03 Jake and Mitch: Old Friends, New Problems

Story by Kittymeow on SoFurry

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Author's Notes: So I managed to cram 3 pages of sex into about 6 hours of story time, trying to be at least a little more detailed. Not terrible but I didn't want it to get too long so I ended it a little prematurly. Oh well, at least i know how I'm going to do part 4 now. Also this story does have a gay sex scene so don't read if you don't want.


Jake awoke late that night after a long rest. The first thing he noticed was the scent of sex still in the air around them, however mild it may be. He noticed his fox friend being pressed tightly to his chest. He assumed his knot must have slipped out Mitch's ass during the night but his tip was still pressed against the fox's tail hole. Feeling tired, Jake just lied there with his mate in bed waiting for him to wake. He began to think of what he did and how it would impact them. Jake counted on his intimidating size and strength to protect them from those gay bashers they had met earlier. But now he felt as if he truly owed something to his friend for helping him open up and letting him enjoy his life. Jake leaned closer to his mate and held him tightly to his chest fur. After moving around a bit he could feel the effect of the dried semen in their fur and knew they needed the shower. Eventually the fox woke up.

"I went to sleep so full and woke up so empty." the fox said sounding a little disappointed. "Can you fix that for me?"

"I think we need to have a little chat about your sex drive, Mitch." Jake responded. "But we can talk about it in the shower. All that dried cum around your tail hole can't feel too good." Jake and Mitch got up from their bed and began walking to the washroom. "Speaking of your tail hole, how does it feel?"

"A little stretched I suppose. Still, it was worth it." Mitch said grinning.

Jake was first to enter the washroom. He walked over and turned on the shower water and turned the dial to 'hot' and then waited for the heat to kick in before stepping inside the curtain. When he was leaning against the wall to wait his partner stood in front of him and leaned against him, putting ample pressure on his groin. The height difference between the two mates, about seven inches, makes Jake's penis make contact on Mitch's abdomen, which Mitch took advantage of. Mitch used his strong abs to massage Jake's sheath and Jake returned the favor by holding him close to him and kissing the top of his head.

"Shouldn't we at least try to wash up?" Jake said. He pulled Mitch into the shower with him. As the water cascaded down upon then Jake grabbed the nearest soap and started to wash the mess he maid on his mate. Standing on his knees, Jake was able to clean the dried semen from Mitch's fur around the opening below his tail.

"There, clean enough to eat off of." Jake said with a smirk. Mitch, who was feeling the full effect of Jake's 'cleaning' started to get horny without Jake's conscious effort. When the fox turned to face his partner he had forgotten the distance between them and had inadvertently hit Jake with his now throbbing member.

"Sorry, not used to people being so close to me." Mitch had said smiling. Jake was thinking of being unlike himself, being impulsive, and sucking on his mates cock, but old habits die hard and Jake leaned away from his mates organ. Mitch noticed the indecision in Jakes eyes and decided to help him by thrusting the tip of his cock to Jakes lips.

"I want you to know, Jake, that you don't have to worry about offending me. My body is as much yours as it is mine now." Mitch said, which seemed to ease Jakes mind. He took his mates cock into his muzzle and took notice of the flavor and texture, but more importantly the size. Mitch was smaller than Jake in every aspect but this, as he was a very well endowed fox, while Jake was average for being a wolf of his size.

One of the flavors Jake noticed was the sweet taste of precum. At first he swallowed the precum but later found it more enjoyable to use it to coat the fox's penis to make it much more lubricated. Jake was slow at first, taking only the tip into his mouth, but after seeing the look of ecstasy on his mates face decided to take more. Jake took another four inches into his muzzle, slowly as he was very intimidated my the nine and a half inch size. The tip now rested on the back of Jakes tongue and created path for precum to slide directly down Jake's throat. He then began to pull the cock out, and then back in, and out, and in and began a decent paced blow job. During all this Jake still could believe the sheer size of the penis he was sucking on.

When Jake started to get a little more daring, probably a side effect from so much precum being swallowed, he tried to take another few inches. He stopped only when he could feel the tip of the cock pressing close to the back of his throat, almost going down the throat itself. Jake was disappointed with the three inches that he couldn't fit decided to continue sucking off his partner from that point until he could feel a twitch in his mouth. Jake had never tasted anyone else's semen before, and he didn't care for his own semen, but with Mitch's cock so far into his mouth he had no choice but to swallow. As Mitch ejaculated into his partners mouth, Jake began to pull the cock out, though not too fast as to avoid hurting his partner. By the time he got Mitch's cock out only two spurts of cum were left, which landed on his nose and above his right eyebrow. Jake took a moment to taste the cum that now coated his mouth and decided that his own cum was bitter while Mitch's cum was sweeter and full of flavors he never knew existed. In one deep swallow Jake managed to down all of his partners cum excluding to two spurts outside his mouth. He was about to wipe the cum off his face and eat that too but Mitch was already licking it off of Jake.

