The Gargoyle's Bride

Story by Omolaud on SoFurry

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So, I ran across this erotic depiction of characters from the cartoon Gargoyles in which Elisa Maza was on her hands and knees between two of the main caste, spit-roasted... and the sun had risen. So of course now they were stone and she was stuck until dusk. I did like the show, but not that much... however the idea of stone bondage and rape by gargoyles was enough to trigger the creative juices. Here you go ;3

A game of truth or dare places Jane in an abandoned church late at night, where she meets a mythical creature she never believed existed in the first place.


Jane took another pull. The familiar burble soothed her rattled nerves even before the smoke touched her lips. She sat back and waited. Twenty seconds passed as she struggled to keep it in, then exhaled into a coughing fit. The bong was taken from her hands while she doubled over.

"Okay, spill. What the fuck happened? It was just a game, you know? No one meant for anything to happen," Sarah told her, then took her own hit.

The night before last they had partied, was to be an until dawn thing. It was not an uncommon event, the party, nor that there had been a game of truth or dare. It was a childish game taken to adult extremes at times. Jane, almost 24 now, had reluctantly participated. She'd told a few secrets, drank some bong water, even gave Sarah's ear a lick; stupid shit.

"You remember the last dare, right?" Jane asked with a shaken voice. Sarah nodded without a word, lips sealed over a lungful of smoke. She couldn't stop the tremble in her hands or keep the fear from her voice, "Yeah, so. The dare. They picked some decrepit church down on the corner of Swanson and Herring. You know the one, right? With the... the statues?" That last word left her breathless. Sweat beaded on her skin under her fresh clean shirt.

Jane took the bong back and tried to draw another hit. She shook so hard she couldn't keep the flame over the bowl. Sarah's hand closed over hers. She cashed it. The bong was taken from her and set on the floor as she held the smoke back. She could already feel the prickle of the drug at the back of her neck, like hair as it stood on end. That was bad, real bad.

The smoke escaped as Jane started to sob. Her hand clutched at the back of her neck. A number of crudely bandaged punctures laid under her touch, but that wasn't it. Vivid memory washed through her; she'd knelt in the dark, huddled in a corner. She'd felt her hair stand on end then, felt goosebumps rise, felt eyes upon her from the horrible place. "Something..." she sobbed, "Something was there with me."

"Something? What do you mean... Not someone, something? Like rats?"

"Some--thing!" Jane insisted. She clutched her knees to her chest, knuckles white. She stared at the floor but saw nothing beyond her own inward thoughts. Sarah had never seen her so scared, so messed up. She looked like she'd been through a fight with an alley cat and lost.

Jane saw it again and again. The dark shape as it dropped from the rafters. The crash as loud as thunder as heavy feet shattered rotted pews. The church had been abandoned for years but never demolished. No one went there, not even the bums in winter. Was said to be haunted, said to be dangerous. Jane had laughed as the others dropped her off.

"Jane? Earth to Jane, you in there?" Sarah called to her, so far away...


She climbed the steps toward the front door. It hung from broken hinges, she didn't even try to open it, just ducked through and into the dark interior. Jane didn't believe in ghosts, monsters, or God for that matter. She was devoutly atheist, a pragmatist. They'd promised her an oz of pot if she managed to stay the whole night. Behind her she heard the others laugh, then tires squeal as they pulled away from the curb.

"Fuck y'all, better have that shit when you pick me up tomorrow or I'm cracking your skulls together!" Jane yelled before they got too far. Then she was alone in the dark, musty church. "Ugh, hope I don't get sick from mold," she told no one in particular. "Wonder if bibles are contagious?"

She explored a while, mostly in search of some place comfortable to sit. It was mid summer and no rainstorms planned for the evening, but the roof had collapsed a few years back and left sodden debris everywhere. Eventually she found a corner, dry and sandy, and hunkered down. Distantly she could hear the sounds of the city, the occasional car as it passed, but it seemed a world away.

She doubted sleep would come and she wasn't high enough to pass the time easy. Over and over she checked her phone, watched the time pass in dribs and drabs. From pure boredom, she undid her jeans and began to masturbate. It was a little hot she thought, not exactly a public place, but certainly not entirely decent. She was in an old church after all! Jane grinned to herself with head back and eyes half lidded, then told the still air, "gotta love desecration."

