Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 48

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#48 of Care Bear Magi Life

No-Heart sets a trap for the Care Bear Family and Love Heart must find a way to counter it.

Chapter 48: Kidnap Rescue, Blade Star's Meltdown

Love Heart and Indy jumped out of the cloud car as soon as it hit the cloudy ground of the Kingdom of Caring and ran over to where all of the Care Bears had gathered around the Caring Meter, above which a transparent image of Soul Heart Bear floated. Soul Heart noticed Love Heart and Indy's return and grinned maliciously down at them.

"Perfect. Now that you're all here I'll make this quick," the voice coming from the illusion was no longer even slightly feminine but a deep sinister echo. The bear stepped aside and the projection swiveled so they could see the five of humans that had been tied up on a large flat plane.

"Terrence!" Confidence Heart shouted.

"Brandon!" Guidance Heart's hands shot to her mouth.

"Caleb!" Crafty just stared. Anger Heart just snarled and bared his teeth.

"Mom... dad..." Defiant Heart didn't shout but clearly sounded distressed.

"What do you want, No-Heart?!" Love Heart stepped forwards, sword in hand pointing right at the image.

"So you know about me," No-Heart stared down at Love Heart through Soul Heart's eyes then turned to look at Sweet Heart, who had her wings flared outwards and was tensed for battle, "And I remember you, and how prevented my victory at your old home."

"I'd do it again!" Sweet Heart shouted.

"No, you will not!" No-Heart's voice coming from Soul Heart's mouth caused a crack of purple lightning to erupt from the image, "If you care at all about these people then you will come to the city of Regina in front of the twin towers and surrender within an hour. No excuses, no conditions and bring my former pawns as well." The communication vanished and everyone stood stunned.

Love Heart's mind raced as he walked over to Life Heart. He touched her shoulder which seemed to snap her out of her trance. "Mom, he's probably watching us still, can you cast a scry blocker?"

Life Heart stared at her son, "Yes but..."

"Then do it, please," Love Heart's face was serious enough to spur Life Heart to action. Her horn glowed and a large clear bubble popped up around them. Then everyone started panicking.

"What do we do?" Harmony said.

"We can't surrender. We can't let out mission end like this!" Noble Heart shouted.

"I can't leave my brother down there!" Confidence Heart shouted back.

The noise began to rise to a cacophony until Love Heart conjured a megaphone out of his chest symbol and flew upwards over everyone's heads, "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" The loud voice from the megaphone made everyone quiet down as Love Heart still hovered overhead, the megaphone dissipating. "I know this is a serious situation but we can't panic, Crafty Heart can you come here please?" he slowly descended back down the clouds.

Crafty Heart walked over to meet Love Heart as he touched down, "So you have a plan to save them? I don't want Caleb and Brandon to die!"

"I'm asking you to help me with that," Love Heart put his hands on her shoulders. "Mom put up a barrier so he can't spy on us so speak freely."

Crafty took a deep breath, "OK OK, just let me think." Crafty's mind raced as she tried to piece together a plan, "They know about us and the Shadow Magi..."

"Daddy, what's happening?" Crafty looked down to see Gift Bear tugging on Love Heart's leg.

As Crafty watched Love Heart crouch down and do his best to comfort his daughter a thought flashed through her mind, "Love Heart, I have an idea."

Love Heart looked over his shoulder, "What is it?"

"No-Heart doesn't know about the new cubs so if we select some people to rescue the hostages we could disguise the cubs as them while they sneak up and free the hostages." Crafty looked over at the other cubs.

Love Heart stood up and turned to face her, "Risky, but it could work." He looked over at Take Care, who was holding Healer in her arms, "What do you think?"

Take Care looked at Healer in her arms the back to Love Heart, "I'm worried, but as long as you keep them safe I'll agree."

Love Heart turned to Life Heart, "Can you do that mom?"

Life Heart looked at her grandchildren then back to her son, "I can cast a spell to disguise them for a while, but only if they want to."

Love Heart smiled then knelt down in front of Gift Bear again, who had been trying to follow what was going on without much success, "Gift, I need you to do something important for us."

"What, daddy?" Gift looked up at him.

"I need you to pretend to be Aunty Confy for a while. Can you do that?" Love Heart asked.

Gift looked around at her mother, twin brother, then to her grandmother. She saw the worry on their faces then looked back at her father. "I can try. Why?"

