Fox Trot

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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A quick transformation results in a new life!

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Jeremy was browsing his phone as he sat on the couch. It was a boring day for the human, a day like any other. The slightly chubby man put his feet up on his recliner with the television playing a show he paid little attention to as he was looking at his phone, browsing a porn website of all things. "Heh...I wish one of these transformations would happen to me." He said to himself with a chuckle.

Just then, Jeremy received a shock that felt slightly stronger than that of a static shock. It was enough to make him jump and drop his phone onto the chair, and let it slide right between his legs. Jeremy looked down at his fingertips with a frown, and then down at the phone he had just dropped. "The heck was that?" His fingers felt a strange sensation that, while not stiff, felt like a thousand tiny shocks that spread upwards to his hand, his arm, and then throughout his entire body. Jeremy knew that if he had been shocked by a phone that wasn't even plugged in, it shouldn't be shocking him nearly as much as it was. The shock was about as painful as one could expect a static shock to be, but the aftermath of the tingling that flooded his entire body wasn't painful, but it was still a very strange sensation he couldn't describe accurately. He suddenly felt a warmth throughout his body.

Jeremy looked down at himself in panic. His body didn't feel hot, but it definitely felt warm, as if he was covered by a full body blanket. He looked at his hand where his phone had been shocked, and he noticed that there was brown fur on his arm. The fur spread outwards like moss growing on a tree, but in fast motion. The brown fur went up to his elbows on his hands, while the brown fur grew up to his knees on his legs. The fur was then swiftly replaced with orange, but white on his chest.

Jeremy's heart pounded heavily as the fur grew. "W-what's happening?" he stroked the growing fur nervously, and then he felt another sensation flood his body, arousal. Jeremy felt his average sized cock grow hard between his legs, just as his small black beard shed from his body and gave his face a more feminine look. The lower half of his face was white, but the upper half was orange. His hair was black, and while it shed from his body like the hair on his beard, he regrew the hair, but the hair was longer, silkier, and much more feminine with its length. His entire body took on a feminine look, all except the shaft between his legs which was hard and needy, and it lacked any sort of fur.

Jeremy nervously reached down between his legs. His clothes felt not just uncomfortable and warm thanks to the fur, but also tight in his chest and butt, but loose everywhere else. He pulled down his pants to reveal a foxy feminine ass that was small, and when he took off his top, he showed off an A cup chest. While Jeremy had a feminine body, one that became more and more feminine with each passing second with curves in all the right places, he didn't have a very big ass or pair of tits for a female body.

Jeremy's pants were freed, but his underwear stayed, although it did little to hide his erect shaft. His hips and thighs flared out, but his waist and belly shrunk down. His bare chest almost had fur covering it entirely, except for the pair of pink nipples that stuck out prominently. Jeremy let out a groan that increased in pitch as his face pulled out into a muzzle with a black nose. "What' me?" he moaned out. He felt so horny and so needy, and also much hotter between his legs, but not where his cock or ass was. The sensations of him being horny was almost strong enough to overpower the transformations he felt happening to his body.

Jeremy's spine then pulled out from behind him. It just felt as if someone pulled at his back, and when he looked back he saw what looked like a hairless monkey tail forming by the second. There was then a massive amount of fur that just popped right out from the tail in less than a second. He had just grown a massive fluffy tail. While the expanded spine grew a few feet in length, the fur that had so quickly sprouted on the tail was a good two feet long itself, yet it looked so finely combed and taken care of. The tail was currently pointed up in the air, as if it wanted to show off Jeremy's ass to the world, and while he felt some minor control over it, he couldn't get the tail to lower.

In a short amount of time, Jeremy, the fairly average man, had turned into a fantastic feminine fox, with the exception of the manhood between his legs which was the only thing that remained human, and manly. It also lacked fur, which just made it stand out compared to the rest of his body which was absolutely covered in it. He couldn't stop his heart from pounding when he was filled with so many conflicting emotions. He was afraid he was still transforming, he was confused as to what was doing it, and he was humiliated as he became a feminine fox filled with arousal, ready to cum at the sheer touch of his shaft. The only sense of relief he had was that he didn't have very big tits, or a big ass. He definitely had the female curves with his frame though.

Jeremy breathed heavily through his new muzzle. He could go cross eyed to see that it was just a little shorter than a foot in length. He was afraid to touch any part of his body with his new brown fox hands, which looked surprisingly normal, if feminine and dainty. He couldn't see where his phone went exactly, but he could feel it at his crotch. " it over?" he asked out loud. "What...what do I do-"

Jeremy couldn't even finish before his phone suddenly vibrated from his fiancee giving him a call. Jeremy let out a deep feminine moan as the vibrations gently stroked his balls. He reached down to grab his phone, but it vibrated again and sent more vibrations through his body. The sensations alone were enough to cause him to suddenly orgasm. He felt his cock pump and pulse wave after wave of his seed, more than he had ever came before, and as he orgasmed, he could feel his balls shiver and shrink, as well as his very cock. His tits and ass pushed out as his cock and balls shrank. The phone stopped vibrating, and Jeremy panted heavily. His cock and balls had finally stopped, but his shaft was still hard and it dripped his seed onto the chair he sat on. His tits were a C cup, and his ass was twice as big as before, but they were very round, and very perky. There was a hint of soreness to them too. "Ugh." he mumbled quietly. "Is...Is it finished?"

There was another vibration from his phone as a message was left, and that caused Jeremy to have another short orgasm. His shaft shrank more, and his tits and ass grew another cup size. Jeremy couldn't even reach down to grab his phone or even clean himself up. He felt incredibly exhausted, and his now much larger tits and ass felt sore with a sensation he couldn't explain.

Just as Jeremy started to recover from his strong orgasms, his phone suddenly dinged as if he had gotten a new notification. With the notification came another vibration. While the vibration and ding was short, it was enough to cause him to orgasm again with such strength and power his much smaller and pathetic cock shrank to nothing but a small nub between his legs, while his testicles shrank and pulled right into his newly formed nether lips.

Without his balls or cock to block it, and with the shifting around Jeremy did during his orgasms, his phone slid back to his ass, or rather now her ass, and she panted heavily as the changes slowly came to a stop. She could feel her heart pound hard and fast as she was filled with adrenaline. She looked over herself in wide eyed shock. She was a fox anthro, just like that, in such a short amount of time.

The moment Jeremy felt energized enough, she got up and wobbled to the bathroom so she could get to a mirror to see her new body. She could feel a burning sensation between her legs that was not painful, but pleasant, and it left her with an empty feeling that needed to be filled, but the shock over transformation was stronger than the burning desire she had between her legs for the moment. Deep down, she had a feeling about what she needed to be filled with, but she kept quiet about it.

In the bathroom, Jeremy went to the mirror above the sink, and stared at her new body. Her black hair was long, smooth, and it went down to the back of her massive tits that bounced and swayed with every step. Her tits, covered with white fur, were simply massive. Twice the size of her head, and held up with an unnatural feeling of silicone, but not completely made of such. She had a fox muzzle with snout, pointed fox ears, her orange fur on her arms with black fur on her hands with a similar pattern down on her legs and feet. Her thighs were thick, and her ass was huge and held up with another feeling that felt unnatural. Her tailbone was slim, but the fur on the tail was large and fluffy, yet it looked so well maintained. Along with the anus between Jeremy's massive ass cheeks, she also had a pink feminine slit that was moist with a needy sensation. A quick glance at herself made the sensations briefly stronger, so strong that it felt as if she had to pee and crossed her legs, but it wasn't waste that leaked out. She heard a small squelch as she leaked even more feminine fluid, the kinds that told others she needed to be filled with something, and she knew she had to be filled with something too. She both hated the sensation, and loved it at the same time.

Jeremy stared at herself in disbelief. She pinched her new muzzle, and jumped in pain at the sensation. Her new black hand with fox claw tips stroked her cheek, and then her tits. She couldn't help but moan when she felt her hand on her tits, and she pulled back. "T-this is fox..." Jeremy couldn't think of the name, and she didn't want to think of the name. It was hard for her to recall the name she had thought of for the fox when she had a burning sensation between her legs that needed to be filled with something, ANYTHING. Jeremy looked over to the curling iron that belonged to Ashley. She had never used it. She thought about thrusting it back and forth in her cunt, and the thought made her so wet between her legs. She could even feel a wetness form on her nipples when her hands rested on top of them.

Jeremy paused. She moved her hands slowly to the front of her breast where she couldn't even see the pink nipples at the end. She then felt something warm and wet. She pulled her hand up, and she noticed a white substance. She brought it to her mouth, and gave it a quick lick with her flat fox tongue. "...I'm leaking milk?" she said to herself. She no longer leaked it when she didn't touch her tits, but it still shocked her. She wanted to ask what else could go wrong, but she knew whenever that was said, things were always made worse.

"At least the transformation stopped." Jeremy said to herself with a frown. She looked over her body in total disbelief. She had a feeling of discomfort when her ass and tits hung low. It wasn't a painful discomfort, but it was like carrying massive sandbags all the time. Is this what women have to put up with? She thought to herself with a frustrated sigh. At least it wasn't Myu that did this...I think...I actually don't know WHO the hell did this. And what am I supposed to even do now?!

Jeremy didn't get any answer to her thoughts. She stayed in the bathroom as she stared at the fox reflection in disbelief, unsure of what she should do next. Half of her expected to be transformed again. She expected Myu to come out of the blue and say it was her, and start giving her strange and humiliating things. She imagined her anus growing huge, her lips puffy, and her ass in general...just the thought of being humiliated and degraded like that made her feel aroused. She could feel herself growing so wet that her thighs were literally getting soaked.

Jeremy reached down with her paw, and while she had to feel her tits which made her shiver, she felt her thighs, which were indeed so wet that she could feel it on her fingertips. "Normal women don't get THIS aroused, do they?" she said to herself. She knew the term of women getting wet when aroused, but the amount she got wet was ridiculous. What's worse, it was hard for Jeremy NOT to be aroused, which just kept her wet between her legs. She uncrossed her thighs to reach her newly made cunt lips, but a simple touch was enough to make her gasp and experience a small orgasm. She could both feel and hear more of her clear liquid leak from her cunt and onto the cold tiled floor beneath her with a small splash. She had a fiancee, but she never knew her, or any other woman, to get so wet that they could literally soak the floor. She slowly uncrossed her quivering legs, and raised her head back up.

