Children of the Ancients: Siege of Thelarr
Children of the Ancients: Siege of Thelarr
By Rowyin Darkwulf
All characters are © their respective creators.
"'s good to finally be out of that swamp," a small feline, colored much like red tabby with a white belly and brown stripes commented to her much larger counterpart.
The huge male looked down at the feline and rolled his eyes. "Well, Zari, we wouldn't have had to go through the swamp if you hadn't suggested it would be shorter," the almost nine-foot-tall wolf quipped, looking down at his female companion.
Zari bounced up to the edge of the hill they were standing on, looking down at the large town before them. " least we made it to Thelarr...perhaps we can get a room and relax for a little while. Oh, and I want to stop by the shrine. A friend of mine came here to work as a priestess," she said with a large smile.
The wolf chuckled. "That's fine with me. All I want is to get a good, cooked meal; I'm tired of eating trail mix," he said, his mouth watering a bit.
Zari shook her head and giggled, and gently poked the wolf in his exposed stomach with the long staff she carried. "Is that all you think about, Tarn?"
The wolf shook his head as they began to make their way down the hill. "No...but after eating trail mix for almost a week, a thick steak sounds tasty," he replied, licking his lips.
The outer streets were fairly desolate for a town as big as Thelarr, but it soon became apparent where everyone was as the duo's ears picked up the sounds of music and merriment. They stopped a few streets away from the source of the sounds and realized what everyone was up to. Apparently there was a festival being held in the town square. Ever the curious one, Zari began heading towards the central square, but Tarn took hold of her shoulder. "I don't think the shrine is that way. Besides, we'll have plenty of time to see what's going on later," he said, redirecting her back onto the path to the shrine.
They navigated down a few more streets before that came upon the large shrine. Tarn gave a questioning look at the shrine. "Why are we at a fertility shrine now?" he asked the tabby, who bounced ahead of him and into the building.
"Because my friend Rowan is a priestess here, and I have something I want her to see," she replied as she searched around the main entrance.
"I'll just wait here then," Tarn said as he leant upon one of the large columns just inside the entrance and let the little feline search for her friend.
Zari wandered about the halls and rooms the shrine, every once in a while calling out her friend's name. In her hand she carried a little figurine she had found on one of her and Tarn's adventures. She knew it dealt with fertility, so she thought it'd be best to let her friend take a look at it. She found no one in any of the rooms she searched. The last one she stepped into was devoid of life as well, but it had a very ornate fountain and pool. The running water spraying from the fountain made Zari thirsty, the feline looking back and forth for anyone to object to her drinking from the water. She walked into the room, lowered her head into the stream from the fountain and took several mouthfuls of the crystal clear water, but stopped as she heard Tarn call out her name. She wiped her muzzle on her sleeve and headed back to the entrance and to Tarn. "I couldn't find anyone here...she might be at that festival," she stated, slipping the little figurine into a pouch on her belt.
Tarn nodded and stood up straight, stretching. "Well...first food and then perhaps we'll check out that festival," he replied, following her out the door and back out onto the street.
They wandered back towards the town square, figuring that that was where the majority of the town's inns would be. They once again approached the mass of furs in the open area of the square, and as they drew nearer they finally found out what kind of festival it was. The sounds and smells of sex wafted down the street, surrounding the two furs in the influx of sexual energy radiating from the crowd. There were many pairs copulating in the streets as if it was a natural thing to do. Numerous groups of four or more furs wantonly fornicated in dark alleyways, while several others drank away their inhibitions with many gallons of ale.
"It must be a fertility festival...a really big one..." Tarn said in a tone that voiced bewilderment and interest, the sights and smells slightly arousing him before his stomach reminded him of its emptiness.
Zari, on the other hand, was having a much more intense reaction. She had been feeling rather hot shortly after having left the shrine and it only intensified as they approached the orgy. Thoughts of bedding her longtime travel companion flitted though her mind, causing her to shudder softly, her nipples becoming very visible through the thin top she wore. Tarn hadn't noticed, having moved ahead of her, looking out for an inn. "Hmmm...why don't we join in? It looks fun..." the little feline said, sounding unusually serious for her normally playful self.