"Aunty Confy has something important to do but we can't let the bad guys find out," Love Heart said, "So you have to pretend to be her so they don't see what she's doing."

Gift Bear looked up to where Confidence Heart was standing then back to her father. "I'll do it!" She pumped her fists enthusiastically.

"Thank you," Love Heart hugged his daughter, "Just stay next to mommy once grandma puts the disguise on you and don't get into trouble."

"OK, I will." Gift said.

Love Heart released her and stood up. "Confidence Heart Fennec, Anger Heart Fox, Guidance Heart Raccoon, Flash Heart Bear and Independent Bear over here." His voice took on a commanding tone and a moment later the five were standing in front of him. "I only have time to go over this once so listen carefully. When we go down to Earth I need the five of you fly down under cover of invisibility and save the hostages. Guidance Heart, keep yourself invisible while you and Anger Heart free them, Flash Heart, Indy, Confidence, I need you three to keep No-Heart, Shatter Heart and Blade Star busy. Once the hostages are rescued, I need everyone," Love Heart looked around to the rest of the Care Bear Family, "To get any humans out of the area and protect them until the fighting is over. Everyone understand?"

There was a chorus of agreement from the rest of the family. Even those who were unsure preferred this over inaction and surrender.

Love Heart nodded. "Good. Mom, let's get started."


'You won't win'

"Yes I have," No-Heart spoke aloud through Soul Heart's mouth, "The Care Bears' greatest weakness is their compassion, that they would give everything to save those they love. Even if they refuse then my wrath will send them into the deep pit of despair." He looked back at the five bound and gagged humans, "One way or another I will end our war today. Shatter Heart, Blade Star stay at the ready," he pointed to each of the bears with one hand. They stood atop one of the large pair of office buildings in the center of Regina, each looking like a large corner had been sliced out of a giant tower of glass and overlooking the park.

They hadn't gone unnoticed and in the short amount of time they had been there news crews had arrived to cover what was going on. No-Heart paid them no mind as he watched the skies, until a puttering noise came from overhead. "They have arrived."

Over two dozen cloud cars descended from the sky and towards the middle of Regina. Love Heart drove the lead car with what appeared to be Confidence Heart at his side and Take Care and Healer in the back seat.

Shatter Heart's voice boomed out from the top of the towers. "CARE BEARS! LAND IN THE PARK AND GET OUT OF THE CARS NOW!" He drew one of his scimitars and pointed towards the park, even though they couldn't see him.

Love Heart changed direction, sensing his passenger tensing up. "Don't worry. We'll take care of everything."

"Ok." The voice was quiet, this only hardened Love Heart's determination as he came in for a landing.

In the park, humans cleared away at the mass arrival of cloud cars by the large cenotaph monument. A reporter ran forwards with her cameraman as the cars landed and Love Heart stepped out.

"Excuse me, CTV news, can you comment on what's going on here with the other animals on top of the towers?" She held the microphone to Love Heart.

Love Heart turned to face the reporter as Take Care helped Confidence out of the car, "We're the Care Bear Family and they're pretenders. Just clear out of here before things get dangerous."

Before the reporter could reply, Shatter Heart's voice boomed out from the top of the tower again. "LOVE HEART! COME UP HERE TO RECEIVE YOUR PUNISHMENT ALONE!"

Love Heart stared up at the towers. He took a deep breath then floated upwards. The reporter nearly fell over in shock as she watched the green bear fly. "I don't know what we're seeing right now but it seems the Care Bear Family has returned. I never thought I'd see them again," she composed herself, "With this warning I will be staying on the scene and turn things over to the news chopper to see what's happening on the top of the tower."

With all the commotion, no one noticed the last cloud car approaching under cover of invisibility. Guidance Heart strained to keep the sphere of invisibility over their vehicle as they flew down behind the opposite side of the tower their enemies were standing on. The hostages were bound, hands and feet, near the center of the building close to the sloped ledge, just a large flat surface with no cover between them and the edge where Guidance, Flash, Anger, Confidence and Indy were. Confidence Heart stood up in her seat and got a good look at the surface of the tower, watching as the three bears they were there to fight walked to the narrower edge to look down at the assembled Care Bear Family, where not only had Gift Bear been magically disguised as Confidence Heart but Nimble Bear had been disguised as Flash Heart, Inspiration Bear as Guidance Heart, Valor Heart Cat was disguised as Anger and Radical Heart Rabbit was disguised as Independent Bear, all standing next to someone to help them stay upright and not tip anyone off.