Jeremy looked back at her reflection in disbelief. "There's no way I can go outside looking like this." She mumbled to herself in her high pitched feminine tone. Her mind went from her constant arousal, to how she could live at home. She knew she could get groceries delivered. She could pay everything she needed to over the internet. Heck, she could probably find a job on the internet at some point, but she knew that staying inside all the time would have been an impossibility. If she didn't need to leave for groceries and food, she'd have to leave for the doctor at one point or another. "But...I have to at some point." Her mind raced about how the world might accept her for her new form, and how she could get by in her new body. She had no idea how about she was going to go and live her life, but for now she had other issues to worry about.

Jeremy's massive fox ears picked up the sound of dinging from her phone, but she ignored it. She felt a small twinge of pain in the back of her head, and she felt a hint of disorientation, as if she had been hit with something, but both the pain and the disorientation stopped less than a second after they had started. Jeremy just assumed it had to do something with her changes that had taken place, and maybe shock that hit her. She took a few deep breaths to focus before she continued in her thoughts.

Jeremy knew anthros were uncommon in the world, but they existed. At least, she thought she did. She swore there was just a moment ago when anthros didn't exist at all in her world, but that couldn't have been true. She would have to double check that later. Either way she could go out into the world and live a semi-normal life, although she had no name for herself, nor any past, at least as the fox that she now was. She also had another problem that was clothes, and while she could order clothes online, she had no idea what her new size was. Jeremy was quick to go into the acceptance stage after transforming so suddenly and swiftly. It was so much quick that even she questioned it for a moment, but she didn't think too much about it. After all, they were her own thoughts. She did had many questions, but she wasn't going to get any of them answered just by wondering.

Jeremy's new fox ears picked up a ding sound from her phone. She dismissed the noise though. She had a lot more things to worry about than her phone giving her notifications, but her demeanor about her transformation changed. "Well, if I'm going to live like this, I can't sit here sulking all day." Jeremy told herself. "I'm getting some new clothes." She wasn't just flat out ready to accept her life as a constantly horny fox anthro, but she at least needed to dress herself up if she had to live like one for the time being.

Jeremy made her way back to the bedroom, and tried to keep her head held high. It was easier said than done when she had massive tits literally right below her that she could look down and see at any time. While her body had changed, her fondness for huge tits had not, and she had a pair that went with her no matter where she went. She had an ass that bounced behind her with each step too, and while the ass wasn't heavy, she could still feel it bounce up and down with a feeling of unnaturalness to it. She swore she felt cold air sway up and down with her ass, as if it gently caressed her furry cheeks with each step.

Jeremy looked around in her dresser and closet for something to wear. She knew most of her old clothing simply was not going to work with her new body, but she needed to have something. She could order clothes to be delivered, but she still had no idea what her new...sizes were. She also would have had to order food regularly until that clothing arrived, something that was just too expensive for her wallet. Plus, if the clothing didn't even work, she'd have to deal with that hassle for even longer, and it just wasn't worth it. Not to mention, she would also have to still open her door if she ordered food and deal with the delivery driver, and she could only imagine the scene quickly turning into that of something straight out of a porno, especially with her constant arousal that was still bugging her.

"Ugh...nothing I have is going to be nearly big enough for these puppies." She grumbled as she dug through the closet and tossed out shirt after shirt. She tossed just as many pants too. While she thought those pants would go up past her knees, she knew they were going to struggle with her thighs, and especially her ass. As Jeremy got to the end of her closet, she found a Christmas sweater in the very back. The sweater had a very ugly picture of a snowman on it that had something akin to a smile. The sweater was entirely made of wool, it was very thick, and it looked incredibly uncomfortable to wear in general. The sweater was also very huge. Jeremy tossed the sweater onto her bed, and then grabbed a pair of gray sweatpants to go with it. She knew no jeans she had would ever fit her, but sweatpants might at least pull over her large ass. She could feel her thighs soaking wet too, so she also grabbed a pair of boxers from her dresser. The boxers she grabbed had the string on top broken which made it difficult to wear as a man because it just felt so much bigger, but she knew it would pass with her size now. While she knew she wasn't going to look the most fabulous, especially in August, at least she would be dressed enough to be in public.

Jeremy put on her underwear first, and then the shirt and pants with little effort. The shirt was incredibly itchy and hot underneath. What's worse, her tits pressed up against the shirt and leaked milk onto it from the very front. She hated the sensation of feeling hot and moist up top, but she knew there wasn't going to be any other alternatives to cover her huge tits with until she bought some other kinds of clothing. Her pants were saved mostly in thanks to her underwear, but she could still feel her underwear grow wet when she put them over her damp crotch, as if she had the constant sensation that she soiled herself. She was itchy, hot, wet, and uncomfortable in general, but at least she was dressed enough to go out into public legally. She grabbed her wallet, and then her phone which was thankfully spared her feminine juices, though it was waterproof anyways.

Jeremy put on her shoes, which were just a bit too big for her new foot size, but not so big she'd slip out of them easily. Her feet had also changed into paws, but the paws still had the shape enough of feet to wear shoes, if a little awkward. She had no intention of running around on her paws only though. She then went to her car. She was a little worried since she knew if she drove she had no way to show to a cop that she actually could drive. She didn't check, but she doubted her driver's license had her new updated picture on it. She just told herself repeatedly that she'd be fine, although she couldn't help but picture herself giving her body to the cop if she were pulled over as if she were in some sort of porno. The idea turned her on far more than she liked to admit.

It was a short trip out of her home to her normal regular sized red sedan, although it was an incredibly hot day. Jeremy could feel the sweat underneath her fur, and in her sweater. The tips of her sweater were already soaked thanks to her milk, and the extra sweat did not help things. She hopped into her car which felt as hot as an oven, turned it on, and put the air conditioning on full blast before she drove off to a major clothes retailer to get new clothing for her.

Driving for Jeremy was not an easy task. She had to keep her elbows spread in order to keep her hands on the wheel and away from her massive tits. Any amount of pressure she put on her tits resulted in more milk spraying out, and so much pleasure that it was hard for her to even focus on driving. Her massive fluffy tail made it hard to sit back all the way too. If she put her back fully to the chair, her extended spine would be bent and it would be quite painful, although her huge tail liked to sway upwards, if only because it made it easier for others to see her ass hidden underneath her sweatpants. She could almost feel the wetness between her legs soak underneath her, and while the air conditioning helped her keep cool, she could feel the cold blast against her nipples which perked them up visibly underneath the shirt. She could hear her phone continue to ding on occasion, but she ignored the notifications. She was already driving without a proper license. The last thing she needed was to get pulled over for looking at her phone notifications! She also realized she had forgotten to check and see what those notifications even were before she left. She tried to keep a mental note to check her phone when she could, but the thought kept slipping from her mind.

Jeremy made it to a major clothing store R.P. Nickel, and left the car. Her car had barely gotten cold, and now she had to go back outside in the parking lot where it was still so hot. She could feel the sweat pour down her back, her butt her tits, everywhere she could imagine. She wasn't getting quite as wet as she was between her legs, or in front of her sweater at least as she was focused on driving, but her fur was matting quite a bit from all of the sweat she was doing.

Jeremy made it into the store with her hands firmly on her sides. She did her best to ignore the people around her, but she couldn't help but notice there were both men and women that stared at her anyways. Jeremy was well aware that they could not have been staring at her because she was an anthro, there were other foxes, dogs, cats, and generally various animals in the store. However, Jeremy was the most...endowed compared to the other animals, and she knew she was dressed very bizarrely for this time of year. She remembered about the dinging from her phone, and part of her thought it could have been Ashley. She had barely remembered her own fiancee. "Maybe she's getting worried about me." She mumbled. She reached for her phone she took with her, but after she heard another notification from her phone, she suddenly paused. "Wait. What was I doing again?" she asked herself.

Jeremy's hand was still reached down for her pocket where she had her phone, and she knew she heard that notification, but at the exact same time, she wondered if she had just checked her phone. She felt a sense of confusion strong enough to almost give her a headache. "I was...I was reaching down...then it dinged...I checked it, didn't I?" She wasn't even sure of herself. She felt her tail suddenly twitch, and a quick glance confirmed there were even more people looking at her. Nobody was stopping to stare, but they definitely kept their eyes on her as they walked by.

Jeremy's new fox nose also picked up the scent of these men and women. She had no idea how much stronger her senses had really became. She figured she could see as well as she used to, and she didn't think too much about her nose picking up scents, but even when her nose did pick up the scents of others, it was only really picking up a few things. She mostly picked up the scent of men, and the smell of salty warm musk from their crotch, regardless of that man's hygiene. She hated to admit how it turned her on, but so long as she kept her distance from the men, she could control herself. She was mostly picking up the scent of perfume from women and, while it was arousing, it didn't seem to make her nearly as excited at the thought of cocks. So I guess I'm bisexual, but with a preference for cocks now. Great. She thought to herself. Not that she judged anyone based on their sexual orientation, but she never imagined that her own could have changed!

Jeremy went over to the women's lingerie department, intent on finding something to help her tits and crotch situation, although she wasn't even sure where to begin. She needed underwear that didn't have to be supportive, the silicone inside of her alone helped with that. She needed underwear that was practically waterproof with how wet her nipples and cunt constantly got though. Thankfully, the underwear department for women barely had men in it which made the job easier for Jeremy to focus on underwear, but it didn't help her select anything.

Jeremy glanced over her options in the women's underwear with a grimace. She looked down at her tits, and then back up at the bras. She had almost never been in the women's underwear, let alone shopped there. It made it all the more difficult for her to figure out what size she needed. She had recalled from the time Ashley worked in retail that there was a way that people could measure another's cup size, but the thought of getting any sort of assistance measuring how gifted she was embarrassed her. At the same time, the thought of being so embarrassed was also a turn on, something that Jeremy also swore she was never in to.