The quiet stone echoed with the sloppy wet plunge of her fingers and the soft pants, gasps, and huffs. She wriggled her jeans further down and let her bare ass sit in the sand as she grew closer to an orgasm. She felt such a naughty thrill go through her! Perhaps she'd even go hunt down the altar when she was done, and piss on it! She laughed between gasps as her thumb rolled her hood back and pressed. Her parents were religious, had made her go to church, even bible camp... she should have done this a long time ago.

She was close, on the cusp of her peak, when the shadow fell. She saw it as a dark shape against the illuminated smog sky as it fell. Then there was a boom, like a gunshot or explosion, and fragments of rotten wood sprayed across the church, pews shattered under the impact. "Oh fuck!" Jane gasped aloud as pleasure climbed beyond the threshold. Her hips trembled and bucked, stomach clenched, and her heart beat a mile a minute. She desperately tried to scramble to her feet, even as she came. At first she assumed the building had started to collapse, she had to get out.

The shadow moved. The shape was like an animal, a predator at lope. She managed to take two steps toward the front of the building before her jeans tangled around her ankles and she fell face first. She caught herself upon her hands, shards of glass and pebbles gouged at her palms and left them bloody. Then the shadow leaped and Jane screamed.

It landed atop of her, a perfect placement of heavy claws landed upon either side of her shoulders. Her scream cut off then as a strong wet jaw closed on the back of her neck and teeth pierced flesh. Her eyes opened wide, but they saw nothing in the dark. Teeth clenched, her neck felt as if it would snap like prey on the discovery channel. She pissed herself in abject terror a half a heartbeat later, the pungent stench of her urine a contrast to the alien musk of the beast atop of her. He smelled like cordite and reptile mingled with something incredibly masculine.

Wind rushed as fore legs curled in and around her and hind legs kicked. She, held tight in the beast's grasp, lurched upward. He jumped, but they did not fall. Wings flicked open and wrenched them upward again, and again. It was a violent and powerful movement, each beat sent them higher into the ruined center of the church until they reached the roof.

Jane struck rotten rafters and stone as she was dropped. Now, in the distant street light, she could see her attacker. Reptilian, monstrous, with craggy features and an almost human like face contorted into a muzzle full of crooked fangs. He folded his huge wings and landed below her. Above her head there was a thud as another approached. Different, less bestial, he strode forward upon two legs. She screamed again and scrambled onto hands and knees, tried to rise.

Jeans were pulled from Jane's ankles, and her knees pulled out from under her. Her hair was caught in a fist and her head raised as the bipedal horror knelt before her. She gave one final, desperate struggle, hair tore from her scalp, but did no good. Her face was pressed into the rough scaly hide of the monster's groin. A vertical slit met her nose and lips, already parted. Sticky moisture coated her face as she was rubbed into it.

Only then did she realize, they did not intend to eat her... yet. Rape, it was rape. Monstrous rape, inhuman, horrible, but... Jane had been raped before, it wasn't pleasant, it wasn't fun, but she had survived. What she had learned from that experience, was if you couldn't fight, you should surrender, you should give in. She closed her eyes tight against the sight of that slit. She'd eaten girls out before, this was no big deal, but it was just so alien.

Jane opened her mouth and pressed her tongue between the stiff folds, and gagged. The beast tasted even stronger than she smelled. Her tongue recoiled from the sour musk and the gritty texture that coated her teeth. It was like a mouth full of mud made from dust, piss, and sour cum. She gagged hard, her stomach heaved, but her face was mashed between those inhuman folds and a sticky eruption poured past her open lips. She tried again and licked into the monster's sex, even as her stomach heaved and eyes watered.

Behind her the quadruped stepped over and scooped her hips up with a fore claw. Jane was raised back onto her knees, he stepped forward, haunches met her backside. Viscous moisture splashed across her bare rump and dribbled over her anus and into her urine soaked slit. She shuddered but did not pull away, not even when she felt the cold slimy erection press against her anus. She opened her legs further and rolled her hips to bring him in line with her messy sex. She was not going to let him fuck her ass if she could help it!

More gritty mucous poured across her lips and drooled down her chin as she licked desperately into the female. She tried to ignore the other, tried to pretend this was just a depraved fantasy. Demons! She was in a fallen church after all, that's what they were, demons. She didn't believe in demons, didn't believe in hell. Her friends had doped her with something, that was all. Maybe she was being raped, probably a couple drug addicts, but her mind filled it in with insanity. That was it!

