Young Love - Chapter 5

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#5 of Young Love

Young Love

Chapter 5: In the Process

By: Mirron Tenshi

Two young lovers approach a house hand in hand after a long day in school. A red fox was unlocking a door with a light brown and white husky nuzzling his neck lovingly, making the fox giggle as they opened the door. As soon as they got in, Jason began to smooch on Mark's neck, slurping his lips on the white under fur. They began to make out when they finally sat down on the soft couch.

As they made out, Jason nuzzled his fox as he slipped his paw underneath Mark's shirt and pulled it up, using the other paw to rub the slim white belly. "I will never get tired of this yummy bod, baby." The husky murred out as he lowered his head and started to kiss and lick up at the foxy's tummy. Mark chuckled and laughed as Jason smooch at his belly button. He pet his dog as his licked his slight abs. Jason then got back up and snuggled up to his fox.

The door lock clicked and opened, the older fox walking in the house in his police uniform. "Hey there, love birds." Mark smiled as his dad as he walked in.

"Hi dad. So anything new over the foster papers?" Bill shook his head.

"Still nothing from Jason's folks." The young husky sighed as his ears lowered. He got up and then upstairs.

"Jason? Where are you going? Jason?" Mark queried as the dog went up the stairs. Mark's ears lowered against his skull as he whined.

"Sorry, son."

"Nah, its ok, dad. Lately, it's been hard for him to put his parents out of his mind."

Bill sat down on the couch with the younger fox. "Who could blame him? After having done all that they did, it'd be tough for anyone. Especially since the animals who raised him tried to do everything they could to emotionally hurt him in order to get rid of him." Bill then got up and over to a cabinet and withdrew a file out of his office next to the garage. He then sat back down next to his son. "I didn't show you this before, Mark, and I don't know if Jason's told you yet, but Jason gave me these documents the day after I brought him home. He said they were in the brief case with his clothes and the $1000 his parents gave him to get going."

Bill then took out and handed Mark a small packet of Emancipation papers. Mark then got somewhat excited. "Wait, so how 'bout we use these? Can't these papers get him to live with us?" Bill shook his head again.

"Not necessarily. Emancipation is only going to make him on his own. In that case, then I won't be able to take custody of him, which is something I'd prefer." Mark sighed and handed the papers.

"It's been more than a week since it happened. Jason's been getting anxious about the whole thing." The smaller fox then looked up at the older fox. "Dad, couldn't we take them to court?" Bill thought for a moment about it.

"If Mr. Tyler won't cooperate, then I suppose I could take him in a custody case."


Bill patted his son on the shoulder. "Why don't you go upstairs and see if you can make him feel better? I'll get dinner started." Mark nodded as he got up from the couch and up the stairs.

Two days later, Mark and Jason were cuddling in a bed, soothing each other for nighttime. They were kissing each other softly, smiling and lovingly nuzzling each other. Both of them wearing nothing but their boxer shorts.

Mark laid his head on his doggie's chest. Jason sighed sadly, causing Mark to look at him. "Are you still thinking about them?"

Jason looked back at Mark and nuzzled him. "Yeah . . . It's hard for me to forget the letter. They got rid of all my stuff. All I had left was some of my clothes and $1000. And what if they won't let your dad take custody of me? Mark, they want me out of state. How are my parents going to agree to let me legally live with you?" Mark just smiled and snuggled his boyfriend.

"Don't worry, babe, if bad comes to worse, we'll take them into court." Mark talked in between kisses, making Jason smile again. "And when the Judge sees how horrible they are, and how loving and nurturing my dad is, there's going to be no problem." Jason couldn't help but smile as Mark cuddled him in his warm fur. The fox started to lick Jason's muzzle has he started to grind his hips into him. "Now, I think someone needs a backrub." Jason smile ear to ear as his ears perked up; Mark's backrubs always feels very good to him. Jason eagerly laid on his belly as Mark sat behind his doggie and softly started to rub his shoulders. Jason murred lovingly as his fox untensed him completely, his bare furry back softening to Mark's touch.

"Muuuuurrrrrr . . . Ohhh . . . Mark . . . Ohhh, that feels so sweet . . ."

"Only for you, babe." The husky just smiled as his foxy massaged his back. Now for Jason's favorite part: Mark placed his paws onto Jason's lower back, his fingers feeling his sides while digging his thumbs and palms on both sides if his lower spine.

"Ohhhh! Oh yeah . . . Right there . . ." Jason giggled and murred happily as Mark kneaded at the G-Spot.

Now for Mark's favorite part. Mark worked his paws around Jason's waist, giggling lightly as the fox removed the dog's underwear, the fluffy tail wagging continually. Mark grinned ear to ear as he looked at the beautifully round, soft-looking butt. Mark then place both his paws onto both cheeks, giving the white furry rump a good squeeze of his fingers.

Mark's sheath was already really hard. Jason moaned as he felt paws kneading his furry ass. "I so love how your ass feels." Mark said that both as a come-on and a pun.