While Jeremy browsed, a man in blue and khaki walked up to her. The man wore a nametag with that outfit. While the man's uniform looked professional, he looked to be a young kid that could just barely pass for an 18 year old. "Do you need help with anything ma'am?" he asked from her side.

Jeremy's tail twitched rapidly from the minor jump scare the man had given her. She felt her fur stand up a bit too. She should have been able to pick up his scent and sounds easily with her new nose and ears, but she was too distracted by looking for bras. Jeremy turned her attention to the man. She knew what to ask for, but she couldn't get the words out. Her eyes fixated right down to his crotch, and she just imagined him bending her over in the changing room and fucking her brains out. She didn't even focus on any other real details about the man. His name, his species, his height, just the fact that he had a penis was enough to get her thinking about just wanting that, and nothing else. "I...uh." she shifted her legs uncomfortably as she felt her boxers underneath get soaked. "I'm just browsing!" Jeremy turned her back to the man. She felt her tail whack him, and she blushed. "S-sorry, I'm just not...I mean...nothing!" Jeremy grabbed a handful of bras from the rack of varying sizes, and rushed to the fitting rooms. Along the way, her needy vagina dripped so much that it left a dripping trail on the floor below her.

Jeremy rushed past countless people and into the fitting rooms. She paid little attention as to what fitting room she went into, just that she grabbed one of the open door ones, and that's all she cared about. She closed the door behind her in a rush, and locked it. She tossed the bras haphazardly onto the bench in the room, and took a seat next to them. She spread her legs to show off a soaking vagina so wet that it looked as if she had wet herself multiple times. She huffed and puffed hard to recover from her sprint.

"F-fuck...why can't I...can't I control myself?" she huffed. As she breathed heavily, she picked up the scent of another man. She had paid no attention to who was in the fitting rooms, much less if there were gender specific ones and she had ran into the wrong one. Either way, her situation was not helped when she smelled the musky man. She could only imagine someone, ANYONE pounding her vagina, and it just made her uncontrollably aroused. Of course her head was more on cocks, but even a woman with a strap on would work.

With a heavy pant, a blush on her face, and soaked pants, Jeremy pulled down her sweatpants and boxers to reveal her extremely wet vagina. Jeremy couldn't believe how wet she was, and how wet she was still getting. It just looked as if she were sweating in fast motion between her legs with how wet she was and where the water came from. "Why...why am I so horny? This totally...totally feels like something Myu would do. I can just imagine her bursting into this room with her huge...massive...equine cock..." Jeremy pictured it in her mind, and it became even harder to control herself.

Jeremy reached down with one hand to her soaked vagina. She had never masturbated as a woman before, but it felt like second nature to her what she needed to do. She slowly stuck in her index finger and traced her inner walls as she thought of a thick equine cock, but then that one finger turned into two, then three. Before she knew it, her entire hand thrust in and out of her vagina and rubbed against her walls. She didn't even need lubricant thanks to how soaked she was. She was emitting the scent of sex too, and her vagina made a constant squelching noise that reminded her as if one were trying to unclog a toilet, but she didn't care. Jeremy thrust her hand in and out, again and again. She twist her fingers, she clenched her fist inside of her cunt, and she let out a loud moan with a hint of an infamous fox 'YIFF!' as she orgasmed and came even more of her feminine fluids. She just imagined that equine with the massive cock pounding away at her relentlessly. She didn't know if Myu was behind it somehow, but deep down she almost wished she had been, just so she could experience the sex with that horse.

Jeremy panted heavily. She sweated excessively, but the sweat underneath her fur wasn't nearly as heavy as the fluid between her legs. It just looked as if she had spilled a two liter of warm water on her crotch specifically with how wet that spot was, and it wasn't getting any drier. She looked down at her soaked hand, and then down her vagina. Her hand just couldn't cut it. She needed something bigger, something that could increase the pleasure inside of her. She then looked at her phone, and developed an idea. "There are dildos with vibrating modes aren't there? So..." Jeremy messed around with a few settings on her phone to always vibrate.

With little forethought, Jeremy then moved her vibrating phone down to her cunt, and let the tip of it vibrate up against her vagina. She couldn't help herself, and moaned loudly and happily. She knew she was in a public place, but she couldn't stop. With her fingers around the phone, she pushed it into her vagina, and then pulled it back out. In and out, in and out, Jeremy thrust the phone in her cunt as if it were a dildo. She let the vibrations pleasure her, and she continued to let out moans. She felt a fart escape from her anus, and she blushed. She fell quieter, but her large fox ears could pick up the liquids her cunt continued to let loose between her legs. She was humiliated, embarrassed, but yet she was more turned on than ever. "F-fuck...keep going..." she mumbled to herself.

Just then, there was a knock at the door to her room. "Miss, are you doing alright in there?" a voice called out, the voice of a man. "We have been hearing some customers say you have been making some noises in there."

Jeremy heard what the man said, but she didn't care about his voice. She could smell his musk though, and she thought about his cock. Any cock size. She kept her eyes closed as she masturbated with the phone in and out her cunt. She could hear the phone start to make noise as it opened up a music program, but it didn't stop her. Each hump deep in her vagina changed the song, from 'What does the fox say?' to 'Loving you', every thrust changed up the tunes, but the vibrations in her cunt kept going. She reached over blindly to the door handle, and unlocked it. "I" she gasped out between thrusts. Along with the music, she was making audiable squelching sounds. She could even feel her anus open and close, as if it were eager at the thought of having a cock inside of it.

The door opened to reveal a wolf with blue fur. The wolf had a black shirt with khaki pants, as well as a faded nametag, not that Jeremy could see it. Upon the door being open though, the wolf definitely saw her, and his eyes bulged. "Miss?!"

Jeremy opened her eyes just as her flat tongue flopped out of her mouth. It was a man. The man was far from perfect, an average worker at best, but a man with a cock she could smell, and musk that smelled salty and powerful, even if he tried his best to mask it. "Fuck my ass. Fuck my cunt. I don't care what you fuck, just FUCK ME!" she cried out with need.

The wolf whose name that Jeremy didn't even bother to learn stared at Jeremy. The sight was something tremendously unusual to say the least. " I need to call for some help?" he wasn't sure whether to back away, or take her up on her suggestion.

Jeremy's eyes shot open to a slightly angry look at the wolf. She didn't look at the nametag, she was too focused on sex, fucking, musk, anything and everything that related to sex or sexual things she needed. She swore Myu did this transformation, but this wolf was not that equine. "I need help with YOUR cock in MY cunt!" she slouched and spread her legs more. "Or my ass, or both for that matter!"

The wolf had a visible erection between his legs. It was hard NOT to be aroused by a woman masturbating, plus her own scents could be picked up by others, the scent of a woman in need. With a small nod, the wolf locked the fitting room door behind him, pulled down his pants to reveal his average sized canine cock, and moved it between Jeremy's legs. Her cunt was occupied with a phone that swapped between songs constantly as it vibrated, so he moved his shaft down to her anus.

Jeremy's ass felt puckered and swollen. Had she looked at it, she would have realized that her body had undergone even more changes, although much more minor compared to the full body one she had went not moments ago. She was too distracted with her phone in her vagina, and now the scent, and the reveal of an actual man's cock. She knew she used to be male not one day ago, but now here she was, a needy fox. "F-fuck and keep fucking until you can't fuck no more." She encouraged him while she panted.

The wolf was hesitant, but both his own sexual urges, as well as Jeremy's encouraging was enough to get him going. He got on his knees and lowered his cock just enough to push into Jeremy's waiting puffed donut anus that was also growing wet thanks to Jeremy changing even more. When the wolf pushed his canine cock in Jeremy's ass, his legs then wrapped around hers, and he pushed his body up against her own. He left just enough space for Jeremy's hand to keep humping her phone in her cunt.

Jeremy howled a happy moan. She felt herself cum and cum from both holes, something she didn't think normal women did, but she didn't care. She was a needy fox slut who was finally getting her fill. She just wished this wolf was more like Myu, but she took whatever cock she could get! She moved herself up and down that cock with a happy giggle as her massive tail wagged. "Mph! More!" she encouraged with hump after hump. She continued thrusting the phone in her vagina as if it were some sort of odd sex toy. She could feel her entire phone be able to be stuffed in her cunt. It wasn't that her nether lips were loose, it was that they could seemingly take things big and small, and regardless of their size, she would still feel tight around whatever was inserted into her. The very same thing was true with her ass.

The wolf obliged as he got more into it. The blue wolf wrapped his arms around her and pulled in close. He sat down on the bench as his slightly muscular chest brushed against Jeremy's massive tits. Even just a small push of his furry chest caused milk to spurt out from her nipples. The harder he pressed, the more milk squirted out.

The wolf could feel himself get soaked between his legs, and on his chest. His uniform was getting ruined thanks to Jeremy's various fluids, but it didn't stop him from humping and pumping. Her tight, yet large donut asshole was too much for the wolf, and it wasn't long before he came. His canine cock knotted the two together in that position as he filled her ass with his seed.

Jeremy felt the base of that wolf shaft swell inside of her. Deep down, she yelled at herself that she should try to get him to pull out. It was humiliating enough that she was getting fucked by a stranger, and how much her body LOVED it, but it would get so much worse if he knotted in her, which is EXACTLY what he ended up doing! When she felt his knot, she moaned happily and lewdly as she came repeatedly. Her vagina gushed and pumped her vaginal juice all over as if she were a broken sink. "F-f-f-f-f-" she couldn't even form proper words when she felt that knot deep in her ass. It just felt too good!

The wolf couldn't believe what had just happened. He felt his knot tie the couple together with his cock in her ass. He tried to pull out in hopes that her anus was loose enough, but to no avail. "H-hey, I got to get back to work!"

"The only kind of work YOU need to be doing is your hand up my crotch." Jeremy's own arms were growing tired of fucking herself with her phone, but she still needed so much pleasure. "We're stuck together, let's make the most of it!" she wasn't even sure where her thoughts or actions were coming from. They definitely weren't her own, but she knew she wasn't hypnotized, at least she thought she wasn't. Nothing was around that was able to do it.