Jane tried so hard to believe that to be true, even as the very inhuman penis slithered it's way into her. Her folds parted over hard ridges. He sank his disgusting phallus into her, coated in gritty mucous just like that which filled her mouth. Nothing about this felt human, or like a drug trip. Yet she tried so hard to pretend. Her sex clamped down upon the intruder, upon the cold alien penis.

Something pressed against her lips, something hard and pointed. She explored it with her tongue, firm flesh, cold, and as it emerged she found ridges just like the other. Jane realized then that the bipedal was not a she as his erection slipped past her lips. She desperately wanted to fight, to pull away, but he held her head in a vice grip. So she surrendered, and kept surrendering. She nursed upon his tip until his tip hit her throat, then she licked and swallowed. Gritty slime continued to pour down from the slit over her face. She sucked deep breaths through her nose, her mouth just too full, and was bathed in his scent.

The beast behind her sank in completely and held for a moment. She could feel his slit against her folds, cold slime oozed between them and soaked her pubic mound. She felt so filthy, the sandy grit in teeth, on tongue, between her labia, and deep in her vagina. It was too much. Her stomach heaved one final time, bile poured up her throat...

The monster in her mouth erupted. Her throat filled with gritty sludge faster than her stomach rebelled. His ejaculate forced her bile back down, and pushed into her stomach. It felt like she was swallowing thick gritty mud, and it scraped her throat raw. Behind her the beast nestled his cold spire against her cervix and began to unload as well. There were no thrusts, no moans, nothing even remotely human or animal. Demons, they were demons.

The two of them held her pinned between, fore claws closed around her hips and gripped tight. Her hair was released, but only long enough for him to take a stronger, double handed grip upon her neck. He squeezed, just enough to keep her in place and threaten. Her eyes opened to stare at his scaly sheath in the dim light. His initial eruption tapered off, but she could feel his ejaculation continue, slow steady pulses hit the back of her throat every second or two. Between her legs the other did the same. She was helpless, trapped between them as they dumped their semen into her from both ends... or so she assumed. Did Demons have semen?

Bit by bit, the sky lightened above them, dawn was on it's way. She wept openly as her two captors spit-roasted her upon the church roof. No one below would see her, just far enough from the edge, but she could hear the city wake below. Never once did the demon's thrust, never once did they loosen their grasp. Her belly slowly filled, from both ends. Nothing pushed back up her vagina to spill free, she could feel each of his slow gushes build pressure, then slowly reduce as it trickled into uterus.

Breath was difficult, more than once she inhaled his cum through her nose, but was unable to cough it free. Every breath was a danger, so she concentrated on that. Nothing else mattered to her after a time, every breath was her existence, not the next breath, not the last, she focused only on the now. Her fantasy of drug induced illusion had perished, her terror had faltered.

It took forever for dawn to break. The scales before her eyes were dark gray and grimy. They looked like pitted interlocking stone plates. The slit before her lips was even darker and drooled a constant sludgy gray-green. She'd given up trying to please either of them, they did not seek it, only to keep her trapped between them.

Then the sun struck and everything changed. The monsters both shuddered once, then began to stiffen. She thought perhaps they had approached something akin to climax, perhaps it was almost over... Grime and dust crawled over their scaled hide like rivers. A scum of pebbles, bird shit, and moss spread to cover where ever the sun touched. Further and further until to her horror, she watched the disgusting dusty mess slurp up into the bipedal beast's slit with a faint creaking scrape sound. Then it slurped up his shaft, into her mouth, down her throat.

She couldn't move her jaw, the gritty sludge hardened to something like rock. Her tongue, coated in it, was cemented in place against his underside. She tasted dust, moss, dirt, and worse. Even her throat was packed almost solid, only the tiny passage from her nose to lungs remained open. Then, she felt another sludgy pulse as he ejaculated again, down her throat.

The same began between her legs as the quadruped solidified atop of her. Claws that clutched at her pelvis, hardened and grew jagged, became stone against her fragile skin. Blood dribbled from punctures and pattered faintly against the stone below. Pebbles, dust, moss, and dirt slithered it's way into her vagina. Mucous hardened to stone between her folds, sealed her vulva with a solid plug. The ejaculation never stopped though, pulse after pulse, he continued to pump her womb full.