"Can you keep us invisible for a while longer, Guidance?" Confidence whispered.

"I'll try, just stay close." Guidance replied. Once they heard Shatter Heart's shout for Love Heart to come up, the car carefully flew up and they had to clamber out, letting the car dissipate as Guidance couldn't keep it invisible as they moved away. They had to fumble around for a moment and grab hold of each other then began to walk towards the hostages. The air was tense as they edged across the flat surface. They finally reached the hostages as Love Heart appeared in the air in front of the three who had their backs to the hostages.

Love Heart floated level with the top of the building and stared Soul Heart's body in the face. "I'm here. What do you want?" He looked over their shoulders and saw that the hostages were still tied up.

"To take my revenge on you for driving me to this," No-Heart raised his hand, "To be stuck in the body of this golem in the form of what I most despise!"

Love Heart decided to stall for time, "How am I responsible for you being in Soul Heart's body?"

"You don't remember?" The bear's eyes narrowed, "It was barely more than a year ago, when I sent my care-golem to your island home and you and your family ruined everything!"

"Feels like so long ago," Love Heart said.

"It was longer than you know for this body, a body I created, I can see all of her memories meshed with my own. It started right after my humiliation at your hands..."


No-Heart whirled through the open window in his magical laboratory as a tornado and landed, reassuming his natural form, his robes and skin scorched from his encounter with the Care Bear Magi. His eyes glowed bright red as he slammed his fists down on his worktable, "That blasted Pegasus! All those years, all that work ruined by a child!" He swept his arm across the table sending beakers tumbling off onto the floor, most staying intact despite hitting the stone floor. "I will destroy them before they can join the rest of the Care Bears, I only need something to replenish my strength so I can hunt them down while they are still weak." He strode over to his bookshelf and began searching through the volumes, hoping to stumble across a solution.

An explosion blew down the door to the lab causing No-Heart to turn around.

"You used me!" the Care Golem stepped through the ruins of the door. A ball of water hovered in front of its wing while numerous ice shards were gathered around its hand.

It had the right arm of blue bear, the right torso was that of a pink and black striped zebra, the left torso of a green and brown spotted giraffe, its left arm was a yellow hawk's wing, the right leg was a brown elephant's, the left leg a thin red deer's leg, and its head was a stitched together amalgamation of an orange wolf, purple panther, and teal rhino.

"You survived?" For the first time in ages No-Heart was struck dumb, but only for an instant. His eyes narrowed and he pointed out the door. "Go and finish the job you started!"

"No." The golem stepped forwards.

"What?!" No-Heart shouted, "You will obey me! Go and destroy the Care Bears from that island!"

"No!" The golem shouted and hurled its ice shards towards No-Heart, piercing through his cloak. No-Heart roared and retaliated with bolts of purple lightning, striking the golem head-on. The golem staggered under the blow and retaliated with a stream of water, blowing him backwards and soaking the bookshelf behind him.

No-Heart stood up and sputtered. "You will pay for your defiance!" he shouted. A torrent of wind erupted from his hand as he picked the golem up and smashed it into a one of the tables covered in magical compounds. Various liquids clung to the golem's skin, fur and feathers as it stood up and gave a raspy cry as it retaliated with a barrage of ice shards that pierced No-Heart's cloak. No-Heart growled and fired off a barrage of lightning at the golem, igniting some of the magical reagents stuck to its fur.

The golem began coughing and its form started to waver and sputter. It stood up and started to gather energy between its raised hands, a ball of elemental energy forming over its head. No-Heart shot a blast of lightning at the orb which exploded and sent out a massive cloud of smoke. No-Heart coughed and waved his hand, kicking up a wind to clear the air. The golem was gone.

"One more failed experiment disposed of," No-Heart stood up.


The explosion sent the golem flying for a loop before it crashed onto a large table, scattering the beakers and vials on top to the floor, shattering them and leaving the table scorched. It shook its head, trying to get its bearings. It was definitely in No-Heart's lab but something was different. Its wing tip came to rest on a book and it sat up, turning the book over on its wing to read the title "Fleshwarping". It blinked then looked down at a large sack, slipping off the table to get a look inside. It was full of colorful body parts.

The sounds of No-Heart approaching galvanized the golem into action and it grabbed both the book and the sack then created a geyser of water under it's feet to launch it up to a window high on the wall. It unlatched the window and dropped down to the clouds that supported the castle.