The wolf was hesitant, but he was already going to get in trouble with his boss for doing what he did, assuming the two were caught. It wasn't a difficult task to catch them, Jeremy was definitely loud, and every thrust made an inhuman squelching noise. He reached down to Jeremy's cunt, and moved his hand side by side with her own, and grabbed her phone. "With this?" he asked, unsure.

"With that, with your own, I don't care. I need every hole filled!" Jeremy pressed her muzzle up against the wolf's own. "And I do mean...EVERY..." she suddenly kissed the wolf deeply. She continued to tell herself how wrong this felt, but at the same time, it also felt oh so right.

The wolf's hands took over for Jeremy's. He pushed the phone up and down her cunt as he kissed her right back. He knew he wasn't going to get out of this until his cock unknotted, and even when he did, his uniform was a wreck, whether it was from Jeremy's vaginal juices on his pants, or her milk on his top. He was going to get in trouble. He may as well make the trouble worth getting into since he had gone this far.

Jeremy wasn't sure how long the two had stayed together. She knew deep down how wrong it was to be fucking in such a public place. She felt humiliated, degraded, and still so horny. Her body just needed to get fucked in every possible hole, even her nipples needed something penetrating them! It was by her tenth orgasm though that her mind slowly gained some sense of what had happened, and she was blushing underneath her fox fur. "M-my god...what have I done?"

The wolf panted from the heat and workout Jeremy made him perform. His hand was soaked in her feminine juices, and his cock was deep in her ass. "You uh...I didn' consented to this." He winced as he felt her anus clench on his shaft. "I-I should be able to pull out in a few minutes."

Jeremy couldn't be mad at the wolf. The wolf wasn't the best lay; well technically the wolf was Jeremy's ONLY lay, but that wasn't the point. "I-It's fine." Jeremy hated how she still felt so horny and so needy, but with one orgasm from a man, and so many from her, she at least felt a bit better under control. She pulled occasionally, and after a few minutes, she was able to free her anus from the wolf's cock. Only moments after her ass was freed, she felt herself let out a loud thunderous fart onto the wolf's shaft.

There was a moment of silence after Jeremy's fart. The only noise the two could hear was the overhead music, and the squelching of Jeremy's juices which flowed nonstop. Neither Jeremy, nor the wolf knew how to respond in such an awkward humiliating moment for Jeremy. It was bad enough she was gushing fluids, but now she was gassy, at least between her legs. ""

"D-don't worry about it." The wolf replied nervously. He pulled up his soaked pants, adjusted his shirt, and then left the fitting room in a rush. There was a crowd of people there that were silent and just stared awkwardly, first at the wolf as he ran off, but then they turned their attention to the exposed Jeremy.

Jeremy felt as if she were something out of a porno magazine. She saw many of them with their phones out looking at her form. Her milky tits leaked onto her shirt, while her vagina gushed with clear liquids, and her puffed anus dripped cum. Her hair and fur was a mess, and her face was a mad blush. She squeezed her legs together with a loud squelch, then jumped up, and ran off. She left the outfits she had meant to try on behind, but she didn't care. She ran out of the store and left behind her a trail of vaginal juices, cum, and milk.

Jeremy raced herself to the car, and once she got in, she locked the doors, and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure whether to cry or shout in frustration. She just had sex with a random stranger in a public place, and she was recorded afterwards! The fitting rooms likely had cameras placed around it somewhere too, and that just made the situation even worse. Still, despite the predicament she was in, she could feel her cunt and ass pulse with want, with need. The wolf was enough to sate her briefly, but now she was feeling warm again, and not just due to the heat of the car.

"Is this how my life is going to be?" Jeremy started up the car with a look of sadness on her face. "A life of fucking and...and..." she let loose another fart that made her moan quietly. Even the sensation of warm gas inside of her ass pleasured her. "And humiliation? God, it is like someone turned me into their sex toy and put me in their own fucking story or something."

Jeremy put her foot on the brake, and then grabbed the gear stick. As she grabbed onto the gear stick, she looked down at it. The stick wasn't as thick as her phone, but it was was probably longer than most cocks. Definitely not quite as big as some dildos, but she could see herself plunging up and down it. "N-no! Control yourself Jeremy!" she told herself. "C-can't fuck everything that can be inserted in my cunt." She didn't even know where her phone went off to. She ran off without thinking. For all she knew, her phone was still stuffed in her vagina! It would have explained her slightly sated sensation.

Jeremy continued to hold onto that gear shift. She looked around outside her car window and didn't see anyone that was eager to record her. She turned back to that gearshift, and bit her lower lip. She couldn't stop picturing herself fucking the gearstick with her cunt. She pulled her hand off from it, but then she sound her furry fingers grabbed onto something else. She grabbed onto the emergency brake that wasn't far from where the gear shift was. "They're almost...almost close enough to..."

Jeremy couldn't take it anymore. She knew she just literally had sex less than a few minutes ago, but her body needed more. Her body CRAVED more. She pulled up the emergency brake, turned off the car, and stripped off her already ruined pants. She thrust her cunt onto the gear shift, and her anus onto the parking brake. Both sticks slid into both holes with minor difficulty thanks to the lubricant of her vagina, and cum in her ass. "FUCK!" she shouted out loud with a happy foxy moan. She humped and pumped herself up and down the two sticks. "THESE you don't have to worry about stamina for! I can fuck this all day and all night!" she couldn't control herself. The pleasure was just too good.

Jeremy quickly lost track of time. She knew she was outside, but she was too focused on the humping and pumping of the gear stick and emergency brake to care. She knew her car was getting soaked in her fluids, but she again did not care. There were points during the humping and pumping that she had a moment of clarity to think to herself, but it was cut short when she pulled up and felt the two sticks still inside of her. Occasionally when she thrust her massive donut anus down on the stick, she let loose a fart, which seemed to come far more frequently than they should have, especially while masturbating

Jeremy felt as if she could fuck her two sticks together, but she was cut short by such thoughts when her stomach growled. She pulled herself free from the two sticks, and laid on the driver's seat of the car with her back and massive fluffy tail to the door. "R-right...eating is still something I need to do." She spoke breathlessly. With a sigh, she straightened herself out on the seat, started up the car again, and with her hand on the wet and sticky gear shift, she moved it to drive, and drove off.

Jeremy pulled up to a fast food joint, and paused as she looked at how long the drive-thru line was. She loathed the idea of going inside, but her hunger, while quick to onset, was just as quick to get to her. She parked her car in a parking spot, and then looked down at herself. She was still absolutely soaked between her legs, and her shirt was wrecked. The scent of sex and milk was strong in the car, but she knew she couldn't stop it. "So this is what my life has become." she leaned back against the headrest on the seat. "A slutty whore fox who's leaking so many fluids she belongs more in a cartoon than she does in reality." She suddenly let loose another fart. "With uncontrollable gas, well, there has to be some sort of upside to this, and I'm going to find it." She got out of the car, and looked to the fast food place in front of her, Burger Queen. "At least they don't give a damn how you look here, you could walk in without any pants and they'd still probably serve you."

The fast food joint was as clean and well kempt as any other. There wasn't even anyone inside eating. Everyone was just going into the drive-thru. There were brown tiles on the ground with a white ceiling, and windows that surrounded the building, except for the backside where the cooking took place.

Jeremy tried to keep her composure casual as she walked inside, and up to the counter.

The man behind the counter, a human man that looked to be just slightly over 20 years of age, stared at her with wide eyes. "I uh...can...I take your order?" he stammered.

Jeremy thought about what she wanted, and patted her pants as she did. She patted them again, and her eyes went wide. Her wallet was missing! She figured she must have lost it during the...interaction she had with the wolf in the dressing room, but there was no way she was going to get it back now. Her driver's license picture hadn't been updated with her new...face. "S-shit." she said quietly. "I...uh...I'm sorry, I misplaced my wallet." She tried to sound polite about it.

"This is exactly how cheesy porno flicks tend to start." The man grimaced, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of her milky tits. "But...maybe we can arrange something."

Jeremy opened her mouth to speak up, but then she slowly realized something about her town, about her world. Prostitution was completely legal. She didn't remember why, or when it had happened, but it was very much acceptable for a woman to have sex for favors, or for cash for that matter. It was the exact same reason as to why nobody arrested her for humping the wolf, although the wolf would probably get scolded, he wouldn't get fired.

Why am I just realizing this now? Jeremy thought to herself. She swore it wasn't legal twenty minutes ago. Virgins would be incredibly rare if that were the case. But...even so, because it is... She continued. "How much for a number one without pickles? Include the fries and the drink." Jeremy leaned onto the counter where she pressed her tits on it. She felt the milk in her nipples leak through the fabric and onto the marble countertop.

"Nine fourty three." The cashier said after he pressed a few buttons. "...or five minutes in the bathroom." The man seemed just as perplexed as Jeremy was. Since when was sex considered so casual?

"Since I don't have my money, bathroom time it is." Jeremy wasn't sure what came over her. She could smell the scent of burgers, but the scent of the man in front of her just felt so much stronger. She walked to the bathroom with another sense of need in her body that she had to get sated. Why does this feel so wrong and so right?! Jeremy thought to herself. Sex with random strangers shouldn't have been so normal, yet at the same time, she couldn't get the thought out of her head that it totally was normal.

Why are we even doing this in the bathroom if it's supposed to be so public? Jeremy added as another thought. Maybe they didn't have to be in a private place, maybe it was just curtesy, like breastfeeding could be done in public, but private places were often more comfortable. She stopped questioning it as she waited inside the bathroom for him. The bathroom size was large enough for a few people, although it was the kind of bathrooms meant for one person, and then they locked it.

The man walked into the bathroom with his messy greasy uniform. He leaned up against the door once he was inside, locked it, and undid his pants. "A quick blowjob should be plenty. I'm sure your vagina is absolutely wrecked."

Jeremy felt insulted! Her vagina was soaked, and it soaked more when she saw the man's cock between his legs. She didn't care where the man worked, just the sheer fact the man was male and had what she wanted made her eager. "F-fuck you..." she said quietly before she lowered herself down between his legs.

"I mean, we can do that if you want to upgrade your meal." The man replied with a soft chuckle. Aside from his exposed shaft from an open zipper, he was fully dressed.