The sun rose into the sky, and with it her rapists turned completely to stone. She found herself trapped and helpless between two statues, stone erections skewered her from either end, still erupting their cement thick sludge into her poor abused body. Blood dripped for a while from a dozen gouges where they had grown craggy and jagged... but it soon stopped. She realized then what they were, as insane as it sounded. Gargoyles. The church had been covered in them.

There was no rest, no release for poor Jane. She remained there, with gut and womb slowly inflating. She heard a car pull up, heard her name called, heard people below. She could not speak, could not even moan. Her breaths were short desperate snorts and huffs, but that was all she could do. Even her hands, which had been balled to fists in the sticky mucous below, were now trapped, cemented to the stone of the church. She wept openly for hours, even after her friends gave up the search.


Jane jerked upright with a shriek as her cheek was struck. She stared up into Sarah's eyes, her face drenched in tears. "What the fuck Jane? Don't do that to me again!"

"w-what?" Jane trembled as she asked.

Sarah's glare softened and her arms ensnared the traumatized woman. "God damn it Jane. You've been crying for over an hour!"

With a deep breath, Jane tried to calm herself, tried to focus on the words, "an hour? I... I..." She stopped. She couldn't get the words out, couldn't describe what happened to her. Her gut ached fiercely, her vagina felt swollen, raw, and hot as the sun. Infection probably. She needed to go to the hospital most likely but... but she couldn't. Between her legs was a solid mass of stone, a splatter of fluids that packed her vagina solid and filled her labia. What would she tell a doctor? That she'd let someone pour cement in? Her stomach was swollen too, and hard to the touch, but at least she'd cleared her throat and mouth while... while...

Sarah struck Jane again as she began to sob and heave, "Get it together girl, I don't know what happened, but you're stronger than this!"

Jane trembled hard as she opened her eyes. She looked into Sarah's face and imagined, briefly and horribly, imagined Sarah under her, throat bulging as Jane herself throat fucked her. She imagined Sarah's gut swell and bulge as she poured her thick sludgy semen in. Jane's vagina clenched violently upon the stony mass and the heat grew worse. "I need... I need to go!" Jane said, suddenly desperate. The thoughts that swirled in her mind horrified her almost as much as they aroused her.

"No, you're not going anywhere. Not until I know you're okay, got it?" Sarah insisted, hands upon her shoulders, "Want another bowl?" Jane nodded.


Every muscle in Jane's body ached, every inch of her felt sunburned, bruised, or torn open. Her poor stomach was so swollen, she looked pregnant. The cramping in her uterus was worse than any menstrual or gas pain she'd ever felt, and every pulse it grew worse. But the sun was setting, she was sure when night came her rapists would awaken. She could not decide if that was good or bad.

She just wanted to die at this point. Jane imagined over and over again the moment of their awakening. She would have a brief moment of freedom, just a few seconds to throw herself from the church. It was a horrible thought, a temptation of a fate only slightly better than her current one. She saw no reason for them to stop, no reason for them to be satiated. They weren't human, they weren't even animals... She did not have have any real understanding of what they actually were, but they were not natural. Gargoyles... of all the crazy things to be real.

She heard a faint crack, a pop, a pebble fell from the knee aside her shoulder. The sun crept lower and lower. Grit began to fall lose here and there, even against her tongue and in her aching sex. Lower, lower, lower... At last the shadow spread across the city and with it, her rapists were freed. The rain of dust, dirt, and gravel that poured over her, clogged her eyes and nose. The solid packed cement in her mouth, throat, and cunt--turned to liquid and burst from both sets of lips at high pressure.

Jane put her carefully laid plan into action. She thrust against the ground, tried to pull away. Even as the Gargoyle before her let go of her throat and stretched. He roared above her, his penis twisted in her throat, she twisted and tried to pull it free... and slipped. The slippery mess upon the church stone gave her no grip. She fell face first into the sour muck with a splutt.

Behind her the other too stretched as he was freed. A fore claw pressed down on her mid back as he did and pinned her. The pressure on her stomach was too much. Sour sludge poured up her throat and blasted from her lips across the stone. It smelled so foul, cordite and musk, stone and organic. The fumes made her eyes water and nose burn.