"Bring it back!" the sound of No-Heart's voice behind it made it dive into cloud cover, whipping up the air to pull clouds over its body to hide itself from No-Heart's sight. The golem held its breath as the tornado swept around. It watched No-Heart for almost five minutes before it heard a squealy voice from a nearby window.

"Boss! It's awake!"

The tornado seemed to huff and flew through the window. The golem let its breath go then hefted the bag of remains over its shoulder and let the solid dark clouds drift down towards earth, carried on the wind.

It took well over an hour to descend to the ground, into an expanse of grasslands. Several animals watched the golem touch down, carrying the sack of remains and the book in its hand and wing. The smell from the sack repelled some of the animals away, other approached only to be scared away by a blast of water from the golem.

"I need, a new body," the golem said aloud, looking at the book, "Underground." It swept its wing at the ground, slicing a chunk out of the earth. It walked down, pushing more earth aside until it was a couple meters underground. It sealed the wall behind it, created a few air holes overhead, then created a dozen tiny flames to illuminate the cavern. A block of earth rose in front of the golem which it set the book and sack on top of. "Now, to work," it said, opening the book and skimming the table of content then reaching into the sack and pulling out a limb.


Love Heart just stared at him, "That golem that destroyed my home... That was Soul Heart?"

"Yes, it was," No-Heart clenched the bear's fist. "And moments after I threw her into the past she returned in this form and ran rampage over my home with the 'family' she had gathered. I did everything I could to defeat them and whittled down her family, until it was just me and my failed experiment..."


Soul Heart turned to face No-Heart, eyes furrowed and teeth bared. "Now it's just you and me, like it was 20 years ago."

"I will not suffer your insolence, golem!" No-Heart panted as he unleashed a torrent of lightning at Soul Heart. She raised her hands and formed a barrier of shimmering energy, deflecting the blasts in every direction, perforating the walls in the room. Soul Heart formed a large ball of darkness in both hands and hurled it at No-Heart, enveloping him and forcing him to the ground.

The castle shook as Soul Heart exhaled then removed her bodysuit, undoing a well camouflaged zipper in the front. Soul Heart had no chest symbol or anything to identify her as male or female and her purple body was covered in stiches and scars. "I worked for weeks, cutting, sewing, amputating and warping, I was driven only by my hatred for you, for every minute I spent under your control as a mindless thrall, for every lash you gave me while you turned me into a weapon!" She growled as she pulled her suit back on and zipped up, "It was pain beyond imagining but I had to, I had to do it so I wouldn't just be your cut-up freak!" Soul Heart smiled, "And then I found something else, others like the Care Bears you wanted me to destroy. They were lost, hurt or lonely so I took them in. At first it was just a way to spite you, to help the beings you wanted me to destroy. Then I decided to train them so I could use them to destroy you." Soul Heart closed her eyes, leaned back and smiled, "But I grew to care about them, so much that I almost decided not to go through with this today," She opened her eyes and stared No-Heart down, "But then I remembered everything you put me through and now!" she flared up as ice and darkness formed in her hands, "Now you die!" She brought her hands together, forming a ball of blackened ice that hurtled towards No-Heart.

Still pinned by the ball of heavy gravity, No-Heart was unable to muster a defense as the black ice struck him and he felt his blood go numb as it overwhelmed him. When it was over, No-Heart was still there, on his hands and knees and glaring daggers at his assailant. "Enough," he begged.

"No," Soul Heart approached, forming more darkness and ice in her hands, "You will pay for every pain you inflicted on me, every lash, every moment of torture I suffered and you will die!" She stopped right in front of No-Heart and raised her hands, forming a sphere of black ice over her head. "And then I will find the Care Bear who saved me, who gave me a real soul and I will beg for his forgiveness for destroying his home!" Soul Heart screamed and hurled the ball down on No-Heart, the force of the blast imploding in on itself then exploding, knocking Soul Heart away from No-Heart with his cries of pain still in her ears. No-Heart watched as the cold froze over his skin. He shouted curses and spells, anything to save himself but it wasn't enough and he was consumed by the ball of intense darkness and cold.

Soul Heart stood up panting and looked at the crater where No-Hear's body lay. She smiled. No-Heart was gone. Soul Heart dusted herself off then stumbled on her feet as the castle shook and some loose masonry tumbled off the walls towards her. "Don't want to keep them waiting." Soul Heart turned and trudged through the debris towards the entrance.