Jeremy let out a sigh as she just took the man's shaft in her mouth. His cock was warm, salty, and it pulsed softly with his heartbeat. Yet her body wanted this, her body needed this. She pressed her massive tits up against the man's balls as she sucked his shaft, and twirled her tongue around it. She had never done a blowjob before, but with the way she was moving around, it was hard to tell.

The man stroked Jeremy's long hair. "Mmmph, that's it...right there..." he mumbled quietly. "Fuck that's good. How long have you been doing this?"

Jeremy wasn't even sure how long she had been doing this. The world had become so muddy and confused, as if it wanted her to accept and embrace her new form. She had been humiliated, degraded, and now here she was, giving a blowjob in the bathroom so she could have a quick meal because she didn't have her wallet!

And yet, if she could earn things with sexual favors, maybe life wouldn't be all that bad. She wondered just how much she could do, how many things she could get by giving someone a blowjob, or vaginal, or hell, anal. She felt her ass and cunt quiver at such thoughts.

She still couldn't find a true upside that made her smile, at least yet, but people were more than eager to help her satisfy her needs which helped her, even if it was absolutely degrading. With a cock in her mouth, she felt as if she needed to stuff something else in her cunt though, and as she sucked the stranger off, her eyes turned to glance over at the nearby plunger. She looked back up at the man, and while he seemed distracted with his cock in her mouth, she grabbed the plunger, and stuffed the handle in her cunt, as far in her cunt as she could stuff it. Even Jeremy was surprised how far the plunger could go up her nether lips, and it just made her moan happily. It wasn't the widest thing in her, but it helped satisfy her needs.

Jeremy gave the man a blowjob until he came, and then fucked herself with the plunger just a bit more, and orgasmed repeatedly. After the fifth orgasm, and the man's first, she drank his seed and pulled back. She licked her fox lips, and stood up. She let the plunger fall out and clank onto the ground, soaked with her fluids. " much am I going to get to eat for that?"

Jeremy left the fast food joint with her meal, and a tail that wagged happily. It was only once she got into her car that she was hit with remorse over what she had just done, although her body didn't feel nearly as much regret as her mind did. "I just sucked a guy off for food." She said to herself with a sigh. She could feel herself turn more and more into some kind of massive slut not just physically, but mentally as well. She wished she had some sort of answer as to how she got changed into this, and what she could do to fix it. She very much loved her body, but she hated how it just NEEDED to be fucked regularly. Already her cunt soaked her seat with juices and just begged to be filled with something, just like her ass itched on the inside and needed something too.

Jeremy ate in the car as she drove back home, but once she made it back to where she thought she lived, she stopped the car on the curb, and looked at her home. Her house was not the same small place it once was, but now it was a three story apartment. Jeremy blinked a few times at the brown brick building. She would have pulled out her wallet to double check her address, but she didn't have one! She DID have her phone, but that didn't give away her address. "Am I lost or something?" she asked herself as she shifted her legs and heard squelching as she shifted her feet around. "Uhn...whatever."

Jeremy drove the car into the back, and parked the car in a parking lot. She walked up to the glass door, and opened up the apartment entrance without so much as needing a key. She wasn't sure what she was doing, she just sort of let her body go on autopilot. Her body took herself to the second floor, and the apartment on the far left. She felt herself pull into her pocket, and pull out her house keys. Her keys fit right into the lock, and she entered the apartment.

Her apartment had a lot of the same things that Jeremy had before, and positioned right in the same area in the apartment as it would have been in her home. There were quite a few more sex toys scattered about this home though. As Jeremy walked through the house, she also found her computer was more advanced than she remembered, complete with three different cameras set at angles, and small lamps for lightning, as if she were a streamer of sorts.

"That's right," Jeremy told herself as she walked around the computer positioned right in front of her bed. "I can't exactly get a normal job with this kind of body. I need to be fucked and filled so much to hell if I could pull a 9-5 job." Jeremy's eyes widened as she remembered the days she sat in her chair just doing whatever the hell she wanted and got tips to do various...things while she did whatever she wanted to do online, usually play video games which she did horrible with, if only because arousal constantly got in her way.

Jeremy then remembered Ashley for a brief period. "Wait, where is she?" Jeremy looked around her apartment, but there was no sign that a second person had even lived in the apartment with her. Her place, while not filthy with dust and grime, was littered with a variety of magazines, sex toys, and miscellaneous food wrappers. "Ashley? Where are you?!"

Jeremy didn't get any answer. She looked around the small apartment, but there was no sign that anyone else had even lived in there with her. Jeremy just noticed that her house looked as if it were a home for a slut, but considering her new body, it made sense. She even found underwear on the floor that was soaked with her juices that had dildos for her ass and her cunt.

She was reminded of her various juices that she leaked from her cunt constantly, and onto the ground through her clothing. The scent of her in her own apartment was powerful. She wouldn't doubt that she leaked so much everywhere that she probably just stopped trying to clean up after herself at some point, at least for her vaginal fluid that kept leaking.

Jeremy could piece her new life together bit by bit as much as she hated it. She let out a frustrated sigh as she wasn't going to get any real answers as to who was changing the world around her though and for what reason. She thought she was just put in someone's story for their own amusement and sexual gratification, but that was a passing thought. "What am I supposed to do here now?" she said to herself.

Jeremy walked back to her computer, and glanced at the setup. Her ears flickered at every step she took as she heard her cunt squelch from her heavy fluid, and she was feeling an urge to need to be filled again. It wasn't a hard task to find something to be filled with either, her house was filled with dildos, and there were ones of varying sizes and shapes near the computer. " I one of THOSE streamers?" she mumbled to herself.

Jeremy turned on her computer and saw the background of a massive cock for her desktop. She wished she could say she was surprised at how much of a one track mind it looked like she had. Her tail twitched rapidly as she let out a fart, and she sighed as she was reminded of how she wasn't just soaked in the front, but she was gassy in the back.

Jeremy took a seat on the chair, and spread her legs. She opened up her browser and checked her bookmarks. There was a bookmark for a website that Jeremy knew was pornography website, but the other links were surprisingly fairly standard. Jeremy clicked on the porn tab, and she was greeted with a 'gold' account that she was already signed into. The website was built almost like a streaming website, except it was designed for adults. "I knew it." She said with a sigh. She was a streamer, but she was a streamer that streamed herself doing dirty things. She clicked on one of the videos and watched as she was playing with herself in the video, and others were encouraging her to do various lewd things, which she gladly did anything they said, so long as they tipped money.

Right before Jeremy stopped the video, one person donated something about giving Jeremy a massively dripping leaking vagina, but she missed it. "So I'm a streamer whore." She let out a small sigh. She noticed that she was sometimes playing video games in those streams, so it didn't look too bad. Plus, as much as she hated the idea of streaming herself naked and toying with herself, it would both satisfy her desire to be filled, and give her money she needed at the same time. The money she obtained from streaming seemed to be quite a lot too. Jeremy found nothing wrong with people making money doing porn, but she never imagined that she herself would be doing such things, let alone with her actual body.

Jeremy looked down at her fox body, and blushed. She had already paid for food with sex, but she doubted sex could pay for rent. At least, she doubted one round of sex at least would pay for such things. She also didn't want to whore herself out for so much humping and pumping, as much as her body grew aroused with the mere thought of it. She doubted she had much, if any, other kind of skills in this world. "I guess if this is what I have to do to make money," she leaned back. "Then this is what I have to do." Jeremy had no idea where to even begin. She had seen part of the videos where it was her just toying around with herself, and while that was something that just felt so natural to her, she was hesitant to do it right onto a camera with a body that she's had for less than a day.

Jeremy felt as if her body wanted to react to the camera naturally in a way she couldn't describe. She took a deep breath, and let her body go on autopilot. She moved the mouse to her channel, hit record, and looked up to the camera with a sly grin. Jeremy wasn't in control, rather the body she was in took over. If Jeremy hated it, she could easily fight against it, but she knew she could probably use the money for rent, among other things. As she recorded, her hand moved the mouse over to a music playlist, and began to play music that a couple might play if they wanted to have sex with one another. The music had lyrics, but Jeremy paid no attention to them. Instead, she opened up a porn video game on her desktop, and began to play it with one hand on the mouse, and the other in her crotch.

It didn't take long before Jeremy started seeing comments on the side of her screen. She let her body do what felt natural, but she also glanced over at the side to see what people said about her. Most of the comments were lewd and probably from men, but suddenly there was a dollar tip that said 'release a big fart for me' with the message.

Jeremy thought the message was just stupid humor. This was the internet, and the message was posted on a porn site. She felt her body build up gas however, and she suddenly released a fart big enough to gently shake the chair she sat in. Jeremy blinked a few times in surprise at such a thing. She didn't even try to release a fart of any kind. It just sort of...happened.

Jeremy tried to just dismiss what had just occurred, but there was another donation of ten dollars for her to grow a tongue so long that she could lick her cunt without needing to even bend over.

Jeremy kept one hand on her mouse while the other hand reached into her pants and stroked her vagina with one finger inside of her slick wet cunt. Her finger itself wasn't nearly enough to satisfy her needs, but it helped take the edge off if nothing else. Jeremy's mouth suddenly felt a bit strange, so she figured she might as well open her mouth anyways, if only to entertain the person that donated money for something that seemed impossible.

Jeremy felt her tongue reach down to her chin. She swore it wasn't that long before, but she was too afraid to look down at it. She could see herself in the camera in the setup she had though. She saw that her tongue had grown a little wider, but it looked MUCH longer too, and it was getting even bigger bit by bit. She moved her tongue up to her nose and found she couldn't just touch her fox snout with her tongue, she could reach over it!

Jeremy remembered what the donation said specifically, and as much as she mentally hated the idea, she knew her body grew so excited and wet that she couldn't contain herself with a small orgasm right then and there on her very finger. Her tongue lashed down between her massive tits as it grew and grew until it could very well, and indeed did, dig right between her legs and stroke her cunt. Jeremy released her hand as she gasped and moaned, though slightly off with her tongue so far out of her mouth. She was licking herself off with her own tongue, and loving it! She felt so degraded and humiliated, yet she just couldn't stop.