Tarn shook his had as two stopped as a very crudely made cart passed them, being pulled by an incredibly large horse. As the cart passed by, a spicy scent drifted into the two's nostrils, causing them both to shudder as it slowly faded, the cart continuing on through the crowd of furs. Tarn was only slightly affected by the scent, but for Zari it made a much deeper impression. She shuddered once more, her already heated state boiling over as her body commanded her to breed. She walked up behind Tarn, wrapping her hands around his large waist, her hands playing with the waist of his trousers. Tarn looked back quickly, wondering whose hands were on his waist, only to be taken aback by the fact that they were Zari's. She slipped her hands down into his trousers, but stopped, grabbing Tarn by the waistband and pulling the confused wolf into a nearby alleyway, pushing him down onto a doorstep. "Zari, what the...what's gotten into you?" he asked, trying to understand what she was doing. She had never done this before, and even when she was in heat she was able to control herself.
She managed to unbutton his trousers, and was insistently tugging at them, trying to get them off enough to expose his male parts. He tried his best to snap her out of her lust, but he was soon stopped as she reached up and touched his temples, letting her healing powers wash over him...letting him feel the heat and the need she had for him. He stopped his protests and let his smaller companion take off his only article of clothing. She purred loudly as she saw his slowly swelling shaft, crawling up onto his lap. She pressed her lithe body against his much larger and stronger one, reaching back and untying her top, letting her large breasts bounce free of their tight confines. Tarn slid his large hands up her thighs, parting her long leather loincloth and exposing her nether regions. She purred even louder, her sex leaking her juices, matting the fur on her thighs and dripping down onto Tarn's stomach. He slipped his fingers between her lower lips, stroking over her clit. She moaned loudly, arching her back and pressing her large breasts into his face, which he took as an invitation to begin suckling on a nipple.
Zari eventually reached down to his throbbing shaft, which was almost the length of her arm and the width of her fist. She either didn't know, or didn't care how large he was, but she was determined to impale herself on his wolfhood. She lifted her rear up into the air, her tail swaying back and forth, before dropping her hips down, piercing her sex with his shaft. She let out a loud yowl as her sex stretched around his thick shaft. She by no means was a virgin, but she had never taken anyone larger than Tarn. Tarn himself grunted loudly, watching as the lithe feline forced herself to take him. She winced and pressed herself slowly down his shaft, shoving the pointed head deeper into her sex. She eventually she could feel the head of his shaft pressing against the back of her sex, resting along the entrance to her womb. She redoubled her efforts, determined to take his entire shaft inside of her. Tarn grunted and groaned in pleasure and pain though the whole ordeal, his hands resting on her hips and helping to support her weight. She soon was able to press the tip of his shaft through the last barrier to her womb, sliding down the rest of his length. The mix of pleasure from the penetration and the pain of being stretched so much caused her to moan out loudly, the sound echoing down the alleyway.
She sat still, feeling the head of his shaft drool precum into her womb as she let her sex acclimate itself to the size of his shaft. She purred as his hands groped her rump, her tail wrapping around his wrist. After a moment, she began to slide herself up his shaft, a slight bulge in her belly disappearing as his shaft vacated her womb, only to be thrust back in when she lowered herself once more. Tarn began to thrust his hips in time with her movements, stuffing her full of his shaft on each of her descents. She began to mewl, reaching up to her chest and gripping her melon-sized breasts as she rode his shaft harder. Her body seized up suddenly, her sex dripping juices down his shaft as she orgasmed once, her inner muscles doing their best to squeeze the life out of the wolf's shaft. Tarn had to stop her from bucking on his shaft as she orgasmed, but as she came down she resumed her pace, pressing herself down against his slowly inflating knot. Tarn was approaching an orgasm of his own, his muscles beginning to tighten in anticipation. He bounced Zari up and down his shaft harder now, driving his shaft deep into her womb.