As she passed through the magic lab, dark wisps of energy poured out of No-Heart's body and coalesced into a cloud of darkness. It hissed and Soul Heart turned just in time to see the darkness rush towards her.


Love Heart just stared at No-Heart in Soul Heart's body, "She what? I did what to her?"

No-Heart ignored Love Heart as he continued, "For the first time since I was created I was able to maintain my personality and consciousness between forms. She fought me every step of the way, as I turned her family into my own soldiers, and tried to abandon them to at least try and destroy my enemies, or abandon one of them in a hospital after you nearly killed him."


Passion Heart lay still with police and hospital security outside his room late into the night of the day he had lost his fight with Confidence Heart. They thought he was unconscious but in reality he just hurt too much to want to move so he waited and rested, biding his time until he could escape.

He didn't have to wait long for a chance.

A figure in a black cloak hovered at the barred window outside. She easily forced the window shutters open then paused.

'Leave him! He's worthless to you!'

_ _

Soul Heart bared her teeth to her reflection in the window glass and forced herself to continue, "No! I won't le-leave him behind!" She conjured a blade of black ice and sliced through both sides of the bars. Even as the alarms went off a blast of ice froze over the door, locking people out of the room.

"S-Soul Heart?" Passion Heart gasped.

"Hold still. This will hurt a lot." Soul Heart conjured water on both of her hands then pressed it into Passion Heart's body. He screamed in agony as she forcefully healed his wounds through the power of water. When she was done, he lay limply on the table, unconscious from the pain, and Soul Heart merely sliced or smashed anything he was connected to before she lifted him over her shoulder.

"We'll be home before you know it." At that moment someone smashed the glass and ice with an axe and a gun was leveled through the door. Soul Heart's eyes turned solid red for an instant as she spoke a single word and fired a ball of ice into the corridor, that exploded into a forest of spikes in the hallway. There were cries of pain and then silence before she flew out the still open window then away into the sky before she could be spotted. Soul Heart shook as she flew, but not from the cold. She focused on flying, it was all she could do to get him home.


While No-Heart was speaking, the rescue party had finally reached the hostages. Terrence was the closest and he would have jumped, were he not tied up, when he heard Confidence Heart's voice come from the thin air in front of him.

"Terrence. It's Cassandra. You're not hallucinating and I'm going to help you get free."

"Does anyone have a weapon we can cut them free with?" Flash Heart asked.

"My katana's not precise enough for that," Indy said.

"Can't burn the ropes," Anger Heart said.

"I can...I just need to keep the invisibility sphere up." Guidance Heart's voice was followed by strange shuffling and a small glow of light in the middle of thin air. A moment later, Terrence's bonds were sliced through by an invisible force, though his gag stayed in as his limbs were freed.

"No one talk. I'll have you free in a moment." The hostages, even Terrence, were dragged away from the sloped edge.

"Don't worry, it's me, Germaine," Guidance Heart said as she sliced through Brandon's bonds.

Love Heart watched behind No-Heart as he spoke and saw the hostages being freed and tensed up, ready for action.

"But now, I have complete control and I will end you!" No-Heart began to conjure a a ball of black ice in his hands.


As soon as Love Heart shouted, the invisibility barrier around the rescuers vanished and Confidence, Indy and Flash Heart charged at the three bears while Anger Heart and Guidance freed the last of the hostages and all but forced them back away from the fighting.

No-Heart, Shatter Heart and Blade Star turned around in time to be body slammed off the building, Confidence smashing into Shatter Heart, Indy tackling Blade Star and Flash Heart tackling the thing that had taken Soul Heart's body. Love Heart immediately dove after them.

Down in the park the rest of the Care Bear Family had been watching what happened through binoculars and immediately scattered. Life Heart cast a spell to reverse the disguises she'd given the children who were immediately scooped up by their parents and run off to hide while the rest of the Care Bear Family shouted to get the humans nearby out of danger.

"GET CLEAR! THERE'S GOING TO BE A FIGHT!" Swift Heart shouted the loudest.


"Give my mom's body back!" Flash Heart shot a bright flash of light into No-Heart's eyes while they were still freefalling.

"GRAAAH!" No-Heart was barely incapacitated as he used Soul Heart's body to conjure a blade of ice, "THIS BODY WAS ALWAYS MINE!" He tried to stab at Flash Heart but he teleported a short distance away. No-Heart threw the sword at Flash Heart and pierced him through the side.