Her eyes rolled up as she orgasmed again, not even caring what she had on the computer. She grabbed onto the sides of the chair as her tongue toyed with her cunt again and again, she didn't even see the next donation to grow out her teeth to be as buck as a beaver's. She could feel her two front teeth grow, but she didn't care. The pleasure of the transformation was all that mattered to her at this very moment, and it was too arousing to stop.

As Jeremy toyed with herself, she couldn't help but wonder if it was these donations that changed her into the fox she was. She didn't remember ever streaming before, but she thought to herself if she looked back at the early videos, maybe she could see something. One of her hands shakily went to her mouse as she took control of herself, but she didn't have much time to look before there was one donation that said to double the size of her paws.

Jeremy's hands felt strange after the donation occurred. She opened her eyes to look down and see that her hands were doubling in size, just like her feet. While the growth was nowhere near silly on her frame, it did make her look a little bit stranger. "People are...donating and turning me into some sort of freak." She said aloud with a pant, unaware that her camera included a microphone. Jeremy looked at her screen with her mouth agape as her tongue played with her cunt, and she noticed there was a reward for the top donor. More specifically, the reward was they got to fuck her live on camera!

Is this my life now? Jeremy thought to herself as her tongue toyed with her body. She could taste her vaginal juices, and they had a hint of a candy taste and scent to them. A quick glance at the donations, and she noticed there was one to make her excessive vaginal juices taste like cotton candy, and for her farts to smell like peppermint. Jeremy had a strong feeling that reality had already changed, but now she was wondering how reality changed so much that this became her life. She imagined Myu, and she pictured that equine horse helping out with donations and just donate a few hundred dollars so she could fuck her, and the thought of being fucked by a creature with a massive equine cock was enough to make Jeremy orgasm onto her tongue.

"God...I hope she is real in this reality." Jeremy mumbled to herself. Her tongue reached deeper in her cunt as she tasted her new sweet insides with a dumb smile on her face. She barely even noticed that there was a donation to lower her IQ which would explain her new behavior, but she didn't care anymore.

Jeremy's body shrunk down as one donation told her to become a short stack. She shrank down half her height to be just over three feet tall, but still with her tits and ass unchanged, as well as her buck teeth and even her tongue didn't shrink down in size. It would have been impossible to stick her tongue back in her mouth, but she was fine constantly licking and teasing her cunt with it anyways. She wasn't even paying attention to who donated anymore, nor did she see the amounts, but the amounts were doing up in size. The person who wanted her to become a short stack donated a good eighty dollars.

"Theomonesh weally wantsh to fuck me." Jeremy spoke in a lisp thanks to her big buck teeth and tongue. She felt more humiliated and degraded than ever, but she couldn't fight it, especially while she was recording in front of the camera. She let loose a big massive fart, and breathed in the smell of strong peppermint with a giggle. Deep down, she told herself how none of this should be possible, but it didn't matter.

Suddenly, there was a donation of a hundred dollars on Jeremy's screen. There was no specific transformation, but Jeremy immediately knew that a hundred dollars meant 'five minutes of whatever that person wanted' with her. Jeremy wasn't even sure how it was possible, but she felt a sudden presence in the room with her. She turned around, and there was a man.

The man was a tanuki anthro. Based on his looks, he must have weighed almost 300 pounds. He had dark brown fur on his back, and lighter brown on his front. As most tanuki's were infamous for, he had massive balls that swung down to his knees. The tanuki grinned at Jeremy. "I want you to suck me off with a big huge nose."

Jeremy stared at the tanuki wide-eyed. There was something about this tanuki that seemed so familiar. Suddenly, Jeremy remembered. The tanuki was a regular from her new reality. He tipped the most a lot, and he got fucked and sucked off a lot in front of the camera. Jeremy's eyes turned back to the screen, and she could already see comments about how excited they were to see 'him' again, but not referring to the tanuki by a name.

"Well?" The tanuki spread his legs. He was completely naked already. He wasn't an ugly tanuki by any means, but he was a big chubby man, something that Jeremy would have no way found attractive before. "Or do we have to set up a roleplay scenario first?" he teased with a smirk.

Jeremy just kept staring at the tanuki. Deep down, her instincts were telling her to just suck away at the man's cock, the cock that was slightly bigger than Jeremy's used to be, but in no way was impressive, unlike the tanuki's balls which were just huge. "I...erm...uh..." she hesitated. There was a donation behind her back that suddenly gave her a strong craving for the man's cock in one of her holes, ANY hole that cock could fit in! She already had such strong sensations, but now they felt even more powerful. She dived down to the tanuki's crotch and took the cock in her mouth, sending her drool all over. Her tongue wrapped around the shaft with enough length to it to continue toying with herself as her lips pumped up and down on the cock as if she had sucked cocks her entire life. It wasn't hard for her to suck the tanuki's cock either, as she was the perfect height thanks to her new short stack body. Even her tits brushed up against the tanuki's massive balls.

The tanuki stroked Jeremy's head with a laugh. His greasy fingers stroked through her fine hair. "Just like every other night huh? Nobody donates more than me, so you probably got me for more than five minutes! Come on, let's make you a real slut."

Jeremy imagined how slutty her body already looked. She was built to be a cocksucker physically, and she felt mentally too. She was still Jeremy deep down, and she still had so many questions as to what was going on, and what she could do about it, but for the time being, her slutty side took over and she became the woman named Jody.

The rest of that night was a blur to Jeremy. She remembered donations, sex, and lots of various transformations to her body, but it all happened so fast, and she was so focused on sex that she lost all sense of herself, and what happened. The next thing she could remember was that she opened her eyes, and now it was eleven in the afternoon.

Jeremy smacked her lips and picked up the taste of salty warm cock and seed. She let out a groan as she sat up, and then she looked down at her form, and blinked a few times in surprise. She quickly shot awake, and rushed into the bathroom to confirm it, but she was her slutty fox self again. It was as if last night had not happened, although she definitely could still taste it did. She was nude, but she was the same slutty fox that she was before she started the stream. "At least I'm...mentally myself again." Jeremy mumbled to herself. "And not...whatever the fuck I turned into last night, I don't even remember."

Jeremy still hated the fact she was a female fox that referred to herself as Jody. She also had no answers as to who was doing this to her, or what was even going on. Time itself felt like a blur in so many moments. She heard her phone buzz, and with a sigh, she took a look at it. "Change your tail into a beaver one...?" she read the message out loud.

Jeremy's fox tail suddenly flattened as if hit with a press, though not painfully so. Her tail took on a brown hue, and the tip widened out. The process of the change took a hot minute, but just like that, Jeremy now had a beaver tail to accommodate her fox body.

"First off, what. Secondly, the. Thirdly, fuck?" Jeremy opened up her phone and noticed that her phone had an app installed that allowed requests to transform her, even when she was offline. Jeremy's eyes widened and she scrolled up to the very first few transformations. The first transformation itself said 'Stuck as a voluptuous fox. Resets to that form every morning, and is constantly horny' with a donation of but one single dollar.

Jeremy couldn't believe it. If her phone had downloaded the app somehow, it would have explained just about everything except how her phone downloaded it in the first place. She was quick to put her furry finger on her phone to delete the app, but as she tried to delete it, the phone said it was unable to uninstall vital components. "Vital my ass!" She shouted.

There was a sudden ding from a donation. 'Stuff the phone in your ass until your orgasm.' The donation read.

"W-wait, didn't I already use the phone for sex?!" Jeremy was now worried about an additional problem. She wasn't sure how the app was installed, or if someone was watching her and making these suggestions. She couldn't stop her hand from stuffing her phone up her ass, and with multiple vibrations, Jeremy let out a lewd moan as her vagina leaked heavily once more. "D-dammit!" she couldn't stop herself, and she hated how much she loved it. She tried to focus her mind on other things, such as if someone was watching her, but that just made her more aroused than before. Jeremy humped and pumped the phone in and out of her winking anus, and she kept a firm grip on her phone up until the point when she orgasmed from both her cunt, and her ass. Feminine fluids sprayed from both holes as she soaked her phone once again, and moaned deeply, and lewdly.

Jeremy pulled the phone back out. She blushed deep underneath her orange and white fur. She felt like such a slut, and while she loved it, she had a feeling it because people donated money and said she would love it. She still had so many unanswered questions, and she feared to say anything out loud to herself in case someone might actually be listening to her.

Jeremy knew she had to take things in a different direction if she were to try to get any answers as to what was happening. She thought she had figured out WHAT was transforming her, but it didn't explain why only she was getting transformed throughout the world, unless the world was changing too and she just never realized it. She did know the world had seemingly already made some adjustments for her new form as she lived in a new place covered with sex toys, but she didn't know how much anyone else's lives had changed.

Her mind went back to Ashley again and again. She knew she no longer seemed to be in contact with her, but that didn't mean that she didn't remember her. She minimized the app that was transforming her, as she couldn't close it, and then looked up Ashley's number with her furry digits. Despite the phone being covered in her feminine fluids, it still worked well enough that she could pull up Ashley's information in an online phone book. With a deep breath, she gave the number a call.

After but only one ring, there was a feminine answer on the other end. "Hello?" a familiar voice spoke, although with a hint huskier.

"Ashley?" Jeremy replied. She wasn't sure what to say without sounding crazy, so she figured she may as well go the whole nine yards. "It's me, Jeremy. Do you remember me Ashley?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone before Ashley answered. "Uh...the name sounds familiar...did we go to high school together or something?"

Jeremy could tell Ashley was confused. She mentally cursed herself for not thinking of a better way to speak with her, but at least Ashley remembered Jeremy somehow, and that was a start. "Sort of," her beaver tail slowly waved up and down like a slow motion fan. "Can I meet you somewhere? Like, the bagel shop on sixth?" she knew that if Ashley barely remembered Jeremy then meeting somewhere in a public place would be much better than private. Jeremy was a bit afraid of the things she might DO in those public places, but she just had to meet up with Ashley again.

"Um...sure, I'll head down there in a bit. See you there." Ashley then hung up the phone.

