wet between her legs at seeing her first real male member.

He frowned a little let out a growl again. He squeezed her wrists together in his paw and pulled her head forward so his wolfhood grew and bobbed right before her face.

"Do it." Arril says in a growl "Or I'll make you."

He could smell the sweet scent of arousal only faintly, but it went unnoticed as he concentrated on getting her to obey his commands. She whined softly, squirming as hard as she could. Not wanting to do what he wanted. She wriggled and turned every which way, hoping to get free, she had no such luck.

He gave a single, loud, angry-sounding bark.

"When I tell you to do something. Do it."

The lupine squeezed her wrists together hard, hard enough to make her cry out in pain and open her mouth, which was exactly what he wanted. When she did, he took a half step forward and pulled her head toward his hips, trapping his still-lengthening cock in her maw.

"Now don't you be getting any ideas with those teeth of yours, or you might just see me become angry." She started to sob louder as she felt his shaft push into her mouth. The pain in her hands was making her squirm less, but she still resisted a little with the little left of her unbroken spirit.

He saw that the pain from her hands made her squirm less so he squeezed a bit harder

"Now. If you stop struggling and do what I want, I'll make the pain go away. If you don't, I'll make it worse. Simple enough? Good." Arril growled to the neko before him. She slowly stopped squirming, still having his member in her mouth and being forced to suck on it.

She thought, 'This is terrible! He's making me suck on his dick! I suppose at least he isn't yiffing me though.' He nodded as she began to submit and released some pressure as she stopped squirming and did as she was asked.

"Very good, Zuko. You see? I'm a wolf of my word; the pain is going away now that you're obeying."

His shaft, above average would be an accurate description, reaches its full length of a slight bit more than 7 inches inside her maw. Although she sucks on the first few inches, much to his both delight and simultaneous disappointment. Arril lets out a small sigh of pleasure as he looked down to watch over her work.

"Oh come on, you can do better than that. Haven't you ever done this before?"

Zuko blushed and stopped sucking the wolf's shaft, ears flat against her skull, tears still flowing in rivers down her reddening cheeks. He looked down at her with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

"No huh? I guess that explains a lot. I'll help you out then." He pulled his throbbing shaft from her mouth and yanked her to her feet.

"Come on. We're going someplace else, couches aren't comfortable enough for what I have in store."

' NO!' She screamed inside as her sobs increased to wrack her body. 'He's going to yiff me! I'm going to be raped! _ NOOOOOOOO _!' He pulled her by her hands, the only reason she moved, picking up their discarded clothing and taking it with him, not wanting to leave anything behind to be found by anyone that might somehow find their way inside the building. The wolf padded on, taking her with him into the back rooms of the bar. After heading upstairs and down a small hall, he opened a door and pulled her inside before shutting the door with a soft click, followed by a little snick as the lock clicked into place. Containing naught but a bed, the room still managed to look cozy somehow, although under the circumstances, prison-like was also fairly accurate, since there were no windows and a single solid door. He let go of her hands and pointed to the bed, saying nothing. Their clothes, he deposited, taking off his shirt to join the rest by the door before looking up to see if she'd done as he told.

She just stood there, shaking and starting to feel like a plaything someone could use and throw away. He growled a bit, more at himself than her, although there wasn't any way for her to have realized it. He went to her and put his paws on her shoulders

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you anymore unless you disobey a lot, okay? You won't be able to leave without me letting you out, so don't bother trying. As for now, just get on the bed." He talked in a soft voice, all traces of growls gone, and even smiled a bit, in what was perhaps a bit of a kind way. She slowly walked to the bed, shyly covering her still developing breasts, as well as her slightly wet pussy. He couldn't help but chuckle at the display of shyness as he followed her.

"Still shy, Zuko? Ah well, that's to be expected I guess." Towering over her, he shook his head. Using just enough pressure to make it work, he moved her hands and arms away from their protective positions to let him see the treasures beneath them.

"Zuko, get on the bed."

Her ears stayed flat on her head as she quietly sat on the bed, hoping that he wouldn't do what she was thinking he would, even though she knew he would. Her eyes had dried of tears as shock set in, numbing her emotions. The wolf sat next to her on the bed and looked over at her.

