
Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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A Halloween transformation resulting in a ton of candy!

Just...not the way the person wants.

Voted on for "Story of the month" by Patreons!

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Halloween was a most wondrous time of year for many people. For some, it was all about the costumes. For others, it was about all of the horror related things they could partake in, and yet, for a few people, it was all about one other thing.

"Candy!" A man said happily as he sat in his recliner. It was late enough during the night that 'trick or treaters' would be out and about, but the man's lights were off. There was a massive bowl of candy beside him as he watched black and white horror shows with a smile on his face. He never cared about distributing the candy, he just wanted to pig out while getting terrified, or laugh at how stupidly cheesy the horror show he was watching was, either way worked for him.

Chris heard the door knock on occasion. He was in the living room after all, and he imagined that his Halloween decorations that littered the house, as well as the flashing of the television probably hinted that he was able to hear it, but he didn't care about the children that wanted his candy for free. Odds were they would complain if they only got one piece anyways, which was one more piece than he was willing to give.

Chris picked up the sound of disgruntled children, and while he imagined some would have loved to have toilet papered his house, the sheer fact is he had done it to his house already with a special kind of toilet paper that disintegrated with water. All he had to do was wait for it to rain and then his house would be clean again, he had planned very thoroughly for this Halloween.

Chris could pick up some sounds from one kid in particular, one that sounded louder than the others. At first he wanted to just dismiss it as shouting, but the voice, while loud, also sounded as if it were normal tone, just a loud normal tone. He just shrugged, and kept eating. He unwrapped a chocolate and peanut butter candy bar, and tossed it into his mouth with a smile on his face. "Kids these days need to learn the value of hard work and money so they can buy their own damn candy."

Chris let out a belch, and patted his gut. He glanced to another bowl he set out purely to store the wrappers, and noticed it was pretty full. "I guess I have been sort of making a pig of myself though." he still had so much more candy too. "Should put this away before I eat any more of it." Chris picked up the bowl and moved it into the kitchen. He lived in a small house with his wife and kids, but his children and wife were out getting candy of their own. He was hesitant to share, even with his own kids. After all, they didn't do anything to deserve the candy he had.

Chris brushed his short brown hair from his glasses, and let out a sigh. His stomach was a bit upset, but nothing that wouldn't pass with time. He opened up his maw, and he let out a deep belch. "Mph..." he smacked his lips a few times. "Chocolate feels like it is coming back up...heh...definitely overate." He grabbed some antacid and popped it in his mouth. He then went back to watching television.

Chris's body felt strange to him in some way he just couldn't imagine. He was a little chubby as was, but now he felt more bloated than before. He wiggled his seat before his slightly chubby ass let loose a fart.

Chris then paused as he felt something in his pants. At first, he thought he had done far more than just release ass gas, but with a bit more shifting, the thing that had just appeared in his pants felt...crinkly and a bit cold, nothing like what he thought it would have been.

Worriedly, Chris reached back, but slowly. He checked the sides of his seat and underneath his butt, but when he didn't feel anything, he checked in his pants and pulled out a fun sized candy bar, right from his pants. Chris couldn't believe it, and he stared at the wrapper wide eyed. "I uh...I must have dropped that and it fell into my pants somehow." Chris wore pajama pants that were at least somewhat tight around his waist though, so even he was baffled how the candy could have gotten where it was.

Chris decided it was best not to think about it. He casually tossed the candy aside, and he shifted in his seat. As he shifted, he heard more candy, as if it were in a bag of sorts, and he raised a brow. He shifted again, and he heard more candy. He glanced to the left, and then to the right. He looked down at his gut, shook it, and he heard what sounded like a bag of candy being mixed up.

"The heck? I didn't eat THAT much candy, and I definitely didn't eat it in the wrapper." He told himself. He held onto his forehead in confusion over what was going on with his body.

Chris also noticed his normal skinned body had an orange tint to it, an inhumanly orange tint. He'd make a presidential joke if he weren't so worried with how his body looked. He noticed his own breast had pushed out too, and he could feel something want to be pushed out his own cock.

Chris groaned as he pushed with pressure. It felt as if he had to use the bathroom, but the thing he pushed out of his shaft was solid rather than liquid, and he could hear the rustling of a wrapper as it came out. Once he felt the thing push out of his shaft entirely, he reached down into his pants, and pulled out another miniature sized candy bar. "What the hell is going on?" First he thought he had crapped out candy, now it came out of his own shaft? He couldn't even feel his cock anymore between his legs. As he patted his bare crotch, he just felt a small nub of a cock that retracted into him and opened up to create a feminine slit.

Now Chris was alarmed. He pulled down his pants to show he had a feminine slit and legs that were pulling back into his body. He took off his shirt to see his arms were slowly doing the same thing. As his arms and legs were pulled into him, his torso and face took on a more feminine look while also swelling his ass and tits outward. The orange color he had turned more and more dominant over his normal skin color. "What's happening to me?!"

Chris let out a deep belch, and as he did, another miniature candy bar flew free from his mouth. He felt mostly hollow on the inside, except very bottom heavy. He could only imagine that his bottom half was filled with candy, and it just alarmed him even more. "Someone help me!"

Chris's arms and legs vanished entirely, as did his nose. His mouth spread into a forced smile, and his eyes grew wide. He could feel himself changing more and more inside and out. The hair on his head shed to nothing, and he developed bumps all over his body with a shape similar to that of a hollowed pumpkin. His face even had the 'smile' of a jack o lantern, something he couldn't break.

He, now a she pumpkin with D cup tits and a massive round ass, let out another belch. She could still move a bit, but her movements were very limited. She grunted as another candy bar slipped from her ass and vagina. She was an animate pumpkin beast that crapped, belched, and pushed out candy from her vagina. She wasn't sure if it was going to end when she was emptied of candy, but she could also feel herself refill with candy when some of it was pushed outwards. Her eyes, her mouth, her cunt, tits, all of them seemed to be lit from the inside of her body.

Chris had the feeling she was going to be giving out candy, whether she liked it or not, in this new form for a long time.

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