Jeremy hung up the phone with a quiet smile on her face. She wasn't sure how much Ashley exactly remembered her, but it was a start to meet up with her. She'd have to try to convince her about their old lives, but even Jeremy found it hard to remember a lot about her old life either. She knew that she used to be a guy, and a male guy with Ashley as her fiancee, but that was all she could really remember about her old life.

Jeremy got dressed in what outfit she could find. The outfit was almost equivalent to that of a bikini suit, except it was made of leather and it covered just a bit more of her back than a string bikini. Outside of that, once piece of black leather that hugged her massive fake looking tits, and then another piece hugged her ass. She put on an underwear with two dildos that sent immense pleasure through her system, but it also helped prevent any major leaking from her cunt and anus. Thankfully there were no more quests for changes outside of 'only high heel shoes' which just simplified Jeremy's choice in wardrobe.

Jeremy walked out of her home and walked her way to the bagel shop. She knew driving would have been faster, but she doubted her ability to drive in high heels. Her beaver tail swayed up and down while her ass swayed left and right. She could hear dings on her phone that meant more donations rolled in, and while some changes she noticed immediately such as her feet swelling in her high heels, but the high heels grew with it, other donations seemed to not be so quick for her to notice. She heard the rapid dings, but she did her best to ignore it. She couldn't do anything about it anyways, at least things that she knew of.

Jeremy walked into the bagel shop and she was met with countless stares. She was by no means dressed for a visit to a bagel store in the afternoon, but she wasn't worried about that. She looked around for Ashley, and grimaced when she didn't see her. She saw anthros and various other beings, but nobody that looked like Ashley. Jeremy pulled out her phone and sent a text. 'Where are you?'

Jeremy couldn't see it, but her ears that now looked twice as big as before, likely thanks to another donation, picked up the noise of a vibration. She looked to the source and noticed a massive female skunk. The skunk must have weighed at least 500 pounds and barely had any clothing on. Jeremy could visibly see a green aura that came from this skunk, an aura that she doubted was a pleasant smell.

The skunk pulled out her phone, texted, and then Jeremy's phone vibrated the moment the skunk finished texting. "I'm right here" the text read. "Like, the second booth down from the entrance."

Jeremy read the text, and then she looked back at the skunk. It was easy for her to deduce that the skunk was Ashley, but she couldn't believe it. The blonde hair looked familiar, but that was the only thing that looked familiar about the skunk. Deep down, something told her that it was Ashley besides the text, but she couldn't pinpoint what. Jeremy took a breath, and walked up to the table. She made her way to the other side of Ashley, and paused to see Ashley's gut took up a good quarter of the table alone. She then raised her head up to Ashley's face. She noticed Ashley's face somewhat resembled her old face, but it was a muzzle like Jeremy's. "Ashley?"

Ashley nodded down at Jeremy with half a smile. "Yes? Jeremy? How are you doing?"

"This world just gives me more and more questions to ask." Jeremy rubbed her fox head. With each breath, her massive fake tits pushed back and forth. "Why are you a skunk? Do you remember always being one? Why are you also so...big and massive? Do you even remember me ever being a guy?"

Ashley's eyes squinted at Jeremy. There was a ding noise not from Jeremy's phone, but from Ashley's phone, and with a twitch of her big fluffy black and white skunk tail, she ripped a massive fart. "Hmmm...I remember a fox named Jody. We dated, we mated, and then we did other things...I swore we lived together."

"N-no, I used to be named-" there was another ding, and this one WAS from Jeremy's phone. Jeremy froze as she tried to remember her old name. "...J...John? Jay? Joe?" She couldn't believe it. Jody just forgot her old name, all for a donation of what was probably a simple dollar. "I know I wasn't always Jody."

Ashley grimaced at Jody. She could tell there was something definitely wrong. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her own phone. There were multiple notifications of donations and commands for her, much like it was Jody's own. "I know things got really weird when my phone got that app."

Jody pulled out her own phone and realized she had the same notifications, but different commands. "So I'm not the only one who's been getting these kinds of messages?" Jody was now curious as to how many people transformed around her. She knew things were changing throughout the world, but she had no idea to exactly what extent.

"I thought I was the only one. I know I was someone else, but I don't remember what." Ashley's tail twitched as she farted again, and she even let out a quiet moan. " good..." she mumbled.

"Maybe if I donate money to you and you donate money to me, then we can turn ourselves back to normal." Jody suggested. She wasn't sure if it was that simple, but she wanted to think of something to try to change themselves back to normal.

"This is really you think a lot of people are donating money to one another to change each other?" Ashley asked out of curiosity. Her blue eyes kept her eyes on the phone. She wasn't even sure if her eye color was even supposed to be blue.

Jeremy inspected the app against her better judgement. "I don't see any way to explore another person's profile." She just saw her own, and a few donations to change her. "This is so crazy. People just transform you on a whim." Jeremy shivered as her cunt tingled with more need. "F-fuck..."

"They uh...make you needy too?" Ashley asked with a frown. Her tail twitched rapidly, but she didn't release any gas. It looked as if she were holding her fart though, and struggling.

Jeremy's fox ears flickered when Ashley asked that question. The more she talked to Ashley, the easier it was for her to be distracted from her growing need which helped. "How do you know?"

"Cause I have a constant empty feeling inside of me if I don't have anything in my ass." Ashley replied with a wiggle. "Mph...Sometimes I just want to stick a whole person in there, and I know they'd fit."

Jeremy blushed madly at the thought of getting stuffed up her fiance's, well, her used to be fiance's, ass. She wasn't even sure why that thought aroused her so much when she knew it shouldn't have. " do you join another's chat? Do you know how?"

Ashley shook her head. "I've looked into the app because it's so hard to move around a lot that it's hard to do anything else, but I can't figure it out for the life of me. I can talk back to the people, but they never said anything when I asked them...there's just more and more donations, and I don't even see my bank account has changed!"

Jeremy just realized what Ashley had said. She had seen many donations, heck one donation allowed someone to fuck her! She remembered that person, and deep down, she wanted that person back, if only because it made her feel filled. "uhn..." Jeremy shifted in her seat and heard a squelch noise from her extremely soaked cunt. "I haven't checked my own account either." She was now curious as to how much money she was really making from all of these donations, if she was making anything at all. Jeremy opened up her bank account and noticed that, while money was being made from the donations, money was also being taken away just as fast as it was being made. In fact, because there were transaction fees, she was actually losing money. "It says I'm donating to the same people..." she wondered if she had an account and she was transforming people herself, but she had no idea what she could do to confirm these suspicions.

"Huh? Do they?" Ashley looked at her phone with a grimace. "I uh...uhm..." she was hesitant to speak as her phone vibrated suddenly.

"What is it? A bad donation?" Jeremy half wished she could just toss her phone into the river, but she doubted that would fix it.

Ashley kept looking at her phone with disbelief. "I...I can't read what they did." She handed the phone to Jeremy. The phone itself seemed unchanged from before. The text was still the same size, and the app was still open. "Can you tell me what they did to me Jeremy?"

Jeremy was a bit worried when Ashley couldn't figure out what the next donation did. She just wondered to what extent these donations could make a person even DO. She wriggled in her seat uncomfortably from her wet cunt and ass as she glanced over Ashley's phone.

Just then, there was a ding from Jeremy's phone from another 'donation' that she had obtained. Jeremy wasn't worried about looking at her phone though to see what it said, she could read her phone any time. At least, she THOUGHT she could read her phone at any time. As she tried to comprehend what Ashley's phone said, she got a bit of a headache. The pain was quick to pass, but once it did, she found she couldn't read Ashley's phone either. "I uh..." she hesitated as she tried to read, and then reread the phone, again and again. No matter how many times Jeremy tried to read her phone though, she just couldn't see it either.

" can't read it either?" Ashley may have felt dumber, but she could still pick up on what Jeremy was thinking. Her massive skunk tail twitched as her phone dinged again. "Uhnn...what are we supposed to do?"

Jeremy slid Ashley's phone back to her, and checked her own phone instead. She couldn't read her phone any better than she could have Ashley's, and when she checked the dining room menu out of sheer curiosity, she found she couldn't read that either. She figured that the donations could alter her mentally in ways she couldn't think of, but she didn't predict they could take away her ability to read, let alone Ashley's. "They have to be watching us somehow. That's the only explanation." She stared at the big slob of a skunk with a grimace.

Ashley nodded to Jeremy. "I...I don't know what we should do to fix that I can't even tell what's changing with the donations!" she would have stood up in a panic if she were able to, but her fat belly made standing hard. She swore there were more changes to her while she sat in the booth that made her so fat that her belly made sure she wasn't going to be able to get back up.

Jeremy was just at a loss over what to do as well. There was only one thing that ran through her mind about what might fix their situation, but even then, she was unsure how it would work. "We have to get rid of these phones. If this update transformed us, then getting rid of the phones should fix us, maybe." She had the thought about destroying her phone a few times, but doing it was another matter entirely. She grabbed the back of her phone with her fox paws, and tried to pry the back half open. No matter how hard she tried though, she couldn't just rip open her phone.

"Maybe we need a..." Ashley started, and then there was a ding from a donation on her phone, not that she could read what the donation said, but she blinked a few times after the donation hit. Physically, she looked like the fat slob of a skunk she had already been transformed into, but mentally there was a swift change. "Uh...hit-y...pound-y...thing."

Jeremy raised a brow in confusion at what Ashley suggested. "A...hammer?" she asked. She couldn't think of what else could be considered what she described except maybe a sledgehammer. Granted both things should have been more than capable of getting the job done that was destroying their phones.

There was another ding noise, but this one came from Jeremy's and Ashley's phone in unison. Again, the changes couldn't be visibly seen on either of them, but these changes were likely mental once more.

"What was that supposed to be?" Ashley asked in confusion. She then looked over to Jeremy with wide eyes. There was something about Jeremy that suddenly attracted her to the fox. She couldn't put her finger on it. She knew the fox felt familiar, but now there were just powerful sensations that made it hard to resist the bimbo slut fox. She couldn't stop herself. She reached forward, grabbed the back of Jeremy's head, and kissed the bimbo fox deeply.