"Lie down now, Zuko." Arril said, pushing lightly on her shoulder with a large black paw. She lied on her back on the bed, looking up at him fearfully. The wolf crawled atop her and looked down at her

"Zuko..." He didn't really have anything else to say for the moment, and without further ado, he sets his warm tip to her netherlips. She closed her legs, trying to deny him access. However, she knew it was going to happen no matter what, so she gave in and quietly began to sob again as she slowly relaxed her body for him to do what he wanted with her.

'This is it...I can never go back after this. I never wanted it to be like this...' Zuko cried in her mind.

He pushes into her pussy's walls with his cock, noting her crying but paying it little mind.

"I won't hurt you Zuko, I already said that. However, what I'm about to do is going to hurt, so I can't say I'm entirely truthful. To make up for it, you can grab onto my shoulders as hard as you like." With that, he gave a thrust forward, taking from her what could only be taken once. He gave a slight groan at the tightness of her tunnel as his shaft sank into her. The neko tensed up and quietly whined as he broke through her hymen with one hard thrust. The pain caused her to dig her nails into his shoulders, piercing his skin. He began to slowly slide in and out of her, deepening each thrust just a little bit more than the last to stretch her to accommodate his size. The nails digging in to his shoulders caused him little actual pain, so he ignored them for the most part. However, he did give the neko a light kiss on the lips. Tears were streaming out of her eyes as she just lay there and felt his shaft slowly thrusting in and out of her still very tight pussy.

Arril continued to slowly work deeper with each thrust, each time his shaft became aglow with pleasure from her tight walls, and each time he thrust came just a small bit sooner than the last. He saw the tears and ignored them again, giving her another kiss that lasted longer than the last.

'This is so wrong, but I feel...I feel a little good.' She thought as she kissed him back lightly. Her tears began to slow down, eventually coming to a stop as she started to feel good. He smiled at her.

"That's good Zuko." He planted another kiss on her soft lips as below he kept thrusting. Now beginning to get close to going in to the hilt with each thrust forward, his loins were alight with pleasure. Finding it increasingly difficult to keep a slow pace, he began to speed up, but just enough to keep himself from loosing control with her.

A slowly building blush started to show on her cheeks as she started to find greater pleasure in something that she was afraid of moments before.

'I can't actually like this, there's no way...But it feels so...GOOD.' Her thoughts argued. Arril pushed deeper in the kiss as he felt her begin to enjoy herself. His shaft slid in and out of her tight walls somewhat quickly now, resulting in rhythmic smacking sounds as their hips came together. She was growing wetter as she continued to enjoy herself with his rather large shaft pushing in and out of her virgin walls.

The wolf began to thrust faster and harder, her arousal stimulating his own. From the tip of his shaft, a small dribble of precum started to flow, slowly becoming more and more. She closed her eyes and shyly moaned; feeling like something was building up within her stomach.

'Why am I feeling this way? It's so wrong...But I like it so much...'

He grinned upon having her moan reach his ears "Ah, discovered the pleasure have you? Zuko, it will only continue to build until it finds release." The lupine felt his own release building, resulting in a larger amount of pre flowing from his tip. With each thrust his cock hilted her, burying itself deep inside her virgin walls. She began to pant softly as the feeling continued to grow, suddenly craving more of him, and the wonderful feeling coming from her crotch and stomach.

Arril let out a small huff in sync with each time he hilted her. At the base of his shaft, a bulge began to form, heralding the very beginning of his knot, which would tie them together. That, however, was still a ways off, as this was just the beginning of his knot. All it really accomplished at the moment was to force him to thrust a bit harder to hilt her each time, but he had no problem with this, and in fact was a little glad of it.

"It feels good, doesn't it Zuko?" The neko continued to pant as she slowly nodded, then lightly held his shoulders, still wanting more, despite how wrong she thought it was. He smiled at her nod, offering what was perhaps the truest smile she had seen him give as of yet. With its growing, his knot only proved to increase Arril's pleasure as it caused what he felt with the rest of his shaft as tight to feel even tighter. The precum that had previously flowed so freely suddenly stopped, one could call it the calm before the storm, and his member started to throb with the beating of his heart as he thrust it deep within the neko.

She began whimper gently at the feeling of his growing knot pressing against her entrance. He kissed her, feeling his climax rising by the moment.