"Now fall and die!" No-Heart slowed to a stop in mid air as he watched Flash Heart falling down.

Indy had dodged away from Blade Star as she tried to blast acid at him and spotted Flash Heart in freefall and with the bloody wound in his side. He felt a spray of acid strike his aether shield as Blade Star faced him.

"I'll deal with you later." Indy telekinetically pushed himself away from Blade Star and over to Flash Heart, whom he caught and slowed to a stop in mid air as Blade Star continued to fall.

"Can you teleport?" Indy asked.

"Can't focus, ahh," Flash Heart drew his hand away from the wound and watched as it healed under the light from his side. He looked up at where Love Heart was clashing with No-Heart in mid air then down to where Blade Star was falling.

"That won't kill her," Indy said.

"Right, let's finish this." Flash Heart glowed for a moment then he and Indy teleported to the ground.

They reappeared in a flash of light on the ground on a wide sidewalk right before Blade Star hi the ground, cracking the pavement but leaving no mark as the humans nearby fled. Indy drew his katana and Flash conjured his kusarigama, spinning the weighted end as Blade Star stood up.

A small crowd had gathered but kept their distance from the three bears as Blade Star drew the ninja-to from her back into her right hand and stared her opponents down.

The tension in the air was shattered when Flash Heart shouted and hurled the weighted end of his weapon at Blade Star, the chain growing to reach her. Blade Star dodged around it and charged right at Flash, ready to slice him only to be intercepted by Indy and his katana blade.

"One way or another, this ends today," Indy said. Flash Heart whipped the weighted end back and it smashed into the back of Blade Star's head.

Blade Star didn't even flinch, "Yes, it does." Acid began to drip from her blade and she shot a stream of the green liquid at Indy, the bubbling hiss impacted his aether shield and forced him back as the shield shattered around him, but Blade Star conjured and threw several shuriken with acid mist drifting off them at Indy and Flash, only for Flash to teleport away.

Blade Star spun around and right as Flash Heart appeared she slashed at him, which made him cry out in pain as she cut into his chest, leaving droplets of acid that burned his skin. "I'm far stronger now than I ever was. I'll kill both of you." She was about to stab Flash when Indy charged in at her and slashed at her, his katana wreathed in aetheric energy. Her shirt was cut through but the blade barely made a furrow in her fur.

She whirled around and sliced Indy, who barely had time to dodge back which left a bloody gash on his chest. Indy backed up, hand over his wound as it healed. "What are you?" he asked.

Blade Star stood up fully, "Shatter Heart and I are aether golems, created from the essence of life and magic itself and given form and sentience." Blade Star's eyes flashed into silvery pools of malice. "I was weak before, but now I will end you." She charged so fast she seemed to vanish and reappear behind the silver bear. Indy blinked then felt a massive flash of pain across his body as a veritable geyser of blood exploded form his side with a searing pain as acid burned his skin.

Flash Heart was on his feet in an instant and teleported in front of Blade Start and tried to strike her with his sickle blade, only for her to dodge aside and spray acid at him. Flash Heart cried out in pain but fired a blast of light at Blade Star that impacted the surface of her body but didn't pierce her.

Indy had to force himself to stay conscious as he stitched his side back together. He saw Flash Heart and Blade Star appearing and disappearing, flashes of acid and light striking in mid air. Flash's cries of pain galvanized Indy in action and he raised his sword in both hands, his eyes barely tracking the two combatants. He did a half turn to the right and slashed, and struck home.

Blade Star was knocked back but grabbed out right as Flash Heart reappeared and seemed to yank him out of his teleport and hurled him to the ground. Flash got to his feet for only an instant before Blade Star stabbed him through the back with his ninjato.

"Die." Blade Star's hand dripped with Acid and she tried to grab his face. Indy grabbed Flash with telekinesis and yanked him out of the way.

"GRAAAH!" Blade Star shot both hands forwards and twin streams of acid at the two. Despite the pain Flash Heart teleported them away and behind a nearby parked car.

"Hold still," Indy grabbed the sword and pulled it out of Flash's back, immediately healing the puncture. "Can you fight."

"Gonna have to." Flash Heart was about to stand up when a slam of metal made them look up as Blade Star stood on top of the car.