Jeremy couldn't stop Ashley. It felt as if her movements had been slowed to a crawl. Besides that, it just felt so right to kiss the massive skunk, even in public so openly, and lewdly. She felt more humiliation, and more degraded, and worst of all, it was with someone she loved. She could almost sense that Ashley had the same kinds of emotions, if not worse due to her massive size. She felt her cunt continue to drip and leak more and more, almost to the point where it felt like a very leaky water faucet. She couldn't help herself. She ripped off her pants, took off her shoes, and dived on top of Ashley.

Ashley's skunk ears picked up a ding from her phone, and her clothes vanished to reveal her chubby skunk form. She could control herself as well as Jeremy, and the two were soon kissing with tongue, and Ashley's hands fondling Jeremy's fake perky tits, and squeezing those perky nipples. She wasn't just making out with Jeremy, she was doing it in public, and in a slobbish body no less. The humiliation was extreme, but she couldn't stop.

Jeremy wondered why others weren't even trying to stop. She closed her eyes, but she could hear other phones clicking around them with her fox ears. With another ding from her phone, she slid down Ashley's large gut, and grinded her extremely wet cunt against Ashley's. "F-fuck!" She shouted, unable to help herself.

The two rubbed their clits and pussies together. It would have been easy to grab and stuff something in their vaginas, especially since Jeremy had a feeling of emptiness in her cunt, and she could tell Ashley had that same feeling in her doughnut anus, but both of them were too pleasured by each other, and likely by those 'donations' that made them so aroused they had to have sex out in the open. Jeremy's mind tried to stay focused on a solution she could do to fix herself, but for so many reasons, she couldn't think straight. She couldn't even reach around and grab something, ANYTHING for the two. Her ears picked up at the sound of their phones dinging, as well as other phones flashing and voices around them, but she couldn't do anything about them. The only thing Jeremy could do, was rub her body and cunt against Ashley's own bare vagina.

Ashley could barely move with her weight. It didn't help that she had a fox that pinned down her massively fat body. Her tail twitched as she let loose more gas, but it didn't matter. It didn't disturb them, although she could pick up noises of people disgusted by her, she didn't care, she couldn't care. It wasn't long before the two orgasmed, and then they orgasmed again, and again. Ashley's body trembled and shook, and she let out a massive uncontrollable fart. "Uhnnn..." she could barely move. It was hard with her belly as big as it was, and Jeremy was on her gut, and on her exposed cunt. Her body was barely any taller than Jeremy, but it was definitely wider.

Time flew by for the couple. Jeremy knew what they were doing should have been wrong by so many social standards, yet nothing stopped them. She knew it was their phones transforming them, but she didn't have any answers as to what was going on with the rest of the world, unless the entire world as a whole was transforming all from their own phones. It was an idea that briefly popped into Jeremy's head, just as time flew by.

Jeremy wasn't sure how long it had been. There came a point when she swore she passed out, if only because the next thing she remembered was waking up back in her bed in her anthro fox form once more, alone in her house with her sex toys as if nothing had happened. Jeremy remembered having sex with Ashley, and quite a lot of it. She was quick to take a look at her phone from her fluffy bed, and she noticed there was a video of their love making in public. Jeremy groaned loudly before she minimized it, and looked at the app that was still on her phone. She wasn't sure what happened after sex with Ashley, just that now it was somehow the next day.

Jeremy laid back against the bed with a sigh. She looked up at the phone as she heard the all too familiar ding. She could only think about how this phone was controlling her life, but then again, phones controlled a lot of people's lives, even without transforming them.

Jeremy took a quick look online about the new phone update. She confirmed that it was indeed an update with phones that created the new default app, and she could only conclude that it was that that was transforming people. She had many more questions, but she wasn't sure how to get any of them answered now. Her life, her body, her very actions were controlled by whatever people wanted her to do. Out of pure anger, she tossed her phone and let it slam against the wall. She turned her head with a frustrated sigh, but with another ding, her fox ears picked up the sound, and her cunt grew soaked with need. "The phone become more durable too or what?" she mumbled. She really was ready to take Ashley's advice from yesterday and just smash the phone with a hammer.

Jeremy was reminded of Ashley with that thought, and she wondered what she was going through, and if she had just woken up as well.

Not a moment after Jeremy had that thought, Ashley sent a text 'What happened last night? I can read again but I'm still this big...skunk.'

Jeremy grabbed her phone after she heard the message that she had a text. She read the text, half surprised she could read her phone again so easily. 'I don't know.' Jeremy texted back to Ashley, she was just at a loss for what happened. Life in general had become so confusing to Jeremy that part of her wanted to just let her phone take the reins the lead her life. She wondered if that was maybe the point of the app. The app hadn't given her any 'bad' experiences per say. She also wondered maybe if the phone was making her think that, but she didn't even know anymore.

'What do you think we should do?' A text came from Ashley. 'I...think if you give me your address I can meet you there.'

'We'll probably just end up fucking again.' Jeremy replied to Ashley in a text. There was something she was tempted to add to that, but before she had the chance, Ashley replied.

'Would that be a bad thing?' Ashley's text read.

Jeremy read the text slowly. Each time she read it, the more she thought it wouldn't be. It was true they were being transformed into depraved slutty creatures on a regular basis, ones they couldn't seem to control themselves, but at the same time, they had found each other once more in this new crazy world. 'No, it wouldn't.' she replied. Meeting together with a massive skunk with a huge anus and uncontrollable farts, the idea made Jeremy aroused more than ever. She could feel her cunt soak her bed from pleasure. "Mph...fuck..." Jeremy sent a text with her address, and decided to wait.

It wasn't long before Ashley arrived in her pickup truck. Ashley wasn't even sure if that was originally supposed to be her car or not, but it didn't matter. She had thought about it just as much as Jeremy had. Ashley was still her slob skunk form as she was yesterday, but today she didn't wear clothes. She walked up to Jeremy's apartment building and walked in effortlessly thanks to the door being propped open. She then went to Jeremy's place, and knocked on her door.

Jeremy opened up the door with a smile. "Hey babe." Deep down, she remembered calling Ashley that, even though it felt a little awkward to call her that now. "You uh...decided not wear anything today?"

Ashley looked behind her at the various other apartment doors. "It...It just felt right. Clothes feel really itchy anyways." She wiggled her rear as she let out a deep fart, and blushed underneath her black and white skunk fur. "Sorry. It uh...I mean...I get transformed regularly, but I keep waking up like this."

Jeremy nodded as she led Ashley into her place. She didn't even try to hide her sex toys, nor her computer with webcam. "I get transformed by the phone, or I get transformed by that thing." She pointed to her computer. "Like, they pay money and I transform based on what they pay...and the highest donor gets to fuck me." She wished she could have said that with shame, but the ideas of getting fucked kept her cunt soaked. She lived in such a perverted world now that it was hard to show guilt over it.

Ashley looked at the computer curiously. She walked over to it slowly, and pulled out the chair. She couldn't even sit in the computer chair thanks to her generous size, but she was still able to look over the computer. "We already know the phone isn't really giving either of us money. Are you earning money from this?"

Jeremy wasn't sure if she was. She knew that the donations were actual dollar amounts, but she didn't check her bank accounts after streams. "Maybe, I don't really know." She looked at the screen, and then at Ashley. "It would make sense if I were a camwhore though...just look at me."

Ashley glanced back at Jeremy. Her massive doughnut anus was constantly exposed behind her, but she didn't seem to be concerned about it. "I guess normal jobs for you and I would be a little hard."

" and me?" Jeremy's ears flickered. "What kind of job do you do?" she didn't want to be mean to Ashley of course, but she was curious what kind of job a massive slob skunk could even have.

Ashley blushed underneath her black fur cheeks. "The same kind of job you have. Highest paid person comes by and fucks me afterwards. I think the last one was some kind of chubby tanuki guy."

Now Jeremy wondered if other people were camwhores too, or if it was just Ashley and Jeremy. She hated to admit that she actually liked it. Sure it was humiliating and degrading on levels she couldn't describe, but at the same time, it made her feel so aroused that she leaked her cunt juice all over the floor. She could see a similar fluid coming from Ashley's doughnut anus, a clear liquid but with no scent. "So that's what we are now, a couple of camwhores who get transformed by the phone, or by the camera."

Ashley stepped back from the computer with a nod. " seems that way. Why do I like it though?" She turned to Jeremy. "I mean, I know I shouldn't like this, but, my tail is quivering at the thought of being on a webcam, more so with you, and just being depraved sluts. Am I bad for liking that? I don't think I used to like that."

Jeremy could tell that Ashley and her had similar thoughts about what they liked, at least what they liked now as far as showing themselves off. "No...Not at all..." Jeremy replied quietly. She wasn't sure what to think about this world anymore. She was a camwhore slut, amongst other things, yet she actually enjoyed it.

"Do you want to... you know?" Ashley asked after a delay that seemed to last forever. She glanced over to the computer, and then back at Jeremy.

"A camshow? Now?" Jeremy looked at the time on the computer, it was already quite late in the day for when she had woken up. "With you?"

"I mean..." Ashley blushed. "I know this is so humiliating and degrading, but at the same time, I don't know if I've been happier. It feels so weird, and I feel so weird for liking it,'s fun too."

Jeremy continued thinking to herself that it was probably more than just physical changes that they had been hit with, because the idea of a cam whore show with Ashley didn't sound like that bad of an idea in her head either. They would be transformed, humiliated, and degraded, but they would also be all of those things on their phones regardless. Plus, it was fun, more so privately than publicly. "Well," she smiled faintly. "Okay, let's give this bizarre new life a shot."

False Identity

Kate sat at her computer late at night with a frown as she typed furiously on the message boards. It was well into the AM time, and Kate was arguing with someone over the internet about how soda was terrible and should never be drank by anyone. As odd...

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Transformation Roulette

There were cheap casinos, and there were fancy casinos. The "New Body Casino" was one of the fancier ones. Bets were very rarely made with money. Most bets were made with transformations, physically, mentally, or both. The interior of the casino had...

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July 2019 Stories

Midnight, otherwise known as the witching hour. Many people were asleep at this time of night. Myu herself would be one of those people, but sometimes she stayed up all night. Myu sat in her mostly empty bedroom in her apartment. The window was open...

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