Knowing that not to say something would simply be mean, the wolf let out a warning between huffs of air. "Soon...Zuko...soon..." He started to thrust harder, beginning to force his knot within her with each thrust as he neared the time when he would tie her. She gripped his shoulders feeling very close to cumming herself. Zuko wished it would be soon, because she was feeling overwhelmed with pleasure. He gave a final mighty thrust, forcing his knot into her tight entrance with a grunt. Almost immediately following that, he reached his climax and let loose. Rope after rope of sticky, hot, wolfcum flew from his tip against her walls, filling her with his essence. The wolf let out a low howl as he came within her. She gasped and moaned out when he tied with her. The feeling pushed her over the edge, forcing her to experience her first orgasm. Arril's own orgasm was only furthered and extended by her own. As her walls clamped down upon his shaft, he continued to cum his load into her, lasting far longer than he would have normally because of her tightness. As his howl died off, he spoke her name

"Aaaah....Zuko." She just lay there, panting quietly and looking up at him blankly.

He looked down at her and couldn't suppress a laugh, "Have you forgotten my name?" He panted out, tongue lolling. Leaning down, he kissed her fiercely. She blushed, closing her eyes and finding that she was loving the kiss. He pulls back from the young face beneath him

"We're stuck like this for a little while. I'll answer any questions you have." Zuko just shyly blushed as she looked up at him.

He chuckled "I'm not capable of reading your mind, so speak if you wanna ask something." She shook her head and gently nuzzled under his chin.

He laughed aloud now "It seems you've had a change of heart since earlier. Although you remain your shy self." Her ears lowered to her head and the neko shyly blushed harder. He carefully rolled over, holding her to his chest, after she lay atop him, he rested his arms and just smiled

"Ahh...Zuko, I've barely heard a word from you this entire evening."

She gently nuzzled his chest, never really liking to talk because she always got in trouble when she did.

He sighed "Zuko, say something." She shook her head and he nodded.

"Yes. Say something. I think you've said two things so far. "Hello" and your name. What are you afraid of here?"

She gently poked his chest "You..."

He smiled and nodded again "I can see why, but there's nothing wrong with words. Is there something aside from the obvious about me you're afraid of?"

She didn't answer, so he poked her with a claw in the belly, "Answer me." She mewed and shook her head.

He started to growl low again "Zuko, answer me."

Her ears flicked above her head "No..."

He began to growl louder "Zuko, I'm giving you one last chance to answer while I'm being nice about it." She was answering his questions and she couldn't figure out why he was getting angry with her. Something finally clicked and the growl disappeared in his throat to be replaced by laughter.

"I thought you were telling me no, not answering my question. That's why I was getting angry Zuko."

Zuko frowned looking sad and slightly hurt.

He sighed and shook his head "Well, if you're not afraid of me, why don't you talk?"

"I...I don't like to..." Came her soft reply.

He raised an eyebrow "Really? And why is that?" She shrugged and went back to gently nuzzling him.

He petted her head. "Zuko, we can separate now." She blushed and shook her head, she didn't want to yet. He smiled "Ah. Well, let me ask you this, do you have a place to stay?" She went quiet; then slowly shook her head.

He continued to smile "Would you like to stay here?" She nodded and gently nuzzled his chest again. He leaned down and kissed her head

"Well, alright then. You can have a room to yourself. I'll be the owner in a week anyway, the last one died and left the whole place to me, but I can't get it until then." Zuko and Arril fell asleep in the small room together on the bed.

Some would call it disgusting, others impossible, others still something far worse, but Zuko and Arril found love that night. They joined each other in bed several times after that, purely by will this time. Two days later, the body of Zuko's mother was found in a dumpster in an abandoned alley, covered with bruises, cuts and other gifts from her husband. The overwhelming DNA evidence, multiple previous counts of assault, calls for domestic disputes, hospital records, and the testimony of a newly-emancipated Shizuko were more than enough to put her father behind bars for many years. Roughly two years later, a little church held a small ceremony for an odd couple, a 24-year-old gray and brown wolf, and an 18-year-old black haired neko. Will their tomorrow be a happy one? Perhaps. But were it not for the dark of night, how would we know the light of day?