Zari groaned loudly, approaching a second, more powerful orgasm as she was pummeled by the huge wolf. She could feel his knot pounding against the lips of her sex, much too large to actually penetrate her without injury for any normal female. She was still coherent enough to use her healing gifts, which soon coursed through her body, letting her inner muscles stretch further around the large shaft. With a few quick, powerful thrusts, Tarn shoved the whole of his knot into the feline, causing her to yowl once more as the large bulb of flesh spread her sex wider than it'd ever gone. She moaned once more as she felt it begin to inflate even larger, her inner muscles clamping down on it and making sure it wouldn't be going anywhere. She stiffened, and then arched her back as she hit the climax to end a lifetime, her body twitching, tail lashing back and forth behind her.
The squeeze that ran down her sex and concentrated on his knot sent him wheeling into his own massive climax, his sack tightening around his balls, sending a copious amount of his seed directly into her womb. She hit a smaller climax as her womb was flooded, the warm fluid slowly sating the burning need in her belly. Her womb was soon filled to capacity, the wolf's seed giving her a slight potbelly as the flow soon waned to nothing but a trickle. Zari collapsed forward onto her companion-turned-lover, purring and panting softly and pressing her large chest into his. Tarn groaned softly at the tight embrace her sex still had on his shaft, but reclined back against the door behind him. He stroked the kitty's back as they enjoyed each other's company.
Zari was anywhere but finished with him though. During the time they were cuddling, she managed to get the big wolf to cum twice more inside of her with simple fondling before he was finally spent. She was finally content, the urge fading inside of her. They spent the next few moments waiting for Tarn's knot to release the feline so they could find the inn and get some food and sleep.
Their plans were interrupted almost as soon as they were separated. Off in the distance there was a loud "boom", followed by a whistling, and another, even louder explosion. The two hurriedly dressed and ran out of the alleyway to see a large airship floating above the town. They saw another cannon shot impact a building, and knew the town was under attack. The civilians in the town square were panicked, and scrambled to get away. The two furs looked down the street to see another group of furs approaching, but they looked like anything but civilians as they charged with their weapons raised.
The attackers began to filter out through the streets, leaving only a few to charge Tarn and Zari. The fastest of the group was the first to fall as he ran right up to Tarn, only to get backhanded in the head, sending him flying into the wall of the nearest building. The others skidded to a stop, looking at each other, then back at Tarn as he gave them a toothy smirk. The largest one of them, a horse, looked back at Tarn and began to charge once again, getting the others to follow. Tarn began his own charge, with a loud, un-wolf like roar as he tore into the attackers. Zari sat back, her job as a healer to make sure to heal any bad injuries Tarn received while in his frenzy. Another group of raiders approached from behind, blocking off any escape from the small roadway. Zari swung around to face the five raiders, who snickered amongst themselves as they looked over the feline. "Heh...looks like a pretty prize to take home with us, eh boys?" a frilled lizard brandishing a large mace commented, getting nods from the four others. Zari simply smirked and shook her head, holding her staff out horizontally in front of herself. With the press of a small button, the sectioned staff split apart a third away from each end, the parts connected by a formerly unseen chain. She struck a defensive pose, enticing the raiders to attack.
The battle for the city raged on, the cannon shots ringing in the background. Tarn and Zari found themselves chasing raiders around inside the city proper, until they followed a group back towards the shrine. Tarn was backed up fending off a group of armored raiders, while Zari dispatched a few of the poorer equipped ones. Zari was startled as a large metasteed hurried by, darting into the shrine while carrying a pretty gravid-looking vixen on its back. Following the two was an evil-looking tiger, carrying a skull-topped staff which glowed eerily. Zari headed after the male, but was stopped by a large ram wielding an axe, who pushed her back towards Tarn, and way from the shrine. She spun gracefully, countering a swing from his axe and disarming him in a single smooth movement.