"No more fighting." Blade Star lunged and tried to grab both of them. They dodged aside as her acid covered hands hit the ground. Blade Star grabbed up her sword as the two bears jumped to their feet and she whirled at them, her sword flashing so fast it was almost invisible. Her sword hooked into the chain of Flash's weapon and yanked it out of his hands, where it dissolved.

"Gotta hold her down," Indy shot a blast of solid blue energy at Blade Star but the impact didn't slow her down as she hurled at Indy and sliced into his side again. Indy barely dodging to avoid exploding in another gushing geyser of blood.

By now the fight was so vicious that all the humans had fled save for one news cameraman who kept his distance and the zoom at maximum, barely even able to keep track of the rapid movements of the bears, focusing on the much slower Indy as a focal point.

Indy's mind was being overloaded by the input and his need to heal himself frequently. "Going to have to risk it." He focused energy into his hand and formed a small dense ball of aether then waited until Flash Heart and Blade Star reappeared right in front of him. Indy's arm shot forwards and he hurled the small ball right at Blade Star, but in his haste he missed. The small bright blue ball struck Blade Star's ninjato and the blade instantly disintegrated into powder.

"What?!" Blade Star jumped away while Flash Heart turned to Indy.

"What the hell was that?" Flash Heart asked.

"Disintegration blast," Indy said, dodging aside as Blade Star began hurling shuriken at them.

Both bears ran into the park and hid behind a large tree and Flash glared at Indy, "Why didn't you use that earlier?"

"Too much risk of collateral damage, didn't want to kill anyone or destroy any property." There was a hiss as acid laced shuriken struck the tree. "Do you have anything new?" Indy said.

"Something, haven't mastered it yet. Guess now's a good a time as any!" Flash Heart dart out from behind the tree and shot his hand forwards, "LUMINOUS BLAST!" A bright sparkling ray of light shot out of his hand and burst around Blade Star's shuriken, striking her dead on.

Blade Star actually cried out se and stumbled back as Flash Heart re-conjured his kusarigama and swung the weighted end at Blade Star. The dark blue ninja golem bear jumped away from Flash and shot a blast of acid at him, who just barely managed to dodge out of the way. Then Blade Star swung her arm up and sent a cloud of acid mist at Flash Heart.

Indy charged out from behind the tree, katana in hand and swung at Blade Star which made her stop. "Keep that up!" Indy shouted as he charged his sword with dark blue energy, managing to make a cut in Blade Star's side where silver smoke started to leak out.

Blade Star grabbed Indy's sword and melted through the blade before she grabbed his side and tried to melt through his shoulder. Flash Heart teleported behind Blade Star and swung the sickle blade into the wound Indy had made in Blade Star's side, sticking the blade in. Blade Star let go of Indy and tried to grab Flash but he spun the chain around Blade Star, pinning her arms to her sides.

Indy hadn't moved and conjured another katana, wreathed in aetheric energy, and stabbed it through Blade Star's foot, pinning her to the ground. Indy and Flash jumped back as Blade Start created a haze of acidic mist around her.

"Do it now!" Flash Heart created a sparkling white light sword in each hand and charged. "LUMINOUS CROSS!" He slashed both swords into Blade Star, leaving deep gashes in her torso, but she shot a blast of acid into his chest which made him cry out in pain and collapse to the ground.

That was all the time Indy needed as he created a thin blue blade of dense aetheric energy in his hands and charge. "Disintegrator blade." He struck Blade Star on the arm, which turned to dust up to the shoulder. Blade Star had no time to react as Indy spun around and made a diagonal cut across the golems body, disintegrating her from the belly downwards.

Indy didn't even stop to see the results of his attack and ran over to Flash, who lay on the ground convulsing in pain. "Hold still, I'll fix this." Indy was already having trouble staying awake but he forced himself to pour healing energy into Flash's wounds, purging the acid and stitching up his injuries. Flash cried out in pain as the hole in his chest healed, the pain receding and being replaced by a sense of relief and exhaustion.

Indy could barely stand upright but he helped Flash to his feet and they both turned to where what remained of Blade Star Bear lay, her right arm, head and part of her torso. Silver smoke poured from her hollow insides and evaporating, her silver eyes just staring blankly up at the sky.

"Is she dead?" Flash walked over, creating a sword of yellow light in his right hand. He jabbed Blade Star's head which crumbled to dust at the slightest touch. Indy approached just in time to see the last of the body dissolve into nothing.

"Yes. She's finally gone."

Flash Heart sighed in relief, "Good riddance."