In her cunt, she felt the male twitch. His hips jerked forward, and cold fluid poured at high speed into her. This, unlike the semen, burst from her folds to rain down upon her legs and feet. The of incredibly powerful stench of the monster's urine filled her nose and made her skin itch where it landed. Above her, the bipedal Gargoyle gripped his penis and loosed his own bladder. He pissed in her hair, over her neck, and up between her shoulder blades.

Her gut heaved again, and another flood of Gargoyle semen passed her lips. Then another. Heave after heave, her stomach flattened, though never quite as much as it should have. Both of them emptied themselves in and on her, then dropped her into the filthy puddle and stepped away. She tried then at last to crawl toward the edge.

Another gargoyle landed between her and freedom. She looked up to stare into his cold unfeeling eyes, she saw nothing but reptilian lust in them. Between his legs his spire had already emerged, and in the dusk she could see his lusty fluids spit with each throb. "N-no... no!" she begged and tried to crawl away, only to back into a fourth monster. They raped her again, strong as stone, lusty as stallions. There was no way she could resist.

Those two finished with her, and another two claimed her holes. She spent the entire night in the arms of one, or smashed into the stone under another. Had they been human, her orifices would have been torn raw by their thrusts, but they only held her down and used her like a dumpster, then passed her onto the next.

When morning came, Jane found herself on the church floor, curled in a ball. She had been cleaned though remembered none of it. Her shirt was tattered but unsoiled, her pants lay under it, she still wore her shoes and socks. Where her bra had gone she could not say, and had worn no panties that night. Jane desperately wanted to call it a dream, to call it a nightmare, or perhaps delusion, but the pain between her legs and the solid plug of stone told her otherwise. With trembling limbs the raped woman crawled to her hands and knees, then feet, and carefully dressed herself.


Jane opened her eyes again. She was hot, so hot that she'd tossed the blanket aside and even torn her shirt off. She still wore her underwear, but they were soaked through to the bed below. Not far away, she heard a faint snore and turned her head to see Sarah in a chair, head rolled to the side. She smiled, suddenly so very thankful for such a caring friend.

She rose from her bed, naked but for her panties, and looked out the window. The sun was setting. A third night. She cracked the window to let the cooler air in to the stuffy apartment. She didn't feel ill, just hot, so hot, as if a fever had just broken. With her hands upon the window sill, she leaned her head to the glass in search of cool, but it felt even hotter. Her breasts hung, heavy, in the hot wind that came in. Had the weather changed so much?

Bit by bit the sun set between the the neighbor's buildings. Jane was afraid, who wouldn't be. The sun would set and the monsters would awaken... Gargoyles, how could Gargoyles exist? It defied physics, it made absolutely no sense. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy," she quoted to herself.

Between her legs she felt that strange ache, it throbbed and pulsed in time with her heart. It wasn't painful, not like the rape had been. Though the plug felt quite uncomfortable, it was beginning to crack and loosen as the sun vanished. Then when the last beam of light reflected in the near by building faded, there was a gush between her thighs and her panties were filled. The muddy mess felt disgusting as it oozed free, but at least it was over!

The first throb--free of the plug--staggered Jane. She clutched the sill as her stomach clenched and muscles rippled. Something inside moved. With care she pulled her soiled underwear down and stared at her green-muck smeared pubic mound. Before her eyes the slit pulsed open as she throbbed again. The sensation left her weak kneed and desperate for sex. She'd never felt such intense need, nothing could have prepared her for it.

She throbbed again, her folds gaped. She stared at black sticky flesh. Her clit was gone, her hood was gone, just a deep slit in her pubic mound that reached perhaps a centimeter higher up her stomach than her cleft had ever before. Another throb, another shift. She moaned aloud and arched her back with desperate need beyond any emotion or thought before felt.

Sarah moaned and shifted in the chair. Her nose twitched and flared as the stench of Jane's lust filled the room. She stared at the unconscious woman and imagined such vile things, such depraved defiling things! Before she consciously decided, Jane approached and laid her hands upon the other's shoulders. Sarah felt so hot, almost scalded herself in that touch, but the heat felt good none the less.

Sarah's eyes opened, unfocused and confused at first. Their gaze met and Sarah smiled, "Jane, how do you feel?"

The words washed over Jane's thoughts without imprint. They were meaningless noise; wind in the trees or the babble of water over stone. She tore at Sarah's clothes with one hand, and they shredded without difficulty. Even her belt of woven leather was ripped apart like a weave of grass. Sarah cried out as her skin was broken and flesh bruised by the violence. Then silenced as she was lifted up and thrown down to the bed, the wind knocked from her lungs.