As the battle raged on outside, Zari could feel the magical energy surging from inside the shrine until she heard a loud "boom", sounding like a clap of thunder. Seconds later she heard a loud scream, followed by a surge of magical energy that sent her senses on fire. Aside from being a healer, she had dabbled a bit in magic, giving her light sensitivity for magic. Even with only a light sense, the surge overwhelmed her, her hands rising up and taking her head as it throbbed. Inside of the small pouch on her belt, the small figurine she had began to glow, soon glowing almost as intensely as the sun, and heating up before it shattered completely. The magic lying dormant inside the figurine was overcharged and released in Zari, without her knowledge.
As the feline's head cleared, she began to feel a bit bloated, as if she had eaten too much food in one sitting. She staggered back into a dead end alley, the raiders' ranks thinning as the imperial guard arrived to pick off the ones Tarn hadn't taken care of already. She took a seat on a stoop, on hand going to her belly and the other going to her mouth as she burped. Her eyes went wide as she felt the fur of her belly. There was a small bulge that wasn't there before! She stopped watching Tarn as her eyes lowered to her midsection. She could clearly see the white fur on her belly rising, the bulge in her palm slowly swelling larger and larger. Soon she looked as if she had a potbelly, the flesh of her belly slowly pressing against the belt she wore around her waist. She fumbled with the buckle as the pain increased, finally managing to remove it before her innards were crushed. Unfortunately, the waistband of her leather skirt was next, pressing into her tummy before it slid down the lower curve of her distended belly.
She yelped as her vision was suddenly blocked, having been so transfixed by her belly she didn't notice the feeling of her tight top digging into her back. Having had melon-sized breasts before, they were starting to look more like cantaloupe now, but were still outsized by her belly. She looked as if she had swallowed a large melon whole, and was eating away at another one. She looked back up and out of the alleyway, spotting Tarn whirling around, one of the raiders in his grip smashed against a wooden cart, then hurled off in the direction of the shrine. She yelled out his name, trying to get his attention as her own was drawn back to her belly. She could feel it pressing up against the bottom of her breasts, which were struggling to tear the leather of her top, her breast flesh bulging over and under the leather top. She attempted to reach up and untie the string behind her back, but she was unable to reach it before the top broke, her huge breasts exploding out of the top and bouncing down onto her belly.
She looked back up to Tarn, who seemed to be finally out of his rage with no one to fight, and called out his name one more time. He finally heard her calls, and rushed into the alley, the surprise evident on his face upon seeing her figure. "Wha...what happened to you?!" he exclaimed, kneeling down by her side.
She gripped her belly, feeling her bellybutton pop out as she surpassed the size of a female about to birth a single baby. She grunted softly, the growth showing no signs of slowing down. "I...don't know...I felt a large spellsurge...then just started blowing up..." she said, her hand gripping her belly as it expanded. Tarn gave her a helpless look as the protuberance bloated larger, soon surpassing a female carrying twins. The feline gasped as several individual bulges appeared on the surface of her taunt belly, Zari finally realizing what was happening. "Oh gods! I think...I'm pregnant..." she said in between pants, feeling the kicks from the unborn kits she carried. Her attention was drawn back to her large breasts, which had stopped growing somewhere in the H-cup range. They sagged onto her belly, but she could feel a pressure slowly growing within them, a bit of moisture developing on her hard nipples.
The waistband of her skirt popped as her hips expanded, her belly looking more as if it could carry a litter of three, the furry orb supporting her weeping breasts as they filled with more milk than they could hold. She looked well overdue with a litter of four by the time the expansion finally ended. She felt her babies kick at the lining of her womb, and by her count she was carrying more than four, but she couldn't place the number exactly. She looked up helplessly at her stunned wolf companion, her hands trying to cover her leaking nipples. "I think...we need to into the shrine..." she panted softly.
The end?