Mitch had started to go down and return the favor but Jake refused, saying that his needs could come later, and they were almost out of hot water. Mitch helped by washing his partners back and his tight ass. Before he was done he excused himself from their shower and went off to the rest of the house. Jake finished cleaning himself, being sure to wash his head fur too keep the semen from causing any clumps, and then got our and dried off. When he left the washroom he could smell a few things. The strongest of the scents was syrup. He walked into the kitchen and saw what Mitch was making waffles, but hadn't bothered to put any clothes on.

"You should really wear clothes if you're going to cook something." Jake said laughing.

"I'm almost done, besides with what you just ate I'm sure a cock flavoring to your meal wouldn't bother you any." Mitch said while grinning. When the waffles were done Mitch set them on the table in front of their two eating spots.

"They are a little hot, so be careful." Mitch said as Jake sat down in front of the plate, still wrapped in his towel, and began to cut off a piece. Jake took a bite and then his eyes widened and he instantly took a drink water.

"Are you okay, Jake? I told you they were hot. Let me kiss it and make it better." Mitch said. He kissed Jake on the lips and then remembered Jake didn't cum in the shower with him. While Jake was distracted, Mitch moved the towel out of the way of his prize. When Jake's sheath was revealed, Mitch slid himself down and began his work of trying to find the cock hidden within it. Using his tight ass to coax the cock out of hiding left his hands free to feel his partner. He began to feel the muscles on his chest, as they were so defined. His hands began to explore more of him, like his strong shoulders and eventually went to his back.

Jake was feeling all his partner's movements and eventually noticed his pecker peaking out. Mitch acted fast upon feeling Jake's member pressed against his ass, and began to grind against the member until more of it was released. When his member was out, Jake held himself above it and positioned it to go into his ass. As he slid down he was lost in that feeling of fullness until he found himself hitting Jake's knot. Stopping before the knot, Mitch began to ride the wolf cock inside him, with Jake's muscular body helping by lifting some of the fox's weight. The fox rode the cock up and then back down a few times before he noticed that he was going further each time. Jake was lost in his ecstasy and couldn't tell if he was going two inches into Mitch or twelve inches. Mitch, with one final and powerful drop, managed to knot himself to Jake again.

"Oops. We're tied again. I could probably pull it out, I know we have work today and-" Mitch had started to say before Jake cut him off.

"Don't worry, I'm the boss remember. Just keep on riding me. Besides I don't mind spending an hour or so tied to you." Jake said reassuringly. Mitch carried on in pleasuring his mate by grinding him back and forth, as he could no longer go up or down. Jake's knot was pressing directly onto Mitch's prostate, a feeling doubled by his own efforts to please Jake. Hen Jake's member began to twitch inside him the fox noticed his own orgasm was coming. When Jake coated his partner's bowels in semen again, the fox was thrown over the edge and came onto Jake's chest and muzzle, followed by collapsing onto the wolf.

When Jake finally caught his breath he began to kiss the fox's head before a low growling noise came from his stomach.

"I guess the food is cold enough to eat now." Jake said as his partner lied exhausted on top of him. The fox began to support himself and tried to untie himself from Jake, though unsuccessfully.

"Hey, don't hurt yourself, just let it go down on its own." Jake said to the fox. Jake pulled the fox close to him and then reached around and grabbed his fork. Picking up the bite he had cut off earlier and pulled in to his mouth. As he was about to eat it some of the cum on his muzzle had fallen onto the waffle bite, Why waist perfectly good food. Or perfectly good cum. After thinking this Jake ate the cum and syrup coated waffle piece. He took a few bites and fed them to his partner who was stuck facing the wolf the entire time. After they were done eating Jake carried Mitch to the couch and lied down while they waited for his knot to deflate. As they waited, Mitch got tired and fell asleep on Jake. Jake noticed his eyes getting heavy and decided to sleep again as well. Again the two slept connected waiting for the wolf's knot to deflate.

* * *

"Jake? Hello, are you in there? I know this is your house. Jake, open up. You forgot to unlock the store. How can your employees work if we can't get in- Oh hello Mitch, why are you here?" There was a lizard standing at the door. If Mitch were to guess, he'd say he was about five and a half feet tall. He was wearing his standard work uniform and a pair of sandals which he could get away with working so close to the beach. He was another one of Jake's employees and by the looks of it one of his senior employees.