Jason moaned quietly as the fox rubbed his bottom. Mark laid his body down onto Jason's and nibbled his ear. Soon, he turned Jason around and lay on his dog's bone. He moved aside as he wrapped his paw around the Jason's cock. He murred as the fox lowered his head and started to lick Jason's soft nipples. Jason murred and groaned as Mark softly chew on both nips while speeding up on his dick, squeezing the hard throbbing shaft.

The fox then laid down on Jason, his own tented boxers clad with the pre-wet rod. Mark then started to smooch on Jason's neck, the dog giggling as the kisses tickled him. Slowly, Mark made his way lower and lower, kissing every inch of husky muscle.

Finally, Mark grinned up at Jason as his nose inched at Jason's fully hard rod. The dog's heart thumbed hard as he gasped when a warm and wet tongue licked up his shaft. Jason moaned as his fox's tongue hugged around his meat. Mark slowly raised his head up and down, pressing his tongue onto Jason's hard rod, sucking and taking advantage of the dog's sensitive areas

The husky gripped handfuls of sheets when the fox tongue slurped off of Jason's member. He took a moment to take a bottle of lube and smeared a small amount on his palms. Mark then got back to slurping Jason's cock wrapping his paws around the dog's developing knot and rubbing his lubed palms around it.

Jason moaned loud. He sighed and panted with a look of sheer ecstasy on his mug. He began to raise his lower body smoothly up and down. As he moved his rump up and down, Mark's movements matched perfectly with the way Jason was moving his. The husky barked a little as another surge of high intensity pleasure began to overwhelm him.

He was about to lose it when Mark pulled up. Just as he looked, the dog was met with an open-mouthed kiss he closed his eyes again as Mark passionately kissed him.

As they tongue wrestled, Jason softly wrapped his paw around a needing fox cock inside a tight pair of boxers. Mark murred as he felt his member squeezed by his boyfriend. He licked the roof of Jason's mouth and moving his hips forward, prompting him to go further.

The dog nodded into the kiss as he picked up his pace. Mark continued to moan as wave after wave of pleasure surged from his length to his whole body as he put one paw to the back of Jason's head and the other rubbing husky butt. Jason wrapped a leg over Mark's legs as he pumped Mark's dick at a rapid and quick pace. Kissing each other became difficult as the fox broke the kiss and gasped in some air, panting as Jason continued to pleasure him.

Mark started to thrust into his paw, his climax approaching. "Mmmm, get on all fours." Mark grinned and giggled as he threw off his boxer shorts and got on his paws and knees while Jason got behind. "Muuuurrrr, I like how your ass feels, too." Mark murred happily as he wrapped a brushed his soft, fluffy tail around Jason, his own tail wagging endlessly. "Ohhhhh, Mark . . . your tail feels so soft." Jason murred out as he placed his paws on Marks sides, rubbing his wet cock on the fox's tail hole.

The fox grunted and winced as his ring started to hurt. He adjust and relaxed his muscles as Jason slowly hilted him, sighing as the brief pain turned into pleasure. "Muuuurrrrr, and I love how you dick feels." Jason giggled as he pulled back until the glans were almost out and pushed back in. Mark moaned loudly as Jason humped him nice and slow. Mark's bushy tail continued to brush around Jason, feeling around his back and then warming up his ass.

"Please go faster, babe." Jason nodded, his hips then moving back and forth, soon plowing into his foxy. "Oh fuck, yes! Harder!" Jason murred and moaned as he pounded fast and hard repeatedly into his cute fox. Both Mark and his husky moaned uncontrollably as Jason continue to bang Mark wildly. Both canines were nearing their climaxes inch by inch.

Finally, Jason slipped his knot into Mark's ass and howled. Mark's eyes went wide as he yelped and gasped when the cock inside him convulsed and his innards flooded in hot fluids. In the heat of the moment, Mark moaned out loud as pleasure overwhelmed him, his cum surging through his member and shooting ropes of fox cream all over the sheets.

After his climax, Mark slowly lowered and laid down with Jason still on him. Jason moaned as his cock slowly slurped out of Mark's ass, the knot shrinking from his stretched tailhole. They murred as Jason started to mouth and lick Mark's neck. "That felt amazing." Jason smiled as he kissed him on the cheek.

"Only for you, babe." They murred and cuddled for the rest of the night.

Ever since Jason was kicked out, he was becoming more open about himself, but not enough to reveal his sexuality. He's still cagey, but Mark is happy about the small changes Jason's showing.

Jason had his arm around Mark. They were sitting at the same bench Jason had given Mark his Promise Ring. The dog heard a click and looked to his boyfriend. Mark smiled as he pet around his furry neck. Jason smiled as he snug his thumb around a new black leather collar. Mark then reached up and opened up a small gold locket. The picture was of Jason hugging and giving a kiss on Mark's cheek, the fox laughing as dark brown paws hanging onto the muscled arms.

"Aww, I love it, sweetie." Mark smiled as he attached the locket onto the collar and snuggled up to him.

"And I love you, babe."

"I love you too, hun." The husky nuzzled up to his fox. "Mmm, you hungry?"

Mark nodded. The couple then got up and started walking.


Jason gasped and his eyes went wide with terror.

Dun dun DUUUUUN!

Sorry to keep everyone waiting.