Jane kissed her, an intense, hot kiss that burnt her lips but felt so wonderful. Soft skin upon soft skin, nothing had ever satisfied her so well as that kiss. Her sweet, clean mouth nothing like the filthy sludge she'd choked on for two nights. She stabbed and swirled her tongue about the other girl's mouth, claimed it with a violence that bruised lips. Sarah relaxed. She and Jane had been lovers once, and though this intensity was new, she chocked it up to whatever trauma her friend had suffered.

Sarah embraced her friend, pulled her close, and returned her kiss, then drew back with a confused whisper, "Jane, you're freezing!" Her words were ignored, the kiss forced upon her a second time with hands in her hair.

Jane moaned, a sound utterly inhuman and fed straight down Sarah's throat. A moment later Sarah was in for the shock of her life as a hard, rough phallus coated in gritty sludge was forced into her. She whimpered in pain as her vaginal walls were scraped raw. She began to struggle, tried to pull free, to at least see what was being used on her!

Jane thrust, hard and fast. Her hips slammed down, forced Sarah's legs apart. She was so strong, so much stronger than she had ever been. Sarah was like a doll in her arms, forced to bend to her will as she raped her friend. Blood sprayed from her ridged phallus as she pulled free, speckled red upon her stomach and stained the bed below. She entered again, and the girl sobbed with agony that left Jane's heart flutter and lust rise.

Hurt her, she wanted to hurt her, defile her with the profane lust. Jane's mind sank into that profanity laden hunger. The thing below her, the woman that had been her friend, was just something pure and good that needed to be used and broken. She thrust, the thing screamed, she thrust again. She brought lips to lips once more and swallowed the next scream, then heaved. Stale gargoyle semen poured up her throat. She fed it straight to Sarah's open mouth, gritty, sour, and foul.

Jane thrust and thrust until Sarah's vagina was a gaped, blood soaked hole. She thrust until her orgasm began, and the cold sludge welled free and painted her friend's destroyed sex. The orgasm did not stop. Her thrusts slowed, her need grew, her desire flared like a gasoline upon the fire in her belly. Her orgasm rolled on and on as she defiled the woman. No, not a woman, not a friend, not a person--just a thing that had to be used.

All night long Jane raped her friend, did onto Sarah what had been done inflicted on her. Sarah broke just as Jane had broken. Sarah stared at the ceiling, quiet and still, though yet breathing as dawn came. Jane--her beloved friend Jane, friend since grade school--turned to stone before her eyes, rigid gritty tongue still in her mouth. Sarah broke and remained broken, her mind unable to cope. She laid there upon the bed, trapped, as Jane's phallus spat endless loads into her ruined womb. She could not cope, could not accept the reality of her fate.

When the sun set again, Jane woke, or what had once been Jane. The stony hide fell away in a shower of dust, rocky scales were exposed, smooth and young. Her face was a twisted mockery of human and lizard, contorted into a demonic form. Sarah did not see, did not speak, her mind a broken tatter, with what was left of her sense of identity hidden.

With a guttural roar, what had once been Jane arched his back and loosed his bladder into the defiled womb of his victim. The cold musky liquid burst free to soak the tattered bed below. He pulled out and washed the thing he had claimed in his musk, marked her, proclaimed her for his clan. In the distance, from the dusk beyond the open window, another roar greeted his. Father was coming, father would wish a turn with his thing. He grinned down at the blank face of Sarah and into those eyes so afraid, so confused. He arched his hips. His new cock angled upward. His dark yellow-green urine soaked the traumatized face below him and pooled in open eyes. She did not blink his filth away.



This work is © and its creator Omo All Rights Reserved. For contact and questions, please write to

And The Ants Go Marching On (Cleaner)

Prelude We'd laughed. Government propaganda meant scare the population, but was too out there to even contemplate. We mocked those who believed, those who let fear rule them. Monsters on the moon. Creatures from outer space. They didn't tell us the...

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And the Ants Go Marching On

Prelude We'd laughed. Government propaganda meant scare the population, but was too out there to even contemplate. We mocked those who believed, those who let fear rule them. Monsters on the moon. Creatures from outer space. They didn't tell us the...

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