"Jake is asleep, but your welcome to come in and wait for a bit. I think he should be up soon anyway." Before Mitch let him in he remembered that he and Jake were still naked. "Actually if you could just wait for a moment." Mitch said before closing the door and running to find his clothes. He couldn't find his own clothing so he decided to wear Jake's clothing instead. Only Jake's boxers didn't have a chance in fitting him so he just wore his jeans and tee shirt again. He thought of trying to dress his mate but decided it would be better to just cover him with the blanket instead. After covering Jake he went back to the door.

"Sorry about that. We had a bit of a party that left a mess. I wouldn't mind but Jake would be livid if I let someone see his house like that." Mitch said as he let the lizard in. "Your name is Ryan, right?"

"Yeah, wow must have been a crazy party. I've never seen Jake out cold like that." Ryan said. "Anyway, you never answered my question. How'd you end up here?"

"Well, I hit a run of bad luck and asked if I could room up with Jake until I got back on my paws. Only about three days ago. Jake is still adjusting to having a roommate." Mitch explained. "Please, sit down. I'll grab us a drink."

Ryan sat down in the large chair next to the couch with the sleeping wolf on it. Mitch came back from the kitchen with two colas in his paws. He passed one to Ryan and took a seat next to Jake. The vibrations from Mitch sitting down woke Jake up a little. As he slowly entered the realm of consciousness he took notice of an added presence. As Jake started to sit up he quickly realized he wasn't fully dressed. He also saw that Mitch had stolen his clothes.

"Hey Mitch. Who else is here? I can't see you from this angle and I don't want to sit up." Jake said after gathering his bearings.

"It's me, Jake. I just came by because I needed the key to start up the shop. Unless the boss wants me to call it a day off again, that is." Ryan responded.

"Not a chance. I haven't gone soft on you guys yet. Mitch could you get Ryan the shop key? It's in the kitchen." As Mitch walked towards the kitchen the size difference between Mitch and Jake became more apparent as Jake's jeans started to bunch up at Mitch's ankles. The jeans eventually formed a ball of denim under his foot paws causing the fox to trip and fall to the ground. As he fell Jake stood up as if he could catch him from his distance, forgetting his own nudity. As Mitch fell he stepped hard on the jeans causing them to slide down his legs. Jake's speed in standing up caused the blanket covering him to be thrown to the floor revealing the wolf's member still outside its sheath. When Mitch hit the ground he used his hands to brace himself and then finally landed with his tail high in the air showing his recently used hole, a bright pink ring with a small bit of wolf semen dripping from it. Jake, only just realizing what had happened turned awkwardly to face Ryan who was now standing as well, only wide eyed with surprise. Mitch was the first to break the silence that seemed to stretch for hours what was only seconds.

"Well, we really are a well coordinated disaster, Jake." The fox stood up and pulled up his pants before looking a Ryan. "You okay Ryan? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"You guys are... I mean you both..." the lizard began to stammer "You're both... gay?" he finally said with a cough.

"Yes, Ryan." Jake sighed "We are both males who happen to enjoy each other sexually."

"Don't make it sound so formal." Mitch said, finally bringing the store key. "We are gay. That's not gonna be a problem for you is it, Ryan?"

"It's a big problem! Jake I trusted you." Ryan was now raising his voice. "To think that every time you asked me to work late you just wanted to-" He finished his sentence with a disgusted gagging sound.

"Ryan, I am appalled. I am the same wolf that employed you for almost two years." Jake said.

"No! No you aren't. I don't know what this faggot fox did to you but you aren't the Jake I knew."

"Ryan get the fuck out of my house. Now! You were a friend once but I never knew you were a bigot-"

"And I never knew you were a faggot."

That final comment threw Jake over the edge. He jumped at the lizard and pinned him to the floor. With his right hand he made a fist and threw a punch that landed only a hair away from the lizards hairless head. Jake leaned close to the frightened lizard and said very clearly. "You will leave. And the next time I see you I want you to apologize to me very sincerely or you can consider yourself out of a job. And maybe even missing a few teeth." He added the last part for effect to help the lizard realize just who he was. Jake then stared directly into the lizards eyes who managed to nod quickly. As Jake freed him he walked over to Mitch and held him closely. Ryan was eager to get out and quickly headed for the door. Just as the lizard walked out of the house Jake yelled out "Take the day off. Think out how you want